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Un Silenci Trencat


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After assessing the Balianese soldiers coming home from the battle, Sibyl would call to her husband “Ezren! Ready your weapons, we will not soon be leaving the battlefield!” She spoke with a sigh as she looked to her Alexandros Casimir with a small smile on her face “Rest well Xander, we will protect you with our every breath.” And with that she left her son, muttering under her breath to see the heads of her distant cousins of stassion on a spike besides the bandit lords of Veletz.



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Liridona, a horrified mother herself, prayed for the victims of such torture. "Godan, protect ve dobry people of Balian... ag protect vyr sons ag dotres." She raised her head for but a moment, before adding a few words of importance, "Let none of mea own children suffer in this war, Ea beg."

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Percy de Lyons prepared for war, his sword already sated with the blood of Veletz and Stassion alike.

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An aging Ruthern, confined in his room due to his furthering ailment, read the missive with strained eyes, silently praying for the safety of his grown children and his grandchildren. The former Count of Marsana, his breathing now raspy which foretold his final days now murmured, "If only mea children stuck true to their words. To stay united until their dying days." He would sleep with a broken heart that night.

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"Si Sa Majestat em crida a la guerra, sens dubte que hi acudiré. El silenci s'ha trencat. Visca el Rei nostre Senyor!" said the historian Marc Galbraith in Old Balthalite, upon reading the missive issued by the King of Balian.

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An aging Royal Legate dipped his head, staring down at the bloodied streets with an empty gaze. His young son - hardly six - stood with him in the bloodshed, carrying a sword far too large for his little hands. The Galbraiths stood in silence for a while.


"Ave Balian - Long Live King Adrian. We must end this war quickly."

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49 minutes ago, HIGH_FIRE said:

After assessing the Balianese soldiers coming home from the battle, Sibyl would call to her husband “Ezren! Ready your weapons, we will not soon be leaving the battlefield!” She spoke with a sigh as she looked to her Alexandros Casimir with a small smile on her face “Rest well Xander, we will protect you with our every breath.” And with that she left her son, muttering under her breath to see the heads of her distant cousins of stassion on a spike besides the bandit lords of Veletz.



Just to the princess’s right sat Ezren, diligently wiping the drying blood from his blade, replying, “Justice has yet to be served towards the ones who dared seek destruction of this lands people. My sword shall always be ready to cleave any who step up to the plate of battle against our Kingdom and it’s people!” He glanced towards his son, “I swear that by the time Xander can lift a sword, this war will be long in the history book.


[ooc: on phone, pardon the formatting]

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The Count had been torn between either being seen as a coward by the Kingdom or to be hated by his twin sister, Charlotte. The pressure to maintain his image clashed with concern for his twin. "Yam szame, papej, Y have torn the family vy strived to build." Being able to do nothing, he simply retired to his quarters, regret stirring within. 

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The Magister would frown deeper as he'd read the missive, see how his former ward treated his friends and colleges, fingers clenching firmly on the paper as he'd pull it taut, and then crumple it, rasping out  "Taureau traître, tu as été mieux élevé que ça..." before sighing, casting the paper into the fire as he'd mutter firmly "Justice shall be done, and will show you the same courtesy you showed your kin in the end, or lack of it."

Edited by SmartScout
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The young Count of Vuiller, and husband of Gwenyth sat in their esate.. his gaze to the sky having taken some time to grieve the slaughter of his mother during the battle of Whitespire. Yet now his gaze had shifted. Those eyes plagued with sorrow now filled with a rage. the young man moving to grab onto his family's ancestrial trident as he readied himself to dawn his armor for the time to come. A battle were to be fought, and if time would fall true once again, then more battles were to be held before Stassion would crumble under the rule of the bastards line of Fredrick Fratricidas

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11 hours ago, HIGH_FIRE said:

After assessing the Balianese soldiers coming home from the battle, Sibyl would call to her husband “Ezren! Ready your weapons, we will not soon be leaving the battlefield!” She spoke with a sigh as she looked to her Alexandros Casimir with a small smile on her face “Rest well Xander, we will protect you with our every breath.” And with that she left her son, muttering under her breath to see the heads of her distant cousins of stassion on a spike besides the bandit lords of Veletz.




Lalina did not quite understand everything related to this war or the incident as she could not read and had only heard words here and there from the people speaking. She did understand however what was needed and began to polish and sharpen her princess' blade along with polishing her armour. Once she had enough time she took to making sure the little prince was sound asleep with a makeshift wooden fountain on the table next to him to give him a soothing sleep whilst his mother was away. 

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"The tree of deceit that has grown from the blood of the snake must be destroyed root and branch," muttered Enrico of Abretta.

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