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The Harbinger

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Everything posted by The Harbinger

  1. "Nae mattah whut religun, Tae blood alwa' comes back. I' leads Tae pepple bein' murdered, an' Tae innocen' pepple dyin'." Glod says, as he recalls all the atrocities he has seen commited in the name of religion.
  2. "The lass has meh blade. 'ope Urguan lends 'er it's arms. I kno' 'ow it feels, Tae lose sommon get nae fockin real reasun." Glod angrily proclaims, feeling sofya's pain.
  3. "T'is is why yer never disarm at a religious festiva'." Glod says as he reads, tapping Hellbreaker's pommel.
  4. I want to ask: 1: do you shelf lore and repair it while it's offline? 2: if not, could you allow people to download the shelved lore and fix it themselves?
  5. Glod Grimgold says as he refines his new blade, finally altering it so that it is perfected: "I t'is ends Inna damn beard wa'..."
  6. Glod looks at the news. "Eh." He proceeds to use the paper to store his rations for his next journey
  7. "Damn. I kne' maneh Ire'earts, Tae jus Cannae hol' Ter tempura... Jus loik Oren, Tae accuse t'en tey get mad..." Glod says, saddened that such a schism occured.
  8. "I' ta Tae trut', Welp, bes' o' luck to em'. If it ain't, t'en I go' nut'in Tae say." Glod Grimgold says, as he reads it while waiting for the obsidian to finally melt. He begins to work on a blade to incorporate all the best techniques from each race.
  9. Glod Grimgold sighs disappointed: "Ope I ne'er ha' Tae turn a blade aginst meh own kin." He returns to his prayers to Anbella
  10. "Ire'earts, som' a' decen' lads, bu' too maneh firebran's in Ter clan, nae thought sometoimes." Glod remarks as he reads the little headline
  11. "vengunce, it ain't a noice logic, bu' be fucked If it ain't valid" Glod Grimgold agrees, as he heeds the speech
  12. "'Ope Tae spared Tae civiliuns..." Glod mutters, as he reads the declaration.
  13. Imma work on Rage Magic, an idea I had

    Edited by The Harbinger
    1. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      Some people might think "Rage Magic" might tread too closely to Orcish bloodlust. I wish you the best of luck though with writing it all up! c:

  14. "Po' bastuds, so maneh pepple are ganna die cos of t'at damn stupid emporo' Tae 'ave in charge" Glod says with sorrow, as he leaves his home once again, "It's jus' history bein' repeated. Idio' emperor dinnae ca' for 'is pepple, he dinnae deser' Tae rule." He leaves towards Ando Alur, to examine the mistakes of the past more thoroughly, and one day try to find a cure
  15. "Finalleh, Tae bligh' lan's ca' be cured" Glod remarks, as he walks through the blight within Ando Alur: "Bu how wi' Tay deal wit' Tae void crysta' in tae regun? Not take mentio' Ter red crysta'
  16. "I' we wi', pra' we dinnae repea' Tae pas'..." Glod mutters, recalling the Ironborn tyranny
  17. "a ste' taewar' winnin' Tae wa'." Glod grimgold mutters, thinking of the Orenian spirits. "Onc' we hol' Ter graveyard's, I ca' work taewar' 'elpin' tat orenia' ghos'. Jus' gottae fin' his gra' an' go fro' there."
  18. "'ope t'ose prisonahs are freed, or those fockin' pieces o' shite deser' wha'ever Tae ferryman do Tae 'em." Glod declares as he reads this. (Ooc) Glod means that if the orenians let those people die, then they would deserve the wrath of the Ferrymen
  19. You nailed it on the head mate. I had a few rune ideas myself, how about Curse runes? Born of the suffering and rage of a dwarf, a vow to slay someone, or a safety feature to prevent people using things?
  20. "aye, Ter lad be roit" Glod says, nodding at every word: "dinnae hate yer enemeh, Tae jus wish Tae ser' Ter countreh
  21. Aight, Imma make Beardomancy, the magic of using your beard's inner power.

    Spell list:

    Shielding Beard: acts as natural armour, being magically hardened by your inner beard power to resist sharp objects and blunt instruments easily


    Beard punch: your beard strikes someone with a hairy fist, forged from beard hair, in a mighty surge of beard energy


    Bombeardment: balls of beard energy (balls of magical hair) fire from your beard, homing in on those who dare to oppose you, smiting them with beardly wrath.


    Grapplebeard: your beard becomes strong and prehensile, even capable of carrying an additional weapon


    More later on!

    1. Treshure


      Round 2? 🤩


  22. Can you put it at a time like 6:00pm on a Thursday or Tuesday?

    I am in the UK and don't want to miss out

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