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  1. THE SILVER STATE CALLS: ELMALI’THILL Issued from the Eternal Library The 11th of Snow’s Maiden, 54 SA “The continuity of our people must come before all factionalism and personal desire, no matter their cost and our pride. We must all strive for diligence in the face of ignorance.” - Malaurir Lucion Sullas BLESSED MALI’THILL, Kae mal’onnan lari’onnan’ehya, It has been the Imperative of Haelun’or, to have at its foundation, two things; Elmaehr’sae hiylun’ehya, and eltalonnii. Without Elmaehr’sae hiylun’ehya, our people - grovelling, would be no better than lessers who exist purely to satiate their idols, hedonism and baseness. Without the latter - eltalonnii, our society would default to the individual, deifying him and making his efforts and fruits solely his - himself being the only beneficiary. Why should he care for others when eltalonnii is of no importance? As such, from the very creation of Haelun’or, our blessed leaders had the foresight to center Haelun’ors foundations around these two institutions. Mali’thill who practice and maintain Elmaehr’sae hiylun’ehya - who strive to establish a fruitful Talonnii, do not benefit only themselves. They, in their toil and efforts, give to each Mali’thill, something to strive for. The betterment of Haelun’or cannot come from simply oem’thill. It must come from us all - as a collective - each Talonnii doing its share to benefit one another. As such, I call upon eltalonniian of yore to return to Haelun’or with your namesake, to be with the rest of your kin. To take the reins in moving Haelun’or forward - into a new era of progress. Re-ignite your forges, Re-assemble your laboratories, Re-host your symposiums - Haelun’or beckons. “Children of Larihei, separate yourselves from those lesser. Return to your people and reinstate your Nation among the leaders of the world. Revive in yourselves, a sense of superiority, for you are ‘thill. Disregard not, the gift you possess - your Silver Soul, but follow it’s call - flock home.” - Sohaer Braxus Ni’eya The Silver State calls: AHTALONIIAN ELERVATHAR AND VISAJ, that led elmali’thill from the cradle of Fi’halen to the great cihi of Lareh’thilln, and gifted to them invaluable knowledge pertaining to Arcanism. AHTALONNII ELIBAR’ACAL, that always protected the Ancient Traditions of Haelun'or. elTalonnii that gifted Fi'hiiran'tayna to elmali’thill. TALONNII SEREGON, that ensured the safety and Hiylun of elmali’thill by their service in elsillumiran and the Clinic. SILVOS SYTHAERIN, AND HIS TALONNII, that contributed greatly to Maehr’sae by their tireless work in the Laboratories. Who invented Acid, the great purifier of all who have erred beyond reconciliation. AHTALONNII URADIR, PURE DESCENDANTS OF KALENZ, that once led elmali’thill to greatness in the times of the Fringe, uniting Elvendom under the rule of elmali’thill. AHTALONNII SULLAS, PURE DESCENDANTS OF LUCION, that gave mali’thill the Silver Law and invented Electric Evocation. elTalonni of logicians, respected for resolving disputes between residents of Elcihi’thilln. TALONNII ALDIN, that made tremendous contributions to the Eternal Library and education of elmali’thill. AHTALONII MIRAVARIS, that ensured the prosperity of elmali’thill by the reformation of ElSillumiran, and numerous public lessons on the teachings of Larihei. AHTALONNII LAZUL, that gifted the Dichotomy of Lewdness to elmali’thill, and who always aided the blessed denizens of Haelun’or with their wisdom. MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA Sohaer, Braxus Ni’leya Okarir’maehr, Idendril Elassidil
  2. The Thillaric Confutation Issued from the Citadel The 11th of Amber Cold, Year 54, S.A MALI'AHERAL, Recently, a missive has usurped my interest. The caustic nature of said missive requires a response from Haelun’or - the legitimate and only successor State to Ancient Haelun’or - as led by the Silver Maiden herself - Larihei Lomahnih. It is from her Ancient College, that we derive our principles of Governance and our guiding Philosophy - elMaehr'sae Hiylun'ehya, which the author of this missive, the self-proclaimed Princess - Ivarielle, blatantly and intentionally disregards, for her own political, baseless agenda. Laid out in this missive, are the most egregious proposals and errors. Erroneous in nature, and abhorrent upon contemplation. I shall, as is my duty as Sohaer of Haelun’or, unveil, and bring to light, these vile notions. Haelun'or, shall endure, as she always has, against those who impose Schism. As elVuln and many others contended with Schism, so too shall elMarullral'ito'tennallar. I. “I write to you as one who of those who had so left the state to avoid the failings and lethargic dealings of Kolvar and his failed twin of Diarchism,..”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - Kolvar Uradir is no longer Sohaer. During his tenure, there was no Maheral - which means that Haelun’or could not have been a Diarchy while he was in power. Given that Diarchy is ‘Rule of Two’, your claim here is beyond false - but a clear and blatant lie. Furthermore, I am a Traditionalist - that thing you despise most, for it is the purest form of Haelun’or and subsequently, the most apt political persuasion for elMali’aheral to follow - your attempts to deceive el'Mali'aheral shall be in vain - they shall see through your false rhetoric. II. “A Princedom - something that has yet to have dawned in the Silver State; for those there know that placing the silver state under a leadership akin to our distant Lari’onnan and Mal’onnan as Princedoms would eradicate their dying clutches on it.”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - Haelun’or does not cast down tradition for a Crown because we fear that we shall lose her, rather, we maintain our traditional form of Government because it is how it ought to be. Haelun’or and her fundamentals are unchanging. Of course, there is room for expansion upon these ideals - for that is the essence of progress. However, they wish not to further Haelun'or, but to destroy it - yet they are so cowardly that they hide beneath the guise of wanting to 'save' her. They wish to trick you. III. “Those who hold displeasure in the state for their practices and ideals of purity in which they dictate how one should look, allow us to come to the middle ground for the first time and hopefully indefinitely.”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - for they have admitted that they wish to compromise on Larihei's ideals and philosophy. A building which at its foundations allows for corrosion, shall soon crumble - such is the nature of those buildings who have at their base - quicksand. The Aheralic wish to dilute Haelun'orian culture to such a degree, that it is beyond recognition - simply yet another Elven Princedom - a direct rival and threat to both Fenn and Elvenesse. IV. “For those of you who join, and are of a notable Talonii I so express my desire to reform the ideals of purity to your respective bloodlines..”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya - the Philosophy of Larihei and Haelun’or, is unchanging in kind. It does not fall to the whims of leaders, Sohaer or Princess for it is fundamentally unchanging in essence. Their wish to anathematize Larihei’s blessed teachings further shows their foul intentions. They have more in common with elFenn than they do with elThill. They propose a Principality with certain ruling Dynasties - this is Fenn. They secretly propose the worship of Azdromoth - Fenn worships Wyvrun. They propose the tolerance of bodily mutilations and tattoos - As does Fenn. V. “Willing modifications of one’s form is now also permitted in the form of hidden tattoos | such must always be done in moderation as to not conceal the full natural glory of those born from the Golden Pools.”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - Haelun’or and her denizens understand the importance of the gift of the Golden Pools and the consequent effects on their bodies. They understand the painstaking efforts by their ancestors to defend and protect their bloodlines and physical appearances - which set them apart from the world. As such, we strive for physical perfect - the intentional scarring of the body, the intentional mutilation of the body is, has and will always be, a mark of the ‘ata. Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya Signed, Braxus Ni'leya, Sohaer ito'Haelun'or
