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Strigae - Children of the Unseen


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I'd consider it a little hypocritical for the LT to not accept this lore on account of it being heavily based on something from the witcher, because they themselves are known to do something similar with something that rhymes with Bark Shoals. In any case, I think this lore has the concept to be interesting, provided these super powerful creatures don't rambo into major city centres with the intent of causing as much mayhem as possible, hate it when special snowflake creature RP amounts to nothing but a glorified boss fight without any lead up.


Put into the hands of the right RPers I'll give this one my support.

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Ey overall it seems to be a very well written piece of lore. If I didn't love Dettlaff and Regis so much I might have objected to the heavy Witcher influence, but that is fine.


I don't particularly see why the Unseen have to be bluntly named for the Unseen Elders, but other than that easily minor issue it seems to be fine. I did have a problem with the other names as well, but immediately remembered that the names of most creatures in the Witcher come from various myths, which puts them in the public domain, so its fine to use them in my opinion.


On another note, little confirmation, do they come from Aeldin? I had seen it mentioned but I believe the lore focus' much more on a narrative that it seems overshadow their geographical origins and which makes it a little vague.


I was also curious as to why Vampires cannot use something like Necromancy or other dark arts? Was that because of the limited source material? Or because of the need for restrictions to appease the staff? I would also like to know a bit more about why they cannot use the dark arts from an RP sense. If I've in fact simply missed the explanation could you point it out to me?


Thirdly I was curious on whether you plan to add anything further to the lore once the lore is inevitably accepted? Maybe from other sources perhaps? Minor touches spanning a few different attachments to further flesh out the more cultural side of the Vampires, rather than an explanation and establishment, which is what this seemingly is?

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The thirst... the thirst always wins.


+1 for not being disco balls. Although much like Evark, I would like some clarifications on whether or not certain magics will affect them. Also, what happens if they opt to pursue animal blood as a substitute for the blood of the descendants? Does it work like certain vampiric lore where it sates them for a time? Does it work the exact same as descendant blood?

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1 hour ago, Imi said:

Nice writing but... Male frost witches...

 They are in no way male frost witches. Please elaborate as to how you believe they are remotely the same.


Frost Witches:

-Sick and die if in heat

-Frost magic

-Cannibal women

-Can shapeshift into any humanoid disguise



-No magic

-Compelled to drink blood for sustenance

-Can shapeshift only so far as to hide their true looks, (which are beastly)


As for those claiming this lore is plagiarized, I implore you go read the lore for vampires on the Witcher wiki. You will find (supposing you actually read) that this is 100% original lore with 100% unique origin and stories behind it. The names, yes, are inspired by the Witcher universe, and other EARTHLY folklore. That's right, Striga aren't from the Witcher! In fact, they are human legends that resemble vampires and poltergeists. Who knew? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strigoi


We both appreciate the support, and constructive criticism. I look forward to more responses, but please, make them with base. Do not blindly declare our hard work plagiarism, and do not draw conclusions from weak similarities to other pieces of writing.

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2 hours ago, Jacko said:

Ey overall it seems to be a very well written piece of lore. If I didn't love Dettlaff and Regis so much I might have objected to the heavy Witcher influence, but that is fine.


I don't particularly see why the Unseen have to be bluntly named for the Unseen Elders, but other than that easily minor issue it seems to be fine. I did have a problem with the other names as well, but immediately remembered that the names of most creatures in the Witcher come from various myths, which puts them in the public domain, so its fine to use them in my opinion.


On another note, little confirmation, do they come from Aeldin? I had seen it mentioned but I believe the lore focus' much more on a narrative that it seems overshadow their geographical origins and which makes it a little vague.


I was also curious as to why Vampires cannot use something like Necromancy or other dark arts? Was that because of the limited source material? Or because of the need for restrictions to appease the staff? I would also like to know a bit more about why they cannot use the dark arts from an RP sense. If I've in fact simply missed the explanation could you point it out to me?


Thirdly I was curious on whether you plan to add anything further to the lore once the lore is inevitably accepted? Maybe from other sources perhaps? Minor touches spanning a few different attachments to further flesh out the more cultural side of the Vampires, rather than an explanation and establishment, which is what this seemingly is?

The Unseen usage was for lack of better name. I hope you'd have found our Unseen and the Witcher's Unseen are quite different beings. In fact, they are much closer to the Underworld movies, in which the "Unseen Elders" take turns, while the others are in hibernation.


As for Dark Arts, we found it to be too much to allow Striga to wield them. Some people cannot see past their strengths already, and we believe necromancy and or shade magic may just be too much. Perhaps some time in the future it may happen!


And, should this be accepted, a culture could obviously be fleshed out by players. The lesser striga are utter beasts, and without any real cultural capabilities, but players playing the Higher Striga are fully able to construct a way of life, a code, or even a niche.

