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[Your View] The Mina Economy


Do you think there should be a way other than voting to earn mina?  

368 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think there should be a way other than voting to earn mina?

    • Yes
    • No

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2 hours ago, Treshure said:

Abandon the mina system and let players figure out a physical currency to barter with. Let voting mina be converted to a small selection of materials (iron, gold, etc). If you want to control for the amount of currently available physical currency, limit the amounts mined in the mine world/overworld, depending on how you're running it.


This is the only solution to have a real economy on lotc.


However way to hardcore for most players and not easy to get into for new players and returning players

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10 hours ago, Islamadon said:

IMO the best way to get rid of the influx of Mina is to offer rare materials and items in exchange for large sum of mina.

There's so much to read and reply with in this thread, but this one is a good point.


I apologise if you've already said this somewhere, but if this was something to be done - the amount of resources on sale would have to be limited, too.


No matter the system for mina, it has to be considered that people will grind, and people will abuse what ever system in place to get the most mina or, most rewards. This example in particular will certainly lead to either certain people/certain nations hoarding rare materials.


If a system like this was used, where it was an exchange for say, 5k for a piece of rare metal - the shop (or what ever system is in place to exchange it) would have to have a limited quantity either daily, or weekly. Kind of how ST nodes are now, I suppose.


I don't really have a good suggestion for how to get mina into the server without it bloating. Give people mobs, they'll grind and make mina worthless. Give them the ability to sell back resources, they'll grind and make it worthless.

With voting at the very least, you're limited daily - even if it doesn't make any sense RP wise.


4 hours ago, SethWolf said:

Whilst I voted yes, making minae is not the problem. 


I only make money by selling steak, porkchops and iron/gold blocks at my stall for like 0.1 minae and that's only because it's what people need and they won't buy it for a single decimal point more, and by voting and trust me that makes me and my rp family more money than we know what to do with.


We only save up minae to pay taxes and paste in shit for our nobility tile. There's nothing to spend it on because everything for sale is trash that shop owners won't even bother to engage in rp to sell it to you. (I ALWAYS buy from actual roleplay sellers, no matter the item, if only to encourage good behaviour and as thanks for giving me roleplay)


Making minae is piss easy, if you do genuine rp you WILL make mountains of cash. The problem is finding things to spend it on, which is sweet nothing. There is literally nothing for you to put your money towards unless you're nobility or super generous. 






This. The most money I make out of my autoshops is my paper by the aviary (0.5 a piece). While I do have autoshops set up, the most money I make otherwise is by RP selling items like weapon commissions and such.

And the only thing to spend it on is, indeed taxes. For your average person.


With that though, I can also afford to pay nation employees their wages from my own pocket, because again, mina is too easy to get and too hard to spend.

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My suggestion comes as a re-haul of the system, which requires players to be deliberate in their storage and handling of Mina.  My opinion is that all the systems and mechanics on the server should blend as best as they can together so as to make the experience feel natural and have a flow between them and Mina as of present feel disconnected from the established systems of Roleplay and mechanics, for example people RP as morbillionair super nobles with mega McMansions but only have 5 Mina in their bank or a merchant has a morbillion Mina and only owns a house and three stalls in some cities.  Anyways my suggested changes are as follows:


1. Mina should be fleshed out mechanically, as a physical item, which you carry in your inventory; perhaps have Mina in a bag/purse item you can have in your inventory that require more bags once you hit a stack limit.  Then alter movement speeds based on how many you carry (i.g. every 50 you move slower and slower). 


2. Remove nation/settlement treasuries and make it so the only real Mina bank in Cloud Temple but allow physical stashes of Mina in lairs, settlements, and nations which can be pillaged or heisted.  Have the tax in the CT bank tax scale starting at around a set amount (i.g. untaxed until 1000 Mina), but once you exceed that set amount the tax starts and begins to scales up per X amount of Mina.  This encourages new players and people who only want to store Mina for short term to store in a place they cannot get pillaged or stolen but incentivizes wealthy players and national treasuries to actually secure their money.  This also makes physical structures around securing large amounts of Mina matter and people can come up with In-Roleplay ways to secure their money. 


3. Movement of Mina and payments of any kind, be they between nations or between merchants, be physical movements that require planning.  If one party owes another 10,000 Mina then they'd need a train of pack donkeys/lamas and probably an escort to deliver that which opens it up to a variety of roleplay.


The source of all Mina is voting, and that can be chopped up to all players do something to earn a meager amount of Mina, but the storage of Mina can be made into its own problem to be solved creatively and in-roleplay by the playerbase, be it Lairs/Settlements with the intent focus on being secure banks or nations spreading their riches in stockpiles all around their tiles to avoid pillaging or heists.  Keep it all physical and require player interaction in all exchange and you'll find Merchant RP would be made better and other types of RP made better too. 