  3. Ay’Haelun’or! Medi’ir Braxus Ni’leya 14th of The First Seed, Year 52, S.A Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya It is rare that I get to rest these days - however rest is vital for the maintenance of body and mind and so I have decided to confine myself briefly within my lin, to contemplate the future of Haelun’or. When I found her, she was a wicked sight to behold - festering. So interred was she, in the graveyard of impurity that not even her own children would come to visit. However, dear followers of Larihei, I say to you with absolute certainty - the Motherland lives! We are mistaken to think her dead and leave her to rot. For I hear within her, a heart that still beats - it is faint, but a low hum. However, where there is life, there is hope. Thus, I intend on a great exhumation. Haelun’or shall return to us anew. She does not deserve burial, nor does she deserve to return to a lesser incarnation of what she ought to be - thus, I have devised her perfect form - the ideal State of Haelun’or. Permit me to use the analogy of our own Silver Soul, to make clear my point; There are three parts to the Ideal Haelun’or. The Rulers, Soldiers and Common Citizenry. It is those who rule that make policy decisions and lead, which benefits the State as a whole; The Soldiers - Our blessed Sillumiran - Defend the State; they defeat her enemies and they keep public order. The Common Citizenry engage in the everyday affairs of life - the Sciences, Arts, Construction, Smithing, et cetera. I have identified Four Virtues which will allow Haelun’or to fulfill its function as the Perfect State. They are the virtues of Wisdom, Courage, Moderation and Justice. In this Ideal Haelun’or, Wisdom is to be found in the Rulers - the Ruler must be Wise in order to accomplish their duty of ruling over the State well. Courage is to be found within our blessed Sillumiran; they need Courage in order to perform their role in the overall life of this ideal Haelun’or. Moderation is to be found chiefly among the Common Citizenry. They must be Moderate in their desires and in pursuing their own private goods. We are Mali’aheral, not Bortu - let us not succumb to greed. However, Moderation extends beyond the Common Citizenry, for the Rulers and indeed the Soldiers must also be Moderate - in their own way. And so Moderation as a virtue, applies to all three classes of people within this ideal Haelun’or. Justice is the fourth virtue, and Justice is not to be found in one particular class of citizen. Justice entombs the State as a whole - it permeates throughout it in its entirety. Justice, in this instance, is the correct relationship between the three different parts of the State, in which each part does its own job and no part tries to do the job of any other part. This means that the Rulers rule over the whole State with the cooperation of the Soldiers and the Common Citizenry. It is now known, that within all Mali’thill, resides a Silver Soul - this soul is Tripartite in nature, it has three elements to it - the Rational, the Spirited, and the Appetitive [For further explanation, read my previous works on these topics “The Silver Soul”, and “The Tripartite Soul”, in this order]. The Soul is ordered by Reason, who uses the Spirited part to reign in the Appetitive. These three parts of the soul correspond perfectly to the three classes of citizen in this ideal iteration of Haelun’or. Reason, Spirit, and Appetite, as I have just mentioned. The role of Reason is to Rule over the entire Soul. Reason is able to weigh all relevant information and to make choices that are in the Soul’s long-term best interest. Reason, of course, corresponds to the Rulers of this ideal State. Spirit fights for the soul externally and internally, and helps to keep order. The Spirited part of the Soul corresponds to the Soldiers in this ideal State. Lastly, the Appettitive part of the Soul is our desire for food, drink, sleep, sex and other material goods. The Appetite knows no internal limits - it takes as much as it gets, unless it is retrained by some outside force or lack of supply. The Appetite corresponds to the Common Citizenry. Remember dear lliran, in our efforts for perfection, we must not become Bortu-like in our ambition - rather, we must not let our ambition turn into greed, for it could be our very un-doing! Justice in the Soul, as with the State, is the correct relationship between the three constitutive elements. In which each part performs its own duties and does what it is by nature, best suited to do. Specifically, Justice in the Soul means that Reason Rules over Appetite, with the cooperation of the Spirited, to govern and restrain the Appetites and direct them towards the Good of the entire person. Those who Rule, Those who Defend, Those who Labour - Different, but Equal - pursuing Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya as One. Let us create this perfect form of Haelun'or.
  4. [!] Before you is a beautifully written missive, graced with simple yet hauntingly delicate drawings of flowers that look real but also have a surreal feel to them, giving the reader a sense of magic in the simple art of drawing plants. (ooc: Image from the Voynich manuscript) Greetings, my Mali brothers and sisters around Almaris! I want to remind you all of a very special phrase to me, one that I believe ought to serve to unite us all rather than divide us. Health and Progress. Under the guise of following this phrase, many individuals have been unjustly killed, but the ideas of health and progress are not responsible for this. In fact, when one meditates on the meaning of the words health and progress, one finds that they condemn the actions of racial purists just as much as they condemn the actions of religious zealots and anyone who prefers feeling over logic, opinions over fact. These words serve as a rallying cry for all beings to push for progress: To progress the world to the point of minimal suffering as quickly as possible. I know not any reason why one should reject this call. The thing that can unite the vast majority of peoples, cultures, and religions across the world is that we all want a word where people are healthier and happier. And thus, I want to invite you all to discover just one of the many ways we can bring about this progress! Many people look at mages and wonder, "What would it be like to be able to do such magical things?!" but they are discouraged from becoming mages themselves. For me, it was the characteristic loss of strength that goes with learning voidal magic that drove me away from the arcane arts. Yet even the simplest looking of plants can posses the most magical powers! Some plants help to muffle, or lower body heat to the point of hypothermia. Other plants help wounds to heal quickly or decades old scars to heal. These simple plants deserve our attention and respect, as they can do things that even our strongest warriors cannot. I believe botany is the key towards progressing our world towards health and happiness! And so, I would like to invite all my Mali brothers and sisters to study botany with me this Mali Saturday, or Saint's Saturday as they might say in a Cannonist area (ooc: ok idk how else to tell u when its gonna be. Don't judge!). I am not a professional botanist by any means, only an individual who has newly discovered the beauty of plants! Hopefully we can inspire some people to study weeds! Signed, Luthriel Paleth -let out of prison with out trial due to government corruption, don't mind me snooping around Haelunor instead of rotting away in a cell while i wait for my purity trial-
  5. Within the Motherlands of Haelun’or, lies a little workshop. Within this shop is a very well known mage to many magical people across the realm. This shop being the workshop of Chiyo Osser, to maintain such a magical place they’re openly offering their services across the realm. These include a number of magical things alongside some mundane services. These services are offered within Chiyo’s Magic Workshop From the Mundane Haelunorian Jewelry Haelunorian Weapons Haelunorian Armour Books Different variations of tea From the Magical - All things magical requires a formal meeting to discuss in detail Enchantments Full Scale Atronachs (Limited service, requires a contract) Micro Atronachs Atronach Limbs Magical Advice / Services These services can be declined, they do not require mina to purchase but can be done via trade of material goods. Letters can be sent to inquire or directly go to the Silver City and find the workshop themselves. Those who come seeking to learn are more than welcome, however should consider they won’t be guaranteed in learning what they seek. Extra Information The workshop is open for all mages to simply come and relax as well. For there are two sections of the building that non-magical users are permitted to enter, allowing a rather relaxing place for discussions, debates. Teachings alongside tea drinking.
