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[✗] [CA + Further Alchemy] Affliction


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This a heavy rework of the original Afflicted lore; should this iteration be implemented, players will have the option to drop Affliction or continue using it according to this new piece. In addition, Teacher Applications will be wiped, and those who once held active TA’s will have to seek out the recipe and method of obtaining a TA again. This version of Afflicted will occupy 2 out of five magic slots.










The voidal hollow plumed outward from the area that was once Ando Alur, spreading the corruption that was held within the tear far along the East of Almaris. From this day forth, afflicted were barred from a great deal of interaction with this side of the map; specifically, the events. Should a descendent blessed with the now defective symbiote have stepped too deep into voidal soil, they’d find themselves trembling - shaking with unease, before seizing up and locking at their joints. Should they not be dragged away, the host would choke on their own foaming bile and die, or suffer from a great deal of brain damage. This proved the symbiotes inability to provide what it was originally crafted for in the first place - to mimic the abilities of a voidal horror, and to combat them directly. The symbiote began to sink into its own depression after this discovery, screaming at its host not to find themselves even near the voidal taint - and when the corruption lifted, the thing fell into its own hibernation… to prepare and evolve, for when this thing would inevitably happen again. The host would find themselves growing accustomed to its newly awakened, and newly empowered symbiote upon those gifts being granted again. A refined power rose within them then, no longer so loose and thrown about… the host would be more knowledgeable of their own feats. The void would not be something for the afflicted to fear any longer - no longer debilitating, but empowering in the face of voidal casters and beasts. Upon the shrill talk of moon speech, the beholder of that symbiote would find themselves enraged. Their blood would nearly boil with that innate anger that rose within, and the idea to handle the voidal being as hostile would become far too present to ignore. Whether to kill, or drain them of their liquid mana, the symbiote must be quelled in one way or another. A show of how far the thing had grown. A show of force.


Those known as the afflicted are those granted with gifts of alchemical make, oftentimes being viewed as the epitome of their work. To warp themselves at will, as akin to portions to their gifts that could take hours or even days to perfect. They are imbued with another lifeform known only as the symbiote, warping the perception and prowess of the host over time, ‘til they are no longer the meagre descendent they once were. To warp flesh and bone to harbor talons, to hear their way through the dark… Another hand, or three, for their crafts; the afflicted usher in a new era for their ilk.








Following the needed recipe and know-how to create the symbiote, one would find it growing as would any other descendant fetus - though now, with the estranged looks that the symbiote would harbor. It is often compared to a slug, or a worm, in even its earliest stages. As it manifests, the fluids and herbs in its tank would be devoured, or absorbed into its scaly flesh. At its final stages, the symbiote reflects a gradient of colorless flecks. Black, to white, sometimes entirely gray, white, or black. Only on rare occasions does it bear the color brown. Once grown and implanted into the body of a descendant, it will transfer its own knowledge of all things alchemical into the mind of the beholder.





Only TA holders are able to clone their symbiotes into transferable replicas, With this ability, alongside the steps that follow, they are able to turn eligible descendants into afflicted. 

The process of replication for a treated symbiote takes time [1 OOC WEEK]. During this time, the symbiote goes into a state of stasis and is unable to act according to the host's wishes, essentially leaving the afflicted vulnerable, and unable to use their usual abilities. The afflicted will find themselves - for the duration of this process - in a perpetual state of starvation, as they will be unable to satisfy the Symbiote’s demand for nutrition no matter what and how much they eat. They will experience the typical symptoms of any starving descendant; Delirium, a notable lack of strength and energy, as well as a lack of balance and coordination, amongst other symptoms, effectively leaving the afflicted defenseless.


The process does not end here, however. The newly formulated symbiote, though strong enough to live, will be unable to adapt to a foreign host without prior treatment to condition it. As such, throughout the duration of a narrative month [24 Hours], the cloned symbiote must be soaked and maintained in a specifically designed formula - then contained in an airtight jar.


First the alchemist is to prepare a base solution; a mixture of the recipient’s blood as well as their own. It is to then be distilled alongside a bottle of liquid mana and a singular measure of the recipient's yellow bile. This will complete the base necessary for creating the symbiote.


The core ingredients are as follows, all grounded into fine dust, dried, and distilled as necessary to acquire a consistency similar to ash or flour:


- Strength x2

- Growth x5

- Endurance x2

- Connection x3

- Life x3

Once the symbols are refined into a soluble powder, it is to be unified with the distillate prepared prior; boiled and stirred in a pot until a perfectly unified liquid is procured. The final product would present itself as a tenebrous, dense yellow-tinted concoction. Within this liquid, is where the cloned symbiote will be housed for the length of a narrative month [24 Hours]. With this treatment, it will adapt to the conditions faced once they are introduced to its host. And with that, the symbiote is ready to place within the selected descendant.



