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Everything posted by AfroJoeTheOlogBro

  1. Murdok squints at the text, mumbling as he read the words before snorting, "Madoc aymt nub elduh....boi aynt dat old."
  2. "Goodluck, dear friend. May it be a mighty act indeed"
  3. When it says items of the same genre or type being in amounts more than two, does that mean I can safely have 2 thanhium and 2 volatite chunks in the same vault, or does that count as 4 of the same type and thus grounds for removing the excess?
  4. "I bet theyre living dolls, the hack. A sham artifice...but I suppose the meaning behind it is important. Youd think hed go for loftier crafts when making servants for the Divine."
  5. In recent times, were Thalgrim to journey into the hallowed halls of the Goldhands, he would find the coveted Book of Debts, bound in its goblin skin and filled with the many grudges accrued by the clan. A note was tucked into it, written by one most familiar. "Im off to become Something More, Thalgrim. Take care, and lead well. We will meet again, when I am complete."
  6. Let them build on the roads. We need more road side caravans and taverns and the like. Just dont block the road itself, build on the side of it
  7. The elder and Swampgoth, not yet aware of the passing of his mighty berzerker, sat at the edges of the Krugmarian swamps in meditation, waiting for a student and a brother that would never return.....
  8. And so history marches on, and the clan rises from the mud once more. Lup'Laklul boys
  9. [!] Deranged scribblings upon many a page find themselves within many a city of the world. On walls of businesses, balled up and dragged through the mud, stabbed through branches, they would be found...seemingly written in blood, or something that looked akin to it "Oh dear reader, dear dearest dear reader. I beseech thee, read and gaze upon my wisdoms. Oh please please bare witness to the glory I herald! But what a dredge I once was, pitiless and without concern for the fellow man of the salt and the mud. Nothing more than SLIME, worse than even the things that sup upon the bones of the long dead. A meaningless life that would have passed without note, were it not for what I beheld in my dreams! DREAMS my dearest darling, dreams within which I saw myself from not within my own gaze and wisdom, but through the eyes of HE, most eternal and enigmatic. The Goat blessed me with his sight, and I saw not only myself for the worthless puddle of sludge I had wrought myself into. Naynaynaynaynay, I beheld you, and them, and we, and I. I forsaw glory for us all through he most high in the way of life and living. Take heed and pray, pray upon my words, and may twisted eye of The Goat bless thee so, as I have been blessed. Oh let it be so, and shall we all be saved...." [!] Stamped upon each page in the same dried ichor bore the esoteric sigil of a Goat's eye, the thick block for an iris staring back at the reader....
  10. The burnt remnants of the Swampgoth looked upon the missive with a dull, muted smile. What was taken from his form was not so easily returned by good will alone. Though, it was a start.
  11. A burned swampgoth slowly nods his head at the goblin's return, noting the change of stride and vision within the kub of krug as he finishes his pilgrimage. He knew the boy had had his eyes open by the experience....
  12. Withdrawal in Totality In the recent days of nonsensical prosecution and detainment supported by some of the clans within the Coalition of Hammers, Clan Goldhand shall be withdrawing themselves from the pacts therein, and wash their hands of such. Clan Goldhand has not been mutually protected nor respected in the fields of religious beliefs, instead lumped in with potential radicals that have done things unrelated to members of Clan Goldhand. Thus, agreements within the Coalition of Hammers have been rendered null. Clan Goldhand prays for the prosperity of all of the clans within the Coalition, despite no longer working alongside them in the official capacity within said Coalition. Rylanor Goldhand Clan Lord of the Goldhands Aegis of Grimdugan Lord of Avarice
  13. "Ah, so now its posted....how convenient and...deliberately disingenuous." Mechanical laughter erupted from the machine as he read over the rather old terms the forum he was present within agreed upon, only to see his faith unincluded
  14. "Oh Palamon, causing waves wherever you go my friend. Teach them well."
  15. As visions and omens were made clear, so too did the flaming head of Adversity rear its forked tongue to decry them, and so the machine lord sat, in waiting.....
  16. And so the omen was realized as he walked the halls of his people, and found the missive from the Rhun Prophet proudly pasted for all to see. He merely nodded his head, and marked the date.
  17. The mechanical zealot rouses from his alchemical visions within his false slumber, plates thrumming with power as his eyes open. There had been a shift, he knew not how, but he knew it was there....time to seek out his fellow Rhun Oathed
  18. "Rhyming is stupid" Mutters a machine lord with disdain.
  19. "Deez yung grizh dew tingz kwik. Faztah dan mi kan git round tuh maykin mizzyvez." The elder chuckled, nodding his head in approval as he finds the missive placed into his grasp
  20. "Juzt kall it Klomp. Zkahin zkah zilli gitz"
  21. "My father would be proud of the potential for gains here. I wish he could see it."
  22. A bedraggled, sanguine noble gives a hungering smile at the missive. It sounded like fun, and that was something one could not have too much of...
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