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Ethan the epic

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Everything posted by Ethan the epic

  1. Are there any tips or tricks to find road rp? I can't even find a Minas or die bandit.

    1. Nekkore


      lol roads a too long to find anyone to bandit

    2. problematic z

      problematic z

      you wont find any unless you start it yourself


    3. Lotoke


      pls no bandits

  2. Hello. Very sorry to bother you but the message keeps on coming up saying i'm banned so i can't get on to the server. Thank you for your time.

    1. Harri


      Terribly sorry, I must of typed your name in wrong. I'll log in a fix it right now.

    2. Ethan the epic
  3. Hello it's me, the person you banned, is there anyway i can prove to you i wasn't hacking? thanks.

    1. Harri


      Not anymore, no. If you could've proved you had nothing on your client when I asked, then you would've been let off the hook, but you were in fact sneak hacking.

    2. Ethan the epic
  4. How do i take a screenshot of my client?

  5. How do I take a screenshot of my client?

  6. I was hoping we could do that pvp event a month or so ago where it was basically red vs blue, the gms would give us armour and weapons and we would fight to control the warzone.
  7. I feel sick please post a "Get better soon" comment, I feel like aids :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Bardmancer


      get aids soon


      (But no seriously, I hope you feel better.)

    3. sneLf


      ...Drink bleach...Sorry, but stilllll GET BETTER:D

    4. Ethan the epic

      Ethan the epic

      Thank you for your care (and your toxicity) I have gotten better yay, oh and thanks for the attention.

  8. The second beast reminds me of the shaelmaar off witches 3, I presume that inspired you to make the beast?
  9. I want a axios trailer.

  10. Name: Lick tounger of slittingness and stuff. Age : over 9000 Race: The Grand Prix purpose amongst us: His parents were slaughtered by orcs who attacked his village, he used his fathers dual wielded blades to slit their throats, he has now sworn to murder everyone (he is also an emo) skype: He can telepathically communicate so he doesn't need skype mc name: Epicethan4
  11. Character name: Alcetra Enn Minecraft username: Epicethan4 Race: mali'aheral Timezone: GMT Desired magic: Fire evocation
  12. A nice and helpful post explaining the orcs in depth.
  13. courland was also attacked by these things in October 2015.
  14. Why do assassin guilds always fail

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee


      because people will just spawn at the monks again, assassination has no effect

    3. Moochael
    4. Kardel


      1. They always advertise themselves
      2. They are often led by new players who are not experienced server-wise
      3. They are often shunned because they're edgy, meaning that the assassins are some ridiculous dark power wielding, demon-worshiping, black-cloak wearing ilk
      4. People participating in such guilds are often bad at pvp. If you want to be a useful assassin, then learn to PvP, as it is the second default
      5. Victims of assassinations will PK if the assassin is not some poorly planned, meta-gaming, edgy prick. Skippy PK'd. I know a lot of people who have PK'd. However, if its some dark elf, necromancer wannabe, Ezio Adittore type, a lot of people would rather ignore the RP in general.


      Want to start a good assassin guild? DON'T MAKE A ******* FORUM POST ABOUT IT. Get a hidden headquarters. Make your character look NORMAL, not like the WoW avatar of a goth teen. Also, if you character is insane, a nymphomaniac, or both, don't expect your bandit/assassin RP to be taken seriously. The above is too hard to roleplay successfully, and almost everyone that has attempted to make the whole dark-edgy think work has failed. Most bandits or assassins should not be people who like their vocation: they should be people who have no other choice, like uneducated peasants or ex-soldiers.

  15. I don't know tbh, I'll give you 5/10 :)
  16. Name: Caelben [Mc Name]: Epicethan4 Race: High elf Magic you wish to study: mental magic Guild you wish to be associated with: The sanctuary guild
  17. Check out sandk1ngs Application guide in off topic fresh meats.

  18. I knew the lotc dark brother hood was real >:D
  19. '*Grokor'Lur swings his wyvern eyes while reading the post. "Unuther wyvurn eh diuz azh miught bi hurder."
  20. Woop only 58 mins till 2016 for the gmt timezone hell ya

    1. Geo


      Francebros, Germanbros and neighbours have already arrived

    2. Crowbill
  21. I like this idea but I think the main reason why our race is low on numbers is because of our curse since we are meant to be savage and mean then that means players are too worried to make a orc char because they think that if they make a nice orc or something they will get whitewashed for not being a *******. Also stop making the orcs value each other by pvp I don't think you need this but in lore orcs value strength which can shy away a lot of players. However I do like this idea so I'll give you a big thumbs up
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