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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. Leave OOC to their lulzy emotes, acceptable accusations, and enjoyable characters. SWAG.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Space



    3. Kickstarted and Running
    4. Space


      Oh. Ok then. I must be wrong. I suggest we fight at pax.

  2. I think people are taking the 3.0 builder applications real unserious. Like, no pictures, no effort, no real examples of what you can bring to the server? Come on dude, make a effort. Meh.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Space


      What I'm worried about is... They need like no more then 4 people really. But there's 6 pages of apps.

    3. TheRealKiru


      Gotta pick the cream of the crop somehow~

    4. Eli_Stevens


      I agree, i hope they are strict about it. I want the next map to be beautiful.

  3. Whats the definition of a target ban? Cause I feel the adam barnett **** is kinda close to that.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Yankee


      Can we all just remember Mizu, perma banned for 'metagaming'. May he never be forgotten [*]

    3. mmat


      lets not

  4. What game, under 10 bucks, should I get my brother fro Christmas?

  5. My Batman: Arkham City is running like it is at half speed. my FPS is fine, but it's just runing like the time is slow. Any tips to fix?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blundermore


      Your graphics card must run a multi core system, that's why. The game was never wrote to handle multi core which is stupid.

    3. Blundermore
    4. Space


      That is indeed stupid. My graphics card is nothing to brag about, or even talk about, but I figured if I just lowered the resolution and played the game in windowed mode. But that is just dumb.

  6. 2nd episode into Game of Thrones, not a single character I like.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shiftnative


      The chick who plays Anne bolen in the tudors is SO CUTE

    3. Sargeblub


      I feel you Shift, after seeing her in GoT I had an unwarranted bias for her in the Tudors.

    4. Space


      I haven't got to her yet.

  7. ' Your account will remain un-suspended for 1 hour so that you may make your appeal. If the appeal is not posted during this time, your account will be suspended again.' Seems like a bad policy to me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Braxis


      Yea, this will only make sure you are not coming back to LotC as you are taking people who are offering you a chance at redemption and you use it to troll and mock them

    3. Space


      1. I forgot putting a light tone to things was a bannable offense. 2. There are other circumstances then what I was banned under with almost guarantee my ban (I informed the FM with this) 3. I was making a comment on how say... What if the person didn't check LotC? What if he didn't see this? I just think soemthing better could be done.

    4. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Old Hat today! Yeah buddy!

  8. Banned for ptuting making Urugaun 'Kingdom of Duping'? Lol, that's the greatest thing I've ever heard.

  9. What the heck was I banned for?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fid


      Ooh, me too, depending how far it rolled back. What a pity!

    3. Danny


      Were you meant to be unbanned Space? If so, you'll be unbanned on request.

      The ban list was wiped for recent bans, so almost all were rebanned I'm afraid -- you will be unbanned if you're meant to be!

    4. Gemmylou


      I unbanned you! It must have been from the ban reset - I'll get you unbanned now.

  10. http://gyazo.com/f1255832bda8be80e3e94a28bf77c5b7 Is this the kind of person you want to be moderating yoru game? (squibsss is Ever)
  11. Which thesis statement is better (Will be in comments)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Space


      The history teacher wants it to be a funnel, with is going from very broad to very specific. That's what I tried to do. And, does that mean the second one Birdwhisperer? I think so.

    3. _pok_


      I'd say if you're going from broad to very specific, go 2 even though you could probably fix it up a little bit.

    4. WuHanXianShi14


      Both are too list-ey. Your thesis statement should just state what you will prove in your essay. Let the body paragraphs be where the factual information is.

  12. As someone who was involved in that ****, leave Squirtgun the **** alone, she had nothing to do with it.

  13. http://i.imgur.com/N8JmcjF.png How's my first real skin? I need more detailing. Any suggestions? Shading legs is hard too.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Slic3man


      Edit out the corners of the hat, good tip and makes it look better.

    3. GavinTheViking
    4. Kim


      Use varying hues to the hood/black parts to make it look less flat c:

  14. We need a mounted corps for LotC. Like, an army that actually uses horses. That'd be cool. Too bad their way too laggy.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Treshure


      The Red Stalllion has an offensive cavalry force.

    3. Dreek


      dwarven air force, does that count?

    4. Tethras


      Pfft Horses, who needs them when you've got the Dwarven Pig Riders? Quick and tasty too!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hosper


      Pfft... a magic copy far worse than the original... thank you Blizzard

    3. Major Dom

      Major Dom


    4. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I actually like hearthstone better than mtg...I can't spend 100 on a deck and then 5 dollars for a tourney

  15. Is Rome Total War worth it, or is the second one far better?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nordicg_d


      Rome 1 and 2 arent even worth comparing tbh. The only thing they have in common is the era of which its set

    3. Kemp


      For someone new to Total War? You will most likely enjoy Rome II far more.

    4. Lago


      Rome II you've got to deal with the awful slice-and-dice DLC model that happens to too many RTSes nowadays.

  16. Oropher the bat druid. Top kek.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Space


      Is there a Tsunami Druid? Someone should get on that.

    3. OhDeerLord


      There actually is/was a Tsunami druid.

    4. Space
  17. I often want to create an assassin character, thinking that for sure I could make them not so cliche and awful. Then I realize I'm fucked, it would be awful.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Space


      Is that even a question? Of course :)

    3. Parading


      greasy bastard

    4. Space


      The **** winds were good today.

  18. What does 'illyth eltalareh' mean?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Samler


      "Strike with the stone" is my best guess.

    3. KarmaDelta


      I bet it's a bullworm.

    4. Korvic


      It's actually a metaphor for the way humans live and that everyone else will go extinct and Obama will come into power. Trufax

  19. Remember when Dusk banned someone for logging out mid air to stop from fall damage? For monthes? While they were rping, and he was hit off?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Yes, we all remember. We also remember how she made up lies to NekoDanie about Indelwehn just to get her banned.

  20. What are the details of the battle? Did half of one side die to a pitfall or something? Someone get a goddamn video up.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. InfamousGerman


      To clear things up, Oren slaughtered all 13 high elves without losing a man.

    3. Space


      wtf are you guys trolling or something?

    4. InfamousGerman
  21. The 24 hour rule is so silly. Don't ban people if they break it, either. That probably plays a role in the size of our playerbase, no? Also; http://www.wikihow.com/Roleplay-Online

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rassidic


      Oh. That is a bit stupid. I hated that rule when I applied , and I still dislike it. When someone sees 'denied , reapply in 24 hours.' we lose some quality rpers because the wait time is stupid.

    3. Wyvernbane


      I have to disagree. It helps keep the applications from being spammed, as well as not overwhelming the ATs. Whether or not you understand a rule, it's there for a purpose!

    4. Space


      24 hours is excessive.

  22. So, can you autofish and play Hearthstone in the background? Can you ONLY autofish and RP? I think that rule is a bit too ill defined.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Just.. just don't break the rules. </default_response>

    3. KarmaDelta


      Or just emote snoring.

    4. YFKTF


      It was defined perfectly. Well. You are not allowed to go afk from the game of minecraft, meaning no, you cannot autofish while playing another game.

  23. selling account with adept woodworker, will accept doge coin or rare pepes

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rilath


      i have the rare burger king gold nu pepe

    3. mitto


      i only have rare gnome chilren

    4. lawnmowerman


      I bid my rarest pepe.

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