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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by JEEGK

  1. Oh yeah, this fully has my support, +1
  2. hahaha, llllll0ser c:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JEEGK
    3. Dohvi


      Tsk tsssk. 

    4. JEEGK


      :c M'Lord Dohvi, please! Have mercy on my poor soul!

  3. ((Moved on owners request.))
  4. McName: JakeFSF RpName: Advar LaRosa Skype:(Pm if you desire.) jakester4575 Profession: Blacksmith TeamSpeak:(Not required but highly encouraged.) Yup Time-Zone: Central (CST) Desired Chapter to join: Duval
  5. Advar scans over the application, beginning to fill it out with quite some bliss. OOC: Minecraft name: JakeFSF Skype name: You have it. Do you use Teamspeak?: I do IC: Name?: Advar LaRosa Previous Experience: Once a sellsword.
  6. May you rest in peace, you astounding actor, Alan Rickman...

  7. What is love

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. =Nkruma=


      Dum dun dun dun dun dun dun dun... What is love.

    3. Pureimp10


      Love is +1ing my FM app

    4. JEEGK


      -1 for ruining the song smh 

  8. APPLICATION: OOC: Skype name: jakester4575 Username: JakeFSF IC: Name: Advar Reasons for applying: I seek to give protections above the weak. Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: I don't see why not, yeah.
  9. How's everyone doing tonight/day?

  10. I really got no question about it, looks good to me :) +1
  11. Name (Leave IG name as well): Rathal (Duni_) Race: Sun Elf Gender: Male Skills: Aspiring Blacksmith Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: Yes, I do. Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: A bird, I suppose. ((Also, please message me your skype privately as a way for OOC contact.))
  12. It's hilarious when you 2v4 orcs and you don't even have a bow.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JEEGK


      no problemo, I hope that man quits following you xdddddd

    3. AlternateKy
    4. JEEGK


      nevamind xd

  13. Sometimes... I really do feel like this is a high school role-playing server...

  14. Putting full support into this!!!
  15. Like my status if your parents were killed by orcs like mine. Also, like to show respect to the ones that did. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chimp


      Typical "Parents killed by orcs" biography.

    3. Nekkore


      Drinking game. Take a shot for every character that is orphaned. 

    4. Kaelan


      And you kill yourself because of alcohol poisoning...

  16. Don't you just love it when you call someone out for meta when someone randomly shows up and is their friend. When you literally have to TELL cords to even get there.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. _Stigwig


      Just one of those Felsen racists. 

    3. Sky
    4. JEEGK


      Psh, wasn't talking about Felsen, nor humans in general 

  17. Name (Leave IG name as well): Collin LaRosa (JakeFSF) Race: Human Gender: Male Skills: Aspiring breeder Do you meet the criteria to join Hallowvale Contracting?: Aye, I do! Leave an address for a return letter of accepted: A bird, I suppose. ((Also, please message me your skype privately as a way for OOC contact.))
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