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Everything posted by AndrewTech

  1. “YOU TELL THEM QUENTIN!” Eliza shrieks, shaking a fist in the general direction of Urguan in support of her husband. @Shorsand
  2. Elizabeth Wittenbach continues to cast her enchantments, rally her atronachs, and batten down the hatches at Witten's End, shaking a fist as she curses the armies on the horizon! "Playing your bagpipes at me again, eh?!" The feisty Adunian red head bellows out from behind the hedge grove at the armies beyond, cupping her hands together. "You buggers speak of false chivalry and honor, citing religion as a nakedly false pretense to invasion, acting so high and mighty, but I don't see any spangled banners in YOUR LANDS!" Strapping on her gauntlets, the very grumpy and retired knightly mage would add, "Regardless of your hypocrisy, you'll rue the day you swept into the Right Back! Go back to your OWN COUNTRIES you bastards!"
  3. A Call to Adventure The Great Crest of the Northern Geographical Society Est. 1762 ✵ The NGS is Now Recruiting! ✵ As our organization continues to expand and grow, we have found there to be a need to bring a new generation of the brightest minds and the most adventurous of spirits into our ranks. Thus, the Northern Geographical Society is pleased to announce that with the ongoing renovation of our museums in Karosgrad and New Providence, we are now seeking scholars, adventurers, and writers of the utmost caliber to join us! Of course, decades have passed since we have issued a call to adventure. As such, it may be necessary to recount our exploits to those who may be interested in heeding this call… A Circle Meeting Chaired by NGS Founder Celestine Herbert in Arcas, c. 1770 We as an organization have existed for well over 75 years, and take great pride in the impeccable quality, unbiased objectivity, and integrity of our writings. The NGS believes that the world is a magnificent canvas, a place full of beauty and wonder. We therefore seek to safeguard and document the collective history and heritage of the people of Almaris. A Ship Bound for the Deepways… Our motto, “To New Frontiers” has sent us to places where nobody else has ever gone before. From the graveyard continent of Athera to the deepest depths of the Nether, and from the vast swamps of the Attenlund to the expansive tunnels of the Deepways, we have endeavored to explore our world to the fullest extent. Leaving our Mark on the Nether, c. 1775 The fogs of ignorance are only dispelled through the diffusion of knowledge, and our museums serve as sanctuaries for the preservation of such. By joining the NGS, you shall be entering a quest to spread the light of knowledge unto the greater world. As an independent organization, we adhere to a policy of absolute political neutrality in our pursuit of the truth. An NGS Recruitment Station in the Attenlund Furthermore, we offer not only the chance to participate in the preservation of history but also the opportunity to find one’s self a wholesome group of like minded individuals. We do not discriminate based on race, sex, religion, nationality, or creed, for we believe in brotherhood and mutual understanding between the intelligent races of this continent. We ask only that you have a good heart and a strong commitment to our organization’s guiding principles. When you join our band of assorted misfits, you join a family for life! DEPARTMENTS OF THE NGS When you join the NGS, you will be asked to sign up for at least one or more of our three primary departments. This helps to ensure the adequate placement of an individual based on their interests within our Society: ADDITIONAL JOB POSTINGS In addition to joining our rank and file, we also have several high ranking positions available to be filled pending a rigorous interview process: Curator: The Imperial Museum - A curator is the chief representative of the NGS in the country to which they are assigned. They handle the creation of exhibits, the hosting of events, and community outreach on behalf of the Society’s Circle to the nation in which they have been given the position. We require such an individual to service our museum in the Holy Orenian Empire. If interested, please pen President Otto Wittenbach or Vice President Dilvyn Deveral for an interview. [[DM EtowTheSaltyCat#0312 or Greygree#6276]] Curator: The Museum of Hanseti-Ruska - A curator is the chief representative of the NGS in the country to which they are assigned. They handle the creation of exhibits, the hosting of events, and community outreach on behalf of the Society’s Circle to the nation in which they have been given the position. We require such an individual to service our museum in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. If interested, please pen President Otto Wittenbach or Vice President Dilvyn Deveral for an interview. [[DM EtowTheSaltyCat#0312 or Greygree#6276]] Archivists & Librarians - Our Chief Librarian requires assistance in managing our vast archives throughout our global locations. These men and women are granted the privilege of cataloging our vast collection of knowledge, known to be one of the largest in all of humanity. Those interested in assisting may contact Chief Archivist Ferek Frostbeard for more information. [[DM Doctor_Jones#0955]] We thank you for taking the time to read this missive. Further inquiries about joining the NGS may be directed toward President Otto Wittenbach [[DM EtowTheSaltyCat#0312]] or Vice President Dilvyn Deveral [[Greygree#6276]]! SIGNED, OTTO WITTENBACH President of the NGS DILVYN DEVERAL Vice President of the NGS DESHE Personal Relations Director DAME CELESTINE HERBERT HKML Founder of the NGS
  4. Somewhere, an aging Adunian pensioner finishing potting a rose.
  5. Quietly, a woman whom had done much to raise the Lady Henrietta reminisced about the passing of this day's events. Or what she had heard of them, rather. She stirred a cup of strawberry tea as she thought about the ongoing quandary as she thought about the rumors she had heart of Cathalon. She recalled how Henrietta had initially begged the King not to get involved in this manner, how his own brother had even done so. Alas, honor was a fickle thing, a concept she understood all too well. But need the exchange truly be handled in this way? And for what, to humiliate the Duke of Cathalon? He was an imperfect man in an imperfect world. There were some Haeseni lords she could think of off the top of her head who had emulated him in the past. Having newly turned to religion, she would move into her chambers and simply kneel before her bed to pray. "Lord God, do watch over Henrietta as she sleeps tonight. Watch over the Helvets lads and lasses, as they suffer through this most terrible time for their family. But most of all, please watch over the future, and let it be a promising one that we may behold beyond this turbulence."