  6. [!] A leaflet bearing familiar marks measured by the dozens begins to drift through Haelun'or, and is posted about elsewhere in their lands. THE CAPTURE OF A SOHAER The Sohaer of the Silver State of Haelun'or has been captured. For the acts of razing our village of Aaz Hahdrim, pilfering the treasury of the State and delivering it unto Mankind, emplacing the State beneath foreign rule, and allowing the vassal of Ando Alur to grow greater than your capital, we denounce you, SOHAER KOLVAR URADIR and PATRIARCH of the Uradir Talonnii. This nation shall be delivered to the PEOPLE, and their most greatest shall reign supreme -- or your nation shall fail, once and for all. The time of the Diarchy is over. The time of Silver is gone. Your lands grow stagnant, plagued with the dying wastes of a corruption most blighted, a baleful cataclysm wrought of the Void and yet your people wither, unable to do anything but weep. If still you bend the knee to lesser peoples, if still you cast your ire unto ours, your nation will become nothing more than ash and dust to cake the landscape in rubble and ruin. As Amaethea, it will burn. Begin anew, Mali'thill. Your opportunity is now. But yet walk again the same path, and all will be taken forevermore. ~ Hashidiz Al-Drazoth Herald of Azdromoth
  7. ANDO ALUR BEACH FESTIVAL Hosted by The Lady of Ceremony and the Council of Ando Alur. [!] Citzen's of Ando Alur out on the beach. the season of summer has been here for sometime, so why not celebrate it? His Serene Highness and his Council members invite one and all to the first of many celebrations on the beach! enjoy your day with care-free fun! join our many activities we will be hosting on our beach! or just sit back, relax, and get that fabulous golden tan you've always been wanting. find yourself a drink at our bar! Our beach/nautical style bar, will be served by our favorite bartender, Elren! make sure to stop on by the bar and get yourself a tropical tasty drink. A shogging Tournament test your balance and strength out in the waters go up against one of your friends or a long time enemy! balance on the logs as long as possible before falling off. Show off your cooking skills during our grilling contest. now is your time to shine for those who grill. then after the decided winner, food and drinks will be held in celebration! Beach outfit contest. show off your fashion skills during this event, swimsuit, sundress, swim trunks you name it. Volleyball Tournament. Join Ando Alur for our first Volleyball game! rules will be explained at the event. [area of where the beach festival will be held.] Map of Ando Alur. CREDIT FOR MAP: chaosgamer/chaos#7283 Date for the event, sunday the 24th 7pm EST. (please check out discord for any updates!) Special Invitations: Denziens of Ando Alur. The Silver State Of Haelun'or and the Silver Council. (people of different nations are more than welcomed to join!) PENNED, Seat of Ceremony, Event Coordinator 𝐼𝓁𝓎𝒶𝓃𝒶 https://youtu.be/s90ZrJS7BBU
  8. RESPONSES AND ANSWERS 32 S.A. - [!] April reading over her cousin’s writings [!] This missive would be sent out directly to the Motherland of Haelun’or - Karinah’siol. This piece would be formulated in two very distinct writing styles that infers the obvious. To Lliende Tillun’sae - aka Pueurir’arche , Dear Infrequent writer (translated to the common tongue) , Although I have no personal quarrels with you, and I have too seen your own work and even worked under you for some time as a Tilruir, I still see fit to acknowledge your own response, as is only polite. Debate is in our blood, anywho. And I, April Viradiraar, am definitely not afraid of debate. Do you care to truly debate? Or just talk around in circles, as you have with your response. You accuse us of having a disregard for the public. Yet, it is your direct words that you abandoned elcihi when it died down. When it got too boring for you. As if you only return when asked, when warranted. Like a sheep. To address the following claims, Have we not learnt what is lost when our Maheral is lost, lliran? Did we not mourn the death of Malaurir Azorella Elibar’acal, this striking blow to our tradition, our leadership, our wellbeing? Yet still, we are complacent to hold a state without Maheral, without Guidance. Azorella was a known impure. Everyone who is everyone knows that. Apologies for striking the little bubble you live in, llir. As for the Mahaeral, we are all guided by our wits, by Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. If anything, Mahaeral is a useless position. Mali’thill , should they stray, should find purity within themselves instead of going to a cheap version of a Cannonist priest. Rather than putting out the fire, bringing forth their own visions for the Silver City, one would prefer to abandon ship, to leave their lliran to burn within. To put out a fire, all one simply needs is the wit of themselves, and that’s it. A case easily closed by tossing water or sand, maybe a rag over the flame. To abandon ship means for one to leave whilst it is sinking; before it has sunk, so I presume you have come to the realization that Haelun’or is a sinking ship without a savior. As we left the city you claimed sinks, you were the one controlling its reins, and you were the one to let it burn. Our lliran, the ones who are truly there for us, are completely content with our actions, and have kept in contact with us since. What is it about Haelun’orian Labs that you despise, llir? It’s so very inhumane. Do you not realize the lives, despite them not being silver, you are hurting for your pursuit or progress? There are other ways of creating progress than a government torture chamber that is better crafted for insanes than mali’thill. In this respect, this is anything but progress. The regressing of. Why are you hiding behind Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya despite hating Progresss? What is it about the elimination of Mali’ata that you despise, llir? Purity is indeed something we must uphold and hold dear to our hearts. You and I can agree on that, llir. But, wasting your energy killing those who do not agree with our standards? Do you have standards? If one is deemed impure, they should be stricken and banned from Elcihi, but not death. Death is warranted for murderers. Now, that is progress. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya infers that the health of the high elven race should be protected, yet, you blatantly disregard this fact. Why are you hiding behind Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya despite hating Progresss? What is it about even the Acid Pits that one despises, llir? “Would one not consider it the most kind method of execution for those few who cannot be redeemed” If one cannot find the fault within this , then I suppose you are truly lost. You call it a painless death. This is so very laughable. Too laughable, infact. It makes me wonder if you have ever touched the liquid that reigns the pools. Ask any elf poor enough to touch them, and one could realize this is an extremely painful way to die. “ What method of removal is more appropriate than Acid Pits for those ‘ata who truly are disgraceful, for the Izalith of the world?” Death by noose, clear and simple. Let me get this through your thick skull: Noose, good, Acid, bad. Why are you hiding behind Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya despite hating Progresss? It is said time and time again, we are often doomed to repeat the past if we do not acknowledge the faults with it. You , llir, clearly cannot as you wish to go back. So, Why are you hiding behind Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya despite you so evidently clearly hating Progresss? The cousins on the Haelun’or Coast 32 S.A. - To the government of Haelun’or, It’s an interesting thing, the fact you haven’t reached out to us. Now, don’t mark us as offended, but simply surprised. You pushed so hard to be heard and yet didn’t try at all with us….. What a life I lived, while within the silver walls. What a life we lived. While it was lovely at first, it soon became careless and filled with sorrow. Hesitance to enter the gates we once felt protected by plagued us, the thought of returning making us sick to our stomachs. Our pyromantic act against the petitions was nothing against one Lleinde Tillun’sae, it was simply a statement. One that would actually be seen, one that would be heard, as our words were not good enough. We attempted to bring light to the dire situation and return to our times of happiness- times we could gather together and share moments. Times we will no longer have. You fall back on the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, yet you seem to have forgotten its true roots. A phrase you use to cover yourself, to mask your incompetence. You claim that you’re good for wanting new things, yet keep them to yourself- choosing only those you wish to have access to. Thus always to those who presume themselves better than all, I lament. For one day, you will find the karma you so well deserve will greet you at your doorstep. For one day, what you deserve will befall you, and coil itself tightly around your neck to show you all the wreckage you caused. For one day, the bad outcomes that should be dealt to those with such thoughts, will be the hand you’re dealt, and that you’ll find your last card will be one you’ve caused many times before. This is the last letter from us on the topic, as you're either too idiotic and numb-minded, or simply too ignorant to fully consume our words and come forth with an accurate response. You've seen us, you've heard us, but you'll never truly do anything about it, as you feel you are too high above the rest to do such. Call us impure, call us 'ata- call us whatever you'd like. But don't ever forget that we were the ones who took the step. We were the ones that took that chance to open everyone's eyes- to show all what is hidden under silver. We leave the Silver State, a feeling of accomplishment washing over us. With the closing of the letter, we leave you this; Is it truly the way of ‘thill to blindly follow their leaders, and those they consider such, without question- or is that simply the way of sheep? And as always, our mailboxes are open for more debate. -=- Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Signed, Seraphite Viradiraar April Viradiraar
