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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by BrandNewKitten

  1. Just a heads up. I am working on adding many more plots, which I personally am putting sandstone pillars on so you know they are there. I have added 6 since launch. Expect more in various places around the map my friends.

    1. Hobolympic


      How do we get those nexus pillars?

    2. D A N N Y
  2. For the moment (yes the moment) the red areas are freebuild and the orange are plots. Enjoy them! If you scar the land you will receive a ban and your work rolled back. http://gyazo.com/cce6d609f8555f1ba328327c52a40d25

    1. Parading


      I've accidentally scarred the land at least three times because I chop down a tree, then realize later that half the leaves aren't free build. Guess I'm screwed.

    2. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      Don't unregion too much please, the map's too amazing.

  3. does a shuffle

    1. Nug


      does a better shuffle

    2. Moot


      Does the truffle-shuffle.

  4. Won't be very active the next couple of days! Celebrating my birthday.

    1. spqrSancus


      Happy birthday! Sure it's early but still!

    2. Tom_Whiteman
  5. Guys. Rittsy eats hamsters.

    1. ShameJax


      Some weird stuff is going on in GM chat...

    2. BrandNewKitten


      GM chat is a weird place to be. #5.0 (jkjk)

  6. 5 holiday Supply boxes are being hidden on Cloud Temple island RIGHT NOW! Come and have a chance at a holiday reward!

    1. ✿Honeybear✿


      These Rufurd events are really cute, thanks so much for hosting them for everybody!

    2. BrandNewKitten


      Of course! It's my pleasure!

  7. Our Day 5 winners: Gurenrycerz, Travista, Kowaman, Josh3738, Cpt_noobman Congratz! Rufard will see you all tomorrow!

  8. Took my cat to the vet and he had to have surgery. Poor guy :(

    1. Ender_Panda13


      Once I took my cat to the vet to get castrated, and they tried to give me not only the completely wrong cat, but the wrong gender, and fur color, then try and stick me with the over 1000 bill and the cat.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      I couldn't afford the $1500 complete treatment and didn't want him spending two days there. It's going to be around $500. I nearly broke down when he said Plan A. Luckily there was a Plan B

  9. Not paying your dark elven man servant. #JustKalenzthings

    1. Zarsies
    2. Samler


      Waaaait, we gave them a home! That is payment!

  10. Three GM apps within an hour? Illuminati

    1. Tirenas



    2. Hydra


      Halflife 3 confirmed.

  11. My* third magic installment is here! Leave Feedback https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/126271-magic-arcane-shifting/

    1. mitto


      hopefully, if this gets accepted i'll get a shot at it, looks very interesting.

    2. ShameJax


      I'm hoping it will be open for self teaching for a bit.

  12. Turning 21 in 6 hours! Woot.

    1. Birdwhisperer


      You're younger than me!?

    2. Sentis


      Best night of your life, worst morning.

  13. Cya all in a week, friends! Off to a cabin. Hopefully I won't be killed. Ciao! 

    1. _mkkk_


      Hope you make it Until Dawn. . . (video game, lol)

    2. Overland
  14. I wasn't killed at the cabin but I am now too tired too live life. 

    1. _mkkk_


      Happy to hear; I feel you so much on that. . . sometimes I think what would it feel like to just be a potato?

    2. Runabarn


      A kawaii potato

  15. Angels and bird people prepare. The halflings are growing wings.



  16. I just want to play :(

    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Go to bed you're grounded mister!!111

    2. BrandNewKitten


      it's only 10:30 ;(((((((

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