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Everything posted by High_On_Math

  2. "Ah YES! Reconquest. That's the word I like to hear! Take back our homes!-" - - Luthriel spat out her alcoholic tea, "CONQUEST OF THE URGUANI FRONTIER!? THEY SURE AS BLOODY HECK BETTER NOT BE PLANNING ON INVADING URGUAN'S ORIGINAL TERRITORY!" The tea got all over the missive. "So help me, if Oren invades Urguan's rightfully owned territory then Oren is in the bloody wrong. All the decent people will have to immediately switch sides from fighting to reclaim Oren's land to fighting to defend Urguan."
  3. OOC: Guys i tried so darned hard to write up to 95 theses but my brain.exe stopped working at 22. I scrapped it and decided to keep it short with my 15 most relevant. I'm sorry bros. [!] the missive was nailed to Karasograd's cathedral's door. Luthriel invites any individual to debate her on the following theses in person or through letter: 1. The first Pontiff, James, was named Pontiff because he was a "builder of bridges" between the quarrelling priests. Anyone sewing division and propagating war amongst Cannonist peoples is cannot be the Pontiff. 2. No one can claim to speak or unspeak the will of Godan. Even Godfrey, a prophet, could not. The Pontiff is not meant to dictate the will of Godan, but to build and maintain peace amongst Cannonism (Gospel 7:13). 3. The idea that Godan only grants mercy to individuals through the Church of the Cannon is patently absurd. (Spirit 1:19): We find salvation in Godan's laws, not the Church. 4. (Spirit 3:17-18) Only Godan judges and punishes. A mere man cannot take away Godan's mercy from anyone. 5. (Spirit 6:14) No one can stop Godan's mercy. 6. (Gospel 1:44-47) The first woman did not need the church to give God's mercy to her. She wept and changed her ways, and ascended to the sixth sky. 7. (Gospel 4:43-53) Owyn, Godan's prophet, enacted judgement on Harren's wickedness. This was wrong. Godan was merciful to Harren and accepted his change of heart, but Owyn did not. It was not through Godan's prophet that Harren got mercy. It was through his personal relationship with Godan that he found mercy, and through Godan's servant Owyn that he found judgement. It thus is not through the Church that we receive Godan's mercy, but through Godan's merciful character. 8. (Gospel 4:54-58) Owyn asked Godan directly for mercy, and Godan showed mercy to him. 9. (Gospel 7:26-30) Godfrey asked Godan directly for mercy, and Godan was merciful to him. 10. Through some mystical process called ordination, it is claimed that an individual can be endowed with the ability to show Godan's mercy, to mark an unwilling infant as Cannonist through baptism, and to otherwise produce spiritual marks through their rituals of sacrament. Only Godan grants individuals prophecy or power. Everything we have comes from Godan. Mere humans cannot grant supernatural power to others. 11. (Spirit 7:8-10) To seek power akin to Godan's is a wretched sin. No human is like Godan. By what hubris does the Cannonist Church claim to be able to transmit Godan's mercy to individuals? To produce a spiritual mark on someone or something is beyond what descendants are meant to do, and is akin to the sin of the magi. 12. Excommunication, a mere declaration of humans, is incapable of severing a repentant and Godan-fearing soul from Godan's unstoppable mercy. 13. (Spirit 7:11) To claim spiritual, supernatural power to withhold sacred spiritual marks and even Godan's mercy from any being is claiming supernatural abilities for one's own power, and not for the benefit of others. This is the second part of the sin of the magi: to seek supernatural abilities not to bless others but to gain power. And we see power being gained by military alliances and political maneuverings using excommunication as a justification. 14. (Virtue 1:7) The virtuous are to receive their guidance from Godan's word alone. 15. (Spirit 3:12) No man is worthy before Godan. As a result, we should not have more respect for "saints" than we respect our neighbors. Before Godan's perfection, all men are equally imperfect. (Spirit 7:7)
  4. Luthriel shakes her head nervously, "I propose a fifth term: any ferrymen found guilty of killing an unarmed civilian from either side shall be prosecuted as someone who has committed murder."
