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The Universities of Almaris


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OOC NOTE: Minecraft school doesn’t work IRP, and this isn’t an attempt to try and make it work. Instead, this is just designed to flesh out the world a bit more and add a few RP universities that can be used in character backstories in order to explain certain skills they have or certain basic world lore that they know (i.e history, languages, cultures). These probably won’t be represented in-game in any capacity, but feel free to use them as references for your character and their backstory if you so wish.



The Universities of Almaris

Universitates Almarisiensis



As peace reigns upon the world, tithes to Church and taxes to State may allow for expenditures once-dedicated to armies and campaigns to instead be oriented towards more productive and enriching pursuits. Over the past few decades, a number of universities across the human realms of Almaris have sprung forth, providing thousands, both commoner and aristocrat alike, the opportunity to study and learn under the preeminent scholars of the age. Primarily subsidized by Church and State, these universities have offered a chance for curious young minds across the continent to expand upon the education that tutors can only lay the foundation of.


The University of Karosgrad


Located in the capital of the Kingdom of Haense, the University of Karosgrad is the oldest and most prestigious of the Almarian universities. Founded in the year 1893, the University of Karosgrad typically accepts around five hundred new students each year. The university boasts thousands of alumni, many of whom have returned to serve as professors and lecturers, taking advantage of King Geroge I’s recent subsidies towards centers of education. With a strong orientation towards the liberal arts, those who have studied here are typically well-versed in many subjects, and graduates have gone on to be politicians, authors, architects, engineers, astronomers, and composers, among many other esteemed professions.




I) New Marian Language

II) Arithmetic

III) Geometry

IV) Astronomy

V) Physics

VI) Music Theory

VII) Grammar

VIII) Logic

IX) Rhetoric

X) History

XI) Authorship


RECTOR: Adolphus Gloriana von Alstreim, Prince of Sutica, Earl of Suffolk


Esteemed historian and statesman, Adolphus Gloriana von Alstreim began his career at the tender age of thirteen, where he served as the Chancellor of Savoy under Prince Olivier de Savoie. After moving to the Holy Orenian Empire in the aftermath of the Aster Revolution, Master Alstreim was named court biographer and scribe to Empress Anastasia, whose entourage he remained with until her death. After the fall of Oren, and his subsequent return to his estate in Savoy, he co-wrote the acclaimed series The Decline and Fall of the Holy Orenian Empire. Having recently come out of retirement to serve as Rector of the University of Karosgrad, Master Adolphus now looks to create a well-rounded intellectual populace within the realms of man.


The University of Valfleur


The newest and smallest of the Almarian universities, the University of Valfleur in the Commonwealth of the Petra is hyper-specialized, dedicating itself mostly to the training of acolytes and other aspirant clergy and servants of the faith. That said, those inclined towards other walks of life, namely philosophy and the medicinal arts, are also permitted. Founded in the year 1910 by the Bishophric of Buron, the university avoided the worst of the Petran Civil War. It currently accepts fifty new students each year, with the hope of growing larger. 




I) Flexio Language

II) Theology

III) Philosophy

IV) Metaphysics

V) Medicine

RECTOR: Father Victor of Blackwater, Bishop of Buron


Priest, negotiator, and thinker, Father Victor of Blackwater first gained prominence for his valiant effort to bring about peace and mediate the terms of combat during the Petran Civil War. The son of Adolphus Gloriana von Alstreim, Father Blackwater inherited many of his father’s talents and is a merited scholar and intellectual in his own right. He is currently a leading figure in the reinvigoration of the faith within the Commonwealth of the Petra and wishes to use the University of Valfleur as a platform to instill the virtues of faith and reason into the student body.


The University of Velec


The fastest-growing of the Almarian universities, the University of Velec in the Duchy of Adria takes great advantage of its location within a prominent trade and cultural hub. Founded in 1905, the university has gained a reputation for its eccentric faculty and course teachings. Dedicated to making its students “wordly men and women” with a penchant for adventure, money making, and wild schemes, the unorthodox methods of the University of Velec make the more conservative scholars turn their noses up at such practices. The results speak for themselves, though, and a number of successful businessmen, stewards, merchants, entrepreneurs, treasury officials, and accountants, among other financial-based professions, have studied at the University of Velec. The university accepts two hundred and fifty new students annually, but the number seems to grow nearly every year.




