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(please make sure to read the end of this post for an important MESSAGE!)


Ash In The Snow.




Nataliya Reza Barbanov-Wick's Execution, 5th of Jula and Piov, 1813


                    On a cool spring day, Nataliya Reza had agreed to accompany Lady Margaux Helvets on a trip to Haense, to visit her brother Ser Aleksandr and her Niece, Princess Katerina. Upon arrival as the two entered the palace, they were greeted by an empty hall. Margaux decided to stay in the palace and not test the climates of Karosgrad once again, so they made their way inside one of the ballrooms, where piles of hay had laid, as well as a lone guard, who appeared to be keeping tabs on it. Margaux seemed more than happy to speak towards the guard and converse to pass time, but the Princess stood silent. “Something’s nie’ right…” she thought to herself as she scanned the halls attempting to find what was making her uneasy. “And this is my friend, Princess Nataliya Reza.” The Haeseni woman then snapped back to reality, turning her gaze towards the guard before curtsying. The two women said their farewells, making their way out before being stopped by the guards and the king that stood in front of them. Nataliya’s heart dropped into her stomach, her weary blue gaze shifted towards Margaux, as the Lady Helvets introduced herself and greeted the King. thoughts began to race through Nataliya’s mind.” something definitely  is niet right…” The Princess looked to Margaux, watching her converse with the King before darting towards the two Knights that were shooting daggers in her direction. Liya cleared her throat awkwardly before a thought, a word, clear as day echoed loudly in her mind. “FLEE!” as if someone from above had planted that thought into her head. As the Reza was conversing with herself in her mind what action to take, her nephew, the King spoke. “Sir! What is the penalty of treason?” The guard replied. “Death, Your Majesty.” The King nodded once in approval. “Correct! Arrest her!” he pointed towards his Aunt. Nataliya visibly paled, taking a step back.”Vhat?!” she inquired in shock.”I welcome you back with open arms and you turn your back on me! And reside with the enemy!” the princess blurted out. “I am innocent! I am on a mission delivering Margaux to Haense!” “You are a part of the Ruberni alliance, and a traitor, TAKE HER AWAY!” Heinrik demanded before storming out. The Haeseni woman began to panic, squirming with fear before attempting to fight back.”Let me go!” she demanded. All this ensued while poor Lady Margaux helvets, stood and watched in horror as her friend struggled to break free between the Knight and guard;  before one sent his gauntlet to her temple, knocking her out cold. The Princess’s unconscious body would be carried out of the Palace as if it were a trophy of triumph, The Princess's body would be placed on the Pyre, tying her up before being slapped  across the face to awaken. Nataliya Reza woke up startled, dazed and confused before jolting as a man stood several feet in front of her. How could this have happened? Who could’ve done this?” the woman thought to herself as the crowd grew. “I just wanted to make papej and my kingdom proud… now they’re condemning me..” “Nataliya Reza Wick, You are accused of committing treason against ve Krawn, conspiring with an Enemy of ve Koengzem I Haenseti-Ruska, aswell as practising the Dark Arts. All these actions break the Haurul Caezk. Do you deny it?” A familiar voice announced, a Vanir, whom Nataliya knew from childhood.  “My client denies it,” Konstantin WIck spoke up suddenly, looking regretful immediately as he moved up. “Haurul Caezk 302.02, Both parties will be given time to employ legal counsel,” he said as Alric pulled. “Are you a Jovenaar, Kortrevich, or an Actor?” The Princess then attempted to fight back and break free, alas, it was no use. The Haeseni woman panned out to the sea of people, spotting her Niece and Nephew, holding onto each other as they watched in horror, as their aunt was about to be executed for crimes she did not commit. But where was Franz? He was out of sight, not to be seen. She attempted to look for the rest of her siblings. Juliya was nowhere to be found, nor Aleksandr, for the poor Barbanov had been locked away though he was innocent as well. For the first time in her life, Nataliya Reza Barbanov felt truly alone. . . no one was there to save her from the predicament she was in, this time. No father to save her from evils of the dark, no Wick to take her in when she was casted out, and no husband to comfort her when she was mourning. . .


