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When does your right to roleplay on LOTC get permanently revoked? [TW]


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7 minutes ago, MunaZaldrizoti said:


I thought you were referring to the incident in 2018. He did try to add me on Discord yesterday, but I was in the process of speaking to the admins about the situation. And to be perfectly honest with you, I had no reason to want to enter into a 1-on-1 discussion with someone who threatened to abuse me and never apologized previously. If he had approached me through a member of Moderation or the Administration instead, I would've gladly spoken with him with that security of the conversation being moderated. As far as I knew, he intended to further threaten me for speaking out again.


Can i just like - butt in, maybe he tried to reach out yesterday upon finding out this was being made because he DIDNT know you were still affected by this? You have said - your dms are/were open, then you refuse to get into a conversation with him over something said 4 years ago, I understand hurt can last a lifetime, but if he was to be in a 1 on 1 dm with you surely if he said something malicious or evil it could be used against him as evidence to suggest why he hasnt changed and should be re-banned. 


(I feel the need to say this but I am not defending the behavior of anyone involved, dragged into this as retort ect this kinda shits fucked up fr and I would never condone such words) 

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He did the time for the crime and has even been very mature about the whole situation. He gave a good apology aswell. I believe he should be very welcome back onto the server since PEOPLE CAN CHANGE (mind blowing stuff I know.)


It happened 4 years ago also. That is alot of time for someone to change and move on. Stop clinging to the past and putting dirt on a new person who is very aware that what he did in the past was dumb af and f'ed up and is trying to better and distance themselves from it. Clown behaviour to make a public post about this man swear to god. The past is the past. If you drive a car while looking back all the time then you will crash.  

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In all honesty I am shocked that someone like this could be allowed back onto this server. Safety is normally talked about as a top priority for most staff yet we allow someone who has made jokes and threats about sexually assaulting someone not once but TWICE. It is honestly disgusting and inhumane behaviour and in all honesty I do not think this should be allowed. Yes people can change, yet as @MunaZaldrizotistated, there was no remorse or empathy shown to those this player has targeted. I would have had more hopes in staff to actually protect people from vile human being such as this but it seems I got my hopes up. 

Big props to muna for bringing this to light so that everyone can be aware of this situation and what could potentially occur again on the server. Let’s hope three times isn’t the charm for this individual. 

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Hi Joel,


I'm perfectly cognizant with your concerns. However by virtue of when this forum post was made it's tragic that it's obviously going to lead to an attempt at demonizing either side of the war. Not only does this overshadow past and present issues of toxicity, racism, homophobia and so on, but it demeans the central and core message of this post. We've all see earlier comments about beamon*'s quite frankly poorly chosen, and offensive comment. With the ongoing Adria vs Auun conflict, the post loses intrinsic value; it becomes about removing members of an opposing IRP (and arguably, OOC) faction for those siding with Auun (a ban war to win the war). That in mind, individuals should take this information without any bias pertaining to the war - because it's an easy pitfall. AKA, trol should be judged in light of this information as a neutral player, rather than one players (that being a majority considering the size of Adria vs a confederation) may be opposing IRP.


It's beyond me to know if people truly can change. If there's a psych undergrad or grad student  who might know best about human cognitive capacity for change, their commentary would be most appreciable. But for me; I genuinely do believe people have the capacity for guilt. It obviously varies from person to person - but it's possible. People can adopt this, but perhaps it's something harder to achieve online, let alone in relation to a make-believe Minecraft game ? You've certainly heard, but I'm banned for my own acts of toxicity (albeit, of nowhere near what this is, in any imaginable sense) - and will be remaining for some more time until I decide to appeal. I feel actual shame for what I did. Part of it is due to how sheepishly immature I acted, and the very fact that I was capable of it. Have I changed ? If I told you I did would you believe me ? At a certain point it falls on others to make that judgement - it becomes up to the eye of the beholder since we lack the ability to look into another's mind. Therefore I let it up to trol's recent behaviour, possible recent incidents, and so on, to judge whether or not actual change has occur, or if we can observe patterns familiar with his past offences. 


