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  1. Aestian culture. (big thank you to chaotikal for his template) Introduction to the Culture: If you’d like to make a character, and join the tribe, send me a PM on the forums and I’ll be glad to help, and as soon as we get enough people, we will apply for a Tier 1. If you want to see this culture evolve, join us! Aesti culture is mostly based off of Finnic tribes of the Neolithic and Mesolithic periods. The goal is to develop and expand this culture to maybe one day becoming a popular choice among new players. (this post is bound to change so expect an edit so more information could be added about this culture.) (and keep in mind this is a WIP) Aesti is a culture that has it’s roots in the landscapes beyond the mountains, where cartographers didn’t dare venture to, in the northern wastelands of Arcas, no written records, or depictions in manuscrips of the Great Library exist of this presumably new, yet undiscovered culture. History: Aestian culture starts with the chief of Lumi, Kristofer, who leads a small tribe in the desolate winter wasteland with his wife Gwendolyn, which was outcast from her previous tribe, who rejected her for having a more independant attitude. This new culture brings a more freer and less feudal option to new players and old ones who want a tribal experience, with human characters, and the opportunity for people to make history! Language: Aesti, being very similar to Common, has some words of it’s own, a heritage from ancient times: Some examples include: Hei, Tere – Hello. Mitte, Hüva, Head aega – Goodbye, bye. Tänan – Thanks, Thank you. Jah – Yes. Ei – No. Kurat or Raisk (curse word) – Damn, hell. Sina, Sinu – You, Yours. Mulle, Minu – for me, Mine . Hea, Halb – Good, Bad. Head ööd – Good night. Head päeva – Good day. Hästi – Well, good. Poiss – Boy. Tüdruk – Girl. Mees – Man. Naine – Woman. Juht – Chief. Kallis – Dear. (feel free to ask for more.) Common Traits: Aestians don’t have a sparse ethnicity, they’re very pure northerners. A typical Aestian man would be quite tall, with a burly build, blonde, or black hair. His eyes would be shades of light blue, blue or, more rarely, gray or blue-silver. Men: A beard is a standard facial feature of Aestian men, which is a sign of power, fertility and charity. Some older tribesmen have a beard braid. Hairstyles aren’t of much value in Aestian culture, long or short hair for men is common. Again, braids are common on older tribesmen. Women: However, tribeswomen value their hair, keeping it lush and silky. Long hair is a sign of femininity and beauty. Women are to be considered equal due to their natural, and societal responsabilites. It is said that Aestian women can, with enough training, beat a trained man in hand to hand combat. Society: Traditionally, Aestian society is based on a tribal government. It’s lead by a Chief (Juht in Aesti), and at death, the oldest child of the Chief becomes Chief, regardless of the child being a boy or girl. To address a Chief, one would use “Kallis Juht..” or ”Juht..” Warchiefs are frowned upon. Behaviour: Aestians are very secluded people, they’re very wary of strangers, be it from other tribes or nations. They tend to stick with their friends and family, and reach out to others in times of need. They like to keep their conversations concise and clear. Small talk is avoided in public, as it’s considered as a waste of time. Every Aestian is expected to work, due to the harsh conditions and their small numbers. Elders are an exception to this rule, due to their physical (in)capabilites but most importantly the importance of preserving their knowledge. Food: Aestian food is quite basic. It’s composed of tubers such as potatoes or yams wich are either grown in a field or inside of a bag or barrel, due to the land being frozen most of the year. If grown in a field, the potatoes are sown 3 inches (or 8cm) into the ground to keep the potatoes from freezing, and thus dieing. Carrots are also common, due to them being a source of vitamin C, wich is used to cure and prevent scurvy. Pork and fish are the most common meats in Aestian cuisine, along with their smoked variants. Dairy products aren’t very diverse either, butter and milk (which can be fermented to extend shelf life) are most common. Cereals, with the excpetion of winter wheat, aren’t planted or consumed. Festivities: Saunas: At every end of a Saint’s Week, Aestians gather in a room which is heated to very high temperatures thanks to a fire that would be roaring for atleast 2 hours before entering the sauna (~90°C or ~194°F) in which they can discuss important matters, or just relax with friends and family. A common thing to do is to jump in some near freezing-point water or snow after getting out of the sauna. The room is made from wood, and the furniture too. Sometimes water is thrown onto the heating element to create steam. Clothing: For everyday use, most of Aestian clothing would be made of furs from various animals, capes, coats, headwear and boots are generally made from fur. Underwear such as shirts, tunics is either made from wool, or flax, a costly alternative to wool due to the climate Aestians live in. Architecture: Aestian houses are cheap, and fast to build and require little maintenance. Materials like dirt, thatch, wood, stone are very common in the style of Aestian architecture. The roof is generally made from dirt which can freeze and form a permafrost layer, the house is quite short in height. (the typical house is very similar to a Icelandic turf house.) Walls around a camp or settlement can be built out of Stone and Ice. In some cases, dirt mounds are made when other materials aren’t easily accessible. Religion: Animism is the common faith among Aestians, however, some Aestians simply have no faith due to their straightforward lifestyle. Science or rationalism isn’t a notion used by Aestians in the early stages of the culture. Aestians learn through mistakes, and knowledge is passed on through elders. Military: A military of Aestian origin would consist of small raiding parties, avoiding big battles and favoring small engagements. A warspear, a round shield would be the standard issue weapons. Slings are a popular choice for ranged attacks and hunting small game. For the richest warrior, who could afford to wear armor used helmets, metal armor made of chainmail, and lamellar, which consisted of iron plates sewn together. Lower-status Aestian warriors also used layers of quilted cloth, such as linen or wool, to protect the body during battle. Aestian warriors are lead by the Commander, which in war, would shout the orders at them and be in the frontline of the battle. A modern and organized army would defeat an Aestian party pretty easily on foreign soil. The tables turn if Aestians are defending, due to the terrain on which they train which gives them a considerable advantage against the enemy.
  2. Needing a artists to design a logo for me so I may use in forum posts and the like, add me on disc. Dallren#3257
  3. Hey!, looking for a good skinner to help me with a norse / viking like skin that needs updating aswell as a entirely new skin made. Payment can be discussed in discord, if you are interested in helping me out add me on discord so we can get talking. Dallren#3257
  4. The Wedding of Rathamalion & Kardi The Bells are ringing. Turtledoves fly around. People come in masses to watch the feast.Severeal Doves would spread this Letter to all of the allied Nations of Renatus . My dear Allies of the world i am so proud to finally announce my Wedding to all of you I am going to marry at the 3 Elvenday of this week and me and my Fiance wanted to invite all of you to our Wedding afterwards our closest friends will be able to join us to a little party afterwards. Food and drinks will served from me. Some Infos would be down there When : The 3rd Elvenday this year 7 pm CET Where : Capital of the Khardasi Who : All allied Nations of the Empire ♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤♤ ____________
  5. THE CAER BANN COMPANY 13th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1722. MISSION The Caer Bann Company is an organization of disgruntled veterans, cast aside by most men, who still wish to do good before they perish and transcend into the next realm. Clad in Crimson and White and living within the eastern reach of Robertston, men of Caer Bann conduct themselves as free men and sellswords, offering their aid to whoever the Company deems in need, be it a poor peasant, an ally or a monetary contractor. As such, these veterans, with no lord but their commander, Richard de Reden, roam about the country-side and travel city to city in hopes of finding work or use in some way or another. CONTRACTS Security Contracts involving security implies that men of Caer Bann would be acting as peacekeepers for their employer. Be it an escort, the need for extra blades during a high-stress event or simple intimidation, Caer Bann, dependent on the task, shall rally and aid in these endeavours. Additionally, the men of Caer Bann will do its best to aid in the repelling of raids and fight to the death if need be. It should be noted, however, that stupidity is not the same as bravery - should a contract appear to result in certain death, it will be ignored. Prices to be discussed. Offense Men of Caer Bann hold a special ability in their ability to extend cruelty upon its enemies. Though mayhaps not the greatest fighters in the land, they are more competent than nine out of ten guard forces and/or militias. Thus, provided that contracts violate no international treaties, security contracts and/or if a contractor is willing to take full responsibility for the task given to the company, the men of Caer Bann will get into the cuts and do your dirty deed. Prices to be discussed. Construction Being veterans, those in the Caer Bann Company hold the unique ability to quickly establish defenses in a timely manner. Should your fief or people be in need of security upgrades or men to dig trenches, the Caer Bann Company is more than willing to aid in these endeavors should the price warrant the labor. It is noted, however, that this does NOT entail fortress construction. Outpost construction, on the other hand, is possible. Prices to be discussed. RANK STRUCTURE Footman Footmen are the fresh blooded and/or potentially untrustworthy members of the company. Put through a trial period to determine their loyalties and ability to listen to commands and integration, footmen are expected to become trained before potential oathing. The duty of a footman is to become a well-rounded member of the Caer Bann company, so that they might be oathed. Man-At-Arms Men-at-Arms within the Caer Bann company make the bulk of the force and hold its plethora of blades. Filled with recently oathed and fully fledged members, those who don the rank Man-At-Arms receive full contract privileges and the ability to receive a portion of the pay from contract. Additionally, these