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Status Updates posted by Eledyr

  1. Common people, I want to see more nominations for the AIC! do you know someone that would be a good addition? vote for him

  2. To go to minecon or not to go...that is the question

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. xDK


      Last year it was 99 dollars each :3

    3. Eledyr


      thats to expensive xD I'd rather go to england with some of my friends

      so sadly won't be going to minecon this year

    4. Fredfort (jens6851)

      Fredfort (jens6851)

      Nooooes D: I wanna hug ye D:!

  3. Would anyone be interested in a group of templars of sorts? Or is tehre already a group like this?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Aislin
    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Isn't this concept what the Clerics were supposed to be doing with their Paladins?

    4. Eledyr


      NOt realy, (I was the elader of the clerics) the Paladins are more peacefull figthers that will fight against evil in times of war.

  4. Why does everyone want to be darkelf in next map?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Eledyr



      could be true, but still I was just interested why dark elves are suddenly so awsome? xD

    3. Antharin


      Elves are actually second and dwarves are 3rd.

    4. Rilath


      Be ause they will be having a unique culture, being primarily matriarchal. Players looking for something new

  5. Anyone wants to have a tinychat party? Btw lym is not invited xd

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Eledyr


      I can't believe Lym chose Iss above me

    3. Dasaro


      Two girls wearing bras

      in the same room,

      count me in! :D

    4. Eledyr


      he doesn't want us in :( I even got banned xD

  6. anyone has some good song suggestion?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Ace attorney orchestra/jazz or the Normal thing, Look it up on YT.

    3. leave me alone
    4. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      If you have played all through mass effect you will feel the emotion of that music ^

  7. What do you think, should I go for GM or Fm? all oppinions apreciated

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RossssM


      It's extremely hard to be accepted for GM and usually you need to be very well known within the community. I've not really heard of you so if you are on the forums and what-not regularly then go for FM.

    3. Dat Burkester
    4. Ogedi
  8. anyone has some ideas for a new character I am making?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nononymous


      Nikias! BE MY CHILD!

    3. Nononymous


      Nikias! BE MY CHILD!

    4. yekim8


      Don't be Jtheo's kid, he's a noob.

  9. OKey all people that read this status, I got a question: descrive art in one word (something for a schoolprjocet)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Praetor
    3. Tayelikel


      Art, is a bang un!


      No its not! art is something thats perserved through the ages!!!

      -Sasori sama

      Your a fool old man!


      **Ninja akatuski fight begins***

      ((sorry if you dont watch naruto and dont get the referance ^^; gomen))

    4. Fabby


      umm... pictures? Idk..

  10. any of you guys have some move suggestions I could watch while in the car for 12 hours?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kaiser


      Watch about 5 bad movies and one good one... usually speeds things up

    3. craotor


      All star wars movies

    4. Space


      Broke Back Mountain


      (I know it doesn't work that way.)

  11. anyone know some good free to play games? all genres are allowed

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee



      6000 people is...a tad too much...

      It's 750 people if I'm not mistaken. 250 people for each faction.

    3. Weeberlore(Seardrick)


      The highest quality free to play game you will ever get is Blacklight Retribution period.

    4. craotor


      @It is 6000 per server.2000 per contonent and 699 per faxtion

  12. Anyone here that knows some good screen recording software to make video's (and not fraps)

  13. anyone know who'd I talk to about rp magic (returned to the server recently and need some stuff sorted out) preferably a GM? :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Moot


      It's saying I cannot send you messages?

    3. Samler


      I can talk about arcane magic in general and water evocation in specific.

    4. Eledyr


      Try once more? also if this helps it is about cleric magic (both healing and war cleric)

  14. Guess whos one of the new forum moderators ;p

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hypercrit


      YOU TOOK MY PLACE! XD Congratulations!...but I was the one who JUST didn't make it in...I was the sixth choice...next time, I shall join you in your ranks.

    3. Eledyr


      And then I will welcome you :)

    4. xFrozt


      CONGRATS! YOU BECAME A FM!!!! You deserved it :D

  15. Still looking for ideas for a new character...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      You should be an adventurer who takes a...break from his job to learn more about the ancient Asulonian ruins.

    3. The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      You should be an adventurer who takes a...break from his job to learn more about the ancient Asulonian ruins.

    4. Dalek348


      A like the bard idea. :p

  16. anyone know a good movie I could watch?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Eledyr


      sadly Volutional I have xD and thanks for the suggestion guys :) it's probably going to be the shawshank Redemption

    3. gingernut97


      Team America or the Green Mile :3 (The Green Mile makes me weep )

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Nikias, watch Memento, you'll thank me later.

  17. What is love...?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chikachu


      That is exactly what I was thinking. Woo-hoo think alikes!

    3. Eledyr


      all I need was baby don't hurt me xD

      BUt very deep Joe...very Deep :p

  18. Only watch if you got a strong love for male dancing xD (starring me, jingeh,jangle,Lym and Tiger) http://www.jibjab.com/view/BvIi5CYo171URSAn

  19. Is there anyone here that is an airsoft player and who could give me some advice?

  20. Guess the poem and get a cookie (no googling the text sneaky people ;p)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gingernut97
    3. Sirbubbley


      Erlkonig, by wolfgang. least what my teacher says

    4. Eledyr


      DING DING DING we have a winner :p

  21. Curly wurly xD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Danny


      That I do. :3

    3. Volutional


      Curelay, Wurelay... xD

    4. trotski24


      ^ how you say curly wurly after a night out.

  22. What's on your mind?Toady at school, Teacher: I think that gamers are nerd without life. Class: WHAT?! Teacher (thinking she has a point): don’t you agree with me? Class: -insert mayor shitstorm- Teacher (regretting what she said): take your books p 20 Class: OOO HELL NO! –start preaching about hw gamers are awesome)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mucky


      My teacher likes giving me detentiosn as soon as I walk in because She knows I get one eventually :L

    3. Mucky


      My teacher likes giving me detentiosn as soon as I walk in because She knows I get one eventually :L

    4. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      I totally agree! Adults judge kids who are great at computers and such to much!

  23. What should my new char be? A female huntress who lived alone in the forest for years or a lonely traveeling dwarf that tells story's and such,

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rhisereld


      An orc lady who collects bones!

    3. Eledyr


      SHHHT the two above are the final two so pick one of them or don't comment? xd

    4. Austin


      Orc lady who collects bones!

  24. Is there anyone here that could help me with setting up a server for me and some friends? Some help would be appreciated a lot :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Neri


      Try watching some video guides. The only difficult part is making sure your 'Port' is 'Forwarded'. Many have difficulty doing such.

      >Setting up the Server

      >Forwarding your Port

      >Finding your IP (Not your external one. That doesn't work for others.)


      Hope that helps!

    3. Eledyr


      we already figured it out :) but thanks anyway if I ever have a problem i will be sure to contact you :p

    4. Reader
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