I) Raev Language

II) Commerce

III) Economics

IV) Accounting

V) Stewardry

VI) Finance

VII) Lodenlander Language

VIII) Illatian Language

IX) Aurvergnian Language

X) Rhenyari Language

XI) Elven Language


RECTOR: Goran Goldhand


One of the wealthiest individuals in all of Almaris, Goran Goldhand astounds scholars and rival businessmen alike with his aptitude for commerce and the simple art of making money. With a trade empire of his own, spanning Almaris, the Islands of Furnestock, and Aeldin, Master Goran’s enterprises touch nearly every field imaginable, from mining, to industry, to livestock, to farming, and more. Having set aside much of the day-to-day management of his businesses to his son, Soran, the esteemed Master Goldhand now seeks to impart his wealth of knowledge (and knowledge of wealth) upon the eager students of the University of Velec.


The University of Atrus


Founded in 1908, the University of Atrus, located in the capital of the Kingdom of Balian, hosts students from across Almaris that wish to learn about the arts of politics and prepare themselves for civil servitude. Boasting perhaps the most talented crop of professors, it is the university’s mission that no student leaves its halls ill-prepared for the realm of politics, no matter the avenue that they wish to take. Renowned for its impartiality, frequent debates between faculty and students alike, and disciplinarian methods, the University of Atrus produces a number of lawyers, politicians, civil servants, government officials, bureaucrats, and statesmen each year. The university currently accepts around one hundred and fifty new students each year.




I) Balianite Language

II) Political Theory

III) Law

IV) Diplomacy

V) Governance and Administration

VI) Subterfuge and Record Fabrication


RECTOR: Horace Strickland


Descended from a line of bureaucrats in service of the Holy Orenian Empire during the reign of the Novellen Dynasty, Horace Strickland is no stranger to the arts of government and administration. Having been appointed as Governor of the Cragenmarch region by Emperor Philip III, Master Strickland proved his aptitude for governance by quickly pacifying the mountainous territory and establishing a small but healthy community of dark elves that provided much-needed battlemages to the Imperial army. Having held his post up until the fall of Oren, Master Strickland’s experience earned him postings among the courts of the various human realms of Almaris. Now retired from civil service, he wishes to train the next generation of young civil servants.


The Herbertine University


Although one of the smaller universities, the Herbertine University is among the most esteemed and credentialed upon the continent. Founded in 1906 in the city of Velec by former members of the National Geographic Society, the Herbertine University has strove to elevate the performance arts back to their old, respected station. Students of the Herbertine University are allowed a freer course of education than nearly any other university, and course design is left to the individual student. Having produced a number of artists, musicians, poets, actors, sculptors, among other artistic professions, the Herbertine University scrutinously accepts a maximum of seventy five new students each year.




I) Music

II) Poetry

III) Theatre

IV) Painting

V) Sculpting

VI) Oral History


RECTOR: Justinian Nafis Basrid, Count of Susa


The son of Count Aleksander of Susa, the young Justinian Basrid’s upbringing in the aftermath of the Fall of Oren was quite unusual. Possessing a bright mind and a high-pitched, clear singing voice, the young Master Justinian joined his local church’s choir at a young age. As a co-author and illustrator of The Decline and Fall of the Holy Orenian Empire he further proved his academic and artistic merit, earning him several commissions in the courts of Haense, Adria, and Celia’nor. He now returns to Velec to cultivate a passion for the arts among the students of the Herbertine University.



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Alysanne Serena enrolls in the University of Velecs night courses. Though, she opts to avoid signing up for all of the meticulous language classes.

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"This is incredible!" Renilde shakes the paper of colleges with excitement.

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Somewhere a young pupil makes time to study in hopes of being accepted into the University of Velec when of proper age.

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Amelia quietly sends in an application for the Herbertine university; pursuing a double major in poetry and theatre.

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Laetitia Henrietta eagerly submits an application to Herbertine University, hoping to expand her creative abilities by pursuing an education at such a revered institution!

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"Universities are a flawed system - our little ones shouldn't be tutored  in large lecture rooms, but one on one..." a young Lord commented

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Duude what about the RC, Reinmaren College founded by Ernst Barclay in Sigradz?!
It's where all Barclays go


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"Goran... WHAT!?" Thalgrim expressed in surprise at the missive while he sat in his home in Velec.

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The Countess of Aquilae, Johanne Vuiller naturally has all of the children of her household sign up from a young age to the Royal Balianese Academy. If you are not serving your nation, are you even doing it right?

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Dame Valda wants to be a girl in stem, expect an application.

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Agnes smiles, remembering fondly her time at the University of Velec some 5 or so years ago! 3 to 4 years after it's opening, and ALL of the tedious classes she went through to learn languages.

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