men will be considered for promotion. The duty of a Man-At-Arms is to simply participate in contracts and aid in their completion. Sergeant* Sergeants within the Caer Bann company are the lowest ranking officers and thereby are the most plentiful. Not made a lieutenant, most likely due to a lack of combat prowess and/or due to their fresh nature within the company, Sergeants wear the normal uniform equipped with pauldrons and tassets. Sergeants are expected to act as the role-models for the lower ranks and display their prowess so that they might be promoted to lieutenant. Lieutenant* Lieutenants within the Caer Bann company are those who’ve mild officer power yet have shown great prowess in combat. Primarily acting as the heavy lifters of the Company, Lieutenants are to act as fall-back commanders should the chain of command falter and thus have authority only in instances of combat. Lieutenants are clad in full Company Steel and are expected to own and break their own steed. Captain Captains within Caer Bann act as the head of Company divisions and are tasked with leading men on most missions. Captains, observable by their full armor and sigils, are the ones most likely to lead their squadrons into the chaos of battle. Duties of Captains include training, recruitment and the execution of contracts. Current Captains, as it stands, consists of Robert Rovin II [Zhukov__] and Sigemaer Wodansson [Cranky_Varangian]. General The General of Caer Bann acts as the martial right-hand of the Governor General and oversees most military matters. Tasked with general recruitment and training, it is expected of the Marshal to ensure that Companymen are disciplined, busy and employed. Duties of the Marshal include recruitment, the seeking of contracts, training and moral reinforcement. The Current Marshal, as it stands, is the honorable Honeycut [Generalstang838]. Governor General The Governor General of Caer Bann acts as both civil and martial administrator of the Company and the lands which the Company owns. The Governor General thusly acts as the de jure head of the Company and has ultimate say in contract acceptance, rejection and military decisions. The Governor General’s duties include ratifying promotions, contracts and maintaining order within Company grounds. The current Governor General, as it stands, is the honorable Richard de Reden [Littlefleeper]. APPLICATION NAME: AGE: GENDER: RACE: [OOC] DISCORD:
  6. The Dragon and the Crow signed in the Imperial city of Helena on the 8th of The Grand Harvest, 1719. The Imperium Renatum and the Principality of Cresonia, would agree on a defensive pact between both nations. Upon the meeting the empire agreed to help the princedom against any foe as long as both parties wished and had a mutual agreement to uphold this pact. The Terms, agreed upon by both signatories, are as followed: [ I ] : Both parties shall enforce a strict non-aggression pact, under all circumstances. [ II ] : Both parties shall agree to defend one another if the other is aggressed upon, with nothing left than the full extent of their military and political authority. [ III ] : Both parties recognize the irrevocable sovereignty and independence of the others nation. If this sovereignty and independence is contested or threatened, they shall protect one another, with nothing less than the full extent of their military and political authority. [ IV ] : The citizens of both the empire and the princedom shall be permitted to freely and safely travel within the borders of both of their lands. [ V ] : Both parties shall assist one another in intercepting and obtaining fugitives and criminals in their nations, unless they would violate another treaty, pact, or alliance in doing so. [ VI ] : If either party is found to be in violation of this pact, the two leaders will meet and discuss in a diplomatic way until an agreement on what to do has been met. Until then the defense pact and all its agreements will still fully stand. [ VII ] : This pact will stand for four saint’s months. Once this time has ended the two leaders will meet and discuss the pact. And if agreed upon will continue for another four saint’s months. If the current ruler of one of the two should die the pact will still stand until the agreed upon time has run out. The new ruler and the other one will then meet and discuss if they shall continue the pact or not. Signed by, HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Godfrey III of the House of Horen, Emperor of the Imperium Renatum, King of Renatus, Marna, Haense, Mardon, Salvus, Seventis, Savoy, Courland, Santegia, and Kaz’Ulrah, Duke of the Crownlands, Avar, and Frederica, Count of Helena, Alamar, Frederica, Thesmer, Thelen, Lorath, and Cantal, Baron of Darkwood, Gravelhold, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, Farfolk, etcetera Her Royal Highness, Asria of House Nasrid, High Princess of Cresonia
  7. Kompaniya Moskoviya ☦ Founded 2nd of The Deep Cold, 1717 Introduction: The Kompaniya Moskoviya was formed and founded in the Year 1717 by the Romanovich Family and is currently lead by two of its Head-Founders Dragoslav Romanovich and Konstantin Romanovich. The Kompaniya Moskoviya was formed to set a defense upon all Raev people and their values with in Arcas. Ranks: Komandir The Komandir is the official Leader with in the Company. They hold absolute authority and their word is always final. Their job is to conduct trainings, handle contracts, distribute pay, and keep morale up. Leytenant The Leytenant(s) come in sets of two. They are the second highest rank with in the Company. They are the aide-de-camp. Leytenant(s) are responsible for logistics of the company, recruiting, boosting morale, and helping the Komandir. Serzhant Strong folk who have proven themselves on the field of battle and veterans of the company. Good role models for the Soldaty. They help the Leytenant(s) with recruiting, keeping Soldaty in line, holding the line. Soldat The rank of Soldat is one worn with pride. They know how to follow commands, they hold the lines as the bulk of the Company’s troops, and come from all sorts of backgrounds. Some of the Soldaty are experienced warriors and some or not, but all train to better themselves in the art of combat. [!] Soldaty of Kompaniya Muskoviya in a skirmish against enemies c. 1716 Application RP Name: RP Age: RP Race: RP Ethnicity (Raevir, Haenseti, etc.): Previous military experience: Reason for joining: OOC: IGN: Discord: (or msg Fishy#5175 on Discord for info!) ☦
  8. PACT OF STONE AND GOLD <=-<=-=>-=> “Why fight wars when there’s money to be made?” -Ancient Dwarven proverb The pact as follows below shall serve as a lasting accord between the agreed signees and shall be adhered to by officials and populace of their respective nations. Should any point be broken by either participant of the pact a period of truce lasting at least three stone days shall ensue in order to fully investigate and re-evaluate the continued condition of the treaty. <=-<=-=>-=> -Both nations will agree to avoid conflict with one another. Should a potential conflict arise, however, the aforementioned truce period shall be utilized to find a diplomatic solution. -Both nations shall permit free, safe passage of the other nation’s citizenry throughout the borders of their land. -The Under-Realm of Urguan and the Holy Orenian Empire agree to establish the following borders: The mountain range to the west of the main circle of the King’s Road around Cloud Temple shall be recognized as dwarven lands, given that the dwarves do not build fortifications above ground or expand north or east of that. The Under-Realm of Urguan shall be recognized as to controlling the lands of the Autumn Tree and the surrounding caverns east of Kal’Varoth. The Holy Orenian Empire agrees to respect all parts of the Western Mountain Caverns and will not tamper with it nor create any entrances into it. -This pact shall remain in effect so long as a legally elected Under-King sits on the Obsidian Throne. -This pact shall remain in effect so long as Joseph I remains on the Imperial Throne. <=-<=-=>-=> Dungrimm Bless This Just Union “The Just”, Under-King of the Under-Realm of Urguan, Grand King of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, King of Agnarum, Az’adar, and Ord, Lord of Kal’Varoth, Kal’Azgaryum, Kal’Omith, Kal’Nikaer, Kal’Akash, Kal’Karaad, Kal’Agnar, Kal’Klad, Kal’Arkon, Kal’Ithrun, Kal’Azgoth, Kal’Karik, and Kal’Urguan, Defender of the Dwedmar, Beloved of the Brathmordakin, Elder of Clan Grandaxe, etcetc... J.L. I Holy Orenian Emperor
  9. PACT OF STONE AND FIRE <=-<=-=>-=> “Give peas a chance.” -One of Urguan Silverbeard’s personal chefs The pact as follows below shall serve as a lasting accord between the agreed signees and shall be adhered to by officials and populace of their respective nations. Should any point be broken by either participant of the pact a period of truce lasting at least three stone days shall ensue in order to fully investigate and re-evaluate the continued condition of the treaty. -Both nations will agree to avoid conflict with one another. Should a potential conflict arise, however, the aforementioned truce period shall be utilized to find a diplomatic solution. -Both nations shall permit free, safe passage of the other nation’s citizenry throughout the borders of their land. -The Under-Realm of Urguan and the Empire of Renatus agree to establish the following borders: The mountain range to the west of the main circle of the King’s Road around Cloud Temple shall be recognized as dwarven lands, given that the dwarves do not build fortifications above ground or expand north or east of that. The Under-Realm of Urguan shall be recognized as to controlling the lands of the Autumn Tree and the surrounding caverns east of Kal’Varoth. The Empire of Renatus agrees to respect all parts of the Western Mountain Caverns and will not tamper with it nor create any entrances into it. -This pact shall remain in effect so long as a legally elected Under-King sits on the Obsidian Throne. -This pact shall remain in effect so long as Godfrey III remains on the Renetian Throne. Dungrimm Bless This Just Union “The Just”, Under-King of the Under-Realm of Urguan, Grand King of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, King of Agnarum, Az’adar, and Ord, Lord of Kal’Varoth, Kal’Azgaryum, Kal’Omith, Kal’Nikaer, Kal’Akash, Kal’Karaad, Kal’Agnar, Kal’Klad, Kal’Arkon, Kal’Ithrun, Kal’Azgoth, Kal’Karik, and Kal’Urguan, Defender of the Dwedmar, Beloved of the Brathmordakin, Elder of Clan Grandaxe, etcetc... HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Godfrey III of the House of Horen, Emperor of the Imperium Renatum, King of Renatus, Haense, Adria, Marna, Mardon, Salvus, Seventis, Savoy, Courland and Santegia,, Duke of the Crownlands, Avar, and Frederica, Count of Helena, Alamar, Frederica, Thesmer, Thelen, Lorath, and Cantal, Baron of Darkwood, Gravelhold, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, Farfolk, etcetera. 
