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[✗] [Playable CA]The Izkuthii


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old izkuthii here
i’ll support the old gang as much as i can but **** i’m never going back
i love you all, good lore here

Edited by Whiplash
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All the interactions I’ve had with this creature have been cancerous in some regard. From the vibes I got most often the appeal is just to be an immortal cute gal with horns; and one of the few times I actually decided to point out those weird physical abnormalities in roleplay I got whined at in OOC for meta-gaming. You would think that displaying bright red hair and giant antler horns would be reason enough to label someone a demoness or a weirdo, but apparently not. Either way whether or not the lore has changed is irrelevant because ultimately the only observation I was able to take away from my own personal engagements is that the type of people who roleplay this creature are extremely hard to get along with and don’t interact with wider communities enough to have an impact beyond their own circles anyway.


The writing itself isn’t bad, the spoilers make it a bit hard to read obviously but the descriptions are solid and the mechanics make sense; though that isn’t usually the problem with lore anyway. I’m in a late night paper writing faze so I’m far more accommodating in this reviewish state of mind. I’d get rid of the spoilers obviously and maybe expand on feeding as after running through that section I still don’t know what they’re feeding on or why they need to / are compelled to feed besides the fact that they need a mechanism to explain their immortality.


The concept of being a polymorphing trickster is also generally not distasteful to my RP pallet personally (as lets face it I wrote this newest iteration of Striga so it’s directly up my alley.) Hence my only concern is really in the interactions I’ve previously mentioned: being a trickster is fine, but also not very effective if you flex your CA on everyone else with every chance you get. It defeats the purpose of being a trickster in the first place.


It gets annoying, stale, un-interactive, ext. And outside of my own experience that was also the general consensus of the other people around me at the time, and this was in an elven settlement (seeing as there seems to be a focus on bashing human roleplay in this thread). An inability to take criticism and handle it effectively without crying wolf to some authority for punishment. That seems to be the prognosis and the problem which must be solved. My last bit of commentary however is in how ironic the solution to that problem is: a bit of old fashioned understanding and accountability.



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1 hour ago, Amayonnaise said:

Being the Izkuthii in question, she was posing as a creation of Felixii – the Wildcat Mani, not unlike the werewolves that Morea created in Sug’s Feral lore some time ago. Being a Trickster, she was actively spreading deceit and lies in order to gain access to Druid Groves and Elven Settlements. This is proven by her literally joining a Wood Elven Seed, the Arvellons, and the Druids falling under the impression that she was exactly that – One of Felixii’s creations.


In regards to the ‘metagaming’, it was not you that I called out for meta-gaming. It was Chase. Labelling her as a demon was whatever, but Chase made trickster-demon comments that were very obviously meta-gaming considering she had done nothing to expose herself as a trickster, in regards to being caught lying or playing pranks. The demon comment from you was fine. Chase’s Trickster Demon labelling IRP was blatant meta-gaming.


Also, the so-called whining was due to you acting as a Moderator in that situation and blatantly saying “Chase shut up so she stops whining about it”, which I found to be somewhat sexist and unprofessional, hence it was reported to a GM Manager.


As the reaction to my very well put and calmly made criticism proves; nothing has been learned since that situation prior. This is why your community suffers: for no other reason than because that very toxicity. This is why nobody outside of Sutica would reasonably want to put forth the time to interact, as I mentioned before in my initial vein of advice, this sort of battle gets incredibly tiresome. It’s not that these spaces are actively avoided, it is precisely because these creatures have been kicked out of the community for near constant mania and OOC bickering.


It’s also irrelevant as to what a character’s motives are: if the character can be blatantly observed as being a trickster demon based on appearance and attitude the fault isn’t with the player in question making the comment, but with one’s own personal RP and conduct. Being the Izkuthii in question, you can also see why I left your name out of the initial example, as the attitude I witnessed was for lack of a better word; unacceptable. Particularly for someone in that position.


What actually occurred during this event was an observation, made by a fourteen year old kid based on skin details and RP comments. That could generally be made by anyone and still have been effectively true (I.E walking around with massive horns will illicit an appropriate reaction.) That kid was then screamed at both in discord and in OOC server side in front of his peers. The arrogance that takes is beyond my capacity to explain without resorting to harsher phrases but it wasn’t something I had the patience to deal with at the time; nor did anyone else involved. It’s also why all was abated both roleplay and discord chats immediately calmed down and happily carried on without the incessant lack of understanding.