 However, Nataliya spotted her Uncle Konstantin, conversing with the King. “She needs a fair trial; you cannot just condemn her to the pyre without a trial!” The elderly man spoke, reciting the law to Heinrik and the judges. “Konstantin… Please! HELP ME! Save me PLEASE!” she wailed out like a frightened child, begging for her father to come save her from the monsters under her bed. Though the only monsters were her family and the people condemning her. The Knight who had assaulted her moments before their arrival upon the pyre, threatened to arrest her Uncle for demanding a fair trial. As the princess cried for help an uproar of shouts began.BURN HER! a man shouted. “She’s a voidal mage?! You’re condemning her for doing magic that is legal?!” one woman cried out. “She’s a scholar, a mage! She has helped us! Let her go!” Gretel, an acquaintance of Nataliya. “SHE’S INNOCENT!” another person cried out. “Yeah, let her go!” a daughter of a Ruthern cried out.”She’s a Princess! You’re burning your own kind?!” another child cried out. It seemed the tides had turned for the condemned Princess, she had won the hearts and majority favor of the crowd. ”TRIAL!” they shouted.  In the midst of the chaos, Her nephew, Heinrik became possessed by a spirit, turning the entirety of his eyes black, before speaking an unworldly language. “THE KEONG’S POSSESSED!” a woman shouted. “Don’t you see?! Your King is possessed yet you condemn an innocent woman to the pyre?!” Margaux cried out, pleading for the execution to be stopped. “I-it was her!” Heinrik pointed to his Aunt as he continued to groan and speak weird tongues. “Heinrik! It’s not her and you know it! Stop this madness!” The Queen Mariya, barked at her husband. One of the Knights stepped forth, lighting the Pyre as it slowly began to make its way to Nataliya. 


“The QUEEN DEFENDS HER! FREE NATALIYA FROM THIS FALSE PUNISHMENT!” Margaux cried out in desperation as she watched the scene play out, fidgeting with her lorraine cross. Then, a mage emerged from the crowd, using her water magic to put out the fire before being apprehended by a guard. “SAVE HER!” the people cried out in desperation as they swarmed like vultures towards the Pyre. The Princess became severely overwhelmed by utter chaos ensuing. Her Uncle fighting for her right to a trial, her tyrannical nephew shrieking nonsense before accusing her of it. and poor sweet Margaux, sobbing for them to stop the execution. it was pure chaos. . crows, haensemen, at each others throats like savages. The Princess's brows rose in horror as the forms of the people in Karosgrad began to morph into inferi. Nataliya's heart raced even faster than before, becoming panicked as she looked every which way. the area around her shifted into korvassa, fire and brimstone. torn bits of Haeseni and Orener carcasses across the battlefield. Her terrified gaze then darted towards Heinrik and his guards, though they did not have the form of them normal selves but of the Inferi, causing her to let out another terrible cry for help! Thoughts swarmed her mind once again continuing to panic, her mind in disarray before muttering under her breath. Petyr. Nataliya then began to sob once again, she realized that her husband, the Former Duke of Valwyck. Had no idea where she was and what she had gotten herself into. Petyr would come home to an empty room, with no wife to greet after a dreary day of meetings. An empty bed to fall asleep in, no mother to raise their son.Casimir. she muttered, the only child who had not abandoned her or Petyr. The only child that truly loved his parents. Alexandria. she stated, the only parental figure who had not given up on Nataliya as a child, for her unruly behavior. Treating and raising the small princess as her own daughter. Rupert. one of the few fatherly figures she had left in her life, a barbanov. Who treats her as a daughter. Aleksandr. the only brother of Nataliya who seemed to have truly loved her, and would’ve done anything to protect her, who threw himself in front of a bear so that Nataliya would not take the blow, who begged Nataliya to stay in Haense whilst she was pregnant with her first born. Though she did not, due to fear of her tyrannical brother. Mr. Rat.the metal rat man that practically was her and Petyr’s caretaker from childhood. “Juniper..” one of Nataliya’s closest family members whom she saw as a sister. Juliya. .The youngest girl of the sibling bunch whom Nataliya was quite over protective with. "Aunt Irene." one of Nataliya's younger aunt who tutored her when she was young, and supported her decisions no matter what, even if they meant it ruined the Princess's identity. who was practically a supportive mother figure as well to the Haeseni woman.  “Uncle Niko, Margaux,  Limetta, Rahtol,  Aidevo, Blanche, Kaiulu, Rozalina, Kamila, mamej!” the princess then paused, from reciting all the names of the people who cared for her, befriended her and loved her. Papej. . .” she panned down towards the screaming crowd, piling their way up towards her, before spotting the lorraine cross necklace that hung around her neck. The necklace that was gifted to her from Alexandria, during the time of her father’s passing. “This necklace is special, if you are ever feeling sad.. Just hold it and remember that your papej is watching over you, and protecting you.”


