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Everything posted by TryaxReck

  1. Why have you stayed this long fr.
  2. Alec woke from his small village hovel, tending to the small crop of carrots he had planted outside. The world was still, and in these rare moments he liked to sit on the porch and stare out at the quaint land, watching the earth slowly reclaim what was lost when that damned castle had vanished. He could not read, it was a luxury he wasn't able to afford as a youth and couldn't learn now as an adult, but if he could perhaps he'd pick up all those missives people were so keen on reading, panning through them idly as he embraced the sweet joys of simple living. He failed to notice the stormclouds thundering above until it was too late...
  3. @Slorbin On the one hand, you say you don't want ERP. On the other hand, you send me pictures of scantly clad bird girls and constantly try to affirm that you aren't an ERPer. Hiding something, perhaps?
  4. I am so proud of you Slorbin. Perhaps one day I will see you as a greentag, not taking any of my sreqs <3
  5. If the guy everyone hates doesn't like the concept of the frog, I believe it should be the server's priority to #FreeTheFrog
  6. dont do this you know what happens when you do this
  7. @SquakHawkadd an alchemical recipe for Ibuprofen my head hurts from reading this
  8. Alec found himself in an interesting position indeed. He had resided in Dobrov as first a simple vagrant, then as a tenant under the new, post-translocation of that castle he had no intent on learning to pronounce. His body ached and churned, his skin beginning to sag from this sickness he had contracted out in the harsh western jungles. He was missing out on something, to be sure, but perhaps for once in his life he was glad of such a fact. In-between the hacks and coughs, the young adventurer grew ever more disdainful of the endless platitudes made by nobles, grateful only this news wasn't being hollered by some squire or other rabble. He folded the missive and went back to bed, feeding himself some stew...
  9. Alec looked through his vast fortune acrewed, and grimaced. It'd all be gone if he did this. But if his beliefs were to be true... He sent out a bid for 23,000 minae.
  10. First they allied themselves with bandit rabble then attacked DU-LOC?!? Alec screeches incoherently, ready to enter the fray. He was SO mad he just HAD to take a piss. But where.... Revenge is a dish best served... pissy.
  11. Reject joining groups in the beginning, I always advocate to be a wanderer and try not to let the virtual anxiety take over as you introduce yourself to people in roleplay. If you still have your pink-tag, most will be welcoming. Personally, I reccomend having a shaderpack as well as some ambient music while you wander around to get yourself more pumped up for the fantasy vibe LOTC is trying to pull.
  12. Unwillingly just say you want fundamentalist muslim law on LOTC at this point. First you talking about eye for an eye punishments, the constant anti-christian sentiment, its truly astounding to see how far you'll go to push this agenda. I for one am not going to sit idly by like the United States did when the Taliban took over Afghanistan. I'm going to fight BACK.
  13. Most rules on LOTC stem from people being irresponsible with the freedoms they were once given. If enough people abuse said freedom, then there are rules added to combat or remove it. Maybe back in the war of 2 emperors we could do all of what you said responsibility, but now a lot of the time both parties are trying to get by with shady shit more often than not. Can't play with your toys? They get taken away. Kind of neutral on this issue as I believe conflict is needed to incite change, but i also know that wars conducted in good faith are few and far between.
  14. man is remembered ais war 1740s. thinks sort of hard on it before ignoring going sleep
  15. Alec feels as if he should contact these angry magic-wielding guys, and offer to trade them their requested herbal material in exchange for whatever they used to burn down that poor couple's beach-home. Timeshares don't come cheap, you know.
  16. Alec agrees wholeheartedly with the statement above, though considering his illiteracy, his judgement is not to be trusted.
  17. "all I know is that as soon as this new guy sat on his fancy chair he started saying a whole lotta things. Lot's of folk say a lot, but he's saying a damned lot."
  18. Alec thinks these Barclay's should use some sort of protection when fading to black. He's met like forty of them already!
  19. Alec sat in contemplation of the life he had taken during the battle. He was a simple man, and such things as violence weighed heavy upon his mortal soul. He sat underneath the tree which had sprouted Alabaster, staring into the shadows in which his victims stared back at him with their eyes open, mouths agape. He sighed, closing his eyes then as he sunk into the tree, resting, mouthing out quiet apologies to dead dwarves.
  20. "they want my ******* node sites!" A mina-strapped herbalist states. He readies his carabarum hoe to ward off these upstarts. "but if they buy from me...." A mina-strapped herbalist immediately follows up on, looking at his large crate of Athins and Mandragora............
  21. I would like to see some more effort put into player retention. A new player was asking in the wandering soul chat about how to create a new soul, with four other community team members online. He recieved no response, unless it was done through /msg, which I cannot see. If this is the case, disregard my concern here. Note also the fact Savoy is still called Sutica. I checked, it warps you to Savoy. This should be corrected to be more accurate to the current state of the server. You could try using Disboard to try and reach out to more potential players, as well as updating our vote links to accurately represent what map we are on, and maybe provide more detail about what LOTC is and what you can actually do. For example, there is advertising about being a mage. And while, yes, you can be a mage, it is a difficult process and shouldn't be advertised like it's something you can simply start off with. This is bad faith advertising. The promotional trailer linked in the minecraft vote-links are related to Atlas, and should be corrected to fit Almaris. Why advertise a 4 year old map that is no longer in use? In addition, the imgur link to various screenshots is also outdated: https://imgur.com/a/ua6Jv Fresh blood and new ideas are what make the wheels turn forward, so player retention should be prioritized over all other things. Staff run initiatives should be improved upon and/or expanded, as well as the efforts of nations. Nations are the main conduit of roleplay, and as such should feel obligated and responsible for this undertaking as well. As a related topic, I believe that making the vast lore LOTC more user-friendly and readable for new players is a good idea. An idea I thought of was having nations give historical summaries of their histories, brushing over maybe 2-3 major events per map which affected their kingdom, and forming it into a timeline. This could provide a good first step into the pool of lore we have accumulated over the years. General lore management would be nice as well. @Caelria is smart btw, you should listen to them!
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