  10. THE TREATY OF VAROCHE We, the Kingdom of Curonia, do solemnly declare the following to be true and earnest, as per our agreement at the Palace Varoche, before GOD and men, with Joseph, the Holy Orenian Emperor and Protector of the Commonwealth: WE, the Kingdom of Curonia, do solemnly proclaim that we shall become signatory to the Treaty of the Prikaz, joining our human brothers and recognizing the primacy of the Holy Orenian Empire, for the furtherance of the commonwealth of humanity, WE, the Kingdom of Curonia, do solemnly proclaim that we recognize, as Holy Orenian Emperor, Joseph I of the House of Marna, and that we join the Holy Orenian Empire as a constituent realm, subjects to all rights, privileges and duties of such, WE, the Kingdom of Curonia, do solemnly denounce and reject the claim of Godfrey Pertinaxi and any of the House of Pertinaxi their illegal rebellion and bid for the throne, WE, the Kingdom of Curonia, do solemnly proclaim our military support to the removal of the Pertinaxi rebels and the reclamation of Helena, WE, the Kingdom of Curonia, do solemnly proclaim our support for any and all offensive and defensive military commands ordered by the Holy Orenian Emperor and the Imperial War Commission, WE, the Kingdom of Curonia, do solemnly promise the hand in marriage of our king, Alfred II, to the daughter of Emperor Joseph I, an Imperial princess, WE, the Kingdom of Curonia, do solemnly declare that the King of Curonia, Alfred II, shall undertake in his minority a period of education at the court of the Holy Orenian Emperor, who shall act as his personal tutor. This we sign, Upon the day of our Lord GOD, 20th of TOBIAS’ BOUNTY, 1715 His Royal Majesty, Alfred II Edgar of House Devereux the King of Curonia, Duke of Curon & Umbra, Count of Cyrilsburg & Avalain, Baron of Arisan, Blackreach, Rivia, & Vasile, and Lord of Bear Mountain, Blackden, & Drakov
  11. Treaty of Guise, 1715 A Conditional Military Alliance Between the Holy Orenian Empire and the Princedom of Fenn May the Creator Bless Our Efforts TREATY OF ALLIANCE The Most Serene Grand Prince of Fenn, Aelthir II Tundrak, and the Godsent Holy Orenian Emperor, to wit, His Imperial Majesty Joseph I Marna, having this day concluded a Treaty of amity and goodwill, for the reciprocal advantage of their Subjects and Citizens have thought it necessary to take into consideration the means of strengthening those engagements and of rendering them useful to the safety and tranquility of the two parties, particularly in the case of dealing with the rogue State of Haelun’or and the Pertinaxi pretenders and their resentment towards such connections and good correspondence between strong, sovereign realms; his Majesty Aelthir II Tundrak and His Imperial Majesty Joseph I Marna have resolved to join their Councils and efforts against the enterprises of their common Enemies, after the most mature Deliberation through their respective Plenipotentiaries, concluded and determined on the following articles. ARTICLE I During the continuance of the present War between the State of Haelunor and their Pertinaxi allies against the Princedom of Fenn and the federated sovereignties under the Holy Orenian Emperor, his Majesty Aelthir II Tundrak and his Imperial Majesty Joseph I Marna shall make it a common cause, and aid eachother mutually with their good Offices, their Counsels, and their forces, according to the exigence of Conjunctures as becomes good and faithful Allies. ARTICLE II The two contracting Parties shall each on its own Part, and in the manner it may judge most proper, make all the efforts in its Power, against their common Enemy, in order to attain the end proposed— to annihilate the State of Haelun’or and the Pertinaxi pretenders, and their bandit army. ARTICLE III Neither of the two Parties shall conclude either Truce or Peace with the State of Haelun’or or the Pertinaxi rebels without the formal consent of the other; and they mutually engage not to lay down their arms until the security of either state be assured safe from the grasps of the State of Haelun’or and the Pertainxi rebels. ARTICLE IV The contracting Parties declare, that being resolved to fulfil each on its own Part the clauses and conditions of the present Treaty of alliance, according to its own power and circumstances, there shall be no after claim of compensation on one side of the other whatever may be the event of the War. ARTICLE V The most serene Grand Prince of Fenn and the Holy Orenian Emperor agree to invite or admit other Powers who may have received injuries from the State of Haelun’or and the Pertinaxi pretenders to make common cause with them, and to accede to the present alliance, under such conditions as shall be freely agreed to and settled between all the Parties. ARTICLE VI The present Treaty shall be ratified on both sides and the Ratifications shall be exchanged in the space of six months, or sooner if possible. In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries, to wit: on the part of the Grand Prince of Fenn, Crown Prince Aelthos Tundrak, and on the part of the Holy Orenian Emperor, Baron Henri de Guise, Imperial High Marshal, have signed the above Articles in the Common language, declaring Nevertheless that the present treaty was originally composed and concluded in the common language, and they have hereunto affixed their Seals. Done at Guise, this second day of Malin’s Welcome, one thousand seven hundred and fifteen. Joseph I Marna, Holy Orenian Emperor, Fidei Defensor Henri, Baron of Guise, Imperial High Marshal Aelthir II Tundrak, Grand Prince of Fenn Aelthos Tundrak, Crown Prince of Fenn
  12. THE BORANS A people who wanders and sets camps all across the world. These are a people that grounds their beliefs within the teachings of peace, quiet and spirituality. However, due to this belief in peace, they tend to lack in millitary power. Infact that is one of the few reasons why the Borans doesn’t have many tribes anymore within Arcas. Another reason why many tribes have died is due to when they move around, they tend to sometimes anger people (though that always depend on the very people). This can create raids and other sorts of harrasments and oppressions. Their religion is based on praying to their ancestors, who the Borans view as gods and demi-gods. They also believe in dead people, like spirits, ghosts and the like. Infact, most of their folk lore is about these strange, spectral beings. The Borans’ tendencies to travel may bring them all around the world, as they camp in forests, mountians, plains, highlands and even deserts and jungles. Borans tend to have a strangely exotic, yet Highlandish appearance about them. This is because that the people are humans with the majority being Highlandish blood, while the minority of blood is Farfolk. A common trait among them are their eyes, ranging from dark brown to Amber. They also tend to have green eyes, though it’s more rare than say brown. Their hair is mostly dark to light brown, but is occationaly black. Their skin is usualy guite fair due to how they mostly camped in forests rather than in deserts or other hot climates. However, there still are the occational man or woman with darker skin. There are certain genes that the Borans have picked up. One of these is the higher chance of having freckles, even to adult hood. While it becomes increasingly difficult to pinpoint to where the culture and religion began, mostly because of the culture becoming older and having lost most information of its origins in the meanwhile. It is said, however, that it all began as a cult in Anthos that believed that their ancestors where the true guardians and god’s of their people. With this new cult, they began practicing prayer and meditation to these new deities, and soon they began their typical behavior of traveling and constantly moving camps from one part of the world to the other. While thet know that wandering to different continents may get them killed (as many other races might be at the same time), they always seems to have survived most of it due to how faithful some of them are in their leaders and Shamans. However, sadly most of the tribes from Anthos have been whiped out, with only a few remaining. One of these tribes are called “In’Kahir”, who pray to the the Second son of Karoh’Tan, Eaok’Foer. THE BORAN LANGUAGE Originating as a secret language that the cult used in order to avoid other religious cults and clans from exterminating them. The language the Borans speak now is an evolved, more perfected language of such, having developed over 400 years. The language has become more commonly known to others as ‘Boran’. However, just because this language exists, doesn’t mean that the Boratic people aren’t allowed to speak common. Boran is spoken in the same grammatic structure as common, with a couple of few exceptions that makes the language a bit more unique. