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The idea for /kit sign that someone previously mentioned is a good one imo, and I have forwarded it to one of our techs.


I started playing in Athera, and I LOVED the Nexus plugin. Not for how tedious it was to swap secondary professions to be able to craft basic ass wood/stone items, but for the grinding I could do from simply farming. It was competitive, and there were tiers and ranks you could climb. Higher ranks yielded a higher chance of discovering random items while farming, and it kept me on the server for hours. I even went around and interacted with other Nations to gain more access to other farms, all so I could be at the top of the farmer list.


I dislike having to go through a ridiculous amount of menus / crafting stations in order to craft and create items. I do not think we need a system like Surge. But I do think the server could benefit greatly from a grinding plugin that encourages players to explore, stay in the open and out of their homes, and it would help restore that trade style of RP.


Anyone can be a "Master Blacksmith" and make pretty items with /edit. But with a devoted plugin, players can be rewarded for their grinding and time spent mastering 2-3 selected professions. They can PROVE they are a master farmer / miner / librarian / cartographer, beyond simply mass-producing items for sale.


Might be a controversial idea, but I heavily miss my Aengulic Farmer status :(. Again, I don't like convoluted crafting systems. I do like mindlessly grinding to receive the false sense of progression and rewards.

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6 minutes ago, Amayonnaise said:

Anyone can be a "Master Blacksmith" and make pretty items with /edit. But with a devoted plugin, players can be rewarded for their grinding and time spent mastering 2-3 selected professions. They can PROVE they are a master farmer / miner / librarian / cartographer, beyond simply mass-producing items for sale.




I don't know if I fundamentally can agree with this for the current state of LOTC. Where most of these things matter mechanically only - with items like thanhium having no PvP/MRP effects. I also don't know if this would restore the trade-style of RP that you are hoping. Priorly on other servers that I've been - though admittedly this is anecdotal evidence at best - this has provisioned a sort of 'Rise and Grind' type of thought process. 

While I do think there's merit, I think it's also merited for a system that's unlike LOTC's.

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On 8/15/2023 at 7:27 PM, Unwillingly said:

and of the few places that show up as active on /locals, you go there, and see absolutely no one because they built a colossus ******* 300x300 godzilla city for a community of maybe 30 active people, so every time you go to a city that shows as having 12 people, need to play where's-waldo to even find them. an easy solution to this would be to regulate how large cities can be built, especially considering how we now have an even smaller map than almaris, because there's not a single community on the server that needs to have a 300x300 city

this is actually such a massive thing. I don’t think I’ve seen a single city on the map that was reasonably sized, they’re all hugely overbuilt. People who are into building always want to make something big and impressive and they don’t actually create good rp spaces.


Think about what created a lively, prosperous city irl: dense tall buildings with no sprawl. Build 6 storey apartments I’m begging you.

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On 8/16/2023 at 10:40 AM, Xarkly said:

Where are our recruitment and marketing efforts after a non-Admin actually put us on the map for the first time in years with the TikTok? Where are efforts to build up the server with things like historic or lore video series? Where are the the grand eventlines that aren't cobbled together at the last minute? A coordinated effort to our RP approach, as you query in this post, is yet another example.


Its a sad state of affairs when they don't even bother to update their PMC page... its got pictures and a video from 2 maps ago... it takes like 5 minutes to fly around with some shaders on and take some screenshots. Why has nobody ever bothered to update these basic things that are the key to drawing in new players?


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55 minutes ago, ReveredOwl said:



Thank you for pointing this out!


It can be difficult to stay on top of things like the Wiki etc, and we are regularly combing through tiktok to make new videos and content, but our media pages should be updated much more regularly than that. We have been primarily focused on other projects for a little while now, but thats no excuse for leaving these pages out of date for so long. I'll make sure our PMC + any other public pages are updated ASAP!

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I've been in the MCRP community for almost 4 years now. Admittedly, that is not that long compared to some older players. My first RP server was Fantasy Roleplay (FRP). I stopped playing FRP mid, 2022. Took a 6 or so month break, then moved to LOTC. I have been on LOTC ever since. During these years I have been in a vast variety of different communities, experienced different mechanics, and learned what makes a server enjoyable in my opinion. I was an Event Team member on FRP for close to a year. I ran countless events, ranging from simple encounters, elemental/magic interactions, to 50+ player events lasting 10+ hrs of unique roleplay. Through that time I always asked for feedback, learning what people liked about FRP, what was done right, what was done wrong. Ultimately, what made the server feel alive.


