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The Bell Tolls for Another, This Day




[!] A letter arrives on Sigismund's (@Xarkly) desk, no seal upon it. Though when opened, the handwriting is familiar.



[!] A Portrait is published of the Dame featuring a depiction of her when much younger.



A young teenage girl arrived at the tall red walls of the Royal city of Karosgrad one winter’s day, having travelled from her home deep in the Haeseni snow-filled countryside; the eve of her 16th birthday with one goal in mind.

She was a complete blank slate, with no family of origin.


"To my King,

As I write this I'm sitting on the palace steps. Just at the bottom - right hand side. We have just elected Reinhardt to become Knight Paramount upon the Drowning of the Blades. The pyre burns before me, the pyre of both Baron Sigmar and Ser Erwin. It has been one hell of a year.”


Lynette Stewart braved the first enemies, she faced the mangled bodies from the edges of Attenlund marshland, they killed a lundworm; shooting off its eye as a trophy, to which she had mounted on whichever wall was around ever since.

She braved the Knight’s table and became a noble squire of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. 

In her Haense Royal Army oath hunt, the group of several young initiates braved the Reinmaren wilderness to slay a pack of wolves, and they were oathed before the Lord Marshal.


"I've often thought about this: Lady Death is such a cruel mistress. She takes her pickings of those most undeserving and stamps upon them beneath her high-heeled boot. I suppose I answer to Lady Death. We have danced for decades, and everytime she takes one of my own victims, my soul teeters closer to the edges of her thinly wrinkled grasp.”


Within the span of a year, she assisted in reconnaissance missions in the heart of Southern Sutican territory; meeting a man named Carlos Mendez. She met siren threats and slew them in Norland, and single-handedly faced a Reinmaren Rimetroll to allow time for reinforcements to arrive.

She travelled far into the Grand Dwarven Kingdom, guarding a dwarven expedition for minerals from goblins, lava caverns, and worm foes.

She travelled to the new City of Yong Ping and slew a pack of large ferocious wolves terrorising the roads.


"I thought you should know this. For a person built and raised to serve, like myself, Royalty are like... Gods. I know that Godan shall strike me down for writing such words on paper, but I was on my way out anyway..

It stirs the being to spot them. A circlet upon the brow, dark Barbanov hair, bright expensive royal garb... Seeing a man of Royalty calls firmly upon the soul of a man. The soul of a Knight. It's Lady Death's whispers, and she tells you that you would do anything to protect them. You would die to scrounge a smile onto their face.”


Blood gushed from the squire’s neck, and while her comrades celebrated their victory not too far away, she lay dying on the ground as the light faded from her sight and she bled out.


A dark forest… Fresh air filled her blood-clogged lungs, the trees rustled and the wind beat against her movements. Glowing eyes filled the deeply shaded forest edges, and Lynette felt compelled to move - to run. She was being chased. And by what?


"And I see you. I have served in King Sigismund III's Order of the Crow since his coronation. I have loyally watched. We watched you play jolly games of chess with a now-dead man. I've watched you drive your siblings away, and push forward in a war no one expects you to win.”


Sinister howls filled the air. It froze her bones and shook her core. 

Blood gushed from the squire’s neck, and at the sight of it she let out a loud pained shriek, reaching up to try and cover the open wounds. 


A dark forest. Howls signifying death to all who hear them.


Blood rushing from the body faster than could be prevented - she was going to die.


Eyes staring back at her from the depths of unreachable shadow.


A dark forest filled with death at each turn.


And then light. Brightness. Warmth. Life.

She was alive. She was saved. And by who?


"Few knights die. It is a rarity in our Order - most retire, or fall out of relevancy. Until today I had assumed Ser Alric had perished. The last time I saw him was the Rimetroll battle of Reinmar. Dame Marie succumbed saving my life. Her death was noble, and I wish I could have done more for her. Ser Cedric died before I could get to him. He lured a group of bandits away from our position, but they stabbed him as they died.” 


Lynette Stewart slowly nodded, “What… Would you say is the most important part of being a leader then?” She asked, looking attentively to the aging Barclay before her. Friedrich thought for a moment, folding his arms across his chest before replying simply, “Coming to terms with the fact that people will die under your command at some point.” The squire’s shoulders fell, “Ah…” She glanced down, unable to find many more words than that.