I’ve given feedback already though and it’s ultimately it’s up to you whether to accept it or not. Adios and enjoy arguing in the comments.



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Just dropping in to encourage everyone taking part in this discussion to keep it as one regarding the lore and not the personality and your gripes of each-other as people. A discussion conducive to improving the lore should, and will be, always encouraged, but anything that drifts into name-calling or schoolyard mudslinging will not be allowed and punishments will be handed out.




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Mfw I gave him a video game to work on other lore then he just spent two days doing this instead. ?

Looks pretty cool though, adding an interesting way to stir non-violent conflicts for characters that might prefer that way.

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If annoying tricksters don’t belong on the server, what are bandits still doing here

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Ok in all sincerity it does clarify some things. I just hope it left in the hands of competent people who don’t dodge every attack and say the entire combat encounter was an illusion. Please, for the love of god, don’t do that. Otherwise, I wish this write well. 

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Now while im entirely in the opinion that this race is very unnecessary and very frilly. 

That doesnt stop me from believing that this rewrite is a lot more concise, orderly, and strict than the old lore. Its fixed most of the problems ive had with the old lore: which was that I had to look for far too long to figure out which spell the izkuthii was trying to use, even with the name. The first thing I found was what I thought was fair for the situation, where it made the item poof for a few emotes before coming back, but the casting emotes didnt match. The reason I had to ask was because the ability to steal my item, as in oocly take it from me, into a pocket dimension in two emotes just didnt seem fair, in combat no less! Thankfully with the noncombat clarification I do hope we wont have a repeat situation. Im also happy to see other things such as masks breaking in two good mace swings. Really didnt seem like I was doing jack **** to the mask before with even three strikes.


Now the only thing that id like to be clarified in this rewrite is if flames, nonmagical or otherwise, can survive within a pocket dimension. To prevent another mishap where someone steals another important flaming object and comes to find it went out. As that was a whole thing that almost got some hour or two of combat rp voided when we found out that it did in fact extinguish. 

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41 minutes ago, Amayonnaise said:


You should just pretty much ignore the old lore and only look at this thread, for clarity of explanation!


In regards to the pocket dimension, it is an ability called ‘Thiefs Arsenal’ and it took 2 emotes to put any tool or small blade into the pocket realm, or to take out of! I’m unsure if that ability was permitted to be used in combat situations in the prior lore, but due to how horribly written and convoluted the previous lore was, it might be safer to just ignore what happened previously and start with a fresh slate. I’m not saying void stuff and ignore what happened previously, but moreso just try to understand how difficult it was for us to understand our own spells and redlines when everything was poorly written, and our Loreholder was heavily inactive!


As to your question regarding flaming objects – I’m not entirely sure what you mean. Anything that is enchanted cannot be put in the pocket realm, unless it’s an Izkuthii Imbuement. Also, only small objects (up to a basic sword) can be put in the pocket realm in this iteration. I imagine the item, if on fire, would be unable to be pocketed due to the fire being technically ‘combative’, and this is a non-combative spell, meaning it can’t be used in combat.

I was simply stating that im glad that the problems were worked out in this rewrite. Back then they certainly tried to use it in combat even if it wasnt permitted. As in, tried making my big ol staff poof into his pocket in two emotes. The ooc in the situation was not the best either, and really salt got rubbed in the wound when the player in question came back the next day, after having been killed when we got the flame back, to attempt a heist and steal back the item again. Which he did end up doing, but we couldnt be assed to continue the situation as it just wasnt worth the ooc conflict. His excuse for coming back was that since the memory of him “giving it back and agreeing not to take it” was gone, hed be back in his “wanting to take it” set of mind. Now I must admit the situation wasnt handled the best on our side either. As the person who had their item stolen didnt exactly say the nicest things. The whole encounter was just something that really made me think less of Izkuthii as a whole: Mainly due the very blatant and abuseable spells in the lore side of things and the fact that the player kept returning.

tl;dr: was a problem with the player more than izkuthii, but the izkuthii magic of the time wasnt helping and im glad the simple changes were put in place to prevent something like this from happening again.

As for the fire, Lets say I have a lamp, completely nonmagical, meant only for lighting and all that. Not combative at all either unless it was pulled out to ward something off, so what then?
The verdict at the time was that it extinguished, I forget the reasoning though. Just think its something that needs to be addressed in thieves arsenal.


Edited by Knightie
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20 minutes ago, Knightie said:

Back then they certainly tried to use it in combat even if it wasnt permitted. As in, tried making my big ol staff poof into his pocket in two emotes.

