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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. https://prnt.sc/pnzywy


    everything started going wrong when i hit 8 years on here



    it’s honestly an omen

    1. TrendE


      You hyped for LunarRP?

  2. https://prnt.sc/ti7d2b


    Didn’t realise it was 2012-13 again. Where’s the scathing planet minecraft review? @drfate786

    1. drfate786


      It’s in your mailbox with your order of women's underwear. 

  3. 435c3c60bd591edf924edb81c80e3e1f.jpg


    daily reminder marked are the best

  4. Detective_Comics_32_p36_BobKane.jpg&sa=U

    1. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      "Lord of the Craft" is a popular Minecraft server that features a roleplaying game mode set in a medieval fantasy world. Within this world, there are many different crafting skills and professions available to players, including runesmithing.


      In this context, runesmithing refers to the creation of magical runes that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as enhancing weapons and armor, imbuing items with special abilities, and creating powerful magical artifacts.


      To become a runesmith in "Lord of the Craft," players must first acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, either through apprenticeship with an experienced runesmith or by studying ancient tomes and texts.


      Once a player has gained the knowledge and skills necessary to create runes, they can begin crafting them using various materials, such as precious gems, rare metals, and enchanted substances.


      Each rune has its own unique properties and effects, and the most skilled runesmiths are able to create incredibly powerful and intricate runes that can have a significant impact on the game world.

    2. Spinzir
  5. @Kowaman So is the magic plugin as legitimate as the last magical addition you made to the server?

  6. The Story Team (Event Sect) are looking for Applicants with high levels of big CRP/Group Event experience for help in the Inferi Eventline specifically. Please apply if you feel like you have the qualities to be a good ET. I’m happy to train you up, just be prepared to be slave worked for this eventline.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Paulobig


      Sign me up boss

    3. JokerLow


      i can spawn in mobs

    4. AmericanSimp


      I am a CRP goon at heart ❤️

  7. All I want is lotc to be turned into a PvP factions MC gambling site

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. garentoft


      just make it kits pvp instead of factions. keep the gambling.


    3. Creamy
    4. Guest


      omg is this THE joel????

  8. also daily reminder that the wiki is not a good authority for lore and it should not be FOLLOWED

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swgrclan


      I think you should sign up yourself, Drfate. You'd be a great lead to the team!

    3. Fid


      Not to belabor the point, but the Wiki Team and Lore Team are currently working on fixing this problem. 

    4. drfate786


      I have a wiki account and can create and edit pages, the issue is that we have too many pages most of which are inaccurate. We need to purge the wiki and start with something fresh. I advise removing any accounts that shouldn't have the PEX for editing/creating wiki pages or implementing a peer review process in which the wiki team must first review the accuracy of a page before it is to be implemented.

  9. also with all you GM managers just leaving, you're enabling the 40 man 501 Storyline RP server to happen.

    1. cablam


      Maybe the server will die because of it and then I'll celebrate more than I am now

  10. another reason for why romance rp should be banned across the server

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Borin


      strong joel W

    3. rukio


      @argonianBack in the day, actually, people would only take a wife if they could prove it was a girl OOC playing a girl IRP...

    4. Shorsand
  11. Anyone who acknowledges monk RP should be eradicated

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. ScreamingDingo


      holler like ur kind to food stamps ...

    3. BrandNewKitten


      I am pretty sure you aren't meant to acknowledge resurrection RP but idk. Some people like to watch the world burn.

    4. problematic z
  12. Anyone who has an object that specifies to contact ScreamingDingo should add my discord, cleaning up some old event items.



  13. April fools is the perfect time to test out your lore submissions because if they flop it’s just a practical joke 

    1. Traveller


      can you accept my lisan al gaib app im grandfathered

    2. Qctho


      I can confirm it's them, I saw them ride the worm

    3. Java17


      i vouch for traveller

  14. are raids ever for RP reasons anymore or are they truly just OOC pvp means and revenge schemes

  15. are you okay harrison? sometimes you worry me when you don't get home from curfew... you're a big boy and bought your big boy license but a parent can still worry...


    miss u...

  16. Are you realising your questions won't be answered in the Community Meeting?

    Don't worry for Velia will listen to your questions and answer them as best as they can.




  17. as a friendly holiday reminder anyone who commissioned or has lewd art of their OCs should be banned permanently 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adelemphii


      i think ur pfp qualifies as nsfw because if i showed it to my boss he would explode, and gore is nsfw

    3. rukio
    4. Aengoth
  18. As we've seen with this large outcry, people will start to try to abuse facets to discredit the recent rules. Please do report any heavy powergaming of CAs or otherwise poor roleplay standards done by players to the ST and Moderation to have them dealt with.



    1. Valannor



      shall I buy more boots for you to lick?


      He is the boots you fool.

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