Vague memories…  His gentle reassuring smile.

A new scar. Bandages…Blood.

A siege upon Valwyck. The smell of death.


"You’ll remember that, you were there when we dragged his body back. I remember it clearly, you were young and… Innocent isn’t the right word. Unburdened. You asked the question that plagues all knights: ‘He really was a true knight, no?’ And you kneeled before Ser Cedric’s body as I have done so many times before you since that day.”


And then darkness.

It was filled with darkness. She readied herself. “Why wolves… Why wolves in a dark forest?” Her brow creased as sweat dripped from it. Her armour clinked loudly as the many weapons she had armed herself with hung off her tall form, casting shadows along the moonlit ground.


"You may not care to read this letter; I thought it impertinent to ask you for a private audience myself. But I am to have it delivered following my untimely demise. I can tell it will be soon, though I have not the wisdom to predict how. Maybe I’m just tired. At night I can spot Lady Death. She climbs up to my window sill and watches, waiting. Tapping her watch impatiently. She’s waiting for me to be ready; to get my affairs in order. She asks me what I could possibly be awaiting. And I don’t answer her.”


She was faced with the dingy shadowcast cluster of trees known as the overgrown Krusev forests, where echoes of a long-forgotten battle that the squire remembered still whisper…

A howl whistled through the night air, sending a deep earthly shiver down the squire’s spine.


Gushing blood. 

They were on the floor: teeth and claws, sweat and grit, fur and ferrum clashing against eachother.


And she rose. “I dub thee now, Dame Lynette ‘The Resolute’ of the Knight’s table.”


"I mentioned the question that plagues all Knights in their sleep. What constitutes a true knight? Am I a true knight? Will I ever know? If being flawed means that one is not a true knight, do I even want to be one? It didn’t bother me at the time of Ser Cedric’s death, as I was a mere squire. But even still it astounds me how someone so young had instantly pinpointed and addressed the insecurity of every person in the the room - that which all knights suffer beneath.”


Well, we’re married now.” He said simply, smiling warmly as he wrapped his arm around her. Carlos glanced down towards her growing belly, tender with new life the pair were nurturing. “I know,” She smiles brightly, “Aren’t you happy?” 

"I’m so happy.”


"While touching on the topic of Knightly duty, I see your face recently. It makes me sad that a man I watched grow up and a man 20 years younger than my elderly self looks as though he has suffered as many miseries as I have. My King, I wish for nothing less than your own happiness, so please. Take a break, or spend some time in the Royal Gardens, or tell your children how much you love them. Do the things that you will regret missing out on when you’re gone.”


From there all that filled her life was duty. She drove her children away, even though everything she did was to provide for them. Duty overtook feeling, feeling overtook family, and family overtook love. A grim infection spread over the heart, covering it and then squeezing tight. Her back straightened, her temper deepened and her fists clenched until nothing was left. All that remained was the name. The Moniker. The Resolute. 


"I already despise myself for not… I don’t know. My children are gone, my husband is bedridden. There is nothing left for me here in this plane, but I can’t go until I know that everyone will be okay. And with Reinhardt to be Knight Paramount? A new generation of squires to succeed me? I know everything will be okay.”


If a doctor had examined her, they may have found the Dame to be ridden with fatigue, starvation, thirst. Her heartbeat so faint that she could be mistaken for being dead when sleeping. And they could ask, “What has kept her going?” 


'Admirably purposeful, determined and unwavering.’ A woman who never gave up. Countless harrowing Quests pass by in the blink of an eye, characterized only by an unrelenting will set by the moniker that one must define themself by forever.


"I don’t know why I decided to write you my ‘in morte’ letter now, but I can feel her. As the Death Pyre burns before me, she breathes down my neck. On occasion I feel her haunting gaze piercing my skin like pins and needles. In death, I want nothing more for you, My King, and my people than happiness. You are an excellent leader and your decision-making skills are impeccable. The Kingdom is in good hands - it has been for a while now. You have qualified people under you and you can take your time…”


The Dame heaved a great sigh as she looked to her squires clustered around the Knight’s table. “I feel we should preface” She begins, “Everyday a knight, squire, or any soldier wakes up with the knowledge that His Majesty or a commanding officer may give them orders that will be their last. A Quest they shall not fulfill. Now, you can dwell on that and never do anything, or you can get to work and train yourself to be able to deal with whatever comes your way. Make sense?” She asked them, watching each of their faces very carefully upon hearing her words. Marie Ludovar spoke first: “Yam going to do my very best, Dame.” Lynette nodded her head, “Well good.” She said firmly, smiling towards them. “I’d be disappointed if you did anything less.”


