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Everything posted by Ever

  1. 7 year anniversy comin' up... !

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Knox213


      i love you ever.

    3. Geo


      That's fuckin' nuts.

    4. CaptainSheepy


      I hope you're doin' bloody good out there, Ever.

  2. a bit late but woo 6 year anniversary! 

    1. Space


      6 years and as irrelevant as ever

    2. Roggith The Destroyer

      Roggith The Destroyer

      good things are coming. i can feel it.

    3. Nug


      hi ever

  3. Dev mode disengaged. 

  4. Quick dev mode to deal with lag and err, "tidying" up. Expect a server event announce + explanation shortly as well.

    1. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      priceflash strikes back

    2. Nug
  5. I'm planning to work through all land and travel charters that are posted tomorrow around 7 PM EST. Please message me either on Skype, Discord, forums, on in-game around that time to let me know you're prepared. 


    Sorry for the wait! I know some of you have waited quite a bit.

  6. BopOFsj.png Fireworks!

  7. Have a good New Year's Eve everyone. Stay safe out there. Don't drink and drive and my heart goes out to everyone working the morning shift. Stay strong.

    1. Rael


      Thank you so much Administration Team!!

    2. Zindran


      Aussies, how does 2017 look?

  8. Semester's over and I'm back from my hiatus! If you've been planning to put up a charter, do it soon, I'll be working through all of them over the next few days. 

    1. Space


      why aren't you gm? i thought you said you were gm level? hm? if you were you'd be GM?

    2. BrandNewKitten
  9. I spent 3 or 4 hours last night (attempting) discussing this with a few people: @Pyro™, @Tsuyose, @Marijuanaology. I want to interfere with roleplay as little as possible hence why I tried to get both sides to agree to some sort of terms. The justifications for this battle are murky at best and it seems to be dripping with OOC intentions are both sides. In any case, if a battle DOES take place, it will never reach the conquest stage. I'm explicitly denying that portion right now. Again, I want to interfere with roleplay as little as possible, but there's not a single good thing that will come of it. Fracturing an already dead playerbase further while forcing them to once again find a new place to settle will only harm the way player's interact with each other more and more. All land that has been conquered via warclaim so far has sat empty and untouched for months and I'm not going to allow a repeat of that. Roleplay should be fun for both sides, at least to an extent. Would appreciate it if Pyro and Humanistic touched bases with me as soon as possible.
  10. Hummm... I wonder what level of irony there is in being an avid minecraft roleplayer yet still calling others out on being "cringe-y"...
  11. Just a reminder that the status bar is not for attacking or calling out other players. If you've got a (legitimate) qualm or complaint with another player, bring it to the attention of the moderation team, or that staff member's team lead.

  12. https://gyazo.com/9dd226937ac8dc8de285169827ae1086 Found something neat on my MEGA...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ever



    3. Space


      doesn't look like masters to me

    4. bungo


      mog wrote poetry on the walls of his orcish palace

  13. Press F to pay respects 

    1. Potts244


      Ok I pressed it.

  14. How's mining been?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Space


      idk how's white girl wasted being xd?

    3. Medvekoma


      Interesting. I really like the caves, however: first day I encountered a monster every other turn, hours after that some stray monsters. Today in 2 hours of mining I haven't met a single one.


      Could it be that the cap's reached and monsters stop spawning since un-exploted caves are full? No idea, but if that's the case, you may want to wipe monsters in the mine world after every restart.

    4. Ever


      Hmm, that's something to keep in mind. Don't think it's asking too much to do a nightly /butcher before bed.

  15. A big thank you to Josh, Kowaman, and Teegah for helping with the mines! They did most of the work, TBH. Good lads.

  16. Server will be going down in about 15 minutes to refresh mineworld. 

  17. Long shot but does anyone have this college course packet? https://gyazo.com/e3de61d114dbf7efe4504f6bd7e0ad62 It'd be for any intro-to-internet class. I rented the e-book instead of buying the packet so I'm fugged.

    1. Space


      i only have web 2.3 textbooks sorry =/

    2. Ever


      I mean, I need it by Sunday. 

  18. Character ideas, go! 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. sneLf


      Child soldier...in a non edgy way. A regular person acting like a halfling

    3. Jonificus


      Member of the Dark Elven Merchant's Association. We own the media and international banks. It's fun.

    4. Space


      we've literally talked about this liek 12 times


      dryad or orc

  19. Sutica boat has been moved. Still need to build a path and some minor touch-ups to the world edit but this should cut down on travel time a lot.

    1. Reeg_


      I initially read that as "Sutica has been moved" and was like, wait WHAT 

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