- The symbiote cannot be eaten for connection to work. They must be swallowed whole, or taken in through a sizable incision.


- In order to connect someone to Affliction, OOC consent is required.


- The process of assimilation will begin the moment a CA is accepted, marking the moment the symbiote begins settling into its surroundings.

- Afflicted without a TA cannot instigate this process.

- This is a T3 Alchemy recipe.







The merging of two bodies soon mesh minds. The thoughts of the symbiote and the personality of the wielder usher forth a gift often used as mere demonstration to prove that any claim of their power is legitimate. Skin could peel, crack, chisel, in gory displays… Ripple as if the tides of the sea, or chime with the slither of snakes that emanate loud hisses to those in the area. Those wrought with their affliction manifest great gifts, metamorphosing thereafter a magnificent display of their own, unique aesthetic.

An aesthetic can compose of… anything, really. Mundane flames, frost of the arctic… Chiseling rock, waterfalls of sand… Usually, it depicts the personality or motives of the caster. These cloak the afflicted with effects that do not aid in combat, or provide any strategic advantage whatsoever in any scenario. This is merely a means to display that the afflicted is undergoing bodily change at the behest of their alteration abilities. 



- Aesthetics do not provide any benefit to the wielder. They are merely a physical and audible tell that the afflicted is casting.

- An aesthetic has very little barring what it may appear as. As long as the body part it envelops is entirely masked by it, it should be allowed.

- Elements such as fire, water, winds, and earthen materials are allowed, so long as they are mundane.

- Aesthetics may only be utilized to an advantageous degree with the use of amelioration, such as using the noise their aesthetic may create to utilize echolocation.







When a symbiote is introduced to a foreign host, they do not immediately settle into its new environment. An afflicted person will not be able to tap into their full potential until the symbiote has entirely settled, effectively becoming akin to another organ within the host’s body. The process comes in multiple stages, throughout which the host will go through a multitude of changes; both drastic, and minor.

As soon as the symbiote is introduced to the new environment, the recipient will feel the effects of its demands almost instantly. It will begin drawing in the body’s nutrients without measure, constantly requisitioning nourishment the host did not previously require or seek out. The afflicted will begin to starve, their fat steadily dwindling as it is consumed by the symbiote - leaving the host in a perpetually malnourished state. Any attempt by the host to meet these demands will prove difficult as no amount of consumption will quell the destructive hunger. During this time, the afflicted will be especially susceptible to disease, injury, and a failure to eat and drink in excess may ultimately lead to their death. The symbiote, still unable to moderate its demands, will absorb all nutrients made available until there are none left to seek, or until it has adapted to the new environment and begun to feed from the host in moderation. Their teeth and stomachs will ache, as they would with a cavity, or mundane stomach ache.

Duration - One OOC Week



- During this time, the afflicted is unable to exercise any of the afflicted abilities.


- Should the host be brought into a combat scenario during this stage, their movement will be halved entirely. They may maneuver two blocks per combat emote, or four should they focus entirely on sprinting.

- No source of outside conditioning will aid them to a faster recovery. You must roleplay these drained effects for your character for the entire week you are within this stage.

-During this stage, the host's stomach will begin turning to their respective iron counterpart. (See Stage 2)


- Their teeth have begun altering their composition to be more akin to steel. (See Stage 2)



During the second stage, the symbiote has learned restraint. Though the caloric intake required daily will be significantly more - now tripled, the afflicted will find themselves fulfilled as usual if they successfully meet their new diet. This period of assimilation will consist mostly of their body’s recovery from the devastating decline of the previous stage. Their teeth and stomachs have lost their constant pains and now harbor much more durable properties, allowing them to devour and digest foreign materials.

Duration - One OOC Month



- The afflicted may now demonstrate usage of alteration to a moderate degree. This can mean morphing your body to take the appearance of another, or adding moderate patches of natural armor over your vitals. 


- The afflicted is capable of forming one attachment.

- The host is now able to utilize replication.

- Their movement returns to the regular block count. Four blocks per combat emote, or eight per sprinting emote.

- Any alterations now come after the use of the Afflicted’s own unique aesthetic.

- Passively, the afflicted has steel teeth and an iron stomach.

- The afflicted may now begin to passively heal.



The Afflicted’s health has reached its peak. No longer are they wrought with feebleness, hunger, or sickness. Their muscles will strengthen and their bond to their symbiote has become unparalleled. They are now one, in both body and mind. They will bear the strength, stamina, and fortitude of those at the peak of their race, capable of learning to use their gifts to the height that their symbiote will allow. At the end of the three month duration, the Afflicted will be eligible for a TA - assuming all additional requirements have been met.