As Nataliya Reza came to, she began to struggle once again, using all of her might to break free, for she was not done yet. “You remind me so much of my brothers, Sigi and Niko, you’ve got their spirit.” the encouraging words echoed in the back of her mind, lighting the fire inside of her as she began to shout and struggle again “We’re nie’ done yet!” she muttered the Wick phrase to herself as the woman continued to fight with all of her strength!  One of the Knight’s found himself a crossbow. What seemed like hours, Nataliya still continued to struggle, yelling and shouting. . . as the Princess continued her pursuit to live another day, Ser Alaric had another plan. The Ruthern grasped onto the crossbow as he took aim. Maric Var Ruthern among mayhem spotted his brother aiming the weapon at the Princess, he then attempted to charge his shoulder into Alric to stop him. Though it was too late, Alaric managed to wrap his finger around the trigger, pulling it, setting the contraption off.  The arrow soared through the air silently above the crowd. . . before embedding itself into the Princess, making a sickening sound. Nataliya Reza Barbanov, let out a blood curdling scream before falling silent, her head dropping limp. . .


https://youtu.be/yztBkPyIPZA )

(New music)



          Time stood still as the crowd went silent, they gazed upon the strong-willed princess, who now was silent. . . . . “KINSLAYER!” the crowd roared angrily. Konstanin made his way through the crowd, cutting the Princess down from the Pyre with his weary gaze; he then cut the final rope, before carrying the cold Princess in his arms. Turning to the crowd as he descended down the steps. Margaux  was infuriated drawing near to her friend’s body before speaking. “She will be returned to her true kindred. And word of this crime committed today is to be sent to His Holiness!” the Lady Helvets then panned towards Nataliya, tears filling her eyes as she grasped onto her own Lorriane cross. The Princess hung cold in her Uncle’s grasp, her arm dropping to the side as it hung idle.The golden lorraine that was gifted to her, rested on her bosom. As Konstantin Wick shifted adjusting his grip on his niece, the necklaces slid down, revealing a redden cross over her heart. It appeared that the golden pendant had grown quite hot, due to the flames of the pyre, accidentally branding the princess during her struggle. The Lady Helvets and Retired Palatine, made their way out of Karosgrad silently, leaving the chaos behind them and he did not look back. . . .  


. “Where are you taking her to bury?” a mysterious figure, hiding behind robes and a helm inquired. “To her husband and her true family.”Margaux Helvets replied “I see, my condolences, may Godan bless you.” the mysterious figure replied before moving off. The two continued their trudge through the stone pavement of Karosgrad before making their way to the Helvets manor. “I …” Konstantin began as the rain soaked him, reducing his ushanka to a wooly lump, but his words trailed off as he stared at Nataliya. He then abruptly dropped to his knees, half-dropping Nataliya. The old man began to cry. Margaux Renée knelt down as well, feeling the familiar sting of tears in her eyes as she looked over the pale and still body of Nataliya. She rose a hand to her mouth to muffle her sobs. “I … Nataliya …” he breathed. “I'm sorry … I - … I thought I had built something that would never allow this to happen ….” Her Uncle gently wailed as he clung onto her tightly. “I'm-.. I'm so sorry,” she croaked out. “Th-This should have never happened.” Margaux continued to cling to her cross, her knuckles were white. “D-do you know where her husband resides?” Konstantin inquired softly. “Oui in freeport. . .” Margaux replied in a hushed tone. The two continued to sob together for a moment over the Haeseni Princess, before returning inside the Helvets manor. A bird was sent to Petyr stating. Lord Petyr Wick, I come to you with great urgence.  Your wife Nataliya was sentence to death in Karosgrad, to be burned at the stake, though her body is untouched, please come to the Helvet's Manor so that you may see her and that we may speak.  As Petyr read the letter, his heart dropped into his stomach, darting out of his quarters upon his ship as he ran as fast as could to Freeport to find Sir Candle to assist him on his Journey. When the two men arrived at the Manor, Margaux ushered them inside hastily before taking them to the room where Nataliya laid. Petyr hurried over towards the bed, extending his hand to hers as tears formed in his emerald eyes. The Princess's body laid solemnly, the ends of her dress would be torn and burnt covered in soot, as one would move upward, her cornflower blue sash had been torn off her, as well as her sleeves. Right above her brows laid a giant bruise and  gash, as well as her lip being cut. Her visage would be covered in ash from the flames and the burning hay, marks of tears laid dried on her paled cheeks. Her wrists had bruising and cuts from when they were bound together as if she were an animal. Sir Candle scanned the woman’s body “She really took a beating, burned, shot at, bound. I detest torture like this.” “Seems the Kings in Haense only get worse. Why do this?”  The Lord’s eyes had not moved from his wife’s figure, he then gently squeezed her hand, fighting back tears, though one escaped, rolling down his cheek before landing upon Nataliya’s, that was covered in grime. “These last few generations of Haensers have been wretched.” Sir Candle stated. “Let's hope somebody does something about it soon.” Petyr expressed with a sigh. “They all need to pay.” Sir Candle muttered as he stood at the corner of the room, watching the two. “Da, I agree.” his frown deepened, he'd then wipe at his eyes for a moment, “Too bad everyone in Haense is spineless.” Several more tears streamed down his cheeks, landing upon Nataliya’s idle body. Petyr could not bear it, he panned upward towards the ceiling as he muttered a prayer. After moments of silence. . . The Lord felt something, panning down to his grasp with his wife’s hand. . her finger began to twitch ever so slightly. . . Petyr’s brows rose in shock, sitting on the bed next to his wife. Petyr moved his head closer towards her visage. He then heard in the faintest whisper. . . .HelpPetyr shot up in surprise, Nataliya was alive!

