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Revival of the Global Assembly


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Revival of the Global Assembly

Penned by Caius Roswell-Rubens, Chairman of the Global Assembly

14th of Snow’s Maiden, 1697

14th of Horen’s Calling, 1697


       The Global Assembly, originally founded in 1651 by the late Lotte Baptiste, served as a neutral diplomatic institution for nations of all political and ideological orientations to interact with one another in a meaningful manner. Nearly fifty years later, after its original inception, political leaders from all corners of Atlas have agreed to reintroduce the organization for the well-being of the denizens of their nations, and for the convenience of world leaders. Heads of both state and government have the right to assemble with both their allies and adversaries on neutral grounds.



       The Global Assembly has held a number of bi-annual conventions in the past, where delegates from each and every member nation are in attendance to discuss international affairs and policies, with attendance ranging from 40 - 70 participants. These conventions are free from political turmoil, ensuring that all ambassadors can assemble in an environment without fearing for their own diplomatic safety. At these conferences, delegates may raise political issues they wish to discuss with other nations, make an announcement to the international community, or submit a legal motion to either implement or repeal a segment of international law. These conventions are often considered the Global Assembly’s “biggest function.” Six have been hosted in the past.



An artist’s rendition of the Second Convention, hosted in Cyrilsburg, Curon; 1653


       In addition to our regular conventions, the Global Assembly is also tasked with hosting meetings for other sub-organizations within the Global Assembly. The most prevalent of these committees is the Human Summit. The Human Summit was arguably the most successful committee, dealing with all affairs pertaining to human politics. Their most notable action includes the signing of The Adylith Solution in 1654, where the disputed sovereignty of the Adylith region was debated. At the time, proponents of Adylithian independence declared themselves an autonomous Kingdom, whilst international observers dubbed them a faux-Kingdom. The debate revolved around the legitimacy of a non-noble house to declare regal titles, in which the former Kingdom was demoted to a Barony. After numerous hours of debate and negotiations, Adylith was incorporated into Curonic territory as said Barony, but granted large amounts of independent rule as an acceptable compromise. In this, the Global Assembly proved that our function as a diplomatic organization was not only effective in accomplishing our international goals, but also necessary. Other instances of sub-organizations assembling include the International Thanhium Committee and the Otto-Borner Conferences.



A depiction of the Human Summit’s conference to discuss the titles of Adylith; 1654


       The resources provided by the Global Assembly are also of utmost importance. World governments are too busy to fumble around with maps and providing information about other states to their constituents, which is why the Global Assembly offers to act as a reliable database for such information. The Secretary of Public Relations’ office is tasked with publishing up-to-date maps, global announcements, and information relating to the governments of each and every member state.



The map of the Global Assembly at it’s peak; 1660


       The legal aspect of the Global Assembly cannot be undervalued, either. The GA has been responsible for codifying and enforcing international law, drafted and approved by the General Chamber, which includes delegates from every member state. Whenever two or more governments present conflict not worthy of war, but must be resolved regardless, the Global Assembly offers to act as an impartial judicial mediator. The international courts ensure that both international law is upheld, while respecting the sovereignty of member states.



An artist’s rendition of the international court hearing the case of The Crown of Renatus-Marna vKing Leoiarizaltzu Salbatzaile de Savin of Santegia-Haria; 1655


The Global Assembly experienced wild success in these realms, which is why we shall pledge to uphold all of our prior duties to the international community.



The Global Assembly is divided into three chambers, each with a different level of authority. In addition, the Global Assembly’s staffers are also divided into various departments, based on their delegated tasks.






       The Chairman of the Global Assembly is tasked with the general oversight of the entire organization, and he is the head of the Administrative Chamber. It is his duty to appoint executives to lead each department, and to host conventions when available. The Chairman acts as a neutral arbiter of global affairs, and ensures that the organization abides by all regulatory standards. Ideally, the Chairman will be selected via elections, after the organization is well established.

       Caius Roswell, the second Chairman of the Global Assembly following Lotte Baptiste, is a former law professor at the Academy of Holm, having earned a degree there himself. He’s since moved on to devote his life both to being a clergyman, as well as a diplomat.




Alexandra Bradshawe


       The Secretary of Internal Affairs is in charge of communicating between both ambassadors, personnel, as well as the public. They lead the Interior Department, tasked with safeguarding important documents, keeping track of the international treasury, and ensuring that the needs of all ambassadors are met. They are the right-hand to the Chair.

Alexandra Bradshawe, the current Secretary of Internal Affairs, previously served under the first iteration of the Global Assembly as the Press Secretary. Prior to her diplomatic career, Secretary Bradshawe was also an entrepreneur in the private sector.




Charles Napier


       The Secretary of Justice is the top judicial executive in the international community. They’re given the task to appoint justices to the lower courts, organize legal proceedings, and cast judgement on matters of international conflict.