Duration - Three OOC Months




- The afflicted develop physical prowess akin to those at the peak of their race. (This does not mean they yield super strength, extra speed, or heightened stamina. This is a mere roleplay explanation for why your afflicted is able to have these results.)

- They may now harbor up to three attachments, and five bodily alterations at a time. Aesthetic alterations - such as the color of one’s eyes - do not count towards this number.

- They are now able to use amelioration at this stage with practice.

- Both churning and basking are now able to be utilized.

- Funneling is now unlocked, so long as the afflicted has mastered attachments by this stage.

- The afflicted is now able to urge their regenerative properties to be more refined for a brief moment of time.








An Afflicted by no means views the world in the same way as a descendant. Instead it is seen in a calculative way. The world is perceived in its most literal sense, as an afflicted mind will always occupy itself with analyses. Instead of perceiving a stone wall as a mere structure, the symbiote will force the beholder to see it for what it really is. In this case, a wall meant to give those behind it sanctuary. Creatures such as cattle will be seen for their parts and what uses each may carry. Their prior personality traits will be left behind at worst, morphing the person into a shell of a person. Or, at best, the more mundane bits of emotion will be muffled, restrained by thoughts of logic. A fear of harm to their bodies will always be present, giving those imbued with the symbiote a strong sense of self-preservation at almost any cost. Fears of losing limbs, sight, or even more looming things such as aging will constantly haunt the hosts thoughts, despite their healthy forms, and their elongated lifespans. In their writing, those bearing the symbiote will find themselves writing in the material alphabet, dotting their works with these markings without care or likely even the knowledge that they had done so.
An Afflicted will no longer see satisfaction in most former carnal desires. Most notably, upon being merged entirely with their symbiote, they will no longer feel physical attraction - even if they once did. The Afflicted will have grown asexual, and will no longer find the inclination to partake in intimacy for any self-indulgent purpose. Though they may still reproduce or participate in the activity, the Symbiote will be dormant throughout.

A siphoning malady. The symbiote leeches off of the host to a horrible, strenuous degree until they are sickly and feeble. It demands upwards of 6000 calories per day, though even when met, the host will hardly feel any better than they had prior. Very little of this nourishment is given to themselves, causing them to lose weight until the symbiote learns to adapt to spreading its resources about its new home. This hunger will cause the host to do unspeakable things, even when they are entirely adapted to housing the symbiote within their bodies. Some afflicted are sighted tearing into an opponent during battle to keep themselves nourished long enough to continue utilizing their gifts for the next batch of enemies to come. While others, will only be able to sate their hunger through the use of alchemical nutrients. All afflicted will crave liquid mana, which sates their hunger for a time, as well as diminishes the urge to lash out without the substance. However, over the course of their assimilation, the afflicted will find their teeth strengthening to the degree of steel, allowing them to mash up materials such as wood, metals, or rubber. Their bite strength is also increased to a large degree when in use of replication. Their stomachs now harbor an intense strength, which allows for it to digest these odd, foreign materials. At later stages of their metamorphosis, the host will be as coordinated as they once were, if not to a greater extent. They know precisely what goes on within their forms and how everything has been designed to function.









- Alteration (Combative / Non-Combative)
(3 Emotes)

To those without an eye for change, an abominable freak is seen. A shape capable of growing or diminishing their mass. With different shades, builds, and formations to demonstrate a new face or form. An afflicted is capable of sculpting themselves a new appearance - something to mask themselves from scrutiny, or from those that would do them harm

Focusing upon a place of their body, the host may will their symbiote to gather its gifts into that particular place. In the coming moments, the afflicted will find their aesthetic overwhelming the area in question, lashing out and shaping something to be birthed anew. Thereafter, this veil of change is lifted, and something brand new rises from beneath.

This may be interrupted if done during a combat scenario, thus reverting the Afflicted’s aesthetic to nothingness, and displaying what was once within that location prior. The host may prepare combative alterations ahead of time, such as sculpting natural armor or the like. This process must be screenshotted, and set aside should combat arise. If this is not done, it will be considered powergaming and misuse of the CA.



- No change is permitted to occur within the span of the first two emotes of Alteration. The third emote serves as the process of change actually occurring, only being displayed once the veil of the host's aesthetic has concluded.

- An afflicted may grow to heights impossible for their race. This is capped at the height of a fully grown orc, or the smallest of halflings. (8ft to 2ft)
- This does not alter your strength or durability in any way.

- Things such as natural armor, tails, horns, or anything otherwise ‘magical’ in nature, are limited to the strength of dense bone without the use of Replication. They will still be susceptible to blunt force, or a direct piercing blow to the area.