 as a single tear emerged from her eyelid. “Please. . .Don- I'm innocent-” she muttered in her sleep it appeared she'd be having a dream. Petyr Wick offers a gentle squeeze of Nataliya's hand, hoping it might wake her. the scene faded as another began.




        a small Nataliya would be seen in the dark catacombs of New Reza, being carried by her late, father Sigismund II. the child panned up before inquiring anxiously "papej? where are we going?" The Late King said nothing, continuing to run with her in his mechanical arms, she remembers the cold metal feeling against her skin, however. the feeling was comforting to the princess, the feeling of protection and warmth filled her heart. the two continued to run for sometime, The tiny princess then panned over her shoulder, spotting the tombs of Barbanov's before. as she turned forward once more she spotted a faint light in the distance, growing closer and closer before the two finally arrived. there stood her mother, Queen Viktoria Ruthern. along side King Andrik IV her grandfather, Queen Maya her grandmother, and their daughter's Princess Ameliya and Analiesa her two Aunt's that had passed so soon. The child blinked once towards the group as she opened her mouth to speak, she was soon interrupted by shouting in the distance of the pitch darkness of the catacombs. "GET THE WITCH!" "BURN HER!"  "TRAITOR!" the frightened turned back to her parents in fear. "I'm scared! they want to hurt me!" "Hush 'Taliya they will nie' do such a thing." her mother spoke reassuringly. the barbanov group moved silently towards the an empty marble tomb that read, Nataliya Reza Barbanov. the child became even more frantic. "niet! please! please do nie' put me in there!" the child fought back being placed in the stone cold. "I do nie' want to die! I want to stay with you!" she wailed, tears now streaming down rosy cheeks. Sigismund brought his mechanical hand upward, wiping the tears away. Viktoria stepped forth before answering. "You are a warrior 'Taliya, you are strong."  The child continued to rub her eyes. "I am nie'! I am scared!" Sigismund turned his daughters face softly, locking their matching gaze. "Da you are." commented Ameliya and Analiesa. "you stand up for those who can't! you speak your mind! you are strong! I've seen what you've done to those bookshelf's in my office." the barbanov let out a hearty chuckle with a gentle smile as the jeering still echoed in the background. the weeping princess then panned towards her grandfather and grandmother, offering them a saddened smile before they returned it. Nataliya looked back to her parents. "But I want to stay with you here. ." "it is niet your time my child. you must stay here, with your son, husband and the rest of your family. they need you more than you need us." The Princess sniffled before taking a deep breath, she then nodded. "I am ready." the barbanov group smiled warmly towards the girl before lowering her into the tomb. The Haeseni girl's eyes stared up at the group, tears continuing to flow. Viktoria turned towards the shouting as it drew nearer. "hurry!" Ameliya and Annaliesa stated with great haste. Sigismund and Andrik began to lift the lid, moving it over the little princess slowly. "Nataliya, remember. We love you. and there isn't anything we wouldn't do to protect you." Viktoria stated in a hushed manner. "G-good bye." the child whimper. "nie' there's no need for that. see you soon my little crow." Sigismund stated, finally closing the tomb shutting out the noise before silence.