I believe that a major contributing factor to the lack of life on LOTC, is the lack of unique events. Roleplay that draws people into places, causes conflict, and furthers roleplay. Players can only be expected to do so much, I understand this server is driven heavily by players, however without the backing of a functional staff team, a server is destined to fail. Frankly, I have talked to many members of the staff of this server, making friends with a few. I also believe that the staff team is pitiful. Not just ST or Moderation, but every single team, is lacking. For moderation, most of the mods have little care for any community besides their own, they pick up modreqs, mess around, and take upwards of an hour to solve a simple problem. There is only one moderator, that I have seen that meets the example of what all mods should be. That would be Annabanana. For ST, I have been on this server for almost 2 years now. I have seen maybe 30 ST events posted in servers, and actually witnessed and participated in 3. This isn't because I haven't looked, or haven't tried. It's because the ST team are in my opinion, lazy and have no regard for the majority of LOTC. I have seen ST create interesting events, but specifically design them for their group of 5 people, essentially gatekeeping certain aspects of rp from other groups. Ex: (Only running events that druids can interact with.) (Only running events for their nation) I'm not asking for constant events everyday. I simply wonder why events have to be these planned and thought out events that involve some crazy creature. Events like that seriously dampen the amount of events possible. Random pop-ups, and events that even RO don't know about, nothing crazy. Say a group of elf tribesmen raid a nation, then flee when losing, leaving behind some clue to where they live. This would allow a interesting event line to unfold, while keeping the players having a free flow idea. It just seems like the ST of the server don't enjoy their position. It screams lack of passion.


The next team is media team. I have no hesitation in saying they are a highly skilled team, amazing videos and trailers. However, I can't count the amount of times I have been in vc with admins and staff, talking about advertisement this advertisement that. They have made posts about how they plan to advertise. I have seen little activity with this. There are currently 25 tik toks on the LOTC tik tok page. I do think tiktok is a good way to advertise, however for advertisement to work you need volume. The first tiktok was posted on November 21st, 2022. Over 9 months ago. 25 tiktoks in 9 months? That does not sound like avid advertisement. Instead of sticking to server lists, tik tok and youtube, praying that we go viral. We could expand out, with actual ads, for youtube, or gaming forums, sub reddits. I feel like there is so much more to do, especially with all the talk about growing to 500. The next team is CT, I think CT is doing quite well, with applications, assisting new players, and the likes. However, this also falls to 2 or 3 members of CT that actually do what they need to. It is very similar to Application Team for FRP, it seems like a majority of people join CT just to be 'staff'. Have a fancy pink name, along side the pex. Without doing much work. I will say, the CT admin HogoBojo does the best job running his team. I have talked to him and actively seen him remove inactive players. 


The tech team is another team I believe is seriously lack luster. I also believe the members of tech are skilled, some of the members personally. However, I feel like all that skill amounts to nothing. The team gets nothing done in any given amount of time. Fluffycop n 60th finished the PvP plugin in 2ish weeks. It only took so long because the staff team pushed it back. They didn't prioritize one of the main things the server needed. I'm not asking they devote every living hour to the code, however I've talked to a few and they knowingly stated they had not started on x plugin or written code in x days. 

The final team I would like to touch on is the Administration. They are incredibly lack-luster. From being either lazy, and absent, to unapproachable. I can tell most of them do want to help the server, but won't put in the work. A few simply force their hand, without listening to the community, because they are the 'Admin'. On top of being honestly, toxic to communicate with. This breeds a dislike for the admins on the server within the community, which all together fuels more toxicity.


Whether or not the lack of drive with these staff members is due to laziness or just not enjoying their job, is something I don’t know. Whatever it is, it needs to be fixed.

The majority of the staff team blame the player base for the issues of the server. I believe its both, the players and the staff. As they staff are players too. You cannot expect players to generate all the rp on the server. Especially with the average quality of rp. Instead of expecting players to do it all, ST should spark event lines, and unique roleplay for ALL players, not just one nation or the other. While moderation makes sure everyone is playing fair, not being toxic, and generally taking up modreqs, even if it's not their community. CT should make sure everyone is enjoying rp, help solve any disagreements, and ooc toxicity. Media needs to advertise on a wider variety of platforms. Tech could write so so so many more plugins, with the time that is being thrown away currently. I have been on random 50 player servers with more unique and immersing plugins. It could be simple things, like moving gates, or draw bridges. DnD craft has some incredible plugins, written in just weeks sometimes. Others take months of course, but still there is more things to do. Admins instead of taking polls for pvp vs crp or 'do we like the server' should start balancing out aspects of the server. Instead of only CRP or only PVP, make both more enjoyable. CRP takes hours, pvp takes minutes but can brew toxicity. Make crp take less time while keeping the quality, and pvp take maybe longer, with less toxicity. The toxicity from this server doesn't brew from specific players, it is from people disliking a specific aspect of the server, then being made to participate in the aspect. Ex: (PVPers hating crp, while CRPers hating PVP. Both are advancing rp, just neither side likes losing.) So maybe take away the heft of loses.