"I won’t miss you, in the Seven Skies above.”


One night, Dame Lynette sat upon her balcony in the Royal City of Karosgrad drinking a glass of carrion black. It had been a quiet day, with nothing more than idle clusters of people or Queen’s Council courtiers treading through the city streets in preparation for an upcoming ball - or something of the sort - being held. A brief Duma had been held that afternoon, though she had decided not to attend. Her mind was preoccupied with other matters. “I haven’t spent… As much time with that girl,” The recently knighted Mariya ‘The Grey’,“as I should have. As payment. For her mother.. She perished saving MY life, I at least owe her that much. The same with... Reinhardt.” The droning sound of the bell tolling out over the city filled her eardrums as she sat and lamented.


"So I had better not see you any time presently, or I shall curse myself for leaving so soon.”


She thought back upon her life as she stood, sipping lightly on her carrion glass bottle and watching vigilantly over the rooftops of her city. As the bell tolled, a breeze passed through the elevated balcony she stood upon and she took a deep breath, closing her eyes. “My Lady…” She whispered in acknowledgement, dipping her head to some unseen figure. “I hadn’t expected you so soon.” The windchimes above her head began to hollowly knock against each other as a ghostly chill of wind wafted above the Royal City.


"Lady Death will come to us all eventually. And she tugs on my heart far too often. Resist her: nothing good comes of her, no matter how attractive she may seem one hopeless night. But I’m ready to go.”


"You can tell, can’t you…” The Dame whispered, fear crept into her tone as tears filled her aging bright blue eyes - eternally stained as a symbol of her past struggle. “What’s it like? Up there.” Her tear-filled gaze drifted upwards towards the cloud-filled grey sky. Tonight would not be a good night. A wolf howl resonated through the night air, causing her to flinch ever to slightly at the sound. However, this howl was to quickly be joined by the resonating weeping outcry of the growing gale. The Dame blinked away her burgeoning tears and took a deep breath. “I thought I would go down nobly in battle, but this… Is far more peaceful.” She managed to smile to herself as she downed the rest of her carrion. Already, she could feel her stomach turning over in disgust at the drink it had been fed, but she swallowed it down. Her throat felt itchy and irritated, but she held her head high and enjoyed the view of the city.


"Yours Eternally Faithfully,”


Her mind glanced back on her actions before she came up to the balcony. She had grabbed the bottle of carrion from the kitchen, barely thinking when she absentmindedly opened the serpent’s stalk container. It was by no means an accident, she had known exactly what she was doing. But it was far from noble either. “I never… Saw the end of the war. I never saw the look on his face when he won. Oren, Sutica, Nachzehrer, Rimetrolls.. I can never finish what I start.” She murmured to herself while her vision blurred. She let out a gasp and clutched at the searing pain in her chest as waves of agony passed over her whole body. She stumbled, leaning back and crashing her head into the wooden pillar behind her in an attempt to dispel the twinging headache now affecting her. Her pained, desperate gasps for air echoed over the snow-covered rooftops as the life waned from her lungs. “I… Hope…Not to… See you soon.” 


"The Resolute.”



[!] When her body was discovered, they came across an emaciated, stone-like corpse in the upper balcony of the Mendez residence, appearing alert and observing the Nikirala Prikaz. It was still donning knightly armour, though the thing that most confused people was the rigidness of the thing. It was still standing stock upright, and it was difficult to move - seemingly intent on staying right where it was, as though guarding something. Or maybe it had just become stuck in the shape of its most typical pose; that of flanking the King’s right side and vigilantly watching over him. 

Along with a thickly padded envelope to Sigismund, several other letters were discovered and distributed to the following people:


Stephanie (@Based1Salmon)



Dear Steph,

I miss you, dearest. I remember… You were so small, my dear. And he was so harsh to you. He was too harsh on you. I wish you’d come home, but if you’ve received this letter then it’s likely too late. I’m gone, and Carlos has been bedridden for a long time already. But I want to make sure than you know how much I loved you - still love you. I hope you’re happy, wherever you are. I miss you.