       Nataliya woke up in darkness, pressing her hands against the lid of the tomb, opening it slowly as she emerge out. The princess peered down at her hands, that were now full grown, all of her baby fat had disappeared. She then took a step forth staring into a puddle, spotting her now mature facial features. Nataliya then spotted a lone torch hanging from the wall, she then grasped it as she made her way down the darkened hallway. after minutes of walking she then spotted a faint figure in the dark . .  “Uncle Konstantin?…”she muttered softly but the figure did not reply. “Petyr!” she called out, seeing if the person would respond again. but he did not. The Princess could feel her heart racing inside her chest before the figure turned around, showing itself  "p-papej . ." Sigismund offered her a warm smile in return. "Nattie, you've grown." The now Haeseni woman nodded in silence, attempting to fight back tears. "I-is this a dream?" Sigismund panned around the catacombs before peering back to his eldest daughter. "I assume so." "i-i have so much to tell you! so much to say!" The princess blurted out. "Da, but so little time." the King then frowned, her then cocked his head to the side. "You know, I see it now. . ." "See what papej?" she inquired softly. "People always told me that you looked liked me, I never saw it, till now. . "he chuckled ".I must go Nattie. . .you must go, back to your family, they need you. don't abandon them. . ." his smile soon faded into solemn look before wandering off into the darkness “Father please… Wait!” She wailed, Petyr began to shake her. Her eyes fluttered as she slowly began to awaken from the dream. “Be calm girl, you are safe now.” Sir Candle uttered. “P-petyr?” she inquired hoarsely “It's alright, Liya. You're safe, it's okay.” her husband stated in a comforting manner. Nataliya Reza threw her arms around her husband in a tight embrace, despite being injured.


But how? How could this happen? How did the Princess survive the chaotic execution? It had been a miracle from God himself! perhaps her father, mother and other family members who deeply cared for the woman protected her as well. For she was truly innocent of the crimes that were charged against her. suppose that necklace was truly special? . . . for it was a symbolism of her innocence and her





 Hey guys! i just want to leave a paragraph here! for the past two years, I have enjoyed rping on this server, I have made wonderful and close friends during my time here. However as of recently i have been struggling to stay on the server, as you all know, I play the first born child of King Sigismund II and Queen Viktoria, Princess Royal, Nataliya Reza Barbanov, who was disowned in the fall of 2020. (i don’t remember the exact month.) After I was disowned, I received a lot of ooc hate, for making that decision even though it was my character and my choice! It felt like i was practically thrown out of a friend group for simply playing a character how i wanted too. I found it very disheartening to see members of a community turn against me  so quickly for doing something out of the norm on my character. I had struggled to stay content with the server during the time, losing people whom i thought were my friends. This time around my character has now been tried for treason and almost burnt at the stake because certain people who shall remain unnamed for the time being, metagamed information and jumped to conclusions and therefore throwing a lot of my rp future plans out the window. In addition to my character being executed, you’re probably confused and concerned about the outcome of the situation. Yes, she indeed did survive, no she did not get revived by the monks. If you’re thinking, oh well that's powergaming, nope, I have had this run by a GM and the Nation Leader of Haense, asking if it was okay this was the outcome! I was told yes. If you want to know how she survived, my pms are open and I can explain there, right now I  just don't want to make this message too long.  I am not going to hold any grudges because I try to be as forgiving as i can be, but the one thing I do ask is for the replies to be RESPECTFUL in the comment section, please keep things rply I do not intend to do anything to others oocly. Ngl I have been struggling with mental health issues ontop of balance college and LOTC, the least I ask and expect from you guys is heed and respect what I have had to say. I love you all and have a wonderful day! <3



(I apologize for the wonky colors and spacing my computer is a butt and won't work with me >:(    )



"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies"

~The Godfather


some haha funnies!





























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Alexandria Karina was old; her eyes had seen a great many horrors and tragedies through her years.  She had laid witness to several wars, the most prominent being when Bralt "The Boar" stormed the Haeseni coastlines of Arcas with the Scyfling hordes.


During the years of conflict between the Crows and Scyflings, Alexandria had grown familiar with a dark truth to life; no man is immune to their desire for blood and war.  Some are weaker than others and give in to the will of a battle immediately, or are just more drawn to conflict and death than they would be drawn to diplomacy and peace.  Anyone different to them was an interloper, a likely enemy.