  5. Luthriel squeels, "FAKE NEWS! Totally made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both Democrats and Republicans Dwarves and Humans - FAKE NEWS! DNN is in a total meltdown with their fake news."
  6. Luthriel grits her teeth, "Not that Minuvas would care. He's probably ecstatic. This gives him more of an opportunity to show his devotion to Malin."
  7. "I mean . . . I'm not sure why you had to point out specifically my statement that there is no king but Godan. Minuvas is out here constantly worshiping Malin like teen girls worship pretty much any remotely attractive young and famous bachelor. But . . . err . . . I mean that's - well that's pretty much what happened."
  8. Luthriel, though she was an Orenian, almost screamed when she heard the news. She had lived in Haense for 10 years, fought in the BSK, and remembered Ludovar as a good person. He listened to her side of the story when she was jailed, seeking to give her a second chance. Furthermore, she thought his beard was hot. As she read the announcement, she assumed that the culprit would have been an ice witch. She wondered why the decent people of this world could not come together to prevent wicked deaths like this.
  9. Luthriel stares in disbelief at the missive. "Wicked. Wickedness. This shall ne be tolerated. No one from either side shall be slain or harmed unless on the battlefield. Anything more is repugnant to Godan."
  10. Luthriel blinked. "What the bloody darn-" She looked up at water damaged wood ceiling, stained with the urine of the stray dogs she cared for upstairs. "So did he come back from the dead with necromancy or-" She looked at her metalic arm, fist frozen in an unmoving position of holding the hilt of a sword. Beside it lay her longsword. "All the more reason to serve necromancy." "But, if he ever tells me to bring someone like this to him, I will not. It would be best for the greater good that minds like this stay safe." She took in a deep breath. "I must do what I must do for the greater good."
  11. [!] The racist PSA would be posted all around Almaris. PSA: The Curses of Half-Breeds Many individuals are unaware of the curses that they might inflict upon their offspring if they create half-breed offspring, yet their ignorance does not cause the curses to cease existing. The various curses which half-breeds must carry may be divided into three categories: Curses of Iblees, societal curses, and physical curses. Each descendent race carries a curse, passed down by bloodline, that originally came from Iblees. Dwarves carry greed, Orcs carry bloodlust, Elves carry infertility, and Humans carry short lives. Any mix of two or more descendent races carries every curse that can be found in their ancestry. For example, a half dwarf half human would carry the curse of greed and of a short life. Social curses can be further divided into two subcategories: illogical discrimination and logical restraint. Illogical discrimination refers to any instance in which a mixed blooded individual is subject to spiteful words, loss of opportunity, or violence inflicted upon them solely for their heritage. Logical restraint refers to any instance when, due to the other curses a mixed blooded individual carries, it is unfortunately necessary for a mixed blooded individual to forgo something which full-blooded descendants may participate in. Physical curses refer to any sort of negative biological outcome that frequently occurs in mixed breeds. The curses of Half-Dwarf Half-Orcs: Curses of Iblees: Greed Bloodlust Social curses: * Possible discrimination from some orcs due to Krug's stance against interbreeding * Possible discrimination from some Cannonists due to Cannonism being against interbreeding Ought not to have children so as not to perpetuate the curses: must remain celibate Physical curses: * severe physical deformities caused by having one extremely tall parent and another extremely short parent * tusks that are too large for the half-dwarf's mouth is no taller than a dwarf The curses of Half-Dwarf Half Elves: Curses of Iblees: Greed Infertility Social curses: Discrimination from elves holding to doctrines of racial purity. For example, if such a being visited Haelun'or, he or she would likely be executed. * Possible discrimination from some Cannonists due to Cannonism being against interbreeding * Discrimination for being elven: Vulnerable to ear-shearing and anti-elf racism * Ought not to have children so as not to perpetuate the curses: must remain celibate Physical curses * severe physical deformities caused by having one extremely tall parent and another extremely short parent is no taller than a dwarf is no stronger than an elf * May be born completely infertile, which, given that they should not have children, is not a curse but is a notable possible outcome The curses of Half-Dwarf Half Humans: Curses of Iblees: Greed Short life Social curses: Ought not to have children so as not to perpetuate the curses: must remain celibate * Possible discrimination from some Cannonists due to Cannonism being against interbreeding Physical curses is no taller than a dwarf is no stronger than a human * physical deformities caused by having one tall parent and another short parent. The curses of Half-Orc Half Humans: Curses of Iblees: Bloodlust Short life Social curses * Possible discrimination from some orcs due to Krug's stance against interbreeding * Possible discrimination from some Cannonists due to Cannonism being against interbreeding Ought not to have children so as not to perpetuate the curses: must remain celibate Physical curses is no stronger than a human * physical deformities caused by having one extremely large parent and a moderately sized parent * tusks that are too large for a half-human's mouth The curses of Half-Orc Half Elves: Curses of Iblees: Bloodlust Infertility Social curses * Possible discrimination from some orcs due to Krug's stance against interbreeding * Possible discrimination from some Cannonists due to Cannonism being against interbreeding Discrimination from elves holding to doctrines of racial purity. For example, if such a being visited Haelun'or, he or she would likely be executed. * Discrimination for being elven: Vulnerable to ear-shearing and anti-elf racism * Ought not to have children so as not to perpetuate the curses: must remain celibate Physical curses is no stronger than an elf * physical deformities caused by the orc parent's extremely bulky physique and the elf parent's extremely lithe physique * tusks that are too for a half-elf's mouth * unlikely but possible: complete infertility, which, given that these beings should remain celibate, is not necessarily a curse but is a physical outcome worth noting The curses of Half-Human Half Elves: Curses of Iblees: Short lives Infertility Social curses * Possible discrimination from some Cannonists due to Cannonism being against interbreeding Discrimination from elves holding to doctrines of racial purity. For example, if such a being visited Haelun'or, he or she would likely be executed. * Discrimination for being elven: Vulnerable to ear-shearing and anti-elf racism * Ought not to have children so as not to perpetuate the curses: must remain celibate Physical curses Is no stronger than an elf * unlikely but possible: complete infertility, which, given that these biengs should remain celibate, is not necessarily a curse but is a physical outcome worth noting * This is a possible curse the being might experience, but it does not afflict every mixed-blooded individual. Remember, love is beautiful, but it does not necessitate your production of a cursed half-blooded offspring. Be responsible! Do not engage in interbreeding. A message from Cinh'Suluel
  12. Luthriel squealed in joy as she and her friend, Edvard, found the message. "This is why I love sewers so much! My eyes kind of burn. Is that not bizarre! I wonder . . . if this has anything to do with telepathic rats! I am so scared right now . . . I love love love being scared like this!"
  13. Luthriel sarcastically cooed, "How sweet. After Haense and the Irehearts kill your mother and father and torture you, cutting off your ears, they will promise to take care of you!"