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [WORD] = [Translation, Informal, Variation] Good day / Hello = Gorath , Gora’ / Go’ (if very informal) Good bye / Farewell = Goteth , Teth (te’ if very informal) I, me = Moh My, mine = Mohr (Note that when explaining if it’s someone’s or something’s, you add an ‘r’ at the end of said word) You = Toh Your = Tohr We, us, our = Vehr (Note: This is an exception to the ‘r’ rule) They, their = Duhr Yes = Je , – , Jevihr (used as “affirmative”) No = Ne , – , Nevohr (used as “negatory”) Maybe = Ere , – , Erih (used as “perhaps”) Is, am, are = Aeh Was, were = Tyot (also used as “used to” or “was / were”, but you add an ‘r’ at the end) Has = Aehr Will, shall = Niaro (add an ‘r’ at the end when in plural) Would = Amden (add an ‘r’ when in plural) Could = Yrih (add an ‘r’ when in plural, like always) (Note: Do not forget the ‘r’ when it’s in plural!) Human = Maelih Elf = Ushif Dwarf = Midjet (I’m sorry, my dwarven bros) Orc = Urkih Halfling = Per’Maelih (basically means “little human) Kharajyr = Felir’maeh (humanoid cat, or Feline human) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Boratic Society Even a wandering people needs a leader. Their tribes are built on a common leader, shaman, and then in the later and younger tribes; guardians. All tribes has a leader, also called a Cheiftain, someone who leads the people, takes on grand desicitions and other great burdens. However, the leaders are chosen by the tribe’s shaman, also called a “Voroodou”. The Shaman is the second highest ranking one can get, as they lead the people in a spiritual sence, giving them hope and in most cases cure their wounds with apothecary methods (such as bandaging wounds, using roots and herbs to help with deseases etc). Lastly of the highest three comes the Guardians, known as Shan’kir. They are the sworn guardians, chosen by the Cheiftain and the Voroodou to protect their tribe from outside forces, like animals and other people. Below these achived and powerful men and women are the tribesmen, women and children. All picking up a profession a dozen of years after birth, they have no special rank, but are usualy treated well by the higher ranks. These tend to be fishermen, gatherers, farmers, traders, blacksmiths, tanners and tailors. While this people does use Minae to buy and sell outside of their tribes, within their tribes they tend to trade more than buying or selling. This is because they, like their higher-ups believe that one needs to be humble in order to be cared for. This leads to that when someone begins to act cocky, superior or the like, they tend to be scorned at. A way the voroodou tends to fix this is by teaching them lessons. Say, if a lower class fisherman claims that he can catch a big fish within a month, the voroodou tends to demand proof, or perhaps play a riddle or two on him. It all depends on who the voroodou is. Genders are equal in this society. Women can become a cheiftainess if they are ellected to be one by the head Voroodou. However, when a women gets accepted as a voroodou, she tends to be treated like a nun from Canonism, and can have a hard time rising in rank because of it. Men can have the same problem, being treated like servants and stewards at times rather than being acolytes of a voroodou. However, it is a sad truth that men have an easier time to rise in rank. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Festives, Cerimonies and the very Religion As stated previously, the Borans have Shamans. These shamans practice a religion called Karoh’r Lina, which means Karoh’s Teachings. The religion is about praying to their all-mighty ancestors, who had always been known for something great, like deeds. The shamans are ellected by their current head shaman in each tribe. During the ellection, they must go through certain tasks, questions and the like. Only one or two men or women can be chosen. Upon acceptance, the Voroodou chooses a new nickname for his one to two new acolytes. Usualy an animal, mythical beast or even sometimes names of their ancestors. The reason for this is unknown to the general public. After the cerimony, the whole tribe tends to feast with their newly made acolytes of the head voroodou. Music, meat, bread, cheese and all sorts of foods is presented, icluding some of their personal delicacies, such as; Anikr, which is a well roasted onion with herbs and spices that makes it taste better, alongside some mutton and carrots. Another cerimony is the one where the head voroodou chooses a son from each lower ranking family (sometimes the guardian’s or the Cheiftan’s family) and have them prove their physical might usualy in a non-lethal way. They have one to four of these winners, the head shaman waits for it to become night, preparing dyes and the like for the warriors. Upon dusk, the voroodou begins to alight a huge bon fire as they walk up to an altar and begin chanting a chant to the demi-god-like grandson of battle. When the chant is done, the shaman will then choose a dye for each new Guardian. Then, the winner can choose to accept their fate as a guarding, dropping their current profession if they choose to be one. As they do, the shaman begins to chant as he begins to paint special tatoo’s on the man’s torso, arms and face. These tatoos shall mean something to them, as they pick up their weapon of choice and begin training the next day by the current head guardian. THE ANCESTORS The very basic of their religion. The ancestral family that the Borans believe in so dearly. Viewed as all-mighty, god-like beings that have achived great power and immortality within the stars that litter the sky. THE FATHER – Karoh’tan, created the people with his own hands and led the first tribe. He is also known as the Flaming Father, due to his abilities of summoning fire with his bare hands. THE MOTHER – Lillenea. She was able to love even her most evil grandchildren. Also known as the Mother of Love. THE FIRST SON – Eaok’foer, he was the one who was said to be able to control the weather to a certain extent. Also known as the Father of Storms. THE SECOND SON – Iok’Tahlir, the one who showed the people how to be loyal, humble and caring for eachother. Also known as the Father of Loyalty. THE DAUGHTER – Ynieri, known to be the best dancer, singer and entertainer. Also known as the Mother of Fun. While there are more children of these later four sons and daughter, they are concidered demi-gods amongst them. Stories and tales of this family can be told by the shamans. Either a story about a fight, maybe a prank from one of Ynieri’s children. Most tribes are known to pray to a specific ancestor. This is because that specific tribe strives for a specific goal. However, they aren’t bound in any way to pray to the main god. However, one tribe in the past was known to have forced its tribesmen to pray to a specific, evil ancestor by force. This can sometimes happen when the cheiftan gets corrupt or perhaps gets the Shaman corrupt. However, there has been few that actually did fall for this tragedy. ACCEPTANCE OF MAGIC While magic is generaly accepted in the culture, depending on the tribe, the head Shaman must have approved it and must monitor it. This is because one of the grandchildren of Eaok’foer was “Mysr’I”, the Mother of Magic. She was known to have become corrupted by the very own magic she had created. Due to this, the Karoh’tan asks of all the Shamans to watch the mage within the village grow and halt it if he or she is near corruption from it. Dark magic is NOT accepted within the culture and religion, however. It is rare for the Shaman or leader to practice magic, but the acolytes have been known to be wanting to and in some cases, they have indeed. Some tribes all together banishes it, while some incourages it. It really depends on the leader of it. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLOTHING While it of course also depends on the climate they have settled in, the Borans also have a sence of clothes and fashion that makes them unique. While none of these clothing has a meaning or specific religious meaning (unless it’s the Shaman’s clothing), it certantly is important to know what they find good-looking at appropriate. Do remember that this also changes to what tribe it is, but all tribes follow a similar pattern. GENERAL: It’s very typical of all Borans to wear something like a cloak, mantle or something that goes ontop and around the upper torso. Clothes in general are also made out of linen, hide and fur, usually not too saturized in color. Their boots usualy range from leather shoes to furry boots. It’s common for women and children to wear sandals instead. Jewelry is rare to see because of that being humble is a socialy deprived thing, but when you do, it’s usually things like amuletes made out of wood and strung on a string, or maybe bronze jewels with stones like granite ingraved into them. MEN: While in general the only thing that a man would wear is a mantle, since they believe that showing off muscles is manly, they can still have on a thin, sleeve-less shirt that is usualy made of linen. They usualy wear propper, long pants aswell, though short ones aren’t uncommon either. WOMEN: Most women would wear a thin dress or skirt, made out of linen or hide. If not, they would be wearing a mantle with a concealing top and a skirt. A common fashion trend is to wear a crown of flowers, straw or maybe even just plain grass. There’s also a type of clothing called a wrist-cloth. Women tend to wear this around their wrists to