Alexandria was driven near mad in the years of the Scyfling Conflict, for she had been the sole voice in Hanseti-Ruska that cried for peace and unity between the two people with woven destinies.  She still firmly believes that such a peaceful resolve was possible in the earlier years of the war, and that it could have been achieved had others only heeded her words and resisted their taste for blood.


When the war ended with Bralt's fiery death in the throne room of Ekaterinburg Palace, Alexandria felt as if a rift had formed between her and the rest of the Haeseni People.  Struggles were had with her and the rest of the royal family for her permissive views, inherited from her parents and older brother; which made her goals to expand upon Haeseni culture far more difficult as no help was granted to her.


She felt unhappy in her own home, though found joy in her niece; Nataliya Reza.  Her spirit and character reminded her so much of her brothers, and when her own mother and brother chose to shun her; Alexandria stepped forth to guide the young princess as if she were her own daughter.


When news of the barbaric attempt on Nataliya's life reached Alexandria, she felt a fury within her that she never imagined to experience in her life.  A mother's wrath is not something one should hope to ever receive, but the Royal Court of Haense called for it when they meant to kill her daughter in the most unjust of ways.


Today, she often thought of Bralt and his final battle with the Haeseni.  How he had died seated upon the royal throne that was surrounded in fire, which took his life and ended his cause; a similar fire stole Alexandria's life today.  No longer would she identify as a Crow; Alexandria Barbanov would be forever dead.  Alexandria Wick, daughter of the Scyflings, was her identity now - for such a name bore more honor than the line of King Joseph and his mother.

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reserved !

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In the Cove of Freeport the young Wick, Casimir, leaned over the railing to his father's ship. He watched in silent contemplation as the waved licked at the wooden beams making up the vessel. His nerves had been calmed finally upon the news that his mother had survived the unjust attempt on her life and would, with Godan's grace, make a swift recovery. Of course the boy had not recovered from the emotional wounds that came with the supposed loss of his mother. He still feared for her life, knowing that his wicked cousin still bore a crown on his brow, and with that crown the power to hunt his family wherever they may be.


The boy pushed himself up, taking the ladder to the interior of the ship, and eventually to his quarters in the lower deck. Upon entering his eyes fell upon an old doll, one that had seen much use over the many years he had possessed it. His footsteps echoed about the room, creating a chorus with the crashing waves and creaking boards, as he stepped forth and grasped the old toy gently in his hands. Long he stood there staring into the beady eyes of this little knight, and those little buttons stared back into his own, as comforting as the eyes of an old friend. 


For a moment he thought to open his mouth and speak to the doll, to seek solace the same way he had when he lost his brother, when they left his sister behind, the way he did every time his family uprooted their belongings and took to so called greener pastured. It was a foolish thought, and so he banished it from his mind. Still, in the presence of this small figurine he felt comfort again, a longing to return to simpler times where his mother could shelter him from the truth of the world. Unthinking, he moved the doll with himself to sit on his bed and ponder. 


There he sat, a boy, nearly full grown, holding a child's toy in his fingers. These recent events had made him feel things he never had the displeasure of feeling in his childhood, such hatred, rage, bitterness, and chief among all, the knowledge of the mortality of his own parents. He knew now he could not be a boy forever. There could be no more hiding behind his mother's legs when trouble came around the corner, no more idolizing the figures he met and who seemed so much larger than life, they too would fall one day, as his mother nearly had. There could be no more talking to gentle Ser Rorik, that greatest of old friends who, even now as his button eyes stared back up at Casimir, had never failed to bring him comfort from the worst life had to offer. It was time to leave all that behind, and to grow, to leave behind the boy who cowered at the thought of monsters under the bed, and to become the man who knew the worst monsters of all sat upon a throne, bore a golden crown, and whose heart pumped the same blood as his own.


At length he remained there, sorrowfully running a single thumb along the outline of his beloved Ser Rorik's face. "You've always been there for me Ser Rorik- if you weren't just a mess of cloth and yarn... I know we would have been the best of friends." The boy nearly choked up on his words, shaking his head at the ridiculous nature of saying a final goodbye to this toy. Still, to simply leave him behind without a proper farewell would not do, even to an object that bore no real sentience. "Perhaps you'd even have helped me do what I know must be done." With one final, sorrowful breath he moved to place the doll in some nearby dresser- but first he parted his lips to speak one final command to the stuffed knight. "Sleep well, Ser Rorik, my friend." With that, he pushed the drawer closed and paced the length of his room back to the door, exiting with a mixture of great sadness for the loss of childhood, and a great determination for the future ahead of him.