  9. [!] the floating city of Ando Alur. 𝔐𝔞𝔰𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔡𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔄𝔫𝔡𝔬 𝔄𝔩𝔲𝔯 His Serene Highness, Vulnir Syllar cordially invites you for a Masquerade Ball! [!] Citizens of Ando Alur making their way to the ball. now that our wonderful city is afloat in the sky, we'd like to parade it and host an event! all citizens of Ando Alur are welcomed to join, as well as all of Almaris. dress code: masks, masks masks! please show up in a mask it wouldn't be a Masquerade ball without a mask! proper attire, please show up in your best and exciting costume for our special event. Time (Friday the 16th, 6 pm est.) ( check post for updates! and the Ando Alur discord. ) Special Invitations: Denziens of Ando Alur. The Silver State Of Haelun'or and the Silver Council. (people of different nations are more than welcomed to join!) PENNED, Seat of Ceremony, Event Coordinator 𝐼𝓁𝓎𝒶𝓃𝒶
  10. THILLN’S LAMENT - - The Viradiraar cousins under a tree in an Undisclosed forest, 32 S.A. [Spreading Tree by Sir George Clausen] [!] The following missive would be sent to various locations around Almaris, namley Haelun’or and its surrounding territories. Larihei’s image is what we all strive to be as ‘thill. Prosperous and Progressful . We are all blessed with the abilities to fulfill the grounds of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Yet, it is Stagnancy , you accuse. This is completely false, as when the Republic collapsed it brought on true stagnancy, and the near death of our people in the midst of a long aggravation with the ‘name of the forest. The last regime sought , and actively brought back the progress of the state as well as replenished the citizenry, Seraphite as an important Okarir’mali and I, April as her Tilruir and Head Physician. The city was brought back into existence, from the brink of extinction. - Karinah’siol - But now, we are headed back in time, to a time of disgrace - to a plague of a regime that had collapsed all by itself in past time, more commonly known as the blessed Diarchy. Your ideals of purity are forced and tyrannical, who denounces and pits any poor ‘thill caring enough to speak up on the dreaded ways. It’s reckless and foolish, not only to bring the horrible ideals of the past (such as the return of the labs, acid pits , elimination of ‘ata) as well as public signing. It has no structure or order. You’ve fallen once, and will fall again, in due time. We burnt the propaganda of a tyrant to see it fall to ashes. We destroyed what it was, so you wouldn’t get ahead of yourselves, because a spark will always turn into a flame, and the sparks in your eyes were enough to put out. The ashes we made are a visual of what Haelun’or is to become with the way it’s headed. A way that will not let any see the good. And so, Larihei weeps. Not for the stagnation of the people she had worked so hard to bring together, but for the overall regression - for your failure. You are regressing, but we refuse to follow. For what is purity without truth, what is power without a true leader. This is not our Haelun’or. And so, we will not be returning to your dreaded Diarchist city for your trial. -=- Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Signed, April Viradiraar Seraphite Viradiraar
  11. ANDO ALUR'S FIRST JOUST [!] two people practicing jousting outside of Ando Alur Welcome one welcome all! Ando Alur Warmly invites you to visit our grand city for our first Joust! His Serene Highness and his event planners, have decided to host several events for his people and all of Almaris! Our city resides in Eastfleet, take the road to Haelun'or and there you will spot a city on a hill, the marbled walls of Ando Alur. Sunday, June 27th. 8:30 pm est Jousting For our first event! We will be hosting a jousting tournament, anyone is more than welcomed to join! Just find a member running the festivities and let them know you would like to sign up. Prize will be announced at the event. Brawl Show off your hand to hand combat skills during this event, impress the prince himself with your skill! Prize, a hundred mina! Novel Competition Here in Ando Alur, we believe knowledge is just as powerful as brute strength! show off your literary skills by entering the book writing contest. Crown Forging Blacksmiths of Ando Alur and Almaris, now is your chance to prove your worth and skill! forge a grand crown for the competition, and the triumphant crown will be worn by his Serene Highness himself! Special Invitations Denziens of Ando Alur. The Silver State Of Haelun'or and the Silver Council. people of different nations are more than welcomed to join! PENNED, Seat of Ceremony, Event Coordinator, 𝐼𝓁𝓎𝒶𝓃𝒶
  12. Event Notice Paper Pit Brawl The event board of Haelun’or proudly presents the first ever Paper Pit Brawl. What is a Paper Pit Fight? Paper animation is a scarcely known voidal art. It can be used to send letters, play games, or minor party tricks. In this event, the attendees will be separated into teams. One connected person on each, they will compete to fold the greatest paper animal, creature, or any fantastical or whimsical paper construction. There is a time limit for all of the teams for how long they can come up with a concept, and get their hands folding! These paper constructions are put in a pit to fight to the death! They will fight in a tournament placement system, the construct who comes out as the strongest wins for its team! Feel free to get creative. Who is invited? Anyone! High elves and ‘thill are encouraged to attend, outsiders and foreigners are also invited, however, as always- you are required to observe and follow the laws of the Silver State. Rules and Restrictions: Paper constructions must be at most 3 feet high and 3 feet wide. Failing to do so will force you to remake your construction. Interference with the connected individual on each team during the brawl will result in your team being disqualified Outside interference while the paper constructed creatures are fighting is strictly prohibited, you and your team will be disqualified Paper constructions must be made with parchment or paper, no adhesives of any kind will be allowed. If paper constructions interfere with participants outside of the pit, your construction will be out for an entire round. Constructs may come apart, yet when beginning the fight it must remain in one piece There may not be an attachment to the construct that makes it taller or wider than the size boundaries. Let the Best Team Win! Festivities will be Wednesday, May 12, 6 PM EST In the Tavern in Haelun’or
  13. OTHELU ORRAR, PROPHET of LARIHEI Mali’thill of the blessed Silver State of Haelun’or, this missive goes out to all your ears in hopes you recognize that we, the Mali’aheral have been blessed by Larihei with her greatest servant, sent to us in our time of need and desperation to set things straight and put forth a new age of High Elven Greatness. That Prophet who has been sent to us is Othelu Orrar, the Sohaer of our blessed State. For to long, we have been blinded by this prophet sent to us by the purest of the pure, the first Maheral, our Blessed Lady Larihei; and like all prophets Othelu’s words ring true and strong in the hearts of our people. Let this missive be proof of the miracles he has done, and convince you that Othelu Orrar should become the sole, absolute ruler of all High Elves throughout Almaris and beyond, channeling the will of Larihei through his genius. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESTRUCTION of THE CORRUPT The old regime, the failed, bloated, disgusting Haelun’orian republic was a failure of a state. This dark age in our history saw our people debase with the lowest of the low: impures of all kind. Ranging from lessers, tainted High Elves, and even mystical creatures that would love nothing more then to see us dead. However then came Othelu, blazing forth with the blades of Larihei as he pushed the corrupt out of their homes and wrote upon us a new Rule of Law which sees us elevated to that of a strong nation. No longer shall we be subjected to the whims of foreign powers. The Sohaer as put us on a path that shall see us rise like a phoenix into a new age: the Age of the Elves. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLADE of JUSTICE With the rise of the Sohaer, the rise of our armies have come at last. Mali’thill of all ages and social class have begun to join the blessed El’Sillumiran to do their parts for the state. The lost art of war has begun to return. Soon our warriors shall be worth a hundred men in their own right. Each one shall carry the strength of an army, the wraith of thousand elves. Their blades shall sing the songs of justice as they cleave into the hearts of darkness that seek to undermine the will of the Prophet of Larihei! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEEFEST of MALI The image detailed in this missive shows us clearly that the Sohaer, Othelu Orrar, is at PEAK PHYSICAL CONDITION. Look at those abs, those biceps. By eating the Haelun’or Beefeater Burgers and flexing his strength upon the impures, the Sohaer has proven that the Mali’aheral are capable of great things. Will you push for such pureness of the body? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCHOLAR of IDEALS It is quite clear that the Sohaer is full of great ideas. His mind blessed by the Pure Lady Larihei. Genius spreads out from his very words. All who listen to him are enlightened by his ideas. His Charisma is a burning passion that shall make all listen to him. For I say now that unwavering loyalty to Othelu Orrar, Greatest of the Sohaers is not a crippling burden, but a righteous privilege granted by the purest of our people by Larihei herself. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONCLUSION The conclusion of this missive is quite clear. The Sohaer is our great leader and shall lead us on a road to salvation to liberate our people from the shackles of the past. No longer will we be subjected to the whims of others, but to the strong silver will of Larihei herself Hail Haelun’or, Hail the Sohaer! Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya
  14. Of Freedom and Progress: The Life and Death of the Haelun’orian Republic A Comprehensive Historical Study by Maenor Aildhuin Printed in Karosgrad on the 3rd of the Grand Harvest, 1810 (( Theme Music )) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [!] Painting of Karinah’siol, cca. 1800 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Author’s Note Having lasted for 32 years, and although brief in its existence, the Republic of Haelun’or left distinguishable marks in the history and culture of the Mali’thill. It is this book’s attempt to recollect many of the events that have graced the Republic's short historical time span, lest such a fascinating epoch be forgotten. Despite its falling, the core ideas for its functioning are still adhered to by many. In a sense, while the structural integrity of the Republic ended with the legislation adopted in 1804, it still endures through those few that cling to its ideals of freedom, equality and progress. In many aspects, the Republic is Eternal. I. The Maheral Simply Is _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [!] Artistic rendition of the protest following Maheral Azorella’s assassination, 1768 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To understand the evolution of the Haelun’orian Republic one must first inspect the years prior to its conception. By 1760, the governmental apparatus of the Diarchy was reeking with corruption, nepotism and stagnation. The very structure of this regime, which by this point was almost a century old, was beginning to rot. Then, as now, the High Elves did not possess the right to vote and elect their representatives, all of them being chosen directly by the ruling Silver Council. Simultaneously, the system crushed all dissent with an iron fist and made extensive use of propaganda to control public opinion. But dissatisfaction, over the years, built up within the society nonetheless. And, as it is often the case with oligarchical structures, the leadership utterly failed in recognizing this ever-growing problem. In the late 1760s, the society of Haelun’or would witness an increasing struggle between the Maheral and the Sohaer in attaining dominance over the Silver Council. Attempts were made, in secret, primarily by Sulraell Visaj, the Sohaer, at modifying the law to vest more power into his own position. His ploys would be revealed, however, and the changes reverted. But for about a year, the enmity would continue. It would all culminate with a plot by the Silver Council to assassinate Maheral Azorella Elibar’acal. Thus, Maheral Elibar’acal would find her demise in 1768 when, in the Citadel, one by the name Adeline would be unleashed upon her, the councilors, while in the same room, idly witnessing the fruits of their labor. Chance had it that, at that very same moment, a storm forced much of Lareh’thilln’s population to seek shelter within the Citadel, the place of the assassination. So the murder would be discovered shortly after being carried out as Azorella’s cries of agony drew the attention of all. Naturally, the act triggered massive unrest among the populace. Those councilors involved were arrested soon after and put on trial. But further alienating the populace and in defiance to the people’s will, those Diarchists that remained free sought to downplay the severity of the crime, urging for inhumanely soft punishments for those involved. Acaele Lazul, chosen Maheral after Azorella’s death, failed to remedy the anger of the citizenry. Thus, as the trials went on, a clear schism within the society formed. On one side were the aforementioned Diarchists. On the other were the Maheralists, Mali’thill who believed in the traditional supreme authority of the Maheral, guided by the ancient phrase of the one who led the Mali’thill to their cultural zenith in Anthos, 4 centuries ago, Lucion Sullas: “The Maheral simply is”. In a final act of delusion and desperation, the remaining Diarchists would seek to trial many Maheralists, most notably Ikur Sullas. Arbitrarily, many were called forth by those who still denied the inevitable. Ikur Sullas’ trial never came to be, being postponed, again, arbitrarily. Nonetheless, he climbed the podium still and accused the leadership of corruption, uttering “The Maheral simply is, and Acaele Lazul… you are not”. In that moment, the public collectively agreed that Acaele never was. This moment, in 1771, represents the ending of the Diarchy and the beginning of the Azorella reformation, the transition to the Republic. II. Progress Is the Republic _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [!] Illustration of the first democratic nominations for Sohaership, 1772 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The transition to a democratic republic began shortly after Acaele’s downfall and the subsequent collapse of the Diarchy. In these trying times, order was maintained by the Malauriran Avern’dionne and Kelthran Iyathir, alongside Ikur Sullas, who was chosen Maheral by general consensus in 1772. The chief immediate objective of these three was the organization of elections, the first in a century, and the formation of a government to lead the reformation effort. Thus, it would be them who would oversee the democratic processes of 1772. After what could be considered the fiercest nominations and debates in the Republic’s history, Nelgauth Maehr’tehral, Silvos Sythaerin, Dele Seregon, Kaelan Aldin and Elathion Dagre’sae would emerge victorious, filling the positions of Sohaer, Okarir’maehr, Okarir’hiylun, Okarir’tir and Okarir’nor respectively. In such a fashion, the first democratic government would form. The Republic’s establishment was imminent. It was under the management of this primeval ruling body that the first reforms were drafted to anchor the republican dream in reality. The Republic of Haelun’or would materialize formally in 1774 when the New Constitution of Haelun’or would be adopted. It is ofttimes difficult to realize the importance of the times one lives in thus, while few knew it at the time, as Ikur Sullas and Nelgauth Maehr’tehral announced then the foundation of the Republic, the Descendants were about to experience the height of modern Mali’thill civilization. Upon perusal, the intention of the administration to secure democratic principles is evident. The newly secured piece of legislation guaranteed all High Elven citizens of Haelun’or “the unalienable rights to freedom of expression, to enter the city freely, to association, to attend trials and public councils, to due process under the law, to education and the pursuit of progress, and to housing and food within the City of Haelun’or”. As far as the Mali’thill is concerned, there was no constitution more favorable anywhere in Arcas, at the time. If we are to point out a flaw in this paramount act, it would be the sense of irrelevance it created around the Sohaer through the entrusting of most of the power into the Maheral. It ought come as no surprise, however, considering that the first government of the Republic was composed exclusively of Mali’thill who, in the years prior, formed the forefront of the Maheralist movement. Thus, into the Maheral was vested “supreme executive power [...] over all city affairs, [...] the authority to supervise and veto any legislation passed by the silver council, to pardon any citizen found in violation of Haelun’or law, and to interpret this constitution and declare any current or former legislation unconstitutional”. Generally, such investments of power into one individual facilitate dictatorships and are problematic for a democratic system. But while those concerns would demonstrate legitimate later, the authority of the Maheral proved especially useful in the first years of the Republic, representing a strong defense mechanism against the naturally chaotic shift from a society crushed by oligarchy into a democracy. More fortunate still, the position was, at the time, held by Ikur Sullas, who had the forethought not to employ his supreme decision powers too often, letting the democracy shape itself. But what truly substantiated the democratic nature of the Haelun’orian society was the innovative foundation, by the Constitution, of a new institutional body named the Heial’tuva, the Council of All. Legally, many of the actual democratic processes would stem from that institution: “All High Elven citizens of the age of majority (50) shall be inducted into the Council of All (heial’tuva), and granted the rights to public debate, to vote in public election, and to run in and challenge any elected office”. It is true that, in principle, this pseudo-parliament held no actual governing ability or administrative power. Rather, it derived its importance from the ability of its members to elect and challenge those in power. In any case, even if the steering of the nation was not directly in the hands of the people, but more in the hands of those elected by the people, the establishment of the Heial’tuva represented an important step towards democracy and a great improvement from the previous dictatorship. It would not be long before the fundamentals of the newly-founded Republic would be put to the test. In 1775 Kaelan Aldin would retire, as would Silvos Sythaerin in 1776. The seat of Okarir’tir, then left vacant by Kaelan’s departure, would be filled by Celiasil Uradir. His triumph in the election would come as a surprise to many. At the time, Celiasil was not a member of the Sillumiran, the Silver State’s military, and he was faced with the challenge of defeating two more experienced candidates, more notable among them being Storm Elibar’acal. In any case, Celiasil’s tenure began with much work striving to improve the Weeping Blades’ reputation across the entire continent through careful recruitment and drilling of discipline and competence into an army that, by 1776, was no longer at the apex of its power. Celiasil’s replacement of Kaelan would represent the first change between two democratically elected representatives. Thus, the phrase “Progress is the Republic” was born. On a similar note, not long after, the election for the seat of Okarir’maehr would render Silvyr Uradir victorious. This event would prove to be a more unfortunate part of the Republic’s history. Silvyr would go on to display an absolute lack of vision or ability for the administration of the Haelun’orian educational sector. Under his management, the Eternal Library would fall into disuse, while his delayed reforms and lectures lacking any substance would go on to severely maim the intellectual progress of the High Elves. The full extent of the damage caused by Silvyr’s tenure and the following decade of limited academic achievements would become apparent only many years later, in the Republic’s final days. Then, in times of most urgency, a significant part of the population, lacking proper early enlightenment, would find itself unable to combat the depressingly abundant misinformation. Not only that, but the damage done under Silvyr would be used as a chief source of anti-republican propaganda, and as a primary argument against the Republic by those aiming at its destruction. Around that same time, in 1777, probably as a foreshadowing of what was to befall all the Descendants, multiple malicious entities, by all accounts foreign to Arcas, would assail Lareh’thill and its vicinity. One such instance, more memorable, would be that of a giant worm-like creature. Multiple people, the day of the attack, remarked a certain stillness in the nature all around them, as if all life fled. The creature itself was described as “slimey, disgusting yet incredibly large” with a mouth lined with “rows of twisting teeth, like a sharp vortex that would shred anything to dust”. Despite the beast’s mystique and might, the Sillumiran on duty, led by Celiasil, along with those citizens that offered their aid in the struggle, would go on to valiantly defend the Silver City and its residents, slaying the monster while suffering minimal casualties. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [!] Drawing of chasm in the vicinity of Lareh’thilln _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Those threats would end up duly eliminated and the damage inflicted would be repaired. But the fear instilled by them would endure, and so it would come about that their gravest implications would be on the political stage. In the context of these events, in fear of what other malignant creatures might attack Larihei’s children and with the intent to preserve the life of the Mali’thill, the Silver Council, in 1778, would strike a pseudo-alliance with Azdromoth and its followers, adopting The Pact of the Titan. This piece of legislature would go on to constitute the chief source of contention among the Mali’thill citizens of the Republic. The controversial clauses the document contained, namely “The First Drakaar, Azdromoth, is to be revered within Haelun’or, for it is He and He alone who offers us safety” and “Sons and daughters of The First Drakaar, Azdromoth, Elazdrazi, are to be welcomed into Elcihi and treated with the same respect as our fellow Mali’thill”, understandably alarmed a significant portion of the residents of the Silver State, them viewing the Pact as an affront to purity, as a contract of vassalage. Those in favor of it claimed that it was forged in order to preserve purity. Nonetheless, the Pact, once signed, and despite vocal opposition, still saw public support, primarily fueled by the aforementioned fears of the outside world that, at the time, grew increasingly more grim. What followed was a short period of both internal and external tranquility. In this time that lasted no more than three years, the government attempted to redress the material damage caused by the previous attacks while at the same time to continue the never-ending effort of reformation, improvement and progress. Being a product of the dangerous circumstances of the age as much as of the good intentions of the Silver Council, during this time an ambitious military program was announced by the office of the Okarir’tir with the purpose of educating the general populace in matters of warfare and combat, in case the need to defend the Motherland ever arose again. Around this same period, the medical system of Lareh’thilln, which by now was one of the most modern and efficient healthcare establishments in the continent, would continue to improve under Dele Seregon’s guidance. The first disturbance of this calmness would come in 1781 when the Okarir’nor Elathion Dagre’sae resigned. The election that followed affirmed Effile Ker’vulnir as the new Okarir’nor. At the time there was a noticeable lack of enthusiasm concerning these affairs, with many citizens absenting at the time of the debate. Admittedly, the position did carry less relevance to the Mali’thill people than the others, so the general indifference was not surprising. The actual truth regarding those facts would come about shortly after Effile’s victory, when she would prove ineffectual and absent for the entirety of her tenure but, courtesy of the position’s irrelevance, the effects an idle councilor entailed were massively mitigated. One year later, foreign woes would make their return as well, in spite of the pledges made in the Pact of the Titan. In 1782, a band of foreign and, altogether, irrelevant terrorists would abduct and hold hostage the Sohaer, Nelgauth Maehr’tehral. It is a known fact that, in the end, Nelgauth was rescued unharmed, appearing jovial enough at a soiree hosted by his own kin not long after. However, the circumstances of this incident remain somewhat ambiguous and shrouded in mystery. At the time, the government of Haelun’or kept the escapade a secret from the public in order to contain the agitation and possible spread of misinformation. It would only be revealed after Nelgauth’s rescue, and even then nothing too detailed. The means and reasons for the capture of the Sohaer remain up to debate and personal interpretation thus, as no actual statement from the terrorist organization ever surfaced after the incident. To beguile the Sillumiran and whatever Azdrazi were guarding the city at the time suggests a certain cunning planning and to kidnap a state official of Nelgauth’s stature would have opened many possibilities for the culprits, from amassing massive wealth to blackmailing the government into nefarious activities. But, with the incident long resolved, it is probable that the absolute truth of the matter will never be fully understood. As if the previous events were not enough, the year of 1783 would present the first seismic shift on the political stage of the Silver State. This year would be the year of Nelgauth Maehr’tehral’s abdication from the position of Sohaer. The government of Haelun’or, for the first time since the Revolution, became without a steward. Whether this decision was influenced in any way by the individual’s previous aforementioned misfortune remains up to debate. In any case, Nelgauth would go on to linger for some more time in politics in the quality of Maelunir, which was the Maheral’s direct subordinate and chief aide. However, he would cease to take center stage and would grow increasingly more peripheral. It can be speculated that Nelgauth, at the time, was stepping down from that position of power in hopes of training Haelun’or’s next generation of leaders. In discussing Nelgauth’s character, one must note that he would go on to face criticism throughout most of his political career as well as well after that. It was a known fact that the Maehr’theral was incredibly liberal in private and that, throughout much of his career, he was prone to fits of hypocrisy. In many people’s eyes, he has earned the appellation of Mali’ata. Nonetheless, whatever faults the individual possessed, the actual role of Nelgauth in the foundation and further development of the Republic and of the Haelun’orian democracy is uncontestedly paramount. Being one of the authors of the Constitution of 1774, he laid the path not only for the Silver State’s aspiring politicians, but for all those yearning for freedom. It can be safely asserted that, by all standards, Nelgauth’s political career was impressive. In Nelgauth’s place as Sohaer would rise Eredael Rhenaer, a Mali barely above the age of majority with a good academic career. Despite his very young age, he would go on to best in the election Anethra Uradir. For much of his tenure as Sohaer, Eredael would remain somewhere obscurely in the shadow, focusing more on the diplomatic affairs of the state rather than the acceleration of reforms of the interior. But that is by no means an act of discreditment, for Haelun’or’s diplomacy was, at the time, impeccable, as the state itself was on good terms with most of the other nations of the Descendants. That same year of 1783 would bring one more novelty. One by the name of Aiera Sullas would be named Tilruir’indor of the Eternal Library. It would be under her guidance, after a decade of mismanagement, that life would be restored into this most important institution of the Silver State. Three years later, as another triumph of the educational sector, Silvyr would bless the populace with his resignation. In his stead, as Okarir’maehr, that very same Aiera Sullas would ascend. By 1786 she was already conducting treaties with foreign places of knowledge to better the intellectual progress of the nation. Her triumph would go on to represent the turning point in the matter of academics. After a delay of ten years, work towards reforming the Eternal Institutions would finally be made. To continue the stream of political machinations, 1789 would see the first challenge of an Okarir by a regular citizen of the Silver State. That year, Nuala Telperion would accuse the Okarir’nor at the time, Effile Ker’vulnir, of incompetence and idleness. While not entirely wrong, the act would see the disapproval of most of the citizenry, as Nuala was still remembered as a staunch supporter of the Diarchy in its final hours. This known fact caused a short-lived public scandal between her and those that sought to shame her for her past actions. Taking advantage of this general revulsion towards Nuala, one by the name of Zelios Elibar’acal would go on to nominate himself as well, thus an alternative would present itself through him. Effile resigned shortly after the announced candidatures of the two, having enough courage and foresight to step down. In the end, as expected, Zelios would emerge victorious. The Mali did not present a spectacular plan or campaign, nor was he experienced in matters of economy. Yet, courtesy of the stigma associated with the old regime, Nuala still lost. It would not be long before the competency of the government and the resilience of the Mali’thill would be tested again. At the end of 1789, the most severe foreign attack on Haelun’or would commence. Those that witnessed the horrendous battle remarked a most terrible storm unfolding prior to the creatures’ arrival, one characterized by an unusually high quantity of lightning that threatened anyone not sheltered. On that fateful night, four creatures of dark allegiance, called by some “Shadows of Aegis” launched a monstrous assault upon Lareh’thilln, managing even to destroy one of the draconic wards placed by Azdromoth, prompting the Drakaar itself to appear and defend the city. Apparently, the beasts’ primary targets were the buildings of most importance, namely the Citadel, the Eternal College and the Eternal Library. The latter would be the only one to survive the assault. What is more, the assailants imbued within the Eternal College a sort of plague, this too mystical in nature, which would chiefly corrupt books but also the mind of anyone who would thread within the confines of the building. After a long and arduous battle, the city would be saved with Azdromoth’s aid, but the Citadel and the Eternal College would remain defunct for the remainder of the habitation of Arcas. As a further precaution and at Azdromoth’s own advice, the collection of the Eternal Library was moved to Helena, then the capital of the Holy Orenian Empire, which was deemed, then, safer. There the books would remain, courtesy of the alliance between the Empire and the Silver State, until Helena would too be destroyed. The entire continent of Arcas would end up being corrupted in 1795. Then, Lareh’thill would be destroyed, much like all the other cities. The mountain upon which it was built collapsed into a fiery chasm. At the time, fortunately, the evacuation effort was led by Dele Seregon, who managed to rally the citizenry and organize the escape to the Eye of Man, where the Mali’thill sought refuge until the eventual embarkation to Almaris. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [!] Picture of the ruination of Lareh’thilln and the flight of the Mali’thill, 1795 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Arriving on the new continent of Almaris in 1796, the everlasting children of Larihei would settle a fertile island to the far east. There, the High Elves would begin constructing a new home befitting their dreams and traditions. The settlement would be appropriately named Karinah’siol, the Lone Sunrise. It would be this city that would bear witness to the Republic’s final years. They would be as eventful as they would be tragic. Only a year after the Mali’thill’s settling on the island, Dele Seregon would announce her resignation as Okarir’hiylun and the eventual retirement from politics. Thus ended the career of the longest serving Okarir in the Republic’s history, maintaining her function for 25 years of the Republic’s 32 years of existence. It was under her management that the medical sector of Haelun’or grew to be one of the most respectable establishments in the World. The health of the citizenry was, throughout all these years, despite all the challenges, preserved and improved. It was also her achievement the adoption of legislation that sought to improve the experience of the less fortunate of Haelun’or’s citizens through the Citizenship Act of 1782, which bettered the condition of second class citizens, or the Orphanage Act, whose objectives were the protection and education of Mali’thill orphans. She, too, would be subjected to much criticism, however. It can be argued that the Seregon besmirched her purity by quasi-worshipping Azdromoth, an act which she would admit doing. But, it would also be maintained that she did so to protect one of her kin, which was a Paladin of Xan. More fortunately, Dele Seregon would go on to be one of the main critics of the Pact of the Titan and of the Azdrazi, bringing many arguments and much evidence about their violent nature. Regardless, much like Nelgauth Maehr’tehral’s case, Nelgauth who officially retired around the same time, Dele Seregon’s role in the progress of the Republic is undeniable, contributing greatly to all its triumphs and glories. It would be Maeve Elibar’acal who would rise in Dele’s stead, continuing the policies of her predecessor with much ability. An accomplished doctor, to this day, the “Curriculum of Hiylun”, written by Maeve Elibar’acal and her staff, remains the most comprehensive guide in the study of medicine. It would be under her, as well, that medicine classes would formally begin, in a most fruitful partnership with the office of the Okarir’maehr. Still in 1797, an issue that has haunted the Haelun’orian Republic for decades was starting to receive more and more attention. With the settlement of the new continent, the Inferi threat and the corruption of Arcas that instilled fear in the Mali’thill were gone. It was in this context that more and more citizens of the Silver State began questioning the necessity of the Pact of the Titan. By then, the document was continuously losing public support, as many Mali’thill committed the horrific act of turning into Azdrazi, receiving absolutely no punishment for forsaking their purity. Notable among those unguided were Silvyr and Celiasil Uradir, though the latter would end up not fully turning. The number of people calling for the Pact’s nullification was increasing. Perhaps the most unfortunate fact to come out of this situation was Maheral Ikur Sullas’ reluctance to abandon the alliance with Azdromoth, being constrained to use his decisive powers as Maheral to ensure its survival. There have been multiple occasions where Ikur’s distaste for lessers, Azdromoth and the Azdrazi being just that, was obvious. And so, the actual reasons the Maheral then had at maintaining the Pact remain unclear. It would seem that, mayhaps, the Sullas was overly cautious, perhaps fearing Azdromoth’s possible retaliation. Of course, such a fear would have been legitimate, considering that Drakaars like Azdromoth are ill-tempered, corrupt creatures constantly lusting for power. Whatever the reasons, this sad decision of Ikur would serve as yet another subject of propaganda, later, in the effort to destroy the Republic. On this background, the following year would see Celiasil’s resignation. As previously mentioned, at the time, Celiasil was looking to turn into an Azdrazi. This fact alone was the source of much discontent, which only grew after he received the Maheral’s approval in retaining the Okarir’tir position. The Republic was on the brink of having an Okarir not of the Mali’thill race. But it did not come to that, as Celiasil had the wisdom to retire, ending thus a career which lasted for 23 years. He was responsible for the modernization and instruction of the Sillumiran, vastly increasing the quality of the Republic’s military. It would also be him who would lead the Weeping Blades in the Descendants’ struggle against the Inferi. The army of the Mali’thill would go on to valiantly aid their distant cousins in the Siege of Aegrothond and later fight in the battles for the liberation of Korvassa. Observably, the Sillumiran then not only served as a military force, but also as a diplomatic envoy, earning the Silver State much prestige and admiration throughout the conflict. III. Regarding the State of the Republic _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [!] Sunset as observed from a beach near Karinah’siol, cca. 1803 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Republic was a dream. A dream that fell. It seems fitting that we shall now begin to delve into the chain of events that led to the downfall of the democratic system, the system that allowed the intellectual prowess of the Mali’thill to express itself, by first reminiscing what could be considered the last moment characteristic of its nature, the Okarir'tir debate. After Celiasil’s resignation, in 1799 the election for the Okarir’tir position commenced. The nomination and debate were one of the fiercest in the Republic’s history, their vitality being outmatched only by those at the Republic’s birth, back in 1772. And, despite the efforts of the moderators in place, the main discussion that concerned the citizenry then was the views of the candidates in regards to the state of the Pact. In fact, so adamant were the citizens that, after the official debate was over, they organized another, unofficial, but which lasted more than the former. Of all the three candidates, Ellisar Aevaris would be the one to show the least ardor concerning the abolishment of the alliance. Nonetheless, he would still emerge victorious. At the time, his triumph was certainly a surprise to many, considering that his opinions aligned with those of the masses the least. One possibility for his triumph is that the other two candidates, Valorin Celia’thilln and Olrin Hildinyr, in presenting similar stances on many issues, divided their own electorate, halving their votes and cancelling each other out. For better or worse, after a memorable round of elections, Ellisar would become Okarir’tir. Nobody anticipated it at the time, but these elections would go on to be the last with a formal debate between candidates. Despite all this, the state of the interior seemed to be improving. Nobody in the government threatened to turn into something else. That, coupled with the announcement of the formal opening of the Eternal Institutions and the soon arrival of the Eternal Library’s collection, instilled much optimism about the future in the populace. But that was not to last, and the worst was yet to come, though in means so subtle few recognized the danger. In 1801, the heaviest blow to the Haelun’orian Republic would present itself in the unexpected retirement of the Maheral Ikur Sullas. Considering the Maheral’s actions not long before, rashly, many, the author of this book included, viewed Ikur’s resignation as a step forward. But in retrospect, one must admire just with how much ability he led the Mali’thill in these strange times, for democracy was not something many of them ever experienced before. The details surrounding the motives for his departure from the position of leadership matter not. Personal reasons, increasing opposition, those aspects are irrelevant. What is of concern is that he would be the last of the founders of the Republic to leave from the administration of the nation. One cannot think of the Haelun’orian Republic without picturing Ikur Sullas at the same time, they are very much connected. It was he who supervised the system’s development and progress for 29 years. After his retirement, the Republic would only endure for 3 more years. It remains uncertain whether or not the Republic would have fallen had Ikur remained in charge for a little while longer, but mayhaps that counts as a blessing, if not to the Mali’thill, then at least to the former Maheral. After all, the Republic was very much his progeny. It would have been a terrible thing to witness its fall from a position of power. In Ikur’s stead would be invested one by the name of Galanthil Elibar’acal. Most certainly a peculiar choice as Galanthil, having retired long before, was unknown to many. Presumably, this one’s naming was only temporary until a proper successor could have been found. But, rather unfortunately, it would not come to that as a new scandal would arise. Not long after this announcement, the Sohaer Eredael Rhenaer would, rather controversially, challenge Galanthil and name himself Maheral. Despite the boldness of the act, Eredael enjoyed a fair share of public support, thus prompting the Malauriran to convene. In order to prevent a power struggle and an actual schism, a council of Malauriran met and decreed Galanthil’s rise null and void, asserting Eredael in the position instead. It can safely be asserted that from this point on, the Republic’s demise was inevitable. The years that followed would see an ever increasing disregard for the Constitution, the Silver Laws and the customs of the Mali’thill. The year 1801 would see the publication of a document entitled “Regarding the State of the Republic”, signed unanimously by the members of the Silver Council, chief among them