  14. Every child asks philosophical questions. They lie in bed at night, wondering if they are living in a dream. They wonder what would happen if they could fly, up and up, forever into the night sky. Would they ever hit a ceiling? Adults love to glamorize the dreams of childhood, remembering the time when they, too, felt free to ponder. And yet with childhood curiosity often comes darker thoughts, "Is there any purpose to my life? Does it really matter if I am nice to people or mean to them? What happens after we die?" A young girl, bearing a mind warped by cruel intentions, was driven to question the very nature of morality. For in this half-goblin's heart, she believed that suffering was the greatest good. To cause pain, destruction, agony, was to do the morally correct thing. And yet, she knew she had been manipulated by others into believing these things. They took advantage of her orcish bloodlust, and cursed her further into a lifetime of moral agony. She would never know what was right, what was wrong, or if there even was such a thing. The young half-goblin, half-elf travelled around Almaris, searching for an answer. She was met with moral relativism and nihilism, yet she continued searching for proof of the existence of morality outside her mind. She swore an oath, never to help another, nor to help herself. She would never hurt another, nor hurt herself. She was to remain neutral until she had found the perfect argument, either proving the existence of morality, or disproving it. With these neutral, knowledge seeking intentions behind her, she was driven to the Silver State. As the 'ata was trapped in Haelun'or's gates, those around her scoffed and ridiculed her, while she simply sat in a corner, asking questions of the 'thill around her. All she wanted was to understand why they believed what they believed. Without any resistance, she was bound and taken to a cell, all the while attempting to converse with her captors. Her quiet and young voice always asking the question, "Why?" The pure 'thill could not withstand the burden of listening to such hideous words, so they gagged her. Her words were hideous not because of the words she spoke, but because it was she who spoke them. She was taken to a balcony, in front of the city square. A crowd of onlookers watched as a rope was placed around the abomination's neck. She simply pointed to the gag in her mouth, shaking her head, begging for a chance for last words. In her mind, all she wanted was to debate, and if proven wrong, she would gladly place the rope around her own head. Her silent pleas were denied, and she died a swift death. Revived by the monks, she went on to live for several more years until she ultimately came to the conclusion that there was no morality. Everything she had done, and everything she had hoped for, was dashed. And she killed herself. Somewhere in the afterlife, Rodya looked down. She was happy, not because of where she had gone, but because of what she now knew. For even if she was somewhere reserved for creatures whose bloodlust controlled them, for creatures who sometime attack travelers in a fit of blind murderous intent, she at least now knew that she had been right all along. There was something good, and there was something bad. It was as clear to her now as the fact that 2 + 2 = 4 was to her on earth. Rodya looked down upon the Silver State, remembering shards of what had happened to her. All she could recall, was that Haelun'or cared more about killing the impure than anything else. For they purport to prioritize the pursuit of knowledge, and yet they forsook that pursuit in order to cull a child. She hoped that everyone in Almaris could find a return to morality.
  15. She's a total fabric nerd!!! She can look at historical dresses and tell you what fabric it is made out of, how that fabric will fold, and how light will interact with the fabric. 100% pick her if you want epic fabric folding!!!
  16. Luthriel sighed, "I hope the writer of this missive means these words genuinely, because if so, that would provide hope to me that Haelun'or has not been completely taken over with madness. At best, there are logical yet ignorant beings living in the Silver State. And yet - I believe this is but another propaganda attempt. Perhaps I ought to write a response to this."