I don't expect you to fix all these problems instantly. This is what I've experienced on this server, what I believe is wrong. To any staff that may be offended, don't be. Fix the problems I've stated. Truly look at what you think you've done and think if its adequate, does it really benefit and advance the community?

Edited by ChefDeuce
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I have recently learnt from first hand rather successful experience that to get little things done on lotc, like getting some things added to make things more clear, quality of life changes, getting outdated things updated etc is...


Not to sit grumbling but rather, make a google doc, write it down. Make a list of things that can realistically be changed by someone, be it blocks placed, posts written, wikis and other pages updated, hell, videos made. Present it to the best staff member u can find by accident after theyve responded to your ramblings in #ooc chat and shit magically happens.


They cannot do things unless they know wot they need to do, and unfortunately, like many of us, sometimes they just need a kick up the backside now and again,  little helpful friendly reminder and a helping hand to energize and motivate them to do it!

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Servers boring at the moment with no official world event line. I remember back in Anthos and such we had the harbingers. We need an actual antag. I dunno, it doesn't feel the same anymore.

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On 8/15/2023 at 7:39 PM, Onnensr said:

I think the vicious divide between pvp and crp will continue on until defined roll-style combat gets passed that feeds both the competitive drive and honors rp sufficiently. Thronecraft, for being a horrible experience for everyone involved, did have that going for it 

This, just this 110%

Streamlining of player to player conflict resolution to make it less painful.


A proper roll based CRP system that is not filled to the brim with people malding for ten years on the copium of "my armour stops u cuz I said so" and other things along those lines (like magic, etc). Would be perfect as another avenue for resolving conflict effectively from just spamming LMB, which just favours PVP'ers who can try hard as opposed to more casual players.


What Unwillingly said prior regarding the server, I feel encapsulates this quite well in a way. When conflict is this difficult/frustrating to all parties to resolve then it basically deters any want for it from the side of the RP community as a whole (pvp goons excluded).


On 8/15/2023 at 8:27 PM, Unwillingly said:

it feels like server culture is shifting in a direction of utter non-interactionism. stick to yourself, RP in your own house, idle circle sprinting, afk standing, and gates that seem to be closed more and more often with less and less compensation


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@LlirI have been a bit disappointed the way LOTC's plug ins have headed and I would like to see some change with them. I like the idea of progression and the ability  to get better things. Recently the fishing plug in released and I am really happy with it. Although, I think it has more potential and there are a few things I want to see with it and other plug ins like it in the future. Firstly I hear that a cooking plug in is being made so I would hope to see the fish that you catch be used and other items within the plug in to have a use. Moreover, the ability to craft better fishing tools to have higher chances or unlock cooler fish would be nice. These critiques aren't just for the fishing plug in though, I would like to see things like this for mining, cutting down wood and stuff. Although we're on a roleplay server, its still minecraft and we should still have fun game design. If we didn't want that we could just roleplay in discord text groups. I think FRP exceled at this heavily when Rumpo ran it and we should probably strive for it. 

Sorry if this is a bit incoherent, its 5 am 🦧

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On 8/16/2023 at 6:11 AM, Telanir said:


How do we balance this with red-tape? Giving notice…is that RP-friendly, or dynamic…or even interesting? And, suppose we do remove ladders, then the problem of perma-locked settlements returns—gates down, 24/7. (my problem here is not that players behind gates are safe, it is that it's that community interaction is (literally) gated, and new players be sad for sure).


I liked the beginning of this map a lot, gates were wide open come-on-in—but flat turning off conflict would be worse. What else can we try?


If we look at it in an IRP point of view and looking at it based on an IRL historical view, often settlements have guard posts where guards are looking out and observing the traffic of people coming in, coming out, and the traffic of people around the walls. Usually if a group of mercs or bandits were gonna try and get into a settlement, they'd sneak in, right? Disguise as merchants or something. Often these attackers wouldn't try an openly public attack of running up to the walls to place ladders due to the surveillance. 