- If utilized in a combat scenario, movement will be halved, as moving more than two blocks per attacking or defending emote, or four for a movement specific emote, will cause the effects of Alteration to diminish.

- An Afflicted may replicate the physical characteristics of another player-character so long as the player provides OOC consent to having the afflicted use their characters likeness.

- You must be familiar enough with the appearance of the character your afflicted replicates. If you cannot see a particular mark on their body, such as a scar on their chest, you will not be able to replicate the character perfectly.
- There will always be something off should you be using another player-character's appearance. The voice will never quite match, while other irregularities at the Afflicted's discretion will apply.


- Attachment (Combative / Non-Combative)
(3 Emotes)

A host may garner their focus upon their bodies to gain the desired effect. In the second phase, a metamorphosis of the hosts own unique aesthetic will be garnered over the desired area, chiming with whatever mundane effects for the next two emotes. At the third mark of this transformation, the aesthetic will fade, and a new appendage, such as a bladed tail, additional limbs, or even spikes, may erupt from the very form of the afflicted.

With lack of disruption, such as being forced to move more than two blocks, this will falter inside a combat scenario. The effects of attachments may be utilized outside of combat, but must be done with screenshotting and saving the emotes in mind. If this is not done, it will be considered powergaming, and misuse of the magic.




- A total of three additional appendages may be grown. The first will maintain the typical strength of the host, with the second sharing half of that strength with the first, and finally, the third dividing that strength up into a third each.

- Additional limbs may grow up to 3 feet long. (1 mechanical block)

- Things such as spikes, bladed tendrils, or other more offensive uses of this ability will harbor the strength of dense bone, unless paired with the use of Replication.

- If utilized in a combat scenario, movement will be halved, as moving more than two blocks per attacking or defending emote, or four for a movement specific emote, will cause the effects of Alteration to diminish.


- Replication (Combative / Non-Combative) 

(2+ Emotes)

To devour something of another material, an afflicted will find themselves digesting it as if typical food one would prepare at home. This will allow them to understand its material makeup, thus granting them the ability to morph their attachments or alterations to harbor the same effects of the material. One emote, at least, is taken to consume the desired material. From then on, the symbiote may replicate its abilities. This does not allow for the host to consume things such as thanhium, boomsteel, or other ST-Node materials. In order to chew through these durable materials, the afflicted harbors great durability and strength in their jaws, though only with the idea of replication in mind.



- Any material, bar rare ST materials, are able to be consumed without harm to the afflicted.


- Heightened bite strength may not be utilized in a combat scenario for offensive cause. Only when eating a material is it applicable.


- Once devoured, the afflicted does not need to eat the material again. They then permanently know how to replicate the material.

- Stiff materials such as stone, iron, or steel will add weight to your character. Should your character opt to fasten themselves with entirely metallic, or otherwise sturdy skin, their movement will be stiff and cumbersome.


- You cannot coat your joints in these sturdier materials, bar for leather.

- This ability cannot be used on organs.

- Attachments may be coated in another material aside from flesh and bone, but undergo the same effects as the host.


- The afflicted can consume ST-signed materials during an event at ET discretion.


- Funneling (Non-Combative)
(6 Emotes) 

Addicted to liquid mana, an afflicted will always crave the satisfaction its consumption procures. As they were once unable to draw this nectar for themselves, scratching this itch was oftentimes an impossible venture. With its evolution, those who wield the symbiote have concocted a viable way to reap liquid mana from a magi without the magi having to strain themselves to any degree. Binding the magi with a specially altered attachment, they will find themselves sapped of one count of liquid mana, fed directly into the afflicted to sate their biologically evolved desires.

As any other ability, the wielder must first urge an order to their symbiote with the idea in mind to create a funnel of an attachment. Think of a worm. Another emote is spent to focus upon the area, beginning the transformation, with the next providing the attachment to the user. The next three emotes are spent attaching to the target, funneling, then disconnecting after being sated. This will effectively dispel the afflicted’s yearn for liquid mana for up to two OOC weeks, with their hunger for it returning between one week and the end of the second. Despite the construction time required for the tendril, it will slip off of the target if they make any sort of sudden movement away from it. 




- Only one mana draining tendril may be formed at a time.

- This ability cannot, or should not be utilized in a combat scenario, as it will slip off with any sudden movements.

- This tendril is only able to be sculpted from flesh.

- Churning (Combative)
(4 Emotes)

As the epitome of alchemical make, the afflicted has learned to provide themselves with on the fly means to utilize minor alchemical properties. A one by one meter of sap after mashing and churning up jailor’s moss… or a precise amount of frost after willingly regurgitating up Athin. A few narrative seconds are taken to devour the herb, the next to swallow. Another is taken to strip the signs from the herb, before finally, the effects are expelled from the body.



