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Moderation Update Log -July 2019


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Moderation Update Log -July 2019




Good morning friends. As we near mid-summer, the fun continues. Lots of changes have taken place this past month, with new projects and new approaches to working with the players. The overall focus has been on simplification and standardization; we’ve begun the process of cutting down excess red tape, and clearing policy to leave a single, consistent point of reference for players and moderators to go by.


<New Changes>

So at the beginning of the month, we saw Conflict Blacklist released. There has been a phase of seeing how and if they are working. Well, there are some clear issues with the system; the idea behind it seems to be solid enough, but as with all things, it just needs a polish to help apply it fairly. 


Moderation policy has been outdated for some time along with other outdated guides, so the team as a whole is addressing these. Forums will have new training and policy handbook, Zach and his team are currently working on this. The general Moderation Handbook and Policy update are also underway. Both Projects are expected to be completed by the end of August. Additionally, after some management shifts near the start of the month with the Nation & Charter Management group, it has fallen to func_Soap to take forward.


Charters... Oh boy. So, with charters, we are finally tackling the mass of inactive charters. A charter meeting occurred on the 21st of July, wherein a fair few topics were discussed (visible to people with the Charter Leader permissions in the LotC Player Discord) though mostly focused on what would happen to the many charters likely to receive a 3rd strike, on the 27th. Charter removal will be done via a rollback to the Day 1 state of the area, leaving it fresh for recolonisation! Focusing more on how we can better this system, 501warhead has stepped in with technical support. A plugin is in the works, coming out soon™, leading to more automation of charter creation (yay!). Additionally, in the name of communication, a renewal of the Nation & Charter Information page is in the works, to keep it up-to-date with current practice. It isn’t likely to stay for long however, as the soon™ plugin will change a lot of the function of new charters.


Nations Leaders have been moved over onto the Staff discord, with their meetings still being held one per month. This move has helped with giving them a more direct line to Admins, allowing numerous issues, especially communication, to be improved. This allows Nations to raise concerns more freely. In regards to Nation activity checks, Nations had more relaxed requirements due to the focus being on charters. Heading into August, the failure of Nations to make activity will be addressed with more attention


<Current Team Roster >


<Monthly Statistics>


Moderation Staff received a total of 2368 modreqs in July.


Congratulations and thank you to Silverstatik, func_Soap and Hunwald for taking the most tickets in that respective order! It was incredible to see these individuals really step up and assist the community!. 



With more of our duties becoming external to just modreqs, the quota has become flexible, and with less of a focus on completing tickets. Active moderation is pretty clear to see, whether it be on the forums, in-game, or working on projects.  

< Roster changes >


+ LPT added to Moderation Staff


+ Yagami  readded to Moderation Staff


+ Assassin added to Moderation Staff


- Deer__ stepped down from  Moderation Staff 


- KaelanUWU stepped down from  Moderation Staff 


- Knox213 stepped down from  Moderation Staff 


- Keldrith removed from Moderation Staff 


- Renoks removed from Moderation Staff


- Briarcrux stepped down from Moderation Staff 

<Special Thanks


func_Soap and Zach for their continuous support and management of the team, especially their work with various projects, including charters and the forums. 


501warhead for being a voice of reason and assisting the team with plugins. 


Kaelan and Deer, thank you both for service and work done for moderation. Good luck with the future, Deer with the story team where his passion lies, and Kaelen with his rp. 

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August already? wth

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welcome to LOTC the number 1 Minecraft roleplaying server in the world

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You’re missing @Keening and @Sykogenic


- Deer__ stepped down from  Moderation Staff 


- KaelanUWU stepped down from  Moderation Staff 


- Knox213 stepped down from  Moderation Staff 


- Sykogenic stepped down from Moderation Staff


- Keening stepped down from Moderation Staff


- Keldrith removed from Moderation Staff 


- Renoks removed from Moderation Staff


- Briarcrux stepped down from Moderation Staff 


It’s disappointing that these members of staff would be so easily forgotten given that they were some of the better moderators. 

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23 minutes ago, Dewlox said:

You been slackin’ according to the logs, m’dude.


32 minutes ago, Pun said:

+ Yagami  readded to Moderation Staff

 I left for the month, then joined back ?

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yikes lol

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Does that mean that the problem of there being little to no moderation staff online at early european times to midday times will soon be fixed? Cause I have seen this being the case for almost a whole week now of playing on lotc... 

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