As he placed foot upon dry land, in the fields of Freeport, a few words would echo in his head, "When you do it- take me with you." The words to a conversation he had just the other day, a promise to himself, and to others, that a slight on his family, his true family of Wicks, would not go unpunished. A promise that some day the blood of his kin who had so flippantly betrayed his own mother would flow across the very streets from which they presided during that fateful day.

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Maisie d'Arkent would wave goodbye to Margaux, closing the door to Sunholdt gently before turning to her butler, Joseph. A soft sigh escaping her lips "You ought to not tell anyone what Margaux just informed us of." she'd warn lightly before prancing back outside. 


As she sat down, the women pondered the information she had just been told. How could the royal family of Haense be so rude? Letting a terrorist of a man rule with no restraints? She had spent her early teenage years as a ward to the Queen Mother, Isabel. She remembered how kind and caring the family seemed, especially Queen Mariya. 


Plucking a flower from the courtyard, a white lily. "I shall deliver this to the Princess when I visit Margaux next." she'd muse. Going off to gather more.

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“You’re going to be an aunt, Irene. I had a daughter while you were away,” Viktoria informed her with a smile playing at her lips. She lifted a glass of tea, and poured in a bit of Carrion Black to stir about. She never could only add honey, sugar, or cream– there was always a little extra spike of some alcohol beverage she felt inclined to add into the mix. 


“Oh!” Irene clasped her hands together before herself from where she sat opposite of her across the table. Flowers and vines hung from the windowed canopy overhead in the Novellen gardens. “Oh, please do tell me her name. I would like to meet her. I will be the finest aunt. I promise!” 


“Nataliya.” The rest of the memory all seemed to blur together.


All her attempts to rest were swiftly only a dream as she meandered out of bed beside her husband and to a nearby drawing room of the chancellery building. As Irene Sarkozy left her chambers, she snagged a shawl to wrap about her shoulders. Nothing save for silence filled the Archchancellor’s living quarters, and it bothered her; a harrowing experience as false screams played in her mind of what she imagined the final moment’s of Nataliya’s life sounded similar to. 


She passed each room, seeing to her daughter Adeline who remained fast asleep and curled up in an array of blankets. Victor, her son, was too without a single stir. The image of solace should have brought her a sense of joy, yet there was nothing for all that was hollow in her. Rarely did she see her husband garner a moment’s worth of rest, and she sought not to wake him as a growing anger arose within her. Her suppressed vexations a young girl often led to her sudden piques of ire, and even more so now that it had been provoked by the tumultuous ongoings of her remaining family.


“Maani Prinzenas Nataliya Barbanov,” instructed Irene to her young niece, who was around five years of age. The girl was playing in the mud with the rocks, tossing them about and sending splotches across her beautiful gown. 


“Maani…” The young princess attempted to repeat, but was far more enamoured with a newfound frog by the lakeside of Reza. With pride and a smile so silly and giddy, Nataliya presented it to her. Bouts of laughter escaped the child, and Irene could not bring herself to tutor the girl any longer. 


She scooped her up swiftly into her grasp and swung her about, only to embosom her niece without care of the mud that would soon ruin her blue dress, too. She had been strictly instructed not to travel home as often as possible, for she was the future empress and the crownlands was where she ought to remain. These moments were fleeting, yet perhaps the infrequency made them all the more important. 


Down the staircase, she hurried to the lower levels of the chancellery building until she reached the bottom floor. A secretary tended to the desk with tired eyes, reclined in her seat with no expectations of orders or visitors at such an early morning hour. Before a word could slip her mouth, Irene rushed forth to the doors and slammed them behind her. One step after the other, she hurried across the empty streets of Providence as she passed by building after building, house after house. She paid no heed to the occasional passerby, not even with wary as she passed through the city’s entry gates and down another flight of stairs. On and on she went down the main road, until the trees of the forest engulfed her in darkness with only flickers of moonlight shimmering through. 


She was utterly alone, save for the birds and the insects and the flora that surrounded her; and she screamed. 


