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Everything posted by marikandaperc

  1. green apple juice appreciation post

  2. A certain Hybrid paused over one of the titles, her lips curling up in a wide grin. "Look, oem'ii, she is so powerful!" she exclaimed proudly to her newly adopted child and nephew.
  3. Lilliana Tennallar hummed a true Tennallar tune as her eyes rolled through her cousin's work, singing in her head. A faint smirk was present on her lips, proud of the latest release.
  4. why it stink like bdussy in here

  5. The lips of a blind hybrid curled up into a smirk. "Truly a powerful woman." she stated to her nephew, who had brought over the news.
  6. "I LOVE MY TALONNII!" A Tennallar exclaimed proudly after reading the story
  7. Far away, a step sister cried. Between a sob and a sniffle, she would soon enough learn to not feel hatred anymore.
  8. "All too true." painfully mused a former Adrian, damned to spend the rest of their life in the cold of the North, eaten by regret.
  9. Ingreid Freyja of Redclyf-Rozania was happy to finally have a new land to call home!
  10. Returned to her room, Ingrid reflected upon the past week. It was most tiresome, with many disadventures. But some could say it was a common Redclyfian day, no different from their tea parties. “Kinslayer.” “I decide if you live or not.” “I am going to need a cane.” Everyone let her down. Her brother was slain by the dishonorable Uruks, and now a child was left to rule. So she rested in her bed, blindness conquering her mind. She could not see, and neither could she cry. She wanted to burst out and let all the anger flow away, but she had no power or ability to. Her eyesockets were, at this time, completely empty. Her own kin had craved out the entirety of her eyes, leaving but a couple of hollow caves. Such was the Redclyfian way, and she accepted it. What is this feeling? I can see. Ingrid’s vision was blurry at first, then slowly it progressed into a clearer sight. She could see. By her bed stood her father, Kol Ragnarrsson Mosu. She rubbed her eyes, twisting her head to the side. It was really him, and she could see. A brilliant, blinding light shone from the window. A single raven sang from the rotting tree standing before the glass. What an odd mixture. The now awake woman went to stand, she touched her father and made sure he was physical. A squint, a blink, a hug. Then suddenly, that singing crow ceased. Her gaze was diverted to the window, and a howling laughter echoed through the room - loud enough to make the glass shake and tremble. When she looked back at her father, he was no more. Instead, a tall blonde figure had replaced him. The figure laughed at the poor girl, whose vision began to fade again. Her pupils darted up to his face to get one last look before fading back into darkness. Adaranth. Instantly did Ingrid back away, falling back onto the bed. The man continued to laugh, making fun of his victim. Was he pestering her sleep now? Her eyes were not enough of a steal. The woman crawled up on the bed, bringing her legs close to her chest and hugging herself tightly, she was alone now. The night went by with great turmoil, the troubled half-elf awakening in her bed filled with rage. Ironic how, despite the great emotions flowing through her entire being, she would carry on with her day. Life would continue to go on, she would serve her family, and she would not complain anymore, for she learned her lesson through punishment. No. I cannot die. With a red bandana around her visage, the woman began to sew and mold a crimson cloth, ready to be attached to the old set of plates she had found long ago. Her hand danced over the cloth, now turned into a fine cape for her blackened armor. Blood and Faith.
  11. https://open.spotify.com/track/7hby1Z5hyRU4pdQgCFcCC7?si=QwBI4wipSriQghdA0qtiHw
  12. Ludmilla left her guest room in the North and halted her travels to check out the new Adrian country drip.
  13. The rat child of the Hyspian harlot snickered menacingly to herself from the tulip garden of Pacida, hoping that after stealing Blanca's father and shoes, she could go on to steal her room too.
  14. The sister of Bjorn the brave licked clean her sword from the urukian blood upon beheading the fallen orc. "You did not die for nothing, brother." the young woman muttered, a hand over her heart. In the meantime, her cousins prepared to hang the headless body.
  15. Safe in a now hidden place, Ingrid Freyja Ophelia Agata Fiona was mourning and praying for her brother. Tears streamed down and through her face while her hand caressed the surface of the artifact he died defending. The only thing she had of him after his body was stolen and dishonoured.
  16. "Woah! Another rebellion!?" commented Ludmilla after accidentally stumbling upon the missive. "I'm glad she's got new guards protecting her." she moved her hand to her chest in a closed fist, nodding solemnly.
  17. Melinda the Squire could not believe her adopted and disowned grandpa had finally died. Despite being mad at the old knight, she could not hold back tears. He was gone forever, and she could not apologize for the heated discussion they had. "Thank you for being the grandfather I never had..." she muttered moments before dipping her head into her pillow and falling asleep.
  18. "Heinrik abdicated..?" commented Ludmilla, reading the missive from what was now her home. "No... He can't. None is ready to step up..." she added, tearing the missive into pieces.
  19. In the safety of her father's room, a now mature Bishop read the works of her father, seemingly unaware of the chaos that unwavered in the elven lands. Being notified of the death of her uncle thrice removed, she could not help but break in tears. "I'm sorry Angelika..." she muttered after a sniff and a sob.
  21. Ludmilla was oddly amused by the war declaration. "Woah... They know how to make war..." she thought to herself upon reading the entire missive from within her house where she had just returned after the conclusion of the Duma.
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