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Status Updates posted by Eleatic

  1. Heya, as a random act, I gotta say thank you to everyone in the community to being so kind to me the last few weeks. With all the s**t in my life, I appreciate it. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord of the Nublets

      Lord of the Nublets

      I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. But I can tell you, you're welcome.

    3. Nug
    4. Hanrahan
  2. Goodnight LOTC!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eleatic


      My dreams will thoroughly disturb you.

    3. Augor


      Hey man! I called dibs on his nightmares tonight!

    4. Varstivus


      Oi, I've had this guy for months! Y'all better back off!

  3. You know, I considered a few days ago. Tiredly. The only reason why LOTC is such a great place is this; Our shared history. No matter what, LOTC comes out on top with that. goodnite guise, ilu

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ventusyr


      Yaaaaay something positive! Ilu2!

    3. NomadGaia
    4. Aislin


      no other server has stories like we have

  4. I like choko-puffs brand name cereal

  5. Started playing Mount and Blade: Warband. omfg this is so fun

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EboBren'


      If you like Game of Thrones, I recommend the Clash of Kings mod http://www.moddb.com/mods/a-clash-of-kings

    3. The Lion

      The Lion

      watch out man, before you know it it's been 75 hours and you just lost your entire company.

    4. aron.


      My favorite game :)

  6. TESO Beta..wow. Fun. Not as fun as WOW. but fun

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord of the Nublets
    3. hjgklmn0ajuvxc


      bastard, ive been downloading mine for like 16 hours straight. Its only 12%. I blame it on australia

    4. Cappy


      Mine took like an hour, at most.

  7. Fred Phelps is dead. I feel bad for saying this, but wooho!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elfen_


      Nutella is terrible. Never understood the craze about it.

    3. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      nutella is love nutella is life

    4. Aengoth


      Wandering Elf is sin.

  8. After the things went off, after it was a sure thing that America could wipe out a city with just one bomb, a scientist turned to Father and said, 'Science has now known sin.' And do you know what Father said? He said, 'What is sin?'

  9. http://i.imgur.com/8zmkySO.gif Tywins left Westeros. He's now a stripper.
  10. -Trawls the Application Forum-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OhDeerLord


      .. Huh. Well I just found a new censored word. *i'll grab it up

    3. Eleatic
    4. OhDeerLord


      I know right? I never thought that would be a word they censor. Though it does have /that/ meaning aswell.

  11. nerds

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Merkaken
    3. Kim


      soreously, that pun was terrible

    4. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      gay Lord? More like dred lord, amirite?

  12. I LOVED Capaldi. He did so good. Aside from a few things, so happy to have an older doctor be present again. No more 2000-yr-old dating a 20 year old. It's a miracle!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aagaron


      I liked it too. Can't quite read his personality yet, though. He still has a bit of 11.

    3. Rassidic


      To me , the episode was ****. The opening half an hour was just family-style comedy which doctor who was never designed to be. Witty jokes are fine , but the just stupid family-dinner kind of jokes... nah.

    4. Eleatic


      Yeh, but odds are, that'll pass. I see this Doc being very much like 7, in a way. Seems as such from what we can see now.

  13. Speak quickly, outlander

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)
    3. KarmaDelta


      But I;m Butter ;-;

    4. Ford


      I can't I have a speech impediment !!!

  14. Soooo..I'm back. I guess. I may try to resurge Dread Knights as something more original and less 2edgy4you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eleatic


      That was like one or two of us. Powergamers will be powergamers. More stringent measures to prevent that'll help probably.

    3. Kickstarted and Running
    4. Lima


      Never forget when Watyll turned into a decepticon.

  15. Finished modding Skyrim. It looks gr8. wo.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Praetor


      I have 75 active mods on modorganize and only suffer from very rare crashes. I would advise that over Nexus Mod Manager. It helps you avoid problems.

    3. Eleatic


      Yeah, using MO. I am on a Requiem install, so I can only use certain non-graphical mods. Which sucks. Hunterborn + Frostfall + Requiem + RND makes Skyrim real fun, though.

    4. Praetor


      I only use frostfall, unfrotunately my main character was a vampire so I was immune to exposure...

  16. go outside. 50-60 slugs having sex in front yard. return inside. I don't like the summer.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FlowUster


      send nudes pls

    3. Space


      There's probably money in that....

    4. Publius


      Please pm me with picture proof and I may be able to get you a cut of the profits.

  17. First day of school was nice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lubbie


      Not having school was pretty nice

    3. Space


      like 20 days until school feelsgoodman

    4. Eleatic


      you're all nothing but degenerates you hear me

  18. Won best delegate (for my committee) and was given a chair position (for next year) at the MUN conference I went to last week. Woo.

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