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man the comments are literally becoming a race to who can become the most petty, there's not even any banter to help give some relief


I like it personally, again with the weakness thing it's easy to argue they're pretty powerful, but compared to some RP creatures getting played atm I don't think it's super exceptional

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Question, can they shift their appearance to be any that they desire, or do they simply have on appearance apart from their beastial that cannot change?

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I figured since both are at the top of their hierarchy, both have grey Vampiric features, and that both are bastions of vitality, that they would be essentially the same. Though I will admit that they both have specifically singular, stark differences, since Vampires in the Witcher aren't Demonically aligned per-say. I suppose it would just be two similar concepts. I'm picking at straws however,  minuscule really.  I've wanted some proper Vampiric RP on lotc for awhile, so it's nice to see you guys hitting the nail on the head.


23 minutes ago, Matt_dew said:

in fact, they are much closer to the Underworld movies


I thought a bit about Underworld when I was reading through it now that you mention it, the creation ritual reminded me of Victor's revival. Fancy that.

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Hey, back from a night's sleep. I see people have flooded the lore post. Well, guess I'll add some extra thought now that some time has passed. The strengths of the higher strigae don't seem like super ones. From what I could tell they were meant to be that of a physically fit mortal. Never exceeding the speed or strength that a peak mortal could attain. The talons are even shown to be comparable with a sword, being 'parried' and the like. A decent mortal warrior could definitely match one of these things in single combat. And those mortals don't have certain weaknesses like gold or holy magic against them, which a majority of citizens seem to have already.


As for the healing factor, I didn't get the vibe that it was something that happened during the course of a single combat. Getting their arm chopped off or having their gut stabbed wouldn't immediately knit together, but would eventually fix itself over a course of time relative to the wound. Like a few days, months, or years. Ya know, just something to replace requiring the Cloud Temple monks but not actually effecting immediate combat. So saying it's 'super' regeneration isn't as accurate as one might initially think.


There might be a few similarities to Frost Witches in a /general/ sense. I've seen a number of vampire lores denied because of all the resistance given by the frost witch group. Honestly though, I don't like how the frost witches vehemently hold claim on this entire subject of RP. Mostly because this is the type of niche I would love to have a part in or interact with, but cannot because I'd prefer not to gender bend. As was already stated before by someone else, if this lore couldn't coexist with frost witches, I'd prefer the frost witches replaced.

And about the strigae having no PK clause, what about being devolved into lesser strigae? They overindulge, become beasts, are killed, and then their brethren are unwilling to bring them back. That is one way I've seen they can be effectively PKed. This could be made into greater prominence if my following suggestion is considered.

Finally I have a few suggestions to improve the lore further. It's said they only devolve over time by overindulging in blood, but I believe it'd be better for it to be the other way around. By devolving from not drinking enough in a certain amount of time. Giving incentive for players to NOT do this type of RP in a certain amount of time is incentive for inactivity. As such, I believe it'd be better if it were similar to how undead creatures require a supply of life force to sustain their sanity. Having it so they must drink or they'll devolve into a ravenous bloodthirsty lesser strigae actually puts them at risk of PKing. Similar to how darkstalkers/liches might eventually go insane from not having enough life force and thus puts them at risk of PK. On top of that, I think at least giving an irritation to sunlight or bright lights would be beneficial. Requiring to be indoors, holding umbrellas, wearing hoods, and such could also be tell-tale signs of greater strigae. Only suggestions though.


After that, I just want to say I still enjoy this lore and would love to see it accepted. Perhaps change a couple of the names to satiate all the folk crying 'plagiarism' though. Hopefully some things can be made abundantly clear for us all and a reasonable compromise is made. Good luck and cheers.

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50 minutes ago, zaezae said:

Question, can they shift their appearance to be any that they desire, or do they simply have on appearance apart from their beastial that cannot change?

Striga shapeshift to hide their beastial appearance, such as their facial distortions and monster-like features. A human male cannot become a dwarfen female. An easterner cannot become a southeron. Whatever the race of the striga, they look like themselves via shapeshifting.

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7 hours ago, Evocress said:

I will first say that this is an interesting change to the typical "vampire" niche i've seen and read before with promising aspects towards it. Though i'll give a few points which I believe you need to address.


In the lore you state that the "Strigae" (Am I spelling it right?) is irriversable. Which is correct! If it wasn't for the monks. You have 1 week to decide to change back to mortal or not. Reguardless of any curse.


Second. How will other dark magics effect this? 

Such as necromancy, you say they're immune to diseases but what about ones magically created?

Also Soul Puppetry, are they non-effected by it? (SP works if they get any type of SUBSTITUTION of blood).

Also would blood magic have an effect on the Strigae?


Also Shamanism, elementalism/witch doctor. Will the curses they inflict hurt those cursed with Strigae?


I understand holy magic will have to have an effect as they're essentially cursed beings and golden weaponry but I wonder of what other dark magics.


If I can have a reply.

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Good lore, only problem is the fact that these seem too similar to vampires and not actual "spirits" of any sort.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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