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Status Updates posted by ryno2

  1. bought christmas for a kid who wouldn't have gotten one otherwise...#accomplished

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kaiser
    3. ryno2


      me and a few other people went and bought christmas gifts for a kid. I say "bought christmas" because he probably wouldn't have gotten anything else for the holiday

    4. Aptrotta


      The whole holiday?!?!?!?!?!? Noooooo. You must give it back, ou must

  2. Does anybody else have a problem with their forum account randomly logging off on its own?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee
    3. ryno2


      Also when I check my post feed and it says I don't have permission to view it. Refreshing the page works, I know, but it's still kind of annoying

    4. Bethykinss


      It happens, but I don't mind it. I've gotten used to it, I actually find it rather funny!

  3. nobody knows, the troubles I've seen; nobody knows, my sorrow...

  4. through boredom, i calculated that the max speed you can go in minecraft is ~3000000 kilometers per hour without 3rd party modding

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      no /effect [player] [effect] [duration] [intensity]

    3. ryno2


      for this speed you go /effect <mc name> <effect ID number, in this case 1> <duration in seconds> <127 is max amplifier> then, do /effect <mc name> <2> <duration> <128>

    4. ryno2


      walking normally with those effects causes major chunk load errors, so you have to sneak

  5. cool new avatar how's it look?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ryno2


      yah i think rhia copied us but thats nothing new lelelel

    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Seems like it, I knew she was unoriginal

    4. gingernut97


      I love Princess Mononoke ;_; Such a great film.

  6. @Narthok hot dip's only villainy blacklist was from 2 months ago, july 30, 

    get your facts straight before upping a one-week ban for saying the r-word to a one-month ban for a villainy blacklist that expired weeks ago

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J


      Guy should've just appealed it.

    3. Raomir


      Yep he defo should've @Jaeden, but he thought it was over in three weeks without appeal. He checked with a GM who "okayed" it as well, who also clearly did not see the appeal in three weeks portion and just thought it was a three weeker. So it was just a misunderstanding, and can be easily solved.

    4. Narthok


      Looks like I made a mistake, player has been unbanned. Still needs to appeal his blacklist tho.

  7. Seems I've hit triple-digits in terms of profile views.

  8. driving to St. Louis~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ryno2


      I'll get in a skype call with you as soon as I can, hon

    3. Everman111


      St. Louis Missouri?

    4. ryno2
  9. Dear Sibling: Just because I go to take a shower, does not mean you can take the desktop from me!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ryno2


      ...the difference between you and me, is that my older sister is the one taking the computer...

    3. ek_knight


      Hehe. I do this to my older sibling all the time.

    4. ryno2
  10. so how is everyone today?

  11. Just got Eagle scout

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skippy
    3. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Nice work! I've gotta do my project...

    4. JCQuiinn


      Congrats, I got that myself last year.

  12. phoenix wright - professor layton crossover. *fanboy noises*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gingernut97


      (Jibius is going to have a heart attack)

    3. monkeypoacher


      *cue delighted fanboy squeal*

    4. Cosmik


      been tracking it for years, hopefully those greedy japanese will release it outside of their borders this year.

  13. why are so many ts channels locked

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      No wonder i feel left out

    3. V0idsoldier



    4. Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Nefarious Aus Shitpost

      Because people assume everyone who isn't from their clique comes to their channel to troll (looks at the Shadrin)

  14. dear oren, please postpone the next wc for 2 weeks from now so everybody can get up to par with the new weapons, love ryno

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skippy


      @Esterlen thoughts on bringing back trench warfare on the island for new weapon fun? i dont think we'll get to use them in a warclaim it'll be too laggy!!

    3. Esterlen


      The short answer is no

    4. Skippy
  15. so are we going back to 1.8 or staying with 1.9?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Birdnerdy


       @Why. really doesn't care what we think

    3. Birdnerdy
    4. Onslaughted


      anything for the mighty obelisk!

  16. looks like the UK is going to start down the path of selling the NHS off to american companies, gl britbongers 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RaccoonPete


      A wise decision, American healthcare is the best in the world! Now we just need you guys to leave the EU so we’re you’re only real trading partner and we can bend you over a barrel @Rickson

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      can’t wait for UK to join the US in it’s overly expensive and not very cost effective healthcare system.

    4. RaccoonPete


      TBF if Warren or Sanders gets elected in the next election, there’s a pretty good chance our healthcare will be better than the NHS. My understanding is the NHS is a bureaucratic nightmare and one of the poorest  universal healthcare programs implemented by a developed nation in history. I wouldn’t worry to much about UK though, seems you guys are just going through your own Trump phase right now and like us will be out of it soon enough.


      I would like to see England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland all become US states though ?

  17. got a puppy today; pics soon

  18. I've been praying a lot today, and I have faith that my prayers won't go unanswered.

  19. Going camping with the Boy Scouts till Sunday; might update occasionally

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      I thought Seth was the pedofile~

    2. ryno2


      He still is; I'm an anthropomorphic cat, though, so it would be weird to do such things.

    3. ryno2
  20. *looks at his status reply log*

    1. ryno2


      *tells himself he's not a stalker*

    2. ~≈Panda≈~
    3. ryno2


      y u steal my word :<

  21. off to go watch the new MIB film~

    1. FORƎST


      Saw it on Friday. Have fun~

    2. Nononymous


      It's amazing! Enjoy yourself!

    3. ryno2


      In 3D also

  22. just watched Avengers :3

    1. Jarkarll


      Scarlet Johannsen

    2. EmeraldStag
    3. ryno2


      Lol the whole theater laughed at what preceded that line^

  23. innocent until proven guilty > guilty until proven innocent

    1. everblue2er101


      The Democratic Peoples Republic of Everblue disagrees.

    2. Brandonthegreat1


      Oh so The Democratic Peoples Republic of Everblue is that old pizza shop with the really greasy pizzas right?

    3. Telanir


      Nope. It is a republic literally swarming with people... who is everblue2er101.

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