With all my love,




Valentino (@marslol)



Dear Valen,

Oh, my dear, my baby… There was so much I should have done differently. Valentino, you caused so much trouble. Following Princesses, disrespecting noblewomen, aggravating young Princes. And… Then… You were gone. Where did you go, my love? Blew away in the wind. I wished you’d come home, I had made it my mission to find you, before the war got in the way. But just… My precious baby boy, the only Mendez left, I hope you know how much I love you. But if you’re receiving this letter, I have perished. I hope you’re not too upset, but just know that I would never have died unless I was ready. And even though I never found you, my dearest son, I hope above all that you are happy.

With all my love,




Carlos (@Ziggitee)



Dear Carlos,

If you can read this, I have perished, likely in battle. There is not much to say; I have known it to be coming for a while, but I’ll see you when you get here. Don’t take too long, I’ll be lonely without you. I love you more than anything.

Dearest Regards,




Reinhardt (@Capt_Chief26)



Dear Rein,

I know what you told me, but I couldn’t help myself. You have been waiting for this opportunity - to be Knight Paramount - for all your life and trust me when I write that if I didn’t think you could do it, I wouldn’t be leaving - Dying. You are so much more of a brother to me than anything I may have ever had, so as your sister I want to remind you to not do anything (or not do anything) you will regret when you are gone. Kiss your wife, tell your children you love them. Make up with those you feud with, congratulate those you admire. And, as my dying wish, enforce the one-squire policy!! Please! I’m gonna miss you, buddy. Take your time.

Much love,


The Resolute












DIED 66 S.A.




Thanks for reading through that heck of a post, I had a really fun time writing it and going through all the stuff Lynette has done in her life.

This was my first ever Haense character, and (I haven't told them this) credit for that goes to Siren @sirenssong who yanked me out of Halfling roleplay and inspired me to make a Haenser.

This was a super amazing character to have, and my own goal for her really was to be knighted - so this is so much better! She's opened up so many opportunities for me, so all respect to Lynette for that, we love a girlboss.

Thanks to everyone who ever RPed with Lynette, most notably @ColdestPepsi, @Frymark, @Ziggitee, @Xarkly, @livrose, @Capt_Chief26, @Based1Salmon, @marslol, @sarahbarah, @Fionn__TWG and a million more who I can't think of from the top of my head!

Gonna miss my girl, but all good things have to come to and end.


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Marie clutched the missive informing her of the Dame’s death to her chest, releasing a heavy sigh.

“Spasiba for everything, Lynette - ea only wish vy could have seen me become a knight.”

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Fionn Castaway greeted Lynette as she entered the Seven Skies, a smile on his face as he did so "Another loyal servant of Haense rewarded with eternal peace." he grumbled after he handed her a Carrion as he did with Aleksandra the Saint's Day previous, noticing as the hoard of bottles began to dwindle.

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Friedrich sighed upon hearing the news of Dame Lynette's death, not having much else to do in his old age he ended up hearing relatively fast. "Another one from my time dies, I don't think I even know at this point how many are still alive. I guess I'll have reason enough to drink tonight."


Conrad made himself busy as he went along his day, he had things to do. The page wouldn't hear of the Dame's death for some time as he wanted to make sure that he didn't disappoint the knight when he saw her next, though he wouldn't get the chance.

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Cesar de Rivera wept for the wife of his primo, Carlito, "I fear the worst for Carlos.." He remarks

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Ser Reinhardt Barclay slumped back into his chair in the knight’s keep, the messenger had brought the Knight Paramount a letter address to him. When he had finished reading the work, he dropped the piece of parchment from his grasp. He Clenched his hands into fists, bringing them crashing down in the ancient Oaken surface of Knight’s Table. “…. Rest easy Lyn… Gott knows du earned dein rest. Ich… hope du give mein regards to those of our order who have passed on…” he signs the Lorraine and says a silent prayer for the passing of yet another one of his friends “ich am running out of fruends, before long the only one’s ich will the only one left…” he mutter to himself

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That evening, having caught wind of the noble Dame’s death, Emma had knelt at the end of her bed. Praying, for her safe ascent. She let her eyes flutter shut, fingers tighten, as she implored God to protect the woman who had done so much for her family.


On the Koenas’ left nightstand, a single candle was lit, to burn for the Dame throughout the night.

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