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"Credit where credit is due, this was a bold move," quietly notes a creature. It considers the ledger heavily. "Snuffing a spark before it becomes a wildfire."

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"If you kill a dead thing, has the number of dead things in the world gone up, or down? Has a change even been made?"


The Watcher ponders the important questions as he wanders through his apartment within his district, in tatters after a no-knock raid in the dead of night. The Holy Missive from the Holy Man himself brings him some semblance of entertainment, as he hums a distant tune admist tidying up things.

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An "Anonymous"  Cursed One sits down at a makeshift table of barrels, her seat her bed, with missives in hand, and a cup of tea. Slowly do her gloved hands sift through the papers before her, humming. "Ailmere... mm. Dwarves... Ah. The Pontiff." She plucks out the Field Chronicle from her pile, reading through with a calm upon her blankets. Then, suddenly, does a section cause her to spit her tea to the side, to choke on the drink.


"... Caius...."  Any and all calm the Cursed One had is flung out the window. "Anonymous... ANONYMOUS??? YA IBN-" And so does a torrent of curses break the peaceful silence of her room, a flock of birds outside startled away.


Another reason to look over her shoulder. To those that were a danger to her, this was all but anonymous, and she knew it.

Edited by ProcaPro
Messed up a word
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Norido skims over the missive in his hand, only partially reading it before commenting "Oh wow, more necromancer- demon things, I read about them before in one of my books." Norido coughs "I should probably avoid them, how on this realm can a corpse even reanimate?"

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Atop the Basilica's ramparts, Villorik's white cloak stirred in the wind, and his glaive shimmered in the moonlight.

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To a certain Benign Wizard, the thought of the pontiff going through 'every nook and cranny' of her wizard tower, disturbs her so much more than the imp who keeps breaking in. So much so that she doesn't even bother to fold the missive into an origami swan like usual, and simply. Files it away in the cabinet.


. . . .the recently rifled through cabinet at that. 

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Mircalla frowns "Always? Always affiliated? Oh Yes I sure do love the people that cursed me to look like this. Golly gosh. I love chaos and Iblees against all better judgement. Sure" The devil picked some dirt out from under her nail, she'd then fourish the note toward her son, "Look at that." - "If he was going to hunt me, he could have done it based on my last name... I did give him a full name"


(Nice post by the way, I like it)

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The Oni, a dear ally to the one named Handil, let out a cackle upon the reading of his name. Truly, did she find this amusing.
“Oh you poor soul.. your actions have at last caught up to you..” She cooed to no one in particular, for she was alone. 

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[!] A response would be pinned under the missives in the South of Aevos!


To his esteemed Holiness, Caius I.
I am Cerrick of Khamees, a Paladin of Xan under the Order of the Golden Lion. Your church has used our members before in aiding against the dark, even after declaring us to be heretical in our ways despite worshipping the same as any Canonist. It seems you name a few places as a consortium of darkspawn, though a certain name popped out towards me. The Kingdom of Vikela, which has been my base of operation for anti darkspawn activity in the South for quite a while, was named as a hub of evil and nefarious activity. Given this generally is patrolled by myself and one of my comrades, I would implore you to give a list of names of alleged darkspawn that reside within these walls to be subjected to immediate testing.


Yours truly,
Cerrick Fenifaer

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Vindacus was loitering, flipping crabs and jellyfish on the beach during his vacation. For he much enjoyed the fresh air when he received news of this incident... upon reading the letter sent to him by a good friend he was outraged shocked even...

"Does he not know?!?!" he blurted out loudly "to think... they would dare assail I?! Vindacus?!? son of god?!? was this... 'pontif' if that even is his real name?!? informed of mine standing?!?!?" he shrieked to the seagulls fluttering overhead.


Edited by Kardika
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