Eredael. In it, the primary objectives of the administration were written down: the consolidation of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, the structural modernization of the Republic, the advancement of meritocracy, the advancement of new educational policies, the formal opening of San’evarir, the renewal of the Heial’tuva and renewed debate around the Azdrazi issue. In this fashion, Eredael managed to gather more support. In a similar mode, soon after, a grand debate concerning the Pact of the Titan was held. Rather expectedly, the matter was settled decisively in favor of abolishing it. Support for Eredael increased still. Now concerning a more depressing matter, in light of the apparent chaotic transition caused by Eredael’s challenge of Galanthil, a great number of inconspicuous individuals began migrating to the Silver State. Many of them never set foot in the Republic before and many of them belonged to families with ties to the Diarchy, like Laraethryn and Valarieth. Their distant stance to the democratic system was evident. It would be one belonging to this group of people, Arelyn Iyathir, that would be elected Sohaer. Securing victory over Nuala Telperion, she would be the first such elected representative without being subjected to a formal debate. Arelyn would set a trend for all the Haelun’orian politicians that followed. From this point on, propaganda aimed at the discrediting of the Republic and its founders began. Arelyn, in her campaign, dared not directly attack the Republic, but still commented on the “liberalism that has poisoned our people” or the “impurity that lurks in the shadows”. As it is often the case with such aggressive populistic speeches, she offered no solutions and pointed to no particular problem, making use only of carefully constructed ambiguous accusatory phrases. Following Arelyn’s ascension, the propaganda would only grow in intensity. Simultaneously, a wave of resignations and departures would occur, primarily from those still loyal to the Republic and the progress of the Mali’thill. It began with Ellisar Aevaris, the Okarir’tir, followed by Maeve Elibar’acal, the Okarir’hiylun, and all her entourage. Not long after, Dele Seregon would announce her departure as well. 1804 would see the leave of Aiera Sullas and her staff. None of their successors would declare themselves in favor of democracy. The greatest schism in recent Haelun’orian history would thus form. As of the time this book was written, the schism still continues. 1803 would see the first flagrant disregards of the Constitution as the offices of Medi’iran and Okarir’san were reinstated without amending the Constitution first. The intents of the new establishment to ruin the Republic and write a new constitution were evident. Sometime later, Eredael would invest Caledor Laraethryn in the position of Okarir’san without an actual election. Caledor would have gone down in history as the first unelected member of the Silver Council since the fall of the Diarchy, were it not for the Malauriran who intervened. In a last effort to save the Republic, the former leaders of Haelun’or would urge for elections, and they would eventually be held. The reality was, however, that it has been more than a year since propaganda began, most of the opposition already fled and the majority of the electorate was composed of individuals with a distaste for democracy. Caledor would win. By 1804 there was virtually no opposition left in the government and works were undergoing towards formally ending the Republic. The last legal bastion of defense was represented by Aiera Sullas who resigned that very same year. The downfall of the system by now was only a matter of time. It remains uncertain how long Aiera Sullas would have managed to delay this inescapable future. However, by analysing the behavior of the councilors at the time, it seems very likely that, had Aiera resisted for much longer, she would have shared Azorella’s fate. It thus came to be that on the 5th of Snow's Maiden, 1804, a new constitution was adopted. The Heial’tuva was abolished, ending the ability of the populace to elect and challenge representatives. All relevant power was taken away from the Maheral and centralized under the Sohaer, who would thenceforth have the ability to appoint and dismiss all councilors. From that moment on, freedom of expression would cease to constitute a constitutional right. Thus, in 1804, despite the initial promises made, Eredael would consent to the formal ending of the Republic he so diligently swore to protect. The rule of the people was at an end and the oligarchy would make its return. If we are to compare the Diarchy’s final hours with those of the Republic, we would notice striking similarities between the move attempted by Sulraell Visaj in 1767 and the legislative changes brought forth by Arelyn. Through means more direct and propaganda more efficient, Iyathir succeeded where Visaj failed, securing the Sohaer’s dominance over the entirety of the Silver Council. Sometimes, the apparent symmetry between historical events is truly astonishing. And so ends the three decades long drama of the Haelun’orian Republic. Its effects and the tragedy of its demise would go on to impact the Mali’thill forever. It would bring forth the existential question of what exactly means to be a Mali’thill. But more than anything else, the fall of the Republic would reveal that even we are fallible and that there is much to learn still. maehr’sae hiylun’ehya.
  15. THE LEGION OF PURITY Issued from The Publications of The Legion of Purity 10th of The Grand Harvest, Year 13 of The Second Age Long since have We pure bloods been tainted by the perversions and lustful nature of the people of Elvenesse. Time and time again, Mali’thill who travel to the tainted lands of the Tree Demons fall under the despicable spell which tarnishes the purity of their very blood. The cause? The Mali’ame of Elvenesse, as well as the Druids and the faux ‘pure’ elven race who reign over the common folk there. Perversions of the idea and fact of Purity. Lustful demonic spells that corrupt the minds of even Our own blessed and untainted blood. And thus, a new generation of Mali’thill are born to defend and protect our principals. A new age for Haelun’or and a new initiative. The revolution has begun to reclaim what was lost, to prevent future damage and tarnish. We are the Legion of Purity, those who fight for the cause Larihei left behind, those who wish to see a world where Mali’thill appreciate purity more than lust and worldly desire. This is the Legion, and long may We live. This is the revolution, this is the time to make a difference in our state and abroad. So hear Us, you have a place in this Legion. In this mission, and in this concept. No longer will We stand to watch our Mal’onn and Lari’onn’s goodwill and faith be destroyed by those who are below them. Those who live in dirt holes and share wives. It is time for Us Mali’thill to stand up, grab our pens or swords, and make a difference. So We the Legion declare all Mali’thill capable of joining our cause. And thus, rewards will be granted for those who work the most, for those whose passion to destroy that which makes us bleed. Our mission is to confront Elvenesse, to confront Mali’thill… to bring us back to the old ways and to give everyone a position worthy of their name and their ability. You may work as a writer, you may join as a blade, you may sell items to fund the cause. Whatever you can think of you can do in this Legion, so long as it helps the influence of Our name around the world. So hear Us, and be Us. CHAIN OF COMMAND Chairman - Silvyr Uradir Deputy Chairman - Kiljarys an Iarwain General Secretary - Kolvar Uradir Party Executive - Maeve Elibar’acal Publications - Illyara Valarieth Publications - Lleinde Tillun’sae Publications - Amberleigh Uradir JOBS: WRITER- For publications ARTIST- For publications TRADER- Funds the cause COLLECTION EXPERT- Collects on our enemies MEDIC- Heals the wounded TAILOR - Makes red articles of clothing DISTINCTION: A member of the Legion of Purity always wears some article of red clothing to show their solidarity with Our movement. It can be a scarf, robes, capes, or full outfits. OUR PURPOSE: The establishment of the Grand Constitution provided us the foundation upon which to raise the mali’thill to new heights of greatness. In order to properly utilise our blessed new system of governance we require a unified vision and a shared unbreakable will to bring forth our goals to their fullest potential. This is why the Legion of Purity was formed: to raise a unifying banner under which the pure Mali'thill - those dedicated to combating both Mali'ata and the degeneracy that threatens our lliran and pure oem'iian - may rally. To be a member is to declare yourself as ideologically committed to the cause of defending the Motherland whatever the cost, to believe in the strength of a vigilant society,to not cower from conflict and to both denounce and actively work to oppose the Mali’ata which plague our realm. Larihei beckons you, lliran - join the Legion of Purity today! LONG LIVE THE LEGION! On behalf of the Legion of Purity Command, Medi'ir and Chairman Silvyr Uradir
  16. *A flyer would be posted near the tavern in Haelun'or* 19th of Snow's Maiden, 12 SA If you would like to learn to fight and survive without a blade you should try Karasu. With five simple tenets that pertain to battle and to life, I could take the most unteachable of subjects and show them the way of the Raven. Honor: I shall teach you to be honorable in life and in battle. It takes true strength to defeat an adversary who is at their peak. There is no Honor in doing so when they are ailed from another source. Cunning: Karasu is very much so a Brains over Brawn art. Each move has its place in the battle field, when played perfectly it can lead your enemy directly to a checkmate. Power: Just because we are Smart doesn't mean we can't be powerful. Karasu teaches to push every ounce of your abilities into your life and your battles. Training strength is a requirement and training will be scaled to your abilities. Swiftness: We train you to be fast on your feet and this gives you the ability to think quick. Just because you can think well doesn't mean you will have the time required in battle. Wisdom: Finally I hope to all of those that take the path of Karasu that you learn to be wise. Knowing what is right and wrong is always subjective, but wisdom brings about clarity in that decision. If you wish to learn the Way of the Raven speak to Finnick Trafina, or leave a letter in the mailbox of Dio Astore Larihei 16
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