look propper. CHILDREN: While they do wear what the adults do of their gender, the children tend to wear sandals, sleeved tunics or maybe even a crown if they wanna extra pretty (note that boys tend to do this too). ARMOUR While armour isn’t something that one would normaly wear, as mostly it’s used in cerimonies, their armour tend to be tanned leather Muscle Cuirass, hoods with a wooden mask of sorts and leather greaves. The richer or higher ranked men and women tends to have the same set up, but instead in bronze, such as a tanned leather Muscle Cuirass with a bronze overlay, hoods with a bronze mask (usualy well decorated), leather arm guards with bronze plates and then tanned leather greaves with bronze overlay. When it comes to shields, they tend to have an oval shaped would with a strap on AND a center grip. This is to make it as versatile as one can. The thickness, broad and height varies. WEAPONS Most tribesmen and tribeswomen tends to have a mere flint knife as their protection. However, if they happen to have a weapon of sorts, it’d most likely be; a spear (commonly known as Pokih in Boran) or a short, flat hunting bow (Lyu’or). When it comes to the bow’s ammunition, if they’re just hunting they have simple arrows with an oak haft, feathers of any common bird and a flint tip. If made for war, it’s a bronze leaf tip, oak haft and then a bit more high quality feathers. Swords do exist in the Boratic Culture, it’s just that it’s rare to see it. But if you do, it’s usually a leaf-bladed, guardless shortsword. Quarterstaffs can be seen alongside with Guardians aswell, sometimes with a bronze reinforcement at each end of the staff. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Architecture Commoner / Tribesmen As the tribes travel, they tend to set up camps. Therefore, they use tents because of how quickly and efficently one can set them up. A typical way for them to set them up is by a cliff-side, digging slightly into it as they set the tent up by it and having an opening in the upper tent for campfires, so that there’s a nice fire without it being more-than-enough dangerous. Sometimes, they decide to live in caves instead, doing so by placing down hide mats to soften the ground. Yet again, there’s also a campfire to be seen. ((Please remember that these are just showcases of the typical. Variations of blocks are a thing among different tribes.)) Rare Exceptions There are times when a tribe decides to settle down “Permanently”. These extremly rare occations come with interesting design of houses and sometimes even market places. OOC NOTE Let me know if you guys ever want more soon! It was really fun to introduce this new culture to the public. If you want to know any more specific things, I can either edit and add it in, or you can PM me the questions. Have a great day y’all!!
  13. I’m looking for players to RP as my brothers or sisters, or perhaps close friends that just arrived with me by boat to arcas. We have already a written culture set up, just need people to be onboard with me to do it, let me know if you are interested or want more info Dallren#3257 aswell as a link to the culture here
  14. The Percy Family Our story begins in Atlas, there a dwarf named Telmarill esteemed member of the Azaghul and brother of Balrog first came to Adria. Upon his arrival, people started to notice that he was in distress. Telmarill came into their society as a mere dwarf but left as a master. He opened the first smith within Adria and he took in an apprentice of course. From that day forward the white smith he was named. Almost at the end of his life, he met a beautiful lady whose name was only heard in Atlas. The Percy name came from her side. Happily into their life, they had two children Henry Percy was his name and his brother Dwain. Henry was half a dwarf and half human, his life would be much longer than his mothers. Henry joined the legion of Renatus, not much later he was discharged by Aldis Chase. He started The Iron Legion and he got cursed along the way. The iron legion had a fortress above mynebor named the shard. The Iron legion did not survive the passage to Arcas. Henry now alone, desperate and no money sat out for Adria. The city of Ves welcomed him with open arms for they knew his father was one of their soldiers a time ago, he became a sergeant in the military. Dwain did not go that route, he became wild. Many years he spent in the wilderness of Atlas, surviving on his own skill. Not much is known after he left the comfort of his home. Henry got banished from Adria not much later by a man named Checkov, he packed his bags and went on his way. On the road, he got stopped and robbed by a man named Edward Marks. His rival for a long time saw that he was alone and he took his chance. He decapitated the man and portrayed him as a traitor upon the bridge to Helena. Kuvira, the third of the brothers was not born by the percy's but in the wild to unknown parents. He made his way into Adria and into the percy's not long after his seventh birthday, he arrived a short time after Henry went away from his parents. Kuvira saw a lot from his new father and became interested in smithing at an early age. He also survived the passage to Arcas. After his brother was killed he made for Adria, where he started The Armitage institute. He believed heavily in the Four, some men did not like that. A priest came one day and heard that he was not a canonist. he approached Kuvira. He said that Kuvira was a heathen for not believing the canon, Kuvira replied with the same thing but for the Four. Not long after that, he got arrested and killed for being a heathen. In his life, he met a man named Jack Rippler. He was not a good man, he had done a lot of wrongs. Kuvira took him in as a brother, Jack is now a part of the Percy family. Let the story of Jack begin. ((don't throw poop, this is a recap of my time on LotC))
  15. THE REIGN OF ANTONIUS 6th of Horen’s Calling, 1709 “I regret that I only have one life to give to my Empire.” The Empire of Man holds vast territory, with many diverse peoples owing fealty to His Divine Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Man, Antonius I Horen. Throughout the years, many lords and ladies have sworn to the Horen scion, adding their armies to the Imperial horde, and finding peace through service. These various folks together comprise the Imperial nation – from Adria to Haense, they collectively form the heartland of humanity. Law and logic assert these men and women as subjects of the Imperial Crown. They, therefore, quite naturally, assist one another. The Imperial armies defend her people; her people, in turn, offer tax and levy to the Crown. It is a trade off – a feudal hierarchy. Some of the Imperial vassals themselves have vassals. Just as the leaders of the more powerful fiefdoms were awarded land and office by the Emperor, so to do they offer land and office to subservient lords and ladies. It is clear that those enfeoffed with land and titulage owed service to the crown, and would be expected to maintain justice, law, and order in their lands. In exchange for privilege and esteem, they are required to rally a levy, pay taxes, et cetera. Imperial vassals are expected to do as follows. Rally as a singular entity, calling forth all their levy and banners. Allow the Crown to negotiate foreign policy. Maintain law and order in their subject territories. Negotiate and pay taxes to the Emperor. Uphold the lawful orders of the Crown always. Uphold and carry out the demands of the Emperor. The following landed feudal vassals that encompass the realm must pen their signature, pledging their service to His Imperial Majesty and to withhold the responsibilities of being under Our Empire. IMPERIAL CROWNLANDS: His Imperial Majesty, Antonius Horen. [3andD] @3andD His Lordship, Charles-Edmond Talraen. [LithiumSedai] @LithiumSedai His Lordship, Edward Henry Morris [Boiendl] @Old Man Boiendl His Lordship, Darius Ault [TrendE] @TrendE His Lordship, Roland Castelo [Cranky_Varangian] @The_Very_Cranky_Varangian His Lordship, Nathaniel Windsor [SerFinnick] @Fnik His Lordship, Peter Rubens [FlemishSupremacy] @TheElvenMage KINGDOM OF HAENSE: His Majesty, Marius Barbanov [Ave_Imperium] @Imperium His Highness, Josef Eimar Alimar [EirikColborn] @JuliusAakerlund His Grace, Konstantin Demetrius Ruthern [_Insecurity] @Security_ His Grace, Henrik Otto Ludovar [Legoboy7984] @Legoboy7984 His Grace, Varon Kovachev [Arygon] @Arygon His Lordship, Leopold Kristoff Stafyr [Emenzi] @Emenzi His Lordship, Iver Vanir [Gastly3] @Lsuvsfar His Lordship, Lerald Vyronov [Flapman] @Flapman His Lordship, Jan Baruch [Subscriptshark] @SubscriptShark2 His Lordship, Henrik II Amador [Sanderwarrior14] @Sander His Lordship, Dominic Grimm [Kanadensare] @Kanadensare Her Ladyship, Elisabeth Maria Preussens [Dasdi] @Dasdi KINGDOM OF CURONIA: His Majesty, Wilhelm Devereux [KosherZombie] @KosherZombie His Lordship, Edward Suffolk [Sheczar] @Sheczar His Lordship, Henry Osmanoglu [Scythep61] @Scythep61 DUCHY OF ADRIA: His Grace, Marius Barbanov [Ave_Imperium] @Imperium His Lordship, Paul F. Varoche [_Bueno_] @NordLord His Lordship, Rubert Carrion [Grool] @VonAulus His Lordship, Timeo de la Baltas [_Sacrebleu_] @Publius KADARSI CALIPHATE: His Majesty, Abbas Kharadeen [ibraheemc2000] @ibraheemc2000 IN NOMINE DEI HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Antonius I of the House of Horen, Emperor of Man, King of Renatus, Marna, Mardon, Salvus, Seventis, Savoy, Courland, Santegia, and Norland, Duke of the Crownlands, Avar, and Frederica, Count of Helena, Carolustadt, Alamar, Frederica, Thesmer, Thelen, Lorath, and Cantal, Baron of Darkwood, Gravelhold, Pesha, and Eastcliffe, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, Farfolk, etcetera