  6. A letter was sent for Crimson Archer, a certain young buyer having taken an interest in it…
  7. "An apt scholar, old Viktor. He had quite an affinity with the pen. I shall miss reading his works," A very elderly Celestine Herbert rasps to a traveling companion as she receives word of the man's passing, before continuing in her explorations.
  8. Elizabeth Brae-Wittenbach, Foreign Secretary of the Holy Orenian Empire, smiles warmly as she reviews the published accords that bear her name. The tired Adunian is very happy to see the fruits of her hard work, and takes heart in the idea of the renewal of a pleasant, robust relationship between these two countries close to her heart.
  9. Elizabeth Brae-Wittenbach, Foreign Secretary of the Holy Orenian Empire, smiles warmly as she reads over the newly released treaty. "To a better and brighter future, together!" She toasts to nobody in particular at her usual booth in the Novellen Tavern, quickly draining her glass of wine thereafter.
  10. Skin Name: Jessica, Charles Discord Tag: AndrewTech#1007 Bids: 200, 200
  11. The legend returns......

  12. Any sort of adventure / travel oriented skins or skins with trousers for females.
  13. Discord: AndrewTech#1007 IGN: Dixie_Serenade Skins and Bids: Her Duty, 310 Conversion: No
  14. Discord: AndrewTech#1007 IGN: Dixie_Serenade Skins and Bids: Her Duty, 250; Bardmancy, 150 Conversion: No
  15. I use warding all the time to create dummies for arcane target practice and safe dueling rings. I think it definitely has its uses but they do end up being very niche, unless being used to set up anti-magic barriers or participate in mage’s duels. That being said, I personally don’t see any reason to remove warding from transfig because it wouldn’t really fit anywhere else. The only realistic alternative that I can see would be to just link warding / abjuration into voidal magic as a whole, able to be performed by anyone who has the specific knowledge of the magic at hand. A one slot magic entailing only the use of warding / abjuration would likely lead to the art falling out of practice, thus why I believe it is best included beneath transfiguration’s umbrella if such isn’t an option. As well, I had always believed that transfiguration was two slotted due to transmutation and alteration falling under the archetype. And I think it would be a mistake to decouple warding / abjuration from transfiguration as the alternatives would lead to it either being too widespread or lead to the art’s practical extinction. If push came to shove between the two however, the former would be my personal preference, though that's just my take.
  16. ((This is really cool, props to you for actually trying to make a clear cut IRP medical school.))
  17. OOC ((MC Name: )) Dixie_Serenade ((Discord: )) AndrewTech#1007 ((Timezone: )) CST IN-CHARACTER What is your name?: Eliza Brae-Wittenbach Why seek membership to the Mages Guild?: I would very much like to enjoy the company of other practitioners of the arcane, for I have longed for professional companionship for quite some time. Although a busy woman, I would love nothing more than to spend whatever spare time that I can in the Mage's Guild and help provide a bit of my know-how in the arcane arts. What arts, if any, do you currently practice?: Fire Evocation, Water Evocation, Translocation, Transfiguration, Voidal Artificery, Atronach Forging, and the design of arcane implements What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance?: Whatever the Archmages deem fit. I would at least seek to become an Adeptus, in most likelihood. When should you be contacted for an interview?: Whenever it suits the Archmages.
  18. Discord: AndrewTech#1007 Skin: The Whelp Bid: 300
  19. Discord: AndrewTech#1007 Skin: The Whelp Bid: 200
  20. Skin: WillowBid: 150Discord: AndrewTech#1007
  21. I'll take Honeysuckle Gown. AndrewTech#1007
  22. Meanwhile, a certain woman would find herself engrossed in the process of enchanting a new atronach limb for a soldier who had lost one of his own. Finally finishing in the endeavor, Elizabeth Wittenbach would wipe a bit of sweat from her brow she straights her posture with a wince. "Agh..." She grumbles, a hand flying down to her left leg. Unfortunately, that limb of hers simply hadn't been the same since a spider from the Deepways had turned it to stone. Many of the doctors thought that she would never be able to regain the use of it again, but Aestenia and Maevelin had found a way to let her keep it long enough to find another way. It wasn't so long ago, she though to herself as she took deep breath. If not for the efforts of the former especially, she might very have one of the limbs she was working on today. But through perseverance and endurance, she was able to prevail. Upon receiving a copy of the missive from a customer later that day, Eliza would sigh. "You will be missed, Aestenia," She murmurs to herself before going back to work.
  23. [!] After Elizabeth thoroughly reads over Mister Garrack's letter, a response is penned and delivered to his house in Luciensburg. Were it to be opened, it would read as follows: @breeni "Dear Sir, I wish to thank you for reaching out to us regarding this matter. As the Northern Geographical Society continues in its mission to document the histories and cultures of Almaris, we hope to provide a platform to shine further light on fields of study such as your own. The history of the Westerlands is often indeed overlooked by many historians, and I will admit that this is indeed a travesty. It is also true that our collection is lacking in materials regarding such. We as an organization often find our resources under strain, and can only work to record so much at any given time as we endeavor to document the collective heritage of all the peoples of Almaris. However, I shall endeavor to seek out copies of your works so that we might eventually document the Westerlands and their struggle for all to see. Indeed, I would be quite amiable to meeting with you in the future in order to discuss your field of study and the matter at hand further. With Regards, Elizabeth Brae-Wittenbach"
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