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  1. Past hour
  2. Villorik of the White Comet had done many inquisitions into those who served the Shadow. As soon as he read the source was an 'anonymous Orc', he read no more.
  3. The halfling nodded to his mother before heading to the door of his house "let us go, I have some extra resources that our friends at vilkela might enjoy" Slinging the shovel over his shoulder readying his horse
  4. The blue haired elfesse’s green slit eyes peered curiously over at her son from the comfort of the tiny chair she had managed to get herself down onto. “Wha’? Gon’ show me wha’ yer readin’?” She questioned before being handed the paper, immediately scanning it’s contents, gradually making her expression grow more serious the further it went on. ”Ah see.. so ‘et is tiem fer war once mor’..” The elfesse let a deep dark purple flame wash over the paper as it ceased existing in this mortal plane and she got up from the place in which she was seated, nodding at her halfling son with his Shovel. “We ‘ave sum’ neighbors t’ defen’.” -=+=- Meanwhile within the Uialben Keep of Lurin, a short ker in old and worn leather armor let her pearly white pupils read over the paper with a grin reaching from cheeck to cheeck, letting her jaggered sharpened teeth show. “So it is true!!” She jumped a bit with excitement on the ledge of her bed while she read. ”It’s time ea prepare for War! Orcs! Vy better be ready! Da, vyr ne going to see us comming!!” The ker cheered with determination, rushing over to grab her Billhook. ”Mika, where are vy!? Ea need vyr help-“
  5. Skin: - Armor Skin [6] Bid: - $32 Discord: - boughtabride IGN: - glassyskies
  6. Lothair peeked over the shoulders of his various deputies @Bloody_Russian@ImpracticalMagic@Jonass"Study these carefully. This is history in the making..." Some significant time later, lantern-light lit up his inn-room as scraps and cuttings of paper flew this way and that, not a scrap of it free of ink.
  7. Today
  8. Rap'Lur, stuck in a cove with his small fishing boat, contemplates the prospect of violence as a leaflet describing the conflict improbably blows his way. Nonetheless, he is, at the moment, incapable of coming back...
  9. King Patches of Babblebrook looked at the missive and rubbed his fuzzy chin, a frown forming on his face. ”I recall one of the orcs coming to the shire on a crab shaped smogger and destroyed a giant bee hive with toxic smog. Now we can’t get honey there anymore… and suddenly they’re worried about nature? why don’t they just… live in a jungle or something and not the deserts or stop using smoggers?” The king of the Musin gave a sigh and rubbed his eyes. ”Och no matter. I hope this gets resolved soon, I’m bloody sick of all the wars going on.”
  10. The Devil-Knight of Dunkeld would read this flurry of missives and postings with a solemn look. “It’s as he predicted.” She remarked. “I stand for Queen Medea.” The Deviless would then head to her forge. The sounds of clashing metal would be heard throughout the night.
  11. A halfling stud in his kitchen, tapping a metallic finger against the counter as he staired at the paper through his reading glasses "I haven' a clue how I'd of service but-" he'd place the paper down, turning to grab a freshly sharpened shovel off the rack "war is war I suppose"
  12. sean vevo strikes again

  13. "Pagans pretending to be canonists for our swords and our sympathy" Godefroy would remark drunkenly to a cadre of soldiers in the far north. "...name a more pitiful combination. Our holy God favors this war for pagans will slaughter pagans without a drop of blood from Sacred Canondom. Truly, nothing is more blessed."
  14. The watcher's blue star drowned eyes scanned the pamphlet with little interest. "Another war is coming..." With a burgundy glow gleaming in her golden tattoo and her gaze fixed on the sheet Elerína set the parchment alight letting it get consumed by flame and fall to the jungles forest foliage caring little if it would also start to burn. Aher'khel sat on the stairs in front of her Clans home, the missive in her hands. "I better hurry on getting a new eye...and back into the forge." She muttered, as if she hadn't have enough problems. They wouldn't keep her from fighting for her family's home. In the meantime in Vortice a young man's amber colored eyes skimmed across the paper. An anxious feeling starting to build up in Paelen Jusmias gutt. "We will go to war?...But isn't it wrong to fight other descendants." Another pair of eyes, one of unmatched colors, settled on the sheet as Raelle read with a frown the missive on her way out to visit Nevaehlen. "Another war...I hope auntie Len and Uncle Gus stay safe...I pray that not another family member gets consumed by the cruelties of war."
  15. would you prefer subway surfers or minecraft parkour with AI read reddit posts for retainment tools

  16. [generic AMA question]
  17. Skin: 5 Bid: 18 Discord: Always Foolish IGN: Imagedragons (I'm sorry this is bid is so late. I never heard about this till now)
  18. "Stars guide? You're no Starlander. Shut up," Remarked an angry Celian by the name of Iheiuh.
  20. Tied down in his campaign against a demon lich daimyo squatting on his unincorporated border, a military governor sends masked hand sign making agents to gather intelligence and survey the scope of the war. ”Arms sales opportunity at last!”
  21. "But how has BLOOD MAGIC and the war on daemon-worshipping elves affect you PERSONALLY??" Ahnakriel, centuries-old dragon lizard, shouted at the piece of paper sitting in his evil lair of doom, inching off his reading glasses with a smug smile before moving a piece on a burning chessboard next to him. "Check mate, Canonist. Heh."
  22. battle of LTS 22.04

    1. TeawithFrisket


      what is LTS...?

  23. Why don’t you play your imp more?
  24. ". . . They are goblins." Volk's brows furrow as he reads the missive.
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