  16. Hi! My charachter is Tarrant Hightopp 62 years old, my charachter lives in fenn as the town’s tailor and hatter. Im now looking for family members! In my house there is still room for a grandchild so if youre interested let me know! Contact me on discord The Mad Hatter #3959
  17. ~The Sovereign State of Albion~ Gallahand Harkness, Vitalius Maarsan, Edward Delaney, and Reynald Richmond finally stopped at what seemed to be a gulf on the north-eastern portion of the continent. Gallahand Climbs upon one of the nearby boulders and looks around “This is it, I think, This spot is perfect.” he announces, as the small scouting party looks around in agreement. Reynald speaks up “I agree, the nearby canyons could be a strategic spot for perhaps a vassal. “Aye” simply said Edward, going to sit down next to a tree. “Let’s get started then, friends” said the doctor, Vitalius, smiling under his mask. ~Roles within Albion:~ Visaers- Those who only live temporarily in the city, such as students, or traveling merchants.can only rent property, this also go for merchants, as they can only own stalls, rather than a permanent business. They are not allowed to vote on any matters pertaining Albion. Citizens- Those who live permanently within in the city. Can purchase property, vote, and own business within the city. They are allowed to buy a home, and not be taxed for it after the initial purchase. Soldiers- Within Albion the soldiers are expected to carry out several tasks ranging from regular patrols, to simply manning the gate. Knights- The top of the Albion military, hand picked by the other knights or the Sovereign himself. Constable- The one who represents the knights in court meeting, elected by the knights. Court members- Picked by the Sovereign, councils the Sovereign with their expertise in their specifics field. The Sovereign- The ruler of Albion. ~Laws of Albion:~
  18. Aylwin Blaxton (Naumarian: Alvin Blakton) was a Haeseni courtier and diplomat serving the majority of the life under the service of the Amador family, as well as numerous ambassador positions. He is most notable for his ‘Memoirs of Aylwin Blaxton’, an autobiographical account of his life. His memoirs record a typically shunned part of history, revealing the complicated political scene of the Marian court and the struggles and exploits of the Haeseni émigrés during the Coalition Wars and brief occupation period. Later in his life, Aylwin settled in Pruvia and retained high positions in the principality and died shortly before the Pruvian Inheritance to King Stefan of Haense. (OOC: Full credit to @MarquisAlex who wrote all of this, posting this for easier access. Links to his originals below: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/157760-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-1/?tab=comments#comment-1492858 https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/157915-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-2/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/158112-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-3/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/158744-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-4/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/158822-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-5/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/159307-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-6/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/161235-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-7/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/157760-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-8/ ) --- THE MEMOIRS OF AYLWIN BLAXTON WRITTEN BY THE HAND OF AYLWIN BLAXTON PUBLISHED BY HIEROMAR LUDOVAR THE ELDER, SSE --- BOOK I BOOK II BOOK III BOOK IV BOOK V BOOK VI BOOK VII BOOK VIII
  19. THE SIGMUNDIC CALENDAR The Sigmundic Calendar derives from the historic calendar and time-keeping of the ancient Highlander tribes, used in variation by the Raevir, Hansetian, and fellow peoples (though under different names). The Common and Imperial Calendars came to supersede it in usage by northern statesmen and scholars, and while the Sigmundic Calendar is rarely used in everyday use, it is still maintained in traditional, liturgical, and some scholastic functions. The year-dating by the ascension of the Prophet Sigmund, known as Ehr Sigmunda, is a more contemporary invention and is commonly used in place of the Anno Oreniae of imperial calendars. A single year is split into fourteen equal months, and those months are categorized into four seasons, known as fasts. The fasts (Gomesvey, Skepyr, Lejz, and Wilfulle) are dictated by the migration of the birds, and so are split themselves into ‘quick’ fasts (Skepyr and Wilfulle) and ‘slow’ fasts (Gomesvey and Lejz), where the ‘quick’ fasts are when birds are moving the most, while the ‘slow’ fasts are when they move the least. Each month is assigned a patron bird, used commonly as a good-luck symbol by those born to them. Month Conversion Snow’s Maiden - Wzuvar and Byvca Horen’s Welcome - Jula and Piov First Seed - Vzmey and Hyff Grand Harvest - Gronna and Droba Sun’s Smile - Tov and Yermey Amber Cold - Msitza and Dargund Deep Cold - Joma and Umund Months of the Canonical Year Wzuvar - Mejeni Redpoll Byvca - Bogdan’s Warbler Jula - Dove Piov - Hummingbird Vzmey - Atheran Kestrel Hyff - Pine Robin Gronna - Northern Bluebird Droba - Purple Finch Tov - Golden-caped Crow Yermey - Waldenian Sparrow Msitza - Five-feathered Magpie Dargund - Northern Swallow Joma - Blackbird Umund - Yatl Tern Fasts of the Canonical Year Gomesvey - Wzuvar, Byvca, and Jula Skepyr - Piov, Vzmey, Hyff, and Gronna Lejz - Droba, Tov, and Yermey Wilfulle - Msitza, Dargund, Joma, and Umund --- SIGMUNDIC YEAR SYSTEM In the modern Sigmundic Calendar, the year count is based on the date of the Final Revelation of the Prophet Sigmund (Year 1447 in imperial calendars). Years after that date are marked ‘Year of Sigmund’ or ‘Ehr Sigmunda’ (abbreviated as ES), while years before marked ‘Before the Year of Sigmund’ or ‘Aestehr Sigmunda’ (abbreviated as AES). Year 336 = 336 - 1447 = 1111 AES Year 1447 = 1447 - 1447 = 0 ES (Revelation of Sigismund) Year 1693 = 1693 - 1447 = 246 ES Year 1707 = 260 ES --- THE HAESENI ZODIAC The Haeseni Zodiac is a collection of six constellations (plus the Moon) assigned to two months of the calendar, and is commonly used to predict the temperament and behavior of children born in its time-frame. Each sign is symbolized by a mythological creature or founder, and aside from the moon, carries a set of relationships with its peers. THE MOON | Wzuvar and Byvca [Snow’s Maiden] Nikul, the Silver Moon The son of the solar rays, who taught the Highlanders the ways of the harvest and the hunt, and how to construct the first fires. However, when he father saw this, he cursed the Highlanders with burnt skin when faced under his gaze for too long, and forced Nikul to appear for only half the day. Those born under his sign are known for their jovial and overall content nature, aiming to please those around them, but are hard think for themselves and easily manipulated. Ally - None Rival - None --- THE QUEEN | Jula and Piov [Horen’s Welcome] Morrighein, Lady of the Moon Morrighein, the mythical queen of the hinterlands, who waged a fifty-year war against the vile Mali’Dun and led another fifty-year golden age. When her son was captured in battle by her elven enemies, she offered herself in sacrifice for his life. Those born under her sign are traditionally held as leaders, altruistic and selfless to an extreme, and rarely carrying the same regard to their own health and wellbeing. Ally - The Giant Rival - The Wopperklaw --- THE CROW | Vzmey and Hyff [First Seed] Gorm, the Three-Eyed Crow When the mighty glaciers melted at the Great Torrent, the Three-Eyed Crow guided the Highlanders into the newly-formed valley. Yet when they looked to the specifics where to settle for their tribes, Gorm could not answer, and the people divided and fought over the new land. Those born under his sign are known for their sageness, wisdom, and capability for abstract thinking, yet inaction, procrastination, and their own self-questioning rules their mind and heart. Ally - The Wopperklaw Rival - The Wyrm --- THE WYRM | Gronna and Droba [Grand Harvest] Garundonrech, the Worm Lord The great Worm Lord ruled the under-earth for centuries, his ambition knowing no bounds as he conquered relentlessly with his great armies of mice-men. However, in his madness, he aimed to rule the volcanoes, and died when trying to enter its magma core. Those born under his sign