This was an ability called “Weapon Thievery” that you refer to, that no longer exists in this rewrite. What the Izkuthii seems to fail to have told you, is that they in doing this do not receive the weapon themselves, and nor do you lose it. 7 Emotes later(maybe 5? I don’t recall exactly), the weapon should have returned to your hand. No Izkuthii spell has ever allowed for someone to just take it from you like that permanently, and if someone did, I urge you to reach out to me on discord: BonesOfTheEarth#4173


22 minutes ago, Knightie said:

His excuse for coming back was that since the memory of him “giving it back and agreeing not to take it” was gone, hed be back in his “wanting to take it” set of mind

Also please tell me who this was, in private PM’s at my aforementioned Discord. Any logs are appreciated. This much isn’t a problem with the lore, but one of the playerbase problems we can start actually filtering provided we now would have actually present leaders with this rewrite. Roleplay like what you described is poor. If you get gassed for being stupid, don’t just come back repeatedly to try and force people to do differently in their RP.


23 minutes ago, Knightie said:

As for the fire, Lets say I have a lamp, completely nonmagical, meant only for lighting and all that. Not combative at all either unless it was pulled out to ward something off, so what then?
The verdict at the time was that it extinguished, I forget the reasoning though. Just think its something that needs to be addressed in thieves arsenal.

This is a tough question, just on the fact that I’m not sure which ability you are referring to. If the lamp is feasibly small enough to be pickpocketed, it would need to be unlit and where your character wouldn’t notice its disappearance, thus invalidating the need to think about if it is or is not extinguished. That assumes the ability being used is deft hands. However, no ability exists to yeet this lamp into a pocket dimension in this rewrite. At least, not subtly.


If you simply refer to Thieves’ Arsenal in the sense of placing it in such(again, it can’t be yeeted off your person into it. The Izkuthii must directly cast the spell and then place it inside themselves), and a lamp was lit, it would continue to burn inside of such until it eventually ran out of fuel. What’s on the other side of this portal? Inexplicable Llahir things. Maybe his red room?


All in all your comment seems to reference 3 abilities in which are all being confused as one, that may have been powergamed against you. With the state of the old lore being so vastly confusing and convoluted, difficult to understand or even know up or down in, it makes sense to be confused from it. All in all though, appreciate the feedback; I’ll add in a redline to Thieves’ Arsenal stating the condition of lamps/torches put inside.

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15 hours ago, Whiplash said:

old izkuthii here
i’ll support the old gang as much as i can but **** i’m never going back
i love you all, good lore here

same feels

i’m glad fury was able to fix it up, it seems okay but most of the dissenters against it are evidently hung up on what it used to be :’-)

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Came here expecting lore discussion. Instead fell in a vat of Kelloggs brand extra toxic waste. I’m now gonna use my radioactive powers to ******* yeet myself outa here.

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In all seriousness, and withought shitposting one line responses. Every single interaction, bar with one player, @Moribundity, whom has never used the creature around me, has been absolutely cancerous. Just the other day I got bandited by cakefool and pando, and I was stabbed in the leg and left on the ground. While the roleplay was lackluster, I roleplayed the wound and now the character has a limp. This is on par, if not superior to any Izkuthii roleplay I have ever encountered or heard about, because an Izkuthii coming up to me, taking my ability to say the word ‘The’ for a day, and then just walking off like nothing happened will be absolutely forgotten within the next week, unless it is remembered as an annoyance and nothing more.  Most of these spells mentioned, will not reach 95% of those the Izkuthii interacts with. They have absolutely no unified culture, and I have absolutely zero faith in them being able to provide anything past being glorified bandits that have far, far too much powers for being ‘Nonviolent Villains’, when a good bandit roleplayer or just about any other villain, can provide the exact same thing while not being an absolute annoyance in the process. Not only this, but the players that have this creature are part of the reason it is so hated. One horror story I have heard about this creature is that Fury_fire, the current lore writer, walked into Sutica with an artifact, which I fully understand will not be coming back, and essentially did a jedi mind-trick to get the guards to release a known shade into his care. What meaningful roleplay did this create? This creature is flawed not only because it fulfils a role that can be done by most people, while also giving this creature far, far, far too much power to play mere tricks, and will be played by the same problematic players whom have earned the creature its reputation as an absolute abomination of a creature, so the issues of the past will not simply be solved by a clean slate of lore. Just my two cents : ) 



Most of them are also cute boys with horns.

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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