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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Demotheus

  1. I don't understand. I posted my appeal yesterday, 303 commented on it and asked...a really...weird question...that should be obvious from the joke I made on the ban appeal for an answer, and I replied shortly after and have yet to get a reply. :c

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      I so did not read lol

    3. Avacyn


      This might be the wrong place to be discussing this. Ban appeals are almost never resolved instantly, it's best to just be patient. IF he never responds, send a forum PM. Ask someone for his skype so you can contact them. There are so many ways you could resolve this issue without publicly showing your distress in a status update. ^.^

    4. Demotheus


      it was more just bitching about how he didn't notice the joke :c

  2. Question for Mods/Admins/whatever : Doe sthe person who did your ban report have to also respond to your ban appeal? I've heard that it's a staff decision as a whole, so couldn't anyone respond if a decision has been reached but the "original" gm isn't on or something?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Demotheus


      dreek didn't do it...303 di- unless that's...idfk. but there's no point in PMing him.; He hasn't been online since yesterday. It's not that he's been online and ignored/forgot it, he just hasn't been online for over 24 hours. and i'm an impatient ******* lol

    3. Sky


      If the GM who banned you, is still a GM, then they do the ban appeal.

    4. gam


      Dreek is 303, yes.

  3. third raid on orcs in one day...? lol wut

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. V0idsoldier


      I mean, if theres a war going on why would you complain about raids lol. It's like starting a fight then complaining when you get hit in the mouth.

    3. bungo


      14th full scale invasion of humans today. atleast you only have to fight 6 people...

    4. Demotheus


      I'm pretty sure every time we got raided it was like 15 or more. lol

      but whatever. it's 3.5. sean's right.

  4. Havin' a sad day I guess, today :c some people get real mad. Also, another raid on the orcs by humans. I got outta there XD 7 people at least, and there's just me in the orc settlement so good luck humies.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Demotheus


      Yeah but one person got REALLY mad. Like super drama causing mad. Hopefully...the talk we had has tossed that aside.

    3. Demotheus


      god damn it you were there lol why am I explaining it to you xD

    4. Rassidic
  5. Someone stole my skin and edited the front trim of the robe on it and is using it as a female character it was a male character named Theus wtf is - like that's not even fit.

  6. ...how do i stkart learning skills...?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lawrna


      YOU DON'T


    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      You can also set professions

    4. dank


      you start learning skills when you learn how to type

  7. What's all this talk about the magic plugin coming out really really soon? What's really really soon? Tonight? Tomoirrow???

  8. What are the 3(or more if there are) vote websites that give minas for LotC? I can't remember one of them >.>

  9. Come one, come all, to the grand show of expressing your opinion of my incompetence! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/118190-demotheus-et-application/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. susitsu


      i don't even advertise my et app lel

    3. Demotheus


      I'm making a joke. Literally everyone -1'd me, and one guy -9'd me.

    4. susitsu
  10. Can anybody tell me what areas/cities/towns are relatively active between like midnight and 6 in the morning Easter Standard Time?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Demotheus


      LOL! Are half dark elf half mountain dwarf people allowed there!? lol two times.

    3. Ankan


      1 hour ago, Demotheus said:

      LOL! Are half dark elf half mountain dwarf people allowed there!? lol two times.



    4. Arcean
  11. Can anyone help me out with skinning? how do I shade clothes and hair and stuff like that? Or texture it idk which it's called.

    1. Mish_


      I can do the shading for ya!

      Simple, yet may not be the best, I also recommend you talk to Draeren for better help than I, he's pretty awesome

    2. Demotheus


      I wanna know HOW though xD

    3. Mish_


      Google it, should be a post on PMC detailing it how I did it.

  12. Trying to make music with FL studio. Any tips? Suggestions? I wanna see if I can start making stuff for LotC and what not

    1. cman64


      an intense battle music

    2. Aislin


      Protip: don't use FL

    3. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      I use FL studios ./.

  13. Is it just a coincidence that there are three posters/notes posted nearly back to back about magic? lol

    1. Googlesearch


      I don't see why you have a problem with this :L

    2. Demotheus


      I don't. Never said I did. I just found it amusing.

  14. Did the server just crash...?

    1. Bakerismaxamis
    2. Helvetius



    3. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHAA, as if problems with the Minecraft servers wasn't enough!

  15. Since so many people are so hung up on post counts I'm going to post my post count with every post I make so I never have to feel obligated to make that "obligatory insert large number here post/thread" and can just tack on "woot!" after the number once I reach some sort of "milestone".

  16. I'ms till waiting on my forum title for Iron VIP :I

    1. Jistuma
    2. Katherine1


      I had to wait over a month after putting it on there. Just throw it up on that topic and be patient.

    3. Demotheus
  17. I killed off a character a while ago named "Hel' so she could be a ghost...and do ghostie things...in a more unique way. Some fun little RP every now and then...but she can't even turn invisible like a ghost can. Why? Because ghost magic apparently wasn't implemented, so my application got rejected...I want to bring her back somehow because she can't even be a real 'ghost'...and it's been like 2 months with no word on the ghost magic >.> Any help here?

    1. Dargene


      *Elaborate plot on how your character faked their own death*


    2. Demotheus


      she was seen as a ghost later on :C

    3. Mephistophelian


      Even MORE elaborate plot on how your character faked their own death and ghost!

  18. Hmm...any necromancers want to adopt a 11 year old dark elf cannibal girl?

  19. WHERE can i find the guide on brewing booze and stuff/

  20. whoever the leader of the subudai is/are, please send me a pm. I wanna know as much about them as possible for my next character. any relevant links would also be helpful!!! I'm looking to play a woman, specifically.

    1. Demotheus


      So, if you could tell me the females common role(s), their place, how certain things like flirtatiosness and/or promiscuity is looked upon, how they usually look/dress, and if they really do have the greatest thighs, that would be great! Also how the he'll do you speak that accent!?

    2. gam


      Add me on Skype @ thestingingplatypus. I'm not the leader, but I'm a member and can have you added to the chat to ask any questions you want, and hopefully to answer some of them.

    3. gam


      Awlso, we haff thee' bawst thaws in awl awf Awnfos!

  21. OUITY you had "Poll only thread" selected.

    1. Lym



    2. ski_king3
    3. Lym


      Don't believe this heretic, he was lagging and tried to overrule me.

  22. server come on...

    1. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      i feel you there..

    2. thepizzaplac
    3. Redbaron™


      If it wasn't for the restarts we'd be getting 10 fps.

  23. It gets real depressing when you see three leaving posts in the most recent threads...

    1. Lago


      The cure is to post more threads to kill them off.

    2. ℤ∃ʁ∅
    3. Mephistophelian


      I feel you. Third I feel you in a row from me, btw.

  24. New headset, so amazing please. Oh god, yes please....Amon Amarth has never sounded better, or anything at all coming from a computer, has never sounded better to me than when through these headphones~ ^_^

    1. A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      I got a ton of reading material, a set of 300 different shades of a special brand of markers for my artwork, and an android tablet which my family pitched in to get me. I am pleased.

    2. A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

      P.S. I'm going to color your picture now :P

    3. Demotheus
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