are known for their ambition and spontatunity, bold in their beliefs, yet their stubbornness and lack of forethought to many make them dangerous and unpredictable. Ally - The Drake Rival - The Crow --- THE GIANT | Tov and Yermey [Sun’s Smile] Osbjor, Champion of the Giants The chief of the legendary Gauntr, who taught the Highlanders the way of honored battle, considered the patron of Highlander ‘chivalry’. His great rivalry with Frysklund is recited in countless ballads, ending in the fantastical Dual of the Delung which culminated in both their deaths. Those born under his sign are traditionally known for their honor and loyalty, though are unable to look past their idealistic and cherried views of the world. Ally - The Queen Rival - The Drake --- THE WOPPERKLAW | Msitza and Dargund [Amber Cold] Koltin, the Cursed Magus The court-magus of the legendary king Joren, whose knowledge helped construct the first great Highlander cities. Yet when he saw to learn beyond the mortal world, he was tricked by the demons of the Void and turned in the twisted wopperklaw. Those born under his sign are known for their curiosity and tolerance in the unknown around them, though lacking in loyalty and deviant in social norms. Ally - The Crow Rival - The Queen --- THE DRAKE | Joma and Umund [Deep Cold] Frysklund, the Northern Drake While it was the giants who taught the Highlanders the ways of combat, it was the fierce and cunning Northern Drake who bestowed them the knowledge of strategy. For centuries he ruled the land from the mountains, but fell in the Dual of the Delung when betrayed by his son for five golden thistles. Those born under his sign are known for their cunning and wise-planning, though are mostly feared and disliked for their perceived cutthroat and treacherous nature. Ally - The Wyrm Rival - The Giant
  20. Alister Wailer (Naumarian: Alistar Vailer) was a Haeseni courtier, poet, and knight in the service of Kings Petyr I, Andrik II, and Marus I, and one of the most famous of the Haeseni Stranniks (poet-knights) of the Johannian Era. Much of his works, many unpublished in his notes, were lost following the Fall of Karlsburg in the First Northern War (including his lost epic poem, the Mariad), though the collection that survive have remained a cornerstone of Haeseni literary and poetic tradition. Alister died following the Battle of Elba due to an infected arrow-wound, and was one of the few ignoble individuals of the age given a royal funeral by the state. (Ooc: Full credit to @floop who wrote all these, posting so they aren’t lost in the jungle of google docs) --- THE SELECTED WORKS OF ALISTER WAILER WRITTEN BY THE HAND OF ALISTER WAILDER PUBLISHED BY HIEROMAR LUDOVAR THE ELDER, SSE --- SOLDIER’S SONNET When I look out to the North what I see It brings joyous tears to mine wide eyes I will pray the creator hears my plea I will fight and shout to the very skies Creator protect this beautiful land With its Illustrious pines, and frosty air Wise one I beg thee please guide my hand So that I may truly protect its heir From Karlsburg’s stone walls high they stand with might To the wild unkempt untamed Northmarch of freedom The great white expanse will shine gloriously bright Each man with the liberty GOD guaranteed him Loyal golden crows of the north heed my word Loyal golden crows of the north march for’rd --- LIMERICK NO. 1 There was a man from Haense In his **** he did feel pains So he cut it off And now all the ladies scoff It seems they don't want his brains --- A VILLANELLE ON SACRIFICE What truly is Sacrifice? Is it a personal burden each man must carry? Perhaps tis’ permanent or a moment in life that must be given once, or twice, or thrice? A punishment for our greed, and avarice? Is it with the grain or contrary? What truly is Sacrifice? A response to every human vice? Is there only one thing to give or does it vary? Perhaps tis’ permanent or a moment in life that must be given once, or twice, or thrice? Is it esoteric or precise? The focus of life or ancillary? What truly is Sacrifice? Oh creator what is the price? Simply a way to keep us wary? Perhaps tis’ permanent or a moment in life that must be given once, or twice, or thrice? How does one open the doors to paradise? On this I shall wonder till my body they bury. What truly is Sacrifice? Perhaps tis’ permanent or a moment in life that must be given once, or twice, or thrice? --- THE STORY OF WILLIAM BRANDYNUCK I once knew a gambler named William Brandybuck Now Billy Brandynuck had a lot of luck Until one day in the stables a mare did buck I yelled “duck” He yelled “****” And that was the end of Billy Brandybuck --- A POEM FOR THE HIGHLANDS When the sun sets in the west it can warm the coldest heart you see And The heartlanders have their fields and flowers so beautiful, and gay But when I look out at those misty pines I know there is nowhere I’d rather be For the North is my land, and it is so much more than clay The beauty of other regions is ephemeral, oh sadly so But not the glory of Haense, oh no I have felt the North’s pure snow on my shoulder I have been in Haense and felt the frost nip the air With its unparalleled beauty there is nowhere I’d rather grow older Oh yes I have seen Haense and I know I must be there From its misty mountains strong and high To the clear blue northern sky Let the bells of Haense’s freedom ring --- HAIKUS FOR A LOST FRIEND Fur as white as snow A Smile as bright as the sun Gone too soon my friend When my Kingdom comes I will see you there for me On the other side friend The clock of time ticks Oh Until we meet again Reunited my friend --- KING PETYR’S POEM What is the meaning of this loss? Is it a source of sorrow, of inspiration? A bridge together we must cross? A silent shout that echos through our nation? ‘Tis the loss of a father ‘Tis the pain of a daughter ‘Twill bring us farther ‘Twill make us stronger Perhaps it just is That everybody dies But we shall carry the legacy of his Legends live in highlander, hearts, minds, and eyes. --- SONETTA NO. 5 [SONETTA FOR THE SEASONS] Were I to Compare thine beauty to that of a new Spring It would simply be unkind to do the season such a disservice For I have seen you when the flowers bloom, I have seen the luster you bring Oh yes I have seen your stride in the springtime and how you leave the men nervous Shall I compare thine eloquence to the winds of winter? Of course not, for your charisma can not be questioned Oh, your words, the coldest hearts they splinter Clear as ice, pure as snow, for legend they are destined If I were to compare thine wit to the nip of fall It would not be fair, for your mind is sharper than the storms of autumn Tis’ now that I see why you leave them befuddled at every ball Oh When they hear you speak, no man will be able to forget what you taught ‘em Shall I compare thine voice to the tender sunshine of summer? It would not be fair to the season, for in your heart you have the song of the birds My lady I have heard thee sing, and they melody can be matched by no bard, or drummer You have left me awestruck, for in your voice is all is beautiful from poems, to idle words Nay My lady I Shan’t Compare thee to a season, for ephemeral their beauties are Oh yes thine qualities are not so fleeting, truly you are a shining star
  21. THIS POST IS CANCELED The Jade Riders The Jade Riders are a broad group of rangers and adventurers alike who oppose threats to the natural world and help others survive in dangerous environments. A Rider might help a small village prepare for a brutal winter, or aid a Kingdom in a deadly war. Riders may protect a town from an onslaught of malicious foes or simply aid in the construction of a new settlement. Members of the Jade Riders know how to survive, and more importantly, they want to help others do the same. They are not opposed to civilization or progress, but they strive to prevent civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another. Members of the Riders are spread far and wide, generally in isolation or small cadres. Survival in a harsh world also demands great fortitude and mastery of certain fighting and survival skills. Beliefs: The natural order must be respected and preserved. Forces that seek to upset the natural balance must be destroyed. The wilderness can be harsh. Not everyone can survive in it without assistance. Goals: The Jade Riders goals are to restore and preserve the natural order, keep the elemental forces of the world in check, keep civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another, and help others survive the perils of the wilderness. Creed: Allies: Aragrad (Yves Aragon) Ranks: Ranger Division General Rider: Myriil Thuridan Rider Captain: (N/A) Rider Of The Mark: (N/A) Senior Rider: (N/A) Rider Of The Wild: (N/A) Junior Rider: (N/A) Scout: (N/A) --------- Every Rank From Here Up Is A Rider --------- Trainee: (N/A) Diplomatic Division Party President: (N/A) Elder: (N/A) Scholar: (N/A) Diplomat: (N/A) Envoy: (N/A) Emmisary: (N/A) ----- All Ranks From Here Up Are Diplomats ---- Junior Trainee: (N/A) Dress Code: Ranger Division The Jade Riders - Ranger Uniform Each colored cloak varies depending on the rangers environment (White for snow, Green for forest