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Narthoks Farewell


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9 minutes ago, TrendE said:

Telling ppl now that if you celebrate somebody getting banned, you’ll receive a swift karate chop to the jugular. 


I’m watching you fellas.

will have to whip out the gas grenades and the mollies for these lot -_-

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You where pretty alright to work with after I got to know you, hope everything goes well.

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Thank you so much for everything and farewell,


I wish you the best of luck for the future! o7

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My first week on the server, you and Norland captured me. You, however, gave me the opportunity to ss out if I didnt want to do the rp. I admire the work you put into Norlandic culture and how you shaped it. Even though in this war we were enemies, you were still a friend of mine and its sad to see that one mistake landed you an admin/perma ban. Best of luck in your future endeavors big man. 

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We’ve had our ups and downs through the years but you’ll always be one of the better influences on me from this server. Even at the peak of my toxicity, when other people just actively gave up on me you just called me a retard and carried on being my friend. Don’t think you’ll ever understand how important that and our friendship is to me, even when I call you a MORON and block you for a day or two. Cried a bit when you told me about your impending ban, but hopefully in the long run it all works out. Whether that’s you being unbanned or just being able to move on with your life like you’ve wanted to for some time now. Better be ready for Tobi spam and for Ark in the next few months or else. . . 



Lowkey though, stupid decision to perma you. 

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Just now, rukio said:
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We’ve had our ups and downs through the years but you’ll always be one of the better influences on me from this server. Even at the peak of my toxicity, when other people just actively gave up on me you just called me a retard and carried on being my friend. Don’t think you’ll ever understand how important that and our friendship is to me, even when I call you a MORON and block you for a day or two. Cried a bit when you told me about your impending ban, but hopefully in the long run it all works out. Whether that’s you being unbanned or just being able to move on with your life like you’ve wanted to for some time now. Better be ready for Tobi spam and for Ark in the next few months or else. . . 



Lowkey though, stupid decision to perma you. 

Zukio is rite. still cannot believe she threw an apple at nynaveave 

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We’ve known eachother nearly.. what, 7 years now? If you think after finally reconnecting that I’m going to lose contact with you then you have proven yourself to be the idiot I always suspected you of being. Genuinely, though, I will miss your serious RP and your meme RP and all the other bullshittery and banter. I wish I had had more time RPing and connecting with you properly.


I have to agree that the server has changed a lot since we were back in Glenwood, and I wish pretty regularly that we could go back to those days of RP where it was simple and we only had our little town in the woods. Back then we were left alone, and given a lot more freedom with our characters. But sadly things change and grow, and Thoromir is dead (lol not Lavinia tho) and this server is not what it once was. It’s sad to see you banned, when you built this community up from nearly nothing to a bustling city with regular RP and a handful of new players each and every day. They say you’re toxic, and you embraced it, and I still think you’re stupid for about 70% of the **** you say, but really you are a keystone of this community and there will be a massive hole left by you that I am not sure can properly be filled.


I hope in the wake of this that you find room to breathe in your every day life, where you didn’t have time before because of leading on mc.

(I trust Fuze will do a wonderful job if/when he leads, it’s just a hard act to follow)

Edited by LaviniaTheRider
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Not going to lie, my experience with you is like many limited, and I even had some minor disputes with Norrland back in Vailor. However, when I came back to the server a month or so ago I found myself in Morsgrad, a beautiful city populated by beautiful people. And that was formed by your hand, so I guess your a beautiful person too.


no homo

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really gonna miss you bro

only knew you since 2emps but you were someone I did admire.

You did not use OOC as a medium to RP, and you appreciated instead of spurned new roleplayers. You taught them to get along on the server and learn the ropes, and took their ideas of new and creative takes on things and how they should be done. You hated grovellers or “noble” rpers that just ask for things constantly- you were legitimately incredibly splendid to talk to and spend time with. Though many people worked to undermine you, you never really let that get to you. You are (and were) levelheaded, fair, and understanding. You value what so many people, especially nationleaders, on the server don’t. Roleplay. Overall, roleplay is what comes first- and that is not to say your roleplay in specific, but a story. Story matters more than your character, story matters more than your nation, story matters more than stupid ooc bickering or drama that is so common otherwise.

You are an example that there has been precedent set for that your behavior, will not be tolerated further, even if that is not the intended meaning. Months of being reformed, having to constantly deal with roadblocks of content moderation or people trying to hassle you and give you trouble.

But the vaguest ******* reference to a single person that the majority of the server likely has not heard about set that off, I suppose. Off to the gulag with you.

I’ll see you there. I’ll miss you man. Hope we cross paths another time. 

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I really enjoyed my days rping with narthok and his gang when I was brand new to the server. The situation kind of sounds sketchy, but idk what was going on. Cheers, dude, even though I’m pretty sure you aren’t a fan of me. O7

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I will always remember you for Thomas Gloop, that sci fi server we played on with yoppl and Malgonious, and all of our fun times in teamspeak back in the day.


Even though we ended up on opposite sides of the line most of the time, I always cheered for you in my heart.


 I always respected you as one of the people who walked the walk. Take care my friend. 

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thank u for giving me a real chance despite everything. ur a good one

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peace. ✌️ 

I would say more but I genuinely think I’m next ? 

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Always liked our banter, best we both leave the server. Whilst the good memories remain.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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