  17. Luthriel combed her hair. . . There is no escape from the realm of the dead.
  18. Maehr'sae hiylun'eyha translates to progress and health in the common tongue. These are goals that are undeniably laudable, and every being ought to pursue them wholeheartedly. Haelun'or purports to be the shrine of purity on earth, andyet, last month, I experienced a horrific awakening to what Haelun'or has become, or rather, has reverted back to. Under the leadership of Sohaer Kolvar, Haelun'or was stagnant. Yet there is a greater enemy to progress than stagnancy: the reversion from enlightened ideals to those of our barbaric forefathers. Under Sohaer Braxus, Haelun'or shows exceeding promise to become a nation of the utmost superstition. I was once stewardess of Haelun'or. During my there I witnessed the growth of Haelun'or in unexpected ways: humans and wood elves came to Haelun'or to seek a place to stay. Haelun'or's population had dwindled under Sohaer Kolvar, and I endeavored to keep its population alive. I fully believe that if a rational, hard working Mali had been elevated to Sohaer, Haelun'or would be a prosperous AND logical nation. Last month, I was taken against my will to some sort of "tea party" in Haelun'or. I, of course, refused to enter the city. Yet I was arrested OUTSIDE of the gates. I was hogtied, gagged, tied to a tree, and left outside for hours until a guard came to mutilate my ears. A citizen of Haelun'or fortunately rescued me, and for that I am grateful, but not before my right ear was severed. This elf made sure to explain to me that he affirmed the use of acid pits to kill impures (though he did not approve of torture). And what did I do to deserve torture or death in the eyes of Braxus and his flock? I did nothing. By no fault of my own, my parents conceived me half human and half elf. When I was older, I culled them, preventing them from creating more cursed children and I decided to never produce offspring. I devoted my life to relieving present suffering and preventing future suffering. My life is a net good for the world, yet the elves of Haelun'or want to exterminate me and others like me. I formally renounce the ideals of Haelun'or and commit myself to pursuing health and progress through a pursuit of logic rather than one of idiotic superstition. It is illogical to kill one who begs to be your ally. It is illogical to spend time drinking tea rather than working hard. It is illogical to assign different metal elements moral characteristics. It is illogical to banish the hardest workers in your society. It is illogical to cut ears, burn beards, or any other form of pointless mutilation. It is illogical to drink intoxicating substances. It is illogical to claim my culling of my parents was impure while claiming my death is good. Haelun'or is filled with bloody idiots. Signed, Luthriel
  19. Luthie thought both Braxus and this elf chick were idiots.
  20. Luthriel shook her head, "When I was nine, I was sneaking out of the hippie village at night to read conservative ideological books written by the high elves. I never would have dreamed of challenging another child to a violent fight. I probably wasn't even strong enough to hold a sword. Children these days are getting more and more like some gods are assuming the form of a child and inserting themselves into our chaotic world to experience the thrill of being a child prodigy." She then chuckled to herself, "Or perhaps I'm unrealistically pathetic." she thought as she attempted to drink a glass of water but spilled some of it onto her toga, "I'm still having coordination issues. Darn. But I've gotten better over the years."
  21. [!] The following missive is posted in prominent places around Almaris: I regret to inform Almaris that I can no longer afford to pay for Minuvas: Some bloody idiot told me their green chicken had magical abilities and I wasted my life savings on it, and it's not even magical. Instead, I will be offering a green chicken to whoever can retrieve the scammer, alive, so I may take my revenge. He's a human, tall, black hair, and mildly attractive but his jawline could be a little sharper. He wears green. [!] Below, the missive was signed " L U T H ". The letters were large and sloppy, as if a child had written them, and they were fingerpainted onto the missive in blood. Beside the name was a simple portrayal of a sad face (🙁), also fingerpainted in blood.
  22. [!] posted in prominent places around Almaris. To Whoever has the Bloody Wigged Bastard Minuvas: Minuvas is a bloody damned to the void cursed thing, unworthy to be called an elf, and I wanna be the one to cull him if at all possible. I'm willing to pay a heck ton for it. Send me a bird if you wanna professional butcher to take him off your hands for you. [!] At the bottom of the note, written in blood are large letters that look as though they were fingerpainted by a 4 year old, spelling, " LUTH ". Beside this . . . name? . . . were two fingerpainted hearts, and a finger-painted smiley face. (finger painted in blood)
  23. Ooc: High_On_Math squeals in joy as she reads a fantasy role play explanation of permutations. Irp: Luthriel reads intently, "This Gallo is the epitome of what an elf should strive to be. From their use of Haelunorian examples, I wonder if they live there. If so, I must endeavor to take their mind off that illogical city and ask them to join me in my plans. . . Regardless, I want to meet them." The elfess grabs two walking sticks and slowly begins to make her way around the small settlement she lived in, looking for someone to write a note for her.
  24. Far away, in a small Urguani settlement filled with odd individuals, a crippled half elfess finds the missive. Her pirate eyepatch quivers as her face twitches in anger. "I wanna go to the party! Why can't I go to the party!? Screw Braxus!"
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