or plains, Yellow/Beige for desert, Orange for red desert or mesa, Blue for water etc.) The color of your belt/undershirt varies depending on rank (The solid white spaces on the skin are for your skin [skin, eyes, hair etc.]) Belt Ranks: General Rider: Green Rider Captain: Black Rider Of The Mark: Gold Senior Rider: Purple Rider Of The Wild: Red Junior Rider: Blue Scout: Brown Initiate : White Diplomat Division: Diplomat’s have no set dress code at this time Out Of Character Rules Don’t be a jerk to ANYONE, be they a Rider or not. Don’t purposely or through inactivity provoke someone. Being active is not mandatory but it would be appreciated. Dress code in not mandatory but appreciated These rules are subject to change in the future Rider Code Of Conduct All people of any race, gender or sexuality are welcome in the Jade Riders. Discrimination will not be tolerated. You must renounce fealty to any organization or national order if the laws of said order conflict with those of the Riders Comitting acts of violence against nations to aid another nation is strictly prohibtied unless the Riders have voted to help Riders who reveal sensitive information or align themselves with a specific nation against another nation will be banished from the ranks without prior warning All Riders must train in the basic skills of a Ranger: bowmanship, swordplay, animal behavior studies, flora and fauna studies, and basic diplomacy. Illiterate recruits will be taught to read and write before they are inducted. One must not intentionally harm any animal, plant, or person not actively threatening one’s self, the Riders, or the balance of nature. Rangers seen breaking this rule are subject to verbal warnings, imprisonment, and banishment, in order of number of offenses. These rules are not to be bent in any way shape or form These rules are subject to change in the future **(To apply, copy and paste this form into a reply below. Being accepted on this forum DOES NOT mean you are a Rider, you must first pass the Initiate Training Process)** Application For The Jade Riders Ooc Information Minecraft Gamertag (Required*): Real-Life Age (Required*): Nickname (Optional*): Prefered Pronoun(s) (Required*): (He/Him, She/Her, They/Them etc.) Roleplay Sample (Required*): Ic Information Characters Full Name (Required*): Current And/Or Former Titles Held (Required*): Race (Required*): Sub-Race (Optional*): Sex And Gender (Required*): Training Known (Optional*): Training Wanted/Needed (Required*): *“By signing this document, you agree to the above laws and any the General, Captain and Senior Rider see fit of adding. You agree to renounce any title that conflicts with the goals/code and will uphold peace and balance between the natural world and society”*
  22. I need a skin for my character Rogg heres the skin im using for him rn: https://imgur.com/a/H3BMRKz im looking for a more “realistic” look to his face with the same messed up eyes and mouth here are some references to use: https://imgur.com/a/K2VxFjJ https://imgur.com/a/JjYhCMa https://imgur.com/a/EGWTgOJ he’s basically sloth from the goonies but with hair and a beard i dont have any mina but i got $5 [paypal]
  23. Pact of Man and Mali’ker, 1703 Preface: The Sable Principality of Vira’ker has seen fit to establish contact with His Imperial Majesty and the Empire of Man. As such it is by His Imperial Majesty’s will that the Empire of Man and the Sable Principality of Vira’ker enter into a defensive pact to ensure the mutual success of both nations. Terms, agreed upon by both nations: Both nations agree to entering in a defensive pact, as such both nations agree to provide military support it the other nation is threatened. Both nations agree to permit free and safe passage of the other faction’s citizens within their lands IN NOMINE DEI HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Augustus I of the House of Horen, Emperor of Man, King of Renatus, Marna, Mardon, Salvus, Seventis, Savoy, Courland, Santegia, and Norland, Duke of the Crownlands, Cascadia, Avar, and Frederica, Count of Carolustadt, Alamar, Frederica, Thesmer, Thelen, Lorath, and Cantal, Baron of Darkwood, Gravelhold, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, Farfolk, etcetera. His Highness, John d’Anpalais, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prince of Beaufort His Highness, Vulnir Syllar of Clan Syllar, Prince of the Sable Principality of Vira’ker, Protector of Mali’ker and the Onyx
  24. Previous Stories: Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: We have reached Part 4 in this series, ending the first arc in the “Key to Oblivion” stories. Thank you for reading the storyline so far and I hope you enjoy “The Darkness Within,” the final story of the first arc. ~(+)=~=(+)~ Some stories don’t get to end with a joyous note. Others have far more twisted ends to them while the people are left with a sobering fact of life. We all can die and never come back. This was especially true to Karren Myrsta when his throat was slit back in the Druid Grove by Nivndil some years ago. He had left the world while the September Prince still roamed the land, terrorizing the population and leaving him with the sense of powerlessness that drove him to begging for death. Now, he resided in a world that offered no quarter with demons wishing to end his pathetic life so that he may never exist again. When his grandfather “dreamed” of seeing him as he was now, in the middle of transitioning into a beast of corruption and wielding dangerous magical power, he did not wish for him to see how far he had fallen and how close he was to turning into a being of pure hatred-tortured relentlessly by those that resided within the hellworld of The Pit. It was the one thing that he had wished to never lose-the good memories of him, tainted forever by how far that he had become-and the one thing that forced him to cling to dear life within this hellscape. To Jarsek, however, the sight of his grandson being a figure of pure heart and how he became something frightening was enough to break his very heart-shatter his core into millions of pieces. Ascended could not help him with this kind of problem as it affected him deeply to the point of wanting to die, but there was another force deeper within that fought to keep him alive. There was no other way for him to stay alive, broken as he was, besides taking up the darkness within his very being and letting it run free within him. Surging like wildfire and feeling cold to the touch, Jarsek would begin to learn about this driving force of Creation and even attempt to understand it through how it would react to certain situations, but however, something felt like it was being prevented from unleashing itself fully into his body, acting like a powerful restraint that would appear to be indestructible. Not a single clue on how to release that preventive restraint, Jarsek had only one option left to him at the time: begin to learn about the darkness within. This would motivate him into something that would either drive him into insanity or elevate him into power, depending on how fate had willed it. He wanted to know what this darkness was inside of him to the point of asking critical questions that would prove to be even more complex to answer as they simple to ask. “What is this feeling? Where did it come from? Is this part of our curse?” would three of the many questions that would plague his mind for years to come until he either gained a satisfactory answer or not. Critical questions that would endlessly plague him to the point that they would be burned forever to his core, questioning everything. Unbeknownst to even most High Elves, curiosity can be a powerful motivator for either the good or the bad choices made every second of every day, but Jarsek was the most afflicted in this case. Intelligent and witty, he would try his best to understand how this feeling within him worked and what it was truly... ~(+)=~=(+)~ While Jarsek had this feeling within him, something else was brewing in a currently unknown continent known as Arcas. Something that was not always so simple as the lands were brimming with life and suppressing that which was attuned to the darkness, keeping it in perpetual slumber. At least, for now...
  25. Perthus Alabaster Human – Heartlander Height: 6’2’’ Weight: 120 lbs General Attributes: Caucasian, gray eyes, white hair Age: 23 Left Arm is covered in a burn scar and the grip in his left hand is weak Chaotic Neutral Perthus is a very quiet man. When he does talk, his voice isn’t remarkable but still manages to attain a certain tone of authority. He friendly and conversable at most times, but few have the fortune of finding anything regarding his personal life. His father killed and his mother turned a drunk while he was very young, Perthus has never known the pleasure of good parenting. He was taught what he knows of courtesy and chivalry by an uncle who was killed by a band of thieves while on a trade run. He seeks no vengeance, but to help the weak and defenseless at any cost necessary. When protecting his charge, whomever it may be, the law is of no consequence. Only the greater good.
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