       Charles Napier taught alongside Chairman Roswell at the Academy of Holm as an instructor in law enforcement tactics. Since then, he’s also taken an interest in local Imperial politics, venturing to promote legal reforms across the Empire.






       The Secretary of Security is delegated the task of leading the Sentry divisions in the Global Assembly, who act as the neutral guardsmen during diplomatic sessions. In addition, the Secretary of Security assists the organization with ensuring all security protocols are met when introducing new policies.




A depiction of a miscellaneous secretary


       The Chamber of Personnel includes neutral staffers in the Global Assembly across all departments. This includes Sentries, who act as neutral guardsmen, Justices, who are appointed to rule on matters of international legal disputes, and Clerks, who work directly for the Department of Interior. These individuals oil the international community to make sure the gears keep turning.




An artist’s rendition of the Third Convention, hosted in the Holm Senate Hall; 1656


       The General Chamber refers to all delegates and nation leaders from member states, who are given the privilege to participate in international diplomatic discussions. They are, of course, the bulk of the organization, serving as both the constituents and the boss of the Global Assembly. The General Chamber holds the power.



       From 1651 to roughly 1662, the Global Assembly served as one of the most powerful and effective diplomatic institutions in history. However, due to the legislative powers members states held over each other, third party forces dismantled the organization in the name of unfettered autonomy. Despite an overall positive approval rating from citizens, the Global Assembly was unable to sufficiently function at that time. We’ve since decided to reform our legislative system, granting states more autonomy and more power in dictating international law, and have instead opted to focus primarily on providing resources to governments and facilitating international discussion.



       We encourage all nations to partake in the Global Assembly once again, after witnessing it’s previous success. We ask that your head-of-state or ambassador contacts Chairman Roswell ((Liam#7649)) to schedule a meeting to discuss the terms of entry. In addition, if you wish to work for the Global Assembly, please contact either Chairman Roswell’s office directly ((Liam#7649)), the Department of Interior ((Whiplash#1815)), or the Department of Justice ((Hanrahan#4886)).


       The Global Assembly holds three classifications of member states; Full members, partial members, and vassal members. Full members are states which meet the qualifications detailed in the elucidation of statehood, gaining their own vote and full member powers in the General Chamber. Partial member states are nations which, for one reason or another, lack the ability to become a full member. They’re privy to most rights that the full members hold, yet they may not vote when discussing policy propositions, although they’re given speaking power during assemblies. Vassal member states are direct vassals of full or partial members, and are given both spectator and judicial privileges. However, they are not allowed to partake in matters of international diplomacy.


The Global Assembly is honored to be welcomed back into the international community. May we soon achieve our former glory in providing diplomatic excellence to all nations. Be on the lookout for future announcements.



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The woman knew she was in over her head.

“Hopefully This one doesn’t capitulate, like last time.” Alexandra Bradshawe would scoff, slowly opening up a chest, pulling out an antique, blue and white Global Assembly Banner, a contentedness adorned upon her lips.


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“oh **** not again,” a passing elf says, groaning.

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A furious man looks up from his paper, jabbing at the portrait with his finger. “Whomever they charged with painting my likeness ought be blown from a cannon! A Shock! A Travesty! As if my hairline was that receded!”

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“Okay, t’is is epic” comments Daisy Applefoot as the Globe-headed donkdillerydoodas come back to life. She then rushes into the nearest Halfling burrow and starts drafting her plans to infiltrate the organization to spread the Bernardist agenda.

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The aged Rhys grumbles, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”


The young prince Marius raises an eyebrow at the news. “This is something I might look into,” he would start to pen a letter to hos father.

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“Somebody call the Stolt’aroloths, the globalists are at it again,” says Aelthir.

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“Let this thing die already, nothing happens” Aymer would proclaim 

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“... Perhaps we can further diplomatic relations by grouping together to laugh at this concept.” Lady Lothryne commented to her husband over a glass of wine. @Auriel_

Edited by Moribundity
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[!] The missive is received via Trained Messenger Macaw as Zastro is writing one of his many contemplation's, “The Shepherd calls to Sheep, I suppose... Let’s see how many beckon to it,” he says to himself, continuing to scribble in one of his many books and sheaf's of parchment.

Edited by Zastro_Steppe
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Durlak does not approve of the Anti crab message from this organization and notices the shocking amount of human leadership over a supposed mix racial group.

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Hekkaes ‘Anvilaxe’ Goldhand would pass by, looking at what the artist drew O’ t’ere es ‘amnel ‘nd Garrond Fros’beard, wot a paer eron great lads. the dwarf would continue walking as he would smoke cactus green.

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Ser Henrik Otto Ludovar would shake his head.

“This failed greatly and should NOT be returned.”






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Reynauld notices his grandfather in the paintings “Oh cool it’s my gramps, Ajax. I’d join this ****.”

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