- This ability requires the user to have the herb mechanically in their inventory, destroying it in the process.


- You are only able to use signed and approved herbs for this process.

- Herbs with more than one sign will only be able to produce one of these elements.

- As long as the expelled product is similar in either element, or base form of the herb, it is passable.

- Earth, Water, Air, and Fire are the only signs this spell will seek after.

- Herbs with the coldness symbol will provide slowing as well as frostbite effects.


- Fire signs will not produce flames, but rather, inflict the target with boiling hot vomit that scalds their unprotected flesh.

- The sign of wind will act merely as a powerful gust of wind, sending targets staggering in need of a recovery emote.

- Earth signs will inflict the target with an encompassing stone, akin to Cockatrice's Breath (See Alchemy III: Core Potions for further redlines), though will only encompass  the stricken portion of their body with the effects.

- A water sign regurgitation will act purely as a more volatile regurgitation. It will replicate a blast of water that corrodes and rusts metals until they are cleaned or refined.

- Frost based regurgitations will apply light frost bite that will spread over the afflicted body part when stricken, weaker, but similar to Arctic Mists. (See Alchemy III: Core Potions for further redlines)

- Jailor’s Moss will act just as it had prior, slowing the target if it, and being difficult to remove.

- Symbols such as Life do not provide any effects.

- Basking (Non-Combative)
(4-5 Emotes)

To strip, is to take away… to displace what once was there, to somewhere entirely new; foreign.

Akin to churning, the afflicted is able to strip reagents from the devoured herb. If allowed to settle within their bodies for a period longer, volatile effects will not be produced, but pure forms of the desired reagents, directly from their own bodies. They devour the herb, mashing their powerful teeth over even the sturdiest of herbs, swallowing it down, and allowing it to simmer. It basks within the creature's body for another narrative moment, before being dispelled outward - the desired reagents stripped, and procured into the world from their bodies.



- This may only be used on one herb at a time.

- You are only able to use signed and approved herbs for this process.

- This does not provide extra reagents, it merely strips the already present ones from the herb you digest.


- Amelioration (Combative / Non-Combative)
(5 Emotes)

The advancement of one's body does not merely limit one to bolstering the strength and stamina at the heights of their race. It ends beyond, where one may influence their senses to be momentarily heightened to those of other beings. To focus on altering their sensory parts, whether nostrils, tongue, eyes, ears, or their flesh to briefly swell their capabilities, one would change themselves as any other alteration… at least at first. To focus, then afflict change… before it is unveiled by the dissipation of the host's aesthetic. For two emotes following, the afflicted will be able to utilize these senses to benefit themselves as they see fit. This could range from tasting iron on the tongue while hunting a meal, to hearing their way about a room through the use of mock echolocation.

Due to the heightened state that the afflicted will undergo for these few moments, they will be susceptible to greater amounts of pain should they be attacked. Should they be stunned by a deafening clap to the ear, or flash of blinding light to the eye, they will experience a horrible pain that keeps them disoriented for a full emote longer than one typically would.



- The use of heightened senses may only begin at the end of the third emote, lasting wholly through the fourth, and ending at the tail-end of the fifth.

- You may not use this ability to see through walls, or know that something is occurring behind cover if it is not emoted within range of your character mechanically.

- The afflicted may only make use of echolocation if there is noise within the room. This could range from tapping a tune on your breastplate, or by use of your aesthetic should it bear a noise component.

- A templar’s burst body spell will disorient the afflicted even if their back is turned to the blinding light. Should they have taken cover, the light will not have reached their eyes. This is only applicable if the afflicted has altered their sight in any way.

- Foul odors will cause the afflicted to become sickly for 1 emote, before they vomit on the 2nd if they have not exited the area of the terrible stench.

- An afflicted will avoid vomiting as best as they can in order to maintain their caloric intake for the day.


- Reconstruct (Non-Combative / Passive)

(6+ Emotes)


A symbiote will always seek to maintain its host's health. To safeguard the condition of its husk, it will inadvertently attempt to prioritize the regeneration of wounds and dedicate nutrients to quicken the healing process. As long as an afflicted is fed, it will always passively regenerate all wounds in order of priority; a bleed will stop on its own accord, lest it grow fatal, wounds would expel contaminants before beginning to slowly seal. Healing notable wounds would take a toll out of the Afflicted’s resources, however, and the Symbiote as a result will begin demanding added nutrients, giving the afflicted the urgent need for nourishment - whether through means of real food, or alchemically induced sustenance. 

