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  1. Past hour
  2. "Pagans pretending to be canonists for our swords and our sympathy" Godefroy would remark drunkenly to a cadre of soldiers in the far north. "...name a more pitiful combination. Our holy God favors this war for pagans will slaughter pagans without a drop of blood from Sacred Canondom. Truly, nothing is more blessed."
  3. The watcher's blue star drowned eyes scanned the pamphlet with little interest. "Another war is coming..." With a burgundy glow gleaming in her golden tattoo and her gaze fixed on the sheet Elerína set the parchment alight letting it get consumed by flame and fall to the jungles forest foliage caring little if it would also start to burn. Aher'khel sat on the stairs in front of her Clans home, the missive in her hands. "I better hurry on getting a new eye...and back into the forge." She muttered, as if she hadn't have enough problems. They wouldn't keep her from fighting for her family's home. In the meantime in Vortice a young man's amber colored eyes skimmed across the paper. An anxious feeling starting to build up in Paelen Jusmias gutt. "We will go to war?...But isn't it wrong to fight other descendants." Another pair of eyes, one of unmatched colors, settled on the sheet as Raelle read with a frown the missive on her way out to visit Nevaehlen. "Another war...I hope auntie Len and Uncle Gus stay safe...I pray that not another family member gets consumed by the cruelties of war."
  4. would you prefer subway surfers or minecraft parkour with AI read reddit posts for retainment tools

  5. [generic AMA question]
  6. Today
  7. Skin: 5 Bid: 18 Discord: Always Foolish IGN: Imagedragons (I'm sorry this is bid is so late. I never heard about this till now)
  8. "Stars guide? You're no Starlander. Shut up," Remarked an angry Celian by the name of Iheiuh.
  10. Tied down in his campaign against a demon lich daimyo squatting on his unincorporated border, a military governor sends masked hand sign making agents to gather intelligence and survey the scope of the war. ”Arms sales opportunity at last!”
  11. "But how has BLOOD MAGIC and the war on daemon-worshipping elves affect you PERSONALLY??" Ahnakriel, centuries-old dragon lizard, shouted at the piece of paper sitting in his evil lair of doom, inching off his reading glasses with a smug smile before moving a piece on a burning chessboard next to him. "Check mate, Canonist. Heh."
  12. battle of LTS 22.04

    1. TeawithFrisket


      what is LTS...?

  13. Why don’t you play your imp more?
  14. ". . . They are goblins." Volk's brows furrow as he reads the missive.
  15. what has been your favorite rp experience
  16. Artel lingers on the edge of the jungle, the old man watching the people of the city hurry into the walls to hide, a smile creeps across the old mans face "After how they treated Cat, ich wonder if der Orc's need those plans ich drew up all those years ago" he asks as he turns his eyes to the red moon in the sky, thinking. Elsewhere... The young Artair watches the red 'sun' in the sky, looking at the words of war upon the page he found, the ever silent gaze studying the page as he does everything. Perhaps, he thinks, this is what it is to mean for Icathia to return.
  17. i made my first silly haha forum post is this nervousness normal im so very nervous

    1. DrunkPapaBear


      Good post 🫡

  18. [!] A paper, pinned to a post, or maybe a notice board. Perhaps even littered on the ground. It has recently come to my attention that the Uruk’s plan to destroy Vikela. From this, I question, why would they wish to do such a thing? What purpose? Then it hit me. The purpose is obvious. They simply wish to show their might. There is no just cause for this bloodshed other than to prove that their new system can stand strong. This is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to invoke fear into the hearts of Southerners. Their goals are nothing but destruction, and to gain land for themselves. Immediately after they had to make due to the Cannonist nations. And yet, they practice something that is an affront to Canonism itself. I do not mean Shamanism. I mean Blood Magic. I have it on good authority from an anonymous Orc that there are numerous blood mages within the New Horde. And there were multiple in the time of the Old Horde. Perhaps the new Rex is unaware. Maybe we shall give benefite of the doubt. But is that a risk we can take? Suddenly, there is war in the South, perpetuated by destructive, power hungry individuals, who allow blood mages to walk among their illk. Who allow rituals to occur, and do nothing about it. If they are able to claim Vikela, what is next? Might they turn their eye to the good Canonist nations? Might they wish for revenge? For what was rightfully seized... back? Do they deserve to take new lands and make new demands on a whim? Their previous leader may not have been the only one invested in the darker arts. Is it not possible that they knew all along, until they couldn’t cover it up anymore? And, sure, some were disgusted and revolted, but their transition to a new Rex was almost too smooth. The reforms almost too appealing to the outsider- I ask you to consider the potential implications there. Are the Uruk- the New Horde- simply trying to lure us into a false sense of security? Are we so willing to forget their part in the Coalition war? While leadership has changed, it appears their bloodthirsty nature has not. Their need for death, blood, and destruction remains the same. The Southern alliance is in peices now, torn to shreds, and is it not funny how the second that happened, this war was declared? Is it not funny how they can sit and demand destruction on another group, while harbouring those who practice dark magics? So, Canonists and others alike, I implore you to consider: Just what is the risk if the New Horde wins? What will satiate their appetite for blood? - Jonathan V’llaire
  19. "A good day - good day indeed. First that dreadful Sun Elf place, then Kaethul, and now Vikela; nature is healing, literally." spoke The Bog Druid, wondering how he can sign up for this war effort.
  20. Do you have a song that brings you back to the start of your LoTC journey? Share one of your favorite rp moments with us? I love hearing other people's stories Out of the characters you have had. What are their favorite colors? Who is your favorite Staff member?
  21. The lone elf would sigh reading over the notice “Perhaps a state that knows nothing but living in fear, yearns to return to it.” He’d pick up his sword, marching off to new lands
  22. "Oh mon dieu, they seriously kicked out all their vassals?" Cresence stares at the paper in disbelief. "I'm glad I quit."
  23. The one that darkspawn and bandits fear is directed by Aerrund to the stack of missives and letters and books they don't read to a letter they should read, an invitation, this invitation! After looking it over and seeing themself listed as family they travel with Aerrund to ask about the wedding which will surely not cause any issues! (As it didn't the last time Io and Aerrund went to visit...)
  24. If you had to pick a character to re-do the story of, who would it be and why
  25. as of today, it's been three full years since I joined Lotc! with that im popping out an AMA cause ive never done one and it feels like a valid time
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