Yours truly, 


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35 minutes ago, Charlemagne. said:

I only want to say that I have truly been a horrible person and that I do not expect of your forgiveness, but I do want to tell you I am sorry for my past behaviour and I sincerely do not want to be that kind of person anymore. You have no obligation to me and I understand that, please just consider my apology, I do feel sick of myself when I think of things I used to say and the way I used to behave, I do regret the way I treated other people and I have tried my best to change myself since that time. There is nothing I can really do to take back the things I have said or the way I used to act, but I swear to you that I do not behave that way anymore. I support your feelings and cannot do anything but offer my forgiveness in stead of my past actions. I will defend myself in that I am not a sexual deviant or anything of that sort, as many people can attest, and none can testify toward, but that is neither here nor there and I sincerely apologize. That is all.


I will start by saying that I do appreciate you taking accountability and speaking to me directly.

Even based off of this thread, you once again still are leading communities and associating with people that would rather shout down victims than hear them out. That feels like the same exact sort of environment that lead to all the abuse four years ago. Don't you feel that the people you hurt might be uncomfortable with your presence, and don't really feel that safe with you around, for obvious reasons? If you are genuinely sorry, why put yourself, and us, in these positions?

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1 minute ago, MunaZaldrizoti said:


I will start by saying that I do appreciate you taking accountability and speaking to me directly.

Even based off of this thread, you once again still are leading communities and associating with people that would rather shout down victims than hear them out. That feels like the same exact sort of environment that lead to all the abuse four years ago. Don't you feel that the people you hurt might be uncomfortable with your presence, and don't really feel that safe with you around, for obvious reasons? If you are genuinely sorry, why put yourself, and us, in these positions?

Nobody is shouting you down. I read your post in full, and took your concerns into account. Don't conflate criticism and disagreement with refusing to listen.

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3 minutes ago, MunaZaldrizoti said:


Even based off of this thread, you once again still are leading communities and associating with people that would rather shout down victims than hear them out. That feels like the same exact sort of environment that lead to all the abuse four years ago. Don't you feel that the people you hurt might be uncomfortable with your presence, and don't really feel that safe with you around, for obvious reasons? If you are genuinely sorry, why put yourself, and us, in these positions?


Don't be near them then and if your rp leads to being in contact then so be it or just avoid him via making some excuse? 

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3 minutes ago, MunaZaldrizoti said:


I will start by saying that I do appreciate you taking accountability and speaking to me directly.

Even based off of this thread, you once again still are leading communities and associating with people that would rather shout down victims than hear them out. That feels like the same exact sort of environment that lead to all the abuse four years ago. Don't you feel that the people you hurt might be uncomfortable with your presence, and don't really feel that safe with you around, for obvious reasons? If you are genuinely sorry, why put yourself, and us, in these positions?

There are hundreds of people on LOTC, a massive map, and blocking capabilities on discord and social media. If he is truly remorseful and has changed, but you wish to stay away, then simply block him, avoid him, and don't have contact. I avoid the people that I am uncomfortable with, simply by blocking, and avoiding them all together. Taking away someones right to play on a server, after they've seemed to have change, when you feel uncomfortable with them, is just unjust. I don't believe that a single soul, should decide if one can play on a server or not, especially after serving 4 years of a ban, then apologizing, and showing change.

Edited by ChefDeuce
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3 minutes ago, AnonymousAlexa said:

Nobody is shouting you down. I read your post in full, and took your concerns into account. Don't conflate criticism and disagreement with refusing to listen.

Nah if you saw the first few comments b5 they got deleted, they sorta were. To be fair though, I don't think Charlemagne can or should police their behavior. It's more for the administration to figure out. I don't think that's char's responsibility because to be honest, those kind of players are commonly found far past just his community.

Edited by Twodiks
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I swear to god I look down at my phone whenever I am done reading all the replies and by the time I look back up theres always a notification for 3 more replies.

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41 minutes ago, valecu said:

Also I cannot express how proud you are making your friends Muna, things like this are not so easy to go out and post. 

This ^^^, we are here for you Muna.

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