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1 hour ago, Qaz_The_Great said:

My suggestion comes as a re-haul of the system, which requires players to be deliberate in their storage and handling of Mina.  My opinion is that all the systems and mechanics on the server should blend as best as they can together so as to make the experience feel natural and have a flow between them and Mina as of present feel disconnected from the established systems of Roleplay and mechanics, for example people RP as morbillionair super nobles with mega McMansions but only have 5 Mina in their bank or a merchant has a morbillion Mina and only owns a house and three stalls in some cities.  Anyways my suggested changes are as follows:


1. Mina should be fleshed out mechanically, as a physical item, which you carry in your inventory; perhaps have Mina in a bag/purse item you can have in your inventory that require more bags once you hit a stack limit.  Then alter movement speeds based on how many you carry (i.g. every 50 you move slower and slower). 


2. Remove nation/settlement treasuries and make it so the only real Mina bank in Cloud Temple but allow physical stashes of Mina in lairs, settlements, and nations which can be pillaged or heisted.  Have the tax in the CT bank tax scale starting at around a set amount (i.g. untaxed until 1000 Mina), but once you exceed that set amount the tax starts and begins to scales up per X amount of Mina.  This encourages new players and people who only want to store Mina for short term to store in a place they cannot get pillaged or stolen but incentivizes wealthy players and national treasuries to actually secure their money.  This also makes physical structures around securing large amounts of Mina matter and people can come up with In-Roleplay ways to secure their money. 


3. Movement of Mina and payments of any kind, be they between nations or between merchants, be physical movements that require planning.  If one party owes another 10,000 Mina then they'd need a train of pack donkeys/lamas and probably an escort to deliver that which opens it up to a variety of roleplay.


The source of all Mina is voting, and that can be chopped up to all players do something to earn a meager amount of Mina, but the storage of Mina can be made into its own problem to be solved creatively and in-roleplay by the playerbase, be it Lairs/Settlements with the intent focus on being secure banks or nations spreading their riches in stockpiles all around their tiles to avoid pillaging or heists.  Keep it all physical and require player interaction in all exchange and you'll find Merchant RP would be made better and other types of RP made better too. 

Very creative. That robbing or heisting a large amount would be hard because you would be slowed down from having so much Mina. Not sure how auto shops would work. 

I would be interested to see how this plays out if implemented. 

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Imma just say it.. Nexus or whatever system added recipes and skills/professions wasn't that bad. The grind sucked, but the specializations made people more reliant on eachother.

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Replace minas with bitcoin

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The roleplay server that shall not be named had a physical currency, that was quite cool. And to get money you
1. voted
2. there was a thing where u went around and when u visited certain monuments/landmarks u got given some money

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17 hours ago, wowj said:

we need a mina sink instead of more mina - theres already so many ways of getting mina irp "Run Bar" "Get rare Ore" etcetera.


none of those things u mentioned have anything to do w money supply and they would still be viable ways of earning money even if the currency was so deflated that diamonds were 0.0001 mina 


what ur really complaining about is that people r hustling harder than you (maybe getting rare ores is just up to green tag favoritism? idk) and since they already have the resources deflation is going to punish you way more than them lol.


I'm sure I'm just parroting other ppl in the thread by now but the particulars of lotc economy are a huge waste of time to focus on. The voting stimmy helps the casual rper buy basic items. If you're going to add things like the caravan system from two maps ago or mob dungeons or whatever make sure they're fun optional distractions that you can do between roleplays and not shit like this map's "u have to kill 10 vortex boars to make a suit of armor to pvp" 

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kill monster drop coin


worked in aegis

worked in asulon

worked in anthos


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I still maintain we should largely get rid of mina, or at least let people have a different system.


Scrap chest shops, bring in villager trading shops. It'll make cities way less cluttered as a single villager can be like 10 transactions, and it'll mean settlements can mint their own currency and have it actually be useful. Think of the roleplay this actually creates:

  • Banks have a reason to exist
  • Currency will actually feel real between nations
  • Someone getting robbed is actually more meaningful than number-go-down
  • Lets actual economies exist which right now are impossible, due to the fuckyness of mina and the massive oversupply of absolutely everything

Trading rp on the server is basically non-existent right now, but its genuinely fun when it has. I'm thinking of Helena last map when for a few months the guilds were actually really fun and unique. 


Let mina become a stand in for gold bullion, something nations trade between them that has some inherent value, but not something everybody is carrying around all the time. Maybe nations can have a way of selling their local item-currency for it, but most shops not be dependent on it. 

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Ok so what if we just used gold as currency? 9 nuggets = 1 ingot, 9 ingots = 1 block. 

cheep stuff can be sold for nuggets. You can carry a block and break it down when you need something or a stack of nuggets and combine them to buy something big. 

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Add a fishing plugin with fishes of different rarity and prices where they can be sold in NPCS or players as trophies

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Pro server behavior rewarded with minas, minas for skins, minas for guides, minas for builds. 

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On 3/4/2023 at 4:03 PM, tcs_tonsils_ said:

Have npcs set up so that we can sell the items we grind for mina. 


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Just make this Hay Day simulator.



tbh that is the only reason I voted no. The addition of grindable non-RP options seems semi cool at first, it will just be used to turn grinding into the main way of actually making money on the server. 

What makes more sense to me is providing towns and nations with free mina that they can then redistribute via RP jobs and quests

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yeah actually removing mina is a cool af idea


voting can give you basic resources to play the server without needing to hustle. nations will figure out the rest themselves and it'll create some cool and unique player systems

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