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Alfred Barclay pulled himself through the streets of Whitespire - corpses littering the streets & alleyways.. He hunched down, scooping up a Cross of the Lorraine, which had fallen in the midst of the skirmish.

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Artel walks through the streets of Aaun, his body hurt and his blade dulled, he makes sure to collect the bodies of as many fallen Stassion men as he could "der debt of Ghorm ist nicht yet payed" he says as he disfigures the fallen "nicht even close" the words echo through the streets as he marches on.

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Teddy d'Arkent promised to buy his younger brother some candy before they returned home, in his mind vowing to purchase something of note for his Amador friend as well as a spoil of "war".

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An exhausted Liridona Amador, well past her prime, leaned against a mall within the keep of Mondstadt. A servant assisted in the removal of her armor and pink cape, all while the woman sobbed. "GODAN, there was so much blood... please Lord, do niet let this war last long." And then, Liridona prayed for the souls lost; Haeseni and Veletzian, Aaunite and Petran. For Liridona too was a mother.

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Konstantin strolled through the streets of Whitespire at the conclusion of the battle, accompanied by a small contingent of Mardonlanders who had made it through the bloody battle in the streets. As he gazed upon the corpses pilled into every street, alleyway, and building, he could not help but smile beneath his battered and bloodied helm as he saw burgundy under the plate of the majority of those slain. "The debt is not yet settled, Ghorm." Konstantin murmured with a glance upwards to the sky. "There is much work to be done still, Rabbits. I pray your sword arms have not tired yet." He stated to the ever-familiar men in blue cloaks before continuing on in search of any surviving foe.

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"Glory to Her Majesty Catherine I, this is justice for Ghorm." said Sigismund von Theonus a he signed the Lorraine.

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The disclosed BSK report reached the hand of Reinmar’s Master Alchemist, Klaus von Berkhoven, hastily by servants within Sankt Johannsburg. His tired, sleepless eyes carefully scanned the document. “They slew the Aaunish Koenig und his council?!” He exclaimed before closing his eyes.
“Gutte LORD, protect the Realm of Aaun und DEIN Holy Realm of Canondom in these trying time und thank DU for the capture of the devious Captain-General who will soon meet both the Judgement of Man und DEIN Holy Judgement. AMEN.” The auburn prayed then pondered the future before getting back to work immediately.

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"And so it begins." Comments the Viceroy of Hyspia.

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As banners of black and gold streamed through the gates of Valdev, the Grand Prince stood tall upon the parapets. He had been left behind to marshal the garrison should the forces of his father be defeated. They were not. Seven thousand of the faithless and their savage allies lay rotting in the Heartlands.  


He turned from the victorious and looked to his betrothed, Nataliya of Morovar. "It has begun," said Ivan plainly. "And it is over."

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Flemius finished off a dark elven warrior. "Die, fool." He stated with a mechanical voice as he slammed the back of his longsword into the warrior's face, until naught was left.


People In Medieval Art Who're Getting Murdered But Just Don't Give a Damn






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"My leaders are failing my people, again. Why have they brought us into this conflict? Why have our citizens need to witness more blood and sorrow? The innccent, my people will only suffer from this." Pondered did, a noble of Celia'nor(Ava Ranaleth) at seeing her people and allies being seemingly slaughtered. Fortunately, a member of her family sought not to partake in the conflict, so she had nothing else to do but wonder. "What If Thana had followed them?" A grim thought followed through, she would never want to see her family dying for such a needless cause. Utter disappoint grew for the leadership of her nation. We just built back what we lost, why are joining already a war without consulting anyone but themselves? Only thoughts over thoughts as she slept in her manor. "Idril was right. This is a lost cause."

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Rosalind lingered at her husband's, regarding the same papers he had done moments before. She bore a sorrowful smile, for the battle had been won at a cost too that wore her tender heart, but it was a smile nonetheless. Her gaze settled upon her beloved, as she received summons from her Queen. "Krusae Zwy Kongzem... GODAN has blessed us with victory, ae love."

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18 hours ago, erictafoya said:

Leonid cleaned his blade from the blood of The Rex, though in battle it was just another orc to him. Another skin to add to his cloak, another tusk to wear on his neck. The battle was won - victorious and glorious. But the squire knew that there was more to come. . .


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Grommash congratulates the fleeper for defeating the legendary Trackpad Tornado of the Iron Horde


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