“I love him, Auntie. I love him more than anything.” Both aunt and niece were seated at each other’s side amongst the many benches of the trial. Irene had little care for it, only attending at the whims and pleas of her niece, so she might not be alone in the crowd. And so took upon her familial duties and desired her not to be lonesome, thus seating herself at the left of Nataliya in the great hall of the Ekaterinburg. The news of Nataliya’s desire to marry Petyr Wick, the disowned Baruch heir, brought her a considerable amount of thought. How to word it all properly… 


“And if that is so,” Irene began, “You must know that I support you through everything. You are my niece, as I am your aunt; and that will forever be bound by blood. Yet, you must be forewarned of the consequences of your actions. You are aware of what this will do to you, your name, your titles? Your mother will revoke it all.” Dancing around the truth of  it will do no good, she’d thought. Best to be ought with the realities of her circumstance than to leave her in the dark, hopeful for a better outcome that will never exist.


“I love him,” Nataliya repeated to her again, and clasped Irene’s hand in her own. “I am not afraid of the consequences.” She had thought to fight against Nataliya’s stubborn desires, to ensure her that it would ultimately lead to her ruin and damage the prestige of the royal family as she maintained the status of Princess Royal. Yet she held her tongue. If she had been given an opportunity akin to Nataliya’s, she would have taken it as well when she was her age; and perhaps all the better she would have been for it. 


“Then do what it is you believe best in your heart.”


Irene broke into a sudden sob engulfed in bouts of pain, as she collapsed to the forest floor. She desired some hope of a peaceful life for Nataliya, for an ending with her in her late fifties and into her sixties, yet she received it not. And now she was gone, or so she believed and was informed, dead in the most cruel of ways– at the order of Nataliya’s own nephew, Heinrik the Insane.

Edited by Eryane
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Though ignorant of that Wick's survival, a particular spirit would stride forth, nudging rubble and wood into place within a particular hovel of that forsaken kingdom of crows. GOD had seemingly left these people, these cruel individuals who sought the death of a girl over nothing more than accusations made by a mad and sinful king, who dabbled in the work of Iblees with his foul consortments. The bell tower chimed, breaking the stillness of a cold and quiet night, and the silence that had been kept thus far. Forsworn and bedamned to walk the earth as 'Geist, that mutt, that Raevish hound of antiquity and zeal, would furrow its brow and howl unto the moon...


It could hardly expect Godan to do all the work, now could it?

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    Petyr Wick remained right beside Nataliya in their room at the Cathalon estate as she recovered, promising himself he'd never leave her side again. His thoughts lingered on why anyone would do this to his wife. The boy king Heinrik trying to kill his aunt who had been nothing but kind to him for reasons of his own making, why? There seemed to be no logic to it, and Petyr doubted he'd ever find any closure in regards to his reasoning. It seemed to him the King wished to be a hateful tyrant for the sake of being one, as if the poor people of the world hadn't already had their fair share of awful men in power.


    The Wick thought back to his memories in Haense, all full of hate and suffering. Every man born from Haense that he had met sought only to bring harm to him and his family, or cared not if his family was torn apart. Although casted out by King Josef, at least he allowed for them to live in peace and go as they please, this King murders without cause like some lunatic. Petyr prayed that justice would be delivered to the King and that perhaps he and his family could finally live in peace once again. He prayed for the good health of his wife, hoping she might recover soon. Finally he prayed for the people of Haense; perhaps some could be saved of their hateful ways, maybe some weren't hateful in the slightest and he'd only met the worst the Kingdom had to offer. He hoped the latter, and hoped that perhaps a righteous and selfless man would take the throne again in his lifetime. 

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Utayr Bin Amr would hear the news as he ruled his beard, offering a sigh as he tried to understand "Ya Rabb, what strange times do we live in. Fast and dangerous like the sandstorms, and a path unclear like the changing dunes.. I remember meeting a wick that saved my life on the road, never caught his name.. maybe I should pay a visit.."

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Laszlo Andrik Barbanov watches from the Seven Skies with a frown as yet another Barbanov falls from the hand of their own family. But nonetheless glad to see she has got up from this fall.

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Corbin Wick overhears of the recent events while downing a glass of Wick Chamberpot Wine within the tavern of Karosgrad. The Hanseti Court Mage seems to not have much to say on this matter to anybody, but is still visibly distraught. He finish his glass and remove himself from the tavern as he remove a journal from his jacket and begin flipping through pages until he rest his finger on a fresh one, a slight frown from the Wick as he pulls a charcoal piece from his pocket and begins writing.

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