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[Sigil by JJosey]


[!]To those who hold within their hearts the memory and knowledge of what once was. . .


For ages, mortals have endured the relentless onslaught of those who thrive on malevolence, driven solely by insatiable cravings for corruption, shackled by the chains of greed. The echoes of The Decree Resound, reverberating through the tapestry of our past, a testament to the valor of our forebears and the enduring legacy they have bequeathed unto us.


We remember the days of yore when the realm stood as one against the encroaching shadows, when we waged our righteous battle upon the Western plains, the Dawnhold Attack and the Fall of Amaethea. Though the scars of defeat may still linger, they serve as badges of honor upon our collective soul, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, we stood resolute, unwavering in our defense of all that is just and true.


This is no call to arms, no rallying cry for swords to be unsheathed or shields to be raised. I speak solely to the realm, not to beseech your aid, but to stir the embers of memory, to recall what was once lost. Reflect on the days when, even in the face of defeat, we stood unbowed and unbroken, united in our resolve. 


As I, Idril Sylvaeri, gaze upon the pages of history, my heart swells with gratitude towards those who bore arms in the name of righteousness, who dared to confront our common foe with unyielding courage.


And now, as the tides of darkness threaten to engulf us once more, The Crown of Amathine and The Order of the Golden Lion stand united, bound by duty and honor, to answer the call to arms against the nefarious Azdromoth and his malevolent legions.


It is the horizon of the future that commands my focus—a realm where I harbor profound concerns, aspirations for prosperity, and an unwavering reverence for life. 

I care for the good.





el’malaurir Idril Sylvaeri

High Princess of Amathine

Taliyna el’Tennallar’leh, Warden of the Wild, Shepherd of the Elder Blood

“Uell ito Maruthiran”


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"New hunting grounds have been established then hrm? How pitiful that the servants of Xan are sending even more to die for them." a pale creature called as he looked on the missive. 

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Graced by the missive on his desk, a paladin's countenance brightened, his heart brimming with hope and pride. He proceeded to dispatch copies of it to every Chapter of the Order.

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As the crimson nephilim looked over the missive he would turn to his bothers and sisters arching a faint brow "Maybe its time to visit these elves? I hear they have a very nice tree on a small island out south..." Urn'eilor then pocketed the missive keeping a faint grin as flame in huses of pitch black and gold took the shape of a burning tree within his grasp, the imagery  dancing before him @koanda@Aehkaj@Lhindir_

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Sigrun 'Undeadslayer' Stonehammer ponders what witty zinger Ghezelas will come up with this time..

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"Why, talk about nostalgia," As the recollection flooded her memory, a contented smile curled across her lips, "We all saw how that went last time," Luthien would comment to her companion, her eyes flitting over the parchment one last time, before she sought to simply continue her day.

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"Paladins..." A soldier of Amathine and templar mumbled beneath her breath. "Lizard people..." She continued to grumble like a old woman inside her manor. 

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"I'd rather have an oversized lawn gecko as a friend, than an idiot with a massive hero complex." Raziel told to his voidal lizard without context. 



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An Illiviran elf, recently detached from the realm of Amathine, regards the missive with irritable uncertainty. "Yet again, the High Princess proves that she lacks foresight." She tuts her teeth. "To claim to care for the good of the realm while issuing nothing short of a challenge to those who would do us harm. Surely, she cannot be so foolish — to think that this won't invite evils to our doorsteps."

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A Barrowlord chortled from afar. It is not a pleasant sound, cold and demeaning.


"Our princess is not the brightest soul in the stream.."

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11 hours ago, JJosey said:

I care for the good.

A silence came across the man as he read the words, before white embers came through his respirator in a rage.


'Care for the good'.

How horseshit; How non-sensical; How utterly ignorant.


It was Druids, Templars, and Oyashimen that spent their blood for the sake of the Paladin Order. For the sake of their objectives and their mission as either volunteers or paid mercenaries.


He stewed over the document and the arrogance of the Amathine Crown, speaking on matters they had no understanding of:


They had not been allowed to plan, which costed the Covenant at every moment because of Xannite arrogance - called out by their own Aengul. This cost so many damned lives, over three-quarters of the Vale force by their own failures of compounding planning errors & failures.


They had decidedly believed the Druidic force as useless, resulting in them neglectfully choosing to not inform their own allies. This cost so many damned lives in that the Druidic force had not been allowed to organise their own equipment. It cost them in that they could not properly prepare because of failed communications from the so-called 'military order'.


Then, Xan had purposefully friendly-fired on his own comrades. Aengul perhaps, but treasonous all around.


Everywhere the man looked, he looked to see if this was about the 'Good'. Malchediael's vision of a world where the strong would protect the weak.


And everywhere he looked in the Order of the Golden Lion, he saw incompetence and compounding failures. He saw treasonous thoughts in the Covenant & disunity altogether.


There was nothing 'good' left in the Paladins - and no will to protect the weak, as they refused to even consider the thought of salvation for Azdromoth. They instead considered genocide on the Azdrazi. The man was no Azdrazi supporter, but even he had to admit the hypocrisy intrinsic in this document.


The man's dream finally came manifested into his mind's eye: a New World was in order to replace the Old World so that Malchediael's reformation may come. So that the Descendants may be protected.


So the World, in all its good and majesty, may be brought to enlightenment by a new generation unbegotten by the follies of the past - but instead the dreams of the future.


Perhaps this would be the enlightening of the world to one of 'Good', instead of the traitorous & backstabbing virtues it had inherited from a bygone era.

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Posted (edited)

"Damn the darkspawn." An elfess would utter within the confines of her sisters laboratory, sharpening the blade of her war-axe. What blood will her weapon spill, the world may know soon enough. The heroic story of her aunt still fresh in the elfesses' mind. "Damn the dragonkin. Damn Azdromoth. Where's a spear when you need one?"

Edited by Commander_Jester
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