Through reconstruction may occur passively to all non-fatal wounds, an Afflicted may dedicate their focus into quickening the process and may do so through assigned emotes.

While the time both minor and major wounds will take to heal passively is largely freeform, they will recover as if naturally - though swift. Limbs, however, are another story; with their regeneration being inherently unnatural, the process will generally unfold over the course of a year (1 OOC week).



- Reconstruction does not act swiftly enough to address fatal wounds. An afflicted will, in some severe cases, still require medical attention.

- Extremities; such as arms and  eyes, may passively regrow over time.


- Limbs  will take 1 OOC week to regrow.

- Accelerated healing only allows for one body part to be addressed at a time.

- The healing of wounds will drain the afflicted of their  accumulated nutrients. As a result, they will need to keep themselves fed.




A secondary symbiote may be crafted and grown with the express purpose of disconnecting another afflicted. This serves as purpose to rid someone of their CA should they break lore to a degree that requires a magic blacklisting, or merely dropping of the CA from express roleplay purpose, such as providing problems within a guild, or becoming detrimental to the inner workings of alchemy.
Through wound or maw, A TA holder may craft this second symbiote to then insert it into another host, causing the two symbiote within them to fight to the death for rights over the host. In the process, the pairing will effectively perish, and rid the afflicted of their gifts. For an OOC week after disconnection, the once host will become sickly and ill, hardly capable of moving without some sluggish pace. This halves combat speed, and reduces their total stamina for this time. It is important to avoid combat during this time, should you be unfortunate enough to be disconnected from your symbiote. As only TA holders can successfully produce an innately functioning symbiote, only a TA holder can instigate this process.



- A symbiote may be forcefully injected with the purpose of disconnection.

- The newly introduced body will be swift to work, immediately attacking the assimilated symbiote. The process of disconnection will take no more than a few moments.

- The process will be painful for the host, as it will be akin to two wild animals fighting in the Afflicted’s gut.


- Disconnection is permanent. While becoming an afflicted after disconnection is possible, the recipient has to undergo the process from the  beginning.




An Afflicted can die just as any other. However, as they neglect nature through their very existence, they are not protected from permanent death, nor do they have the comfort of an afterlife. With nowhere to go, their soul evaporates, and simply ceases to exist.
In their desire to thrive, afflicted found a way that this misfortune may be mitigated. Through the detachment of a limb, housed in a formula that allows for it to fester and procure a host, a new shelter for their psyche can be created.

While the symbiote most afflicted innately created cannot be planted in foreign bodies, it remains useful to its creator and may strengthen and thrive in a replicated environment. Given the right ingredients and conditions, a clone of the host may develop over time; akin to an embryo growing in its mother’s belly, the twin host will age until it is prepared to take the burden of housing its creator’s consciousness. 

Upon dying, the soul of an afflicted will immediately search for their dormant twin, and will find themselves awakened within once unoccupied carcass and may then break away from the confines of its birthplace. Outside of the vat, the afflicted will find itself in a state of crisis, unable to recognize surroundings outside of the chemicals that housed it; as such, it will be weak, and will find itself needing to adapt to the once familiar world. If no clone is available for the afflicted to filter into after their death, their soul will eventually dissipate, permanently killing them.

While at first it will struggle to walk, its legs may gather the strength within a day, and it will from there be able to navigate the land as its predecessor once did. Similarly, it will need to familiarize itself with other such functions. This alone will take a narrative month to muster. The next two narrative months, the afflicted will spend undergoing a quickened version of the assimilation process, as the symbiote will need to relearn what it once knew. In total, this endeavor will take a narrative year [1 OOC WEEK]. Afterward, the afflicted may function as it once did. Should the afflicted die during this period of recovery, it will be rendered far too weak to once again seek a new clone, even if it had been prepared prior. This will result in that Afflicted’s permanent death.



- An afflicted cannot be reborn through the monks. Without a husk for their psyche to flee into, their soul simply dissipates- collapsing entirely, resulting in a PK.

- Dying during the [1 OOC WEEK] period of recovery will result in a PK, even if a second husk had been prepared prior.

- An afflicted will fear the permanence of death, their methods of revival will not make them fearless of this fate.


- This must be taught through roleplay, it is not common knowledge.

First, a vat of appropriate size must be procured; airtight and with plentiful room for a carcass of the Afflicted’s size to comfortably grow. The following recipe must then fill the vat:

A gelatin texture is to be made from animal collagen. After ridding several parts; such as bones, ligaments and hides from their fat, these are boiled in water to procure a gelatinous substance. This product is filtered from the water and parts, dehydrated and then ground into a fine powder.


