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[Shelved]Mists of Xan; Hunters of Dragonkin


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-=-=- Sun's Spear; Feller of Dragonkin -=-=- 


In times untold Wyrmstalkers, ranged hunters of dragonkin produced arrows forged from light from bows warped by starlight; these Men and Women were unparalleled in their ability to hunt draconic beasts of all kinds-- having slaughtered greater and lesser dragonkin alike - the latter much more than the former - they used these arrows, which pertained different abilities, to effectively slaughter their foes. These refined arrows that derived from the Lord of Sunlight himself could either explode, pierce, or teleport; the arrows revolving around explosion and piercing were fashioned to split the wings of dragonkin and force these beasts upon the land, where their brethren would combat unforgiving beasts. Means of teleportation was made plausible by their third arrow, warping the Wyrmstalker from one location to the other.


However, when the Order of the Golden Lance landed in the Fringe-- escaping their previous land from the entourage of blemished dragonkin, a remnant of their past remained. The tribalesque folk of the Brotherhood, dubbed Tribe of Allayed Fear; a title used by the first wielders of light Zyanna and Hilan. Their home isle had mysteriously vanished as a fleet of beasts flew overhead, retreating from the origin of the explosion that shook the continent of Aegis. The returning band of no more than a dozen were forced into a pilgrimage, worshipping their Lord of Sunlight, and duly believing their ilk had been slaughtered by the blemished dragonkin that plagued this realm. They returned back to their tribal origin and returned to the mountains from whence they came. With the aid of a village, they fended off bandits, creatures, and malicious monsters alike.


Eventually, their numbers peaked at fifty and they departed from the lone village sat atop the peaks of the frozen mountains, forging on a stronghold at the base of the mountain to cement their Order and therefore their existence. This looming stronghold, built by skilled masonries they had hired on their travels, became the home of their enlightenment; from stronghold to a library. However, their history ends here for some unknown reasons-- within the innards of this library, however, a scroll was forged by self-proclaimed Prophet who had discovered a means of combatting draconic forces from the land and forcing them from the skies.


The scroll tells of Vindicators producing bolts of light able to rupture the scales of dragonkin and force them from the skies, providing viable opportunities for warriors to attack their newfound soft spots; volatile light produced with the intent of solely combatting dragonkin and was otherwise useless against the likes of Man and Woman albeit minorly damaged all forms of blight-- they concluded swords forged from light was a better means of combatting landed foes.


However, considering their Vindicators lacked a viable means of downing these rapacious beasts the self-proclaimed Prophet deemed it necessary to experiment with their art, using the knowledge from their brethren of yore they eventually managed to produce what would be duly dubbed Sun’s Spear, or Spear of Light.


By compacting the mists they produce it eventually becomes volatile and eventually shifts into an elongated bolt that thrums with ‘electricity’ albeit it isn’t, the volatile light which was actively seeking a means of dispersing is then thrown with considerable force-- backed by the power used to compact this bolt it is able to pierce through the dense scales of a dragon; be it lesser or greater neither could withstand this volatile power. Which, of course, worked especially well due to their affinity for combatting dragonkin-- their magic was effective against any creature deriving from this category. This bolt of light was able to pierce through the everlasting scales of draconic beasts, concluding with an explosion that affects a portion - varying on the size of the beast - and rupturing their scales, revealing the soft hide beneath; a second strike in the exact same area using the same bolt will result in a large portion of flesh being scathed away.


This newfound knowledge, however, was tried upon blemished foes ranging from the typically corrupted Man to a ghoul. They found that the volatilely compacted mist served as an inefficient means of combatting land-based foes.


-=-=- Notes, Redlines, and Clarification -=-=-


  • Ineffective against mortals.
  • Cannot be used as an effective means of combatting blemished foes; typically people affected by corruption.
  • Cannot be used as a means of healing, or healing corruption.
  • Cannot be used as a means of effectively defeating foes unless draconic or aerial-based.
  • Takes two-three emotes to conjure. Support-based spell.


This is essentially an attempt at reviving some of the old dragon-hunting culture the Paladins once were and I wanted to bring in a spell that derives from their time when they would primarily hunt draconic beasts; this spell isn’t a means of combatting Shades, Necromancers, etcetera, more so a means of combatting draconic and aerial-based foes. This spell would objectively disturb their concentration, hindering their ability to create magic temporarily; a spell they were conjuring, for example.

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I like it! Big +1 from me.

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Yes please. Much like. 

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A perfect little addition, now that we have more dragons roaming the skies (go team Wraith!). Let the battle of the magics begin!

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Can I like, have this now? +1

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Lord of the Dark Souls.


Really though, I think we may need some anti-dragon heavies right now what with wraiths being able to make new ones. +1

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