In these instances, the guards were able to pick up on this and go "close the gate" - "Bandits!" - "Raiders!" - and so on. There was always a reaction when attackers openly try to attack a settlement, a guard always calls it out. If someone were to put up a ladder on a wall, they would clearly be shot down or at least noticed arriving before hand. How does this apply into the rp world? Well, if we apply a settlement wide notice of attackers approaching, that would easily reflect the real world scenario of a watch guard spotting them out. This notice doesn't have to be one hour, it could be 10 minutes, 5 minutes even. That way both sides can take part in the raiding experience fairly as attacker and defender. Raiders can use their ladders, Defenders get a "Settlement under attack" notice. This will make raiders pick their settlements more carefully. 

What happens if we apply this notice, but then people use this opportunity to log off? Simply make it a rule that you cant log off or something along those lines of "If you log off, you'll be locked out of raid defense for 2 weeks", etc.

Okay now what about the guards? It wouldn't be rply correct to have no one standing watch just for them to also get a warning notice of an upcoming attack, so to solve this, either they can have an actual player stand watch, or maybe they can pay in minas or resource into the settlement treasure weekly upkeep which allow 'NPC' guards stand watch. The increases upkeep cost of the settlement would reflect the payment these watch guards would be receiving. What are the limitations of these NPC guards? They can't participate in combat and they cant ring the rally bell, a real player has to ring the bell following the proper rules to do so.

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As someone whose recently been trying to reimplement myself in the community - life had made me take quite the hiatus, I am finding it a slow but alright time rejoining, what I do wish is there was more stuff going on in the world, there are many landmarks and usable features but I just wish it was littered with a few more ruins, more ancient history and things people can adventure and talk about.


RP is good and great, probably better than it has been for me though I do just sometimes enjoy running around looking at stuff, back on Axios I was constantly adventuring to just find used and abused event sites and other features, it let my mind wander and let me relax and was really enjoyable. That's something I want to see on this new map - a chance to just switch off if I'm not in the mood to rp and see the creations of others and the stories they wish to tell with it.

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14 hours ago, Papa Rock said:


If we look at it in an IRP point of view and looking at it based on an IRL historical view, often settlements have guard posts where guards are looking out and observing the traffic of people coming in, coming out, and the traffic of people around the walls. Usually if a group of mercs or bandits were gonna try and get into a settlement, they'd sneak in, right? Disguise as merchants or something. Often these attackers wouldn't try an openly public attack of running up to the walls to place ladders due to the surveillance. 

In these instances, the guards were able to pick up on this and go "close the gate" - "Bandits!" - "Raiders!" - and so on. There was always a reaction when attackers openly try to attack a settlement, a guard always calls it out. If someone were to put up a ladder on a wall, they would clearly be shot down or at least noticed arriving before hand. How does this apply into the rp world? Well, if we apply a settlement wide notice of attackers approaching, that would easily reflect the real world scenario of a watch guard spotting them out. This notice doesn't have to be one hour, it could be 10 minutes, 5 minutes even. That way both sides can take part in the raiding experience fairly as attacker and defender. Raiders can use their ladders, Defenders get a "Settlement under attack" notice. This will make raiders pick their settlements more carefully. 

What happens if we apply this notice, but then people use this opportunity to log off? Simply make it a rule that you cant log off or something along those lines of "If you log off, you'll be locked out of raid defense for 2 weeks", etc.

Okay now what about the guards? It wouldn't be rply correct to have no one standing watch just for them to also get a warning notice of an upcoming attack, so to solve this, either they can have an actual player stand watch, or maybe they can pay in minas or resource into the settlement treasure weekly upkeep which allow 'NPC' guards stand watch. The increases upkeep cost of the settlement would reflect the payment these watch guards would be receiving. What are the limitations of these NPC guards? They can't participate in combat and they cant ring the rally bell, a real player has to ring the bell following the proper rules to do so.

Pretty decent suggestions I think 

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On 8/17/2023 at 7:50 PM, Nathan_Barnett36 said:

Servers boring at the moment with no official world event line. I remember back in Anthos and such we had the harbingers. We need an actual antag. I dunno, it doesn't feel the same anymore.


This would probably be one of the best ways to retain new players, have a big bad evil for them to help fight. Not too hard of a thing to think up, but it seems so for too many these days.

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On 8/22/2023 at 3:29 PM, Enlightenment said:


This would probably be one of the best ways to retain new players, have a big bad evil for them to help fight. Not too hard of a thing to think up, but it seems so for too many these days.

Not only that, but I feel that we need smaller events going around too. They dont NEED to be apart of a massive storyline, they just gotta be something to break up the moments of silence- give people a reason to be excited to log on, prepare for it, actually deal with it, then talk/haggle with other people about the situation.

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      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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