With a base of Blood Lotus and distilled water, the core ingredients will be boiled into a thin liquid, stirred in a cauldron until all are evenly unified. To facilitate this process, mix in one alchemical reagent at a time;


Blood Lotus x10
Distilled Water


- Growth x10

- Connection x8

- Life x4


After their preparation, the product is subsequently poured into the vat - adjusting its volume with distilled water as necessary until it fills the container. Finally, a piece of the afflicted is placed within, allowing it to grow itself a husk within the airtight environment; this can be anything from a finger to a hand.


The process will unfold as follows:


From the limb of the afflicted, nerves and veins would begin to grow, soon to be encapsulated in muscles and flesh. Within that day, it will have replicated an embryo, who will by the next sunrise have grown into a newborn child.


After the first day, the husk will begin to grow just as any descendant, except quicker. This process would suddenly slow when the husk reflects the age of eighteen. From there, they will age at a nearly unnoticeable pace. This means the husk has finally matured, and the symbiote within has awakened; now conscious, it will begin drawing nutrients from the surrounding material that preserved it, nurturing the soulless husk until the day it is occupied.




- This item must be reflected mechanically with a build and landmarked with an ST APPROVED sign.


- This recipe is not common knowledge, and must be learned through roleplay.


- One OOC DAY equals a year of the husk’s physical age.

- As this recipe is not common knowledge, it MUST be taught through roleplay by someone with an approved TA.

- This is a T3 Alchemy Recipe.



Afflicted cannot simply create other symbiotes with the knowledge of a recipe. First, their own symbiote must be conditioned to withstand the process. Untreated symbiotes/afflicted (In other words someone without a TA), would be unable to replicate their symbiote - as any attempt would end in a product that would promptly die upon entering a foreign host, rendering it useless to anyone other than the afflicted who created it.


To condition a symbiote, the afflicted will undergo a specific treatment;

With a recipe, the afflicted is to feed an already assimilated symbiote over time [1 OOC WEEK]. Through these specific sets of steps, the afflicted can essentially "strengthen" their symbiote in a way that allows for their replication. Once evolved, the symbiote retains the ability to make a transferable replica of themselves successfully. As such, making the afflicted eligible for a TA.

A tea forged from three measures of blood lotus will serve as a base. After crushing the cloves and leaving them to seep in boiling water, a measure of blood from two separate afflicted teachers - alongside the designated student must be added in before one may begin working on core ingredients.

Strength x5
Growth x5

Aether x1


Upon being crushed and sifted together, these regents are boiled into the tea to procure a thin liquid. This product, the afflicted will drink a serving of each month for the following night. The flavor will be rancid, leaving an uncomfortably metallic aftertaste. In total, the final product will have seven servings.



- This recipe MUST be ST approved.

- A date, alongside the name of a designated consumer must be included in the recipe. This item CANNOT be reused.

- This item may only be crafted through the collaboration of two afflicted teachers.


- As this recipe is not common knowledge, it MUST be taught through roleplay by someone with an approved TA.

- This is a T3 Alchemy Recipe.



This CA will be compatible with all feats, barring those of voidal origin, as well as more deific feats such as Heralds of Azdromoth, or Singing Trees. Things such as Corcitură will not be compatible for the reason of inflicting the afflicted with a weakness otherwise able to be avoided without. For this example in particular, the lesser vampyr’s weakness to salt would not be something the symbiote would allow. For a more direct masterlist see:



- Alchemy

- Animatii

- Anthroparion Crafting

- Tawkin (Barred from mutating themselves, as the afflicted are already able to augment themselves on the fly)

- Smoggers

- Arcane Displacement

- Golemancy

- Sorvian Crafting

- Vivification



- Blood Magic

- Kani



- Klones (The Klone CA will be dropped upon becoming an afflicted.)

- Kha

- Musin

- Hou’Zi

- Wonks


Creatures such as anthroparions or homunculi are barred from becoming afflicted due to their lack of souls, as well as their own built in revival mechanics. While Kloning can supervent these clauses through means of dropping the CA with connection to afflicted, the character themselves, whether anthroparion or homunculi, would likely cease to exist if their own respective CAs were dropped.

Afflicted Relationship with Blood Magic
Harboring great amounts of genus - five in total - the afflicted are very capable of utilizing the gifts of blood magic to a nearly perfect degree - aside from the Siliti that reside above them with their additional count. A blood mage would typically succumb to fatigue, and eventual death at the hands of the blood magic they harbor, though with the intervention of the symbiote, the host will no longer succumb to the same ailments that physically burden them. The death they would typically face at the end of two out of character years would not be something to worry about, as the symbiote forces the host to remain healthy at all costs. Should their heart wish to give out, or they fall ill due to exhaustion, the blood mage will find themselves rejuvenated and left well instead of facing the death those of their ilk often do.

Afflicted Relationship with Kani

One bound by the symbiote, as well as the physical prowess of kani. Any afflicted that is capable of utilizing kani will find themselves quickly exhausted should they swap between using either gift on a whim. Kani will not be allowed to function so long as a combative mutation is in use and will only be able to be used after three emotes of diminishing said mutations. The afflicted must have intact lungs, spanning wide enough to not intrude upon the need for proper airflow that kani requires.





- Affliction requires an accepted CA in order to be played.

- Obtaining a TA requires both the recipe to create additional symbiotes, as well as knowledge on how each of the afflicted’s abilities work.
- A symbiote, once crafted, must be ST signed in order to be considered valid.

- Each tier, or stage, must be roleplayed in its entirety before proceeding onto the next stage. One week is spent at T1, while a month is spent in T2. You will passively progress in tiers regardless of what you have learned.
- Afflicted inherently understand alchemical signs and symbols, thus granting them an Alchemy FA upon acceptance of their Afflicted CA. They will begin at T1, and will still require a teacher to advance.

- An accepted Afflicted CA acts as an active Alchemy FA, as does Siliti with Blood Magic.
- A TA may be acquired after 16 weeks (4 Months) of having an accepted afflicted CA.

- Afflicted do not harbor additional strength, durability, or speed passively. They must abide by their  racial lore for these aspects. 

- Eating, while not requiring screenshot proof, is crucial to an afflicted being able to use their abilities.

- Wings will not allow the afflicted to fly, but gliding is allowed.

- Grievous wounds, such as losing the heart, or a destroyed artery, will not be able to be recovered through heightened regeneration.

- The strength of attachments lessens with each additional limb attached after the first. Two additional appendages will share the strength of one true limb, while three will share the same strength in thirds.

- Unless stated otherwise, afflicted abilities are inherently learned.

- The symbiote and its abilities cannot be used for lewd purposes. (Please be tasteful)

- Afflicted harbor 5 genus total.

- They ignore the PK clause that comes with blood magic, as would a klone.

- Kani cannot be used in tandem with afflicted abilities, or vice versa.
- While an Afflicted knows the material alphabet, they do not know how each potion functions or how they are made until they've reached T3 in alchemy. All rare potions must still be taught through roleplay.
- An afflicted must remain humanoid in their forms.
- All Afflicted Lore potions can be learned through roleplay only after reaching T3 in Alchemy. Some potions will require an approved TA in Affliction to execute.
- With some discrepancies, an Afflicted may replicate the physical characteristics of another player-character so long as the player provides OOC consent. Refer to the Alteration Ability Redlines for further stipulations.

- Afflicted occupies 2 magic slots.
- Afflicted cannot use voidal enchants of any sort.





The purpose of this write is to reintroduce afflicted back into the server after its shelving some months back. The end goal is to have the lore be more spread out to avoid issues with inactivity, as well as to provide more reason to introduce said activity into afflicted roleplay.







GlassySkies - Writing

BluestBudgie - Writing

Bonito_ - Writing
Agentkhov - Formatting
Benjiota - Reviewing & Emotional Support
Lockages - Reviewing
sluggobuggo - Reviewing
Gundam_Engineer - Reviewing
RaiderBlue - Reviewing
BobBox - Blood Magic Section
SquakHawk - Kani Section


(Miles Johnston)
TEAR (damie-m)

AESTHETICS (eikoweb)
THE SYMBIOTE (enipnion)


ALCHEMY || 1 || 2 || 3










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the best part of the lore piece was when they wrote "it's wormin' time" and then wormed all over the alchemists.

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Worminator: Dirt Fate

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2 hours ago, AzureSlug said:



accidentally replied to this with an account i dont use


looks dope- was wondering, would this mean the recipe to produce the worm is a T1 recipe, given an Afflicted starts at T1 Alchemy?

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It’s giving.. schizo, good job. +1

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@Jaxothy I can't believe you abused Affliction so badly they took away everyone's TA in the rewrite.... ✝️

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11 hours ago, BlueBudgie said:

Creatures such as anthroparions or homunculi are barred from becoming afflicted due to their lack of souls, as well as their own built in revival mechanics.


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6 hours ago, champ said:


accidentally replied to this with an account i dont use


looks dope- was wondering, would this mean the recipe to produce the worm is a T1 recipe, given an Afflicted starts at T1 Alchemy?

Good catch, going to clarify that in the redlines. All recipes are T3 alchemy recipes, worm included. Although you also NEED a TA to make functioning worm regardless.

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Nobody likes me, everybody hates me

I think I'll go eat worms!

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