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Status Updates posted by MunaZaldrizoti

  1. i need an update on that fairy magic-race lore STAT!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MunaZaldrizoti


      @UnwillinglyThat's a shame. I hope maybe someone will be inspired by it to make something with more meat, atleast. I really liked the concept (and playing a big fairy person would've been awesome).

    3. annabanana1014


      i want to be a fairy 

    4. Pengin


      15 hours ago, annabanana1014 said:

      i want to be a fairy 

      Sprite rewrite inbound so the Vex Veins post isn't lonely. 

      Although yeah, Unwillingly has a point. Hopefully it can get passed eventually though.

  2. please tech team i just want my items back 😔

  3. buy my wine guys ty


  4. Is there an updated list somewhere for permitted playable creatures, if a player wanted to do a player-run event?

  5. guys we won, zachosnacko is back on Mod Team. The server is healing!

    1. Kaiser






    (I appreciate the 20 upvotes, if any of those 20 people are interested in playing the persona 😅)

  7. Anybody know how to make CoA in the style of this post:

    Wasn't sure if GoodGuyMatt was still around or not.
    I can pay some small amount for one, if need be, with USD or mina!

    1. monkeypoacher


      https://wappenwiki.org and a vector graphics editor like inkscape

    2. marikandaperc


      https://heraldicon.org/ this site is pretty good but might not have the versatility inkscape has

  8. Not sure if you're still around, but I miss you and hope you're doing well! ❤️

  9. Any human families looking for members to be played? Wanna just see what my options might be!

    (Can present my roleplay resume if requested, unless you already know me which would save my fingers from typing 😅)

    1. CasualNuker


      Currently exploring starting a new family lineage off my Recruit in the Balianese Armada hmu if you want.

    2. TreeSmoothie


      yo muna!! always looking for more peeps to play kids between my baron & princess lucia

  10. Y'all are so unserious. Did we not learn anything earlier in this same year, when someone said they had changed? I applaud  @itdontmattafor standing up for his beliefs on this matter, considering apparently its been said that many others in server leadership were ready to push that unban button.


    Makes me feel like those refurbished safety guidelines, that I was personally DM'd about to give opinions on, were just another PR move to smooth over what was rightfully an outrageous situation. Why can't we just be here to have fun and let these people STAY BANNED? It is worrying that Mods and Admins have the entire community of LOTC within their hands and they would even think to remain so naive.

  11. @squakhawk Please don't forget about our best emo death girl Sokar!

  12. The Kingdom of Balian is looking for their new CROWN TAVERNER!

    Post is here:


  13. All this joking about assault directed towards a gay guy by a bunch of dudes. Really makes you wonder....

    1. sergisala


      ...that some people in this server are toxic because they love to express their hate and enjoy bullying other players, yes. Simply, they have a psychopath mentality. LOTC is their life, they should get banned and touch some grass.

    2. monkeypoacher


      what is it supposed to make me wonder

  14. Thank you to everyone who gave their support. It really means so much to me. I'm glad the community rallied together and gave their own verdict.

  15. Out of curiosity, has anyone every written or considered writing CA-lore for mermaids/merfolk or Fae/Faeries (Human-sized faeries, not Sprites)? Was wondering what the potential for that might be. Been playing alot of Sims 3 lately lol.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ClassyDryad


      I wrote the current epiphyte lore, which are descendants turned fae. Probably the closest you can get to a fae CA that's not sprites since I don't believe open non-transformative cas are being accepted anymore.

    3. TreeSmoothie


      I made some merfolk CA when I was 11 with some sts, never published it, tho LOL
      closest thing I have to a fae is a mushroom magic/ca soon tm

    4. Toffee


      I was going to write a merfolk CA when the oceans update came out in I think 2018/2019 but someone on the story team told me not to bc mechanically it wouldn't be able to work :(

  16. A new player emerges in the south of Almaris...


    Komodo Dragon Gif GIFs | Tenor

  17. Hello. I wasn't able to reach you in-game, but I wanted to ask you to please refrain from using skins from my past characters for your RP. I was notified by another player today that you were roleplaying on the server, using a skin I paid real money for. I also noticed you've used several of my skins in the past as well, via your PMC account. I really hate having to do this to people, because everyone deserves to have nice skins to use on this server, but it is upsetting when skins that have such meaning to me and the character I played are being slightly-edited and reused without my permission.


    Thank you, and if you'd like to talk further, my discord is MunaZaldrizoti#5064.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Unwillingly


      u need to think of better shitposts

    3. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      I'm not having a breakdown I'm just stating facts here, it's clear that some of you have your priorities not straight in your head. Nobody cares about your characters, nobody remembers them but YOU, I do not know which character it is and your friends don't either.


      It's all in your little head, nobody cares about your characters guys. Just let them use the skin and don't bash them publicly. Asking them to taking it down via DMs is alright, a lot of people look alike in society, they don't make facebook posts about each other on facebook.


      Let people live their lives and have fun, and remember that the internet gives you a false sense of security.

    4. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      Also guys, just make sure to posts this in your community discord so you guys get 2-3 upvotes on your posts and your life will feel way better. It will finally feel like you have wronged the biggest shitposter in lotc history for once.

  18. I'm not sure this is a good idea, but I wanted to poke my head in and say hello! Happy New Year to everyone! Just checking in!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. squakhawk


      happy new years 😊

    3. Duarchist


      happy new years (where's my sister)

    4. Terry


      Happy New Year! 😄

  19. Okay, but where was this same staff energy and concern when people, including staff members, were actively harassing me ooc-ly with vulgar, sexual jokes and Youtube videos about my persona for actions done in roleplay? I'm so confused as to why taking action seems to be selective.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MunaZaldrizoti


      @rukio We can hash it out in Discord if you want. Just leaving the offer out there. Otherwise, I just disagree with what you said.

    3. rukio


      Sorry, waiting to see if the weird bug in the system happens to your reply again

    4. MunaZaldrizoti


      No, you're good! I think it says what it needs to say now :^)


  20. i did not foresee covid roleplay in 2022

  21. yoooooooo thank you for fixing the vip particle effect perk! the whole reason i even paid for it 🙏

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. E__V__O


      ( What was broken with it? )

    3. Punished_Pup


      @Jenny_BobbsThe old trails plugin was and got removed for a bit before Voop got a new one, old one was getting outdated.

    4. E__V__O


      Ah so /pp wasn't broken then!

  22. I came back from hiatus at a pretty good time, huh?

  23. Anybody interested in having a purple elf-mage join their community? 👀

    1. S1nnerVsSa1nts
    2. UnBaed



      the twins will still prank you

    3. Tigergiri


      There’s another one????

  24. Just going to let folks know here that I'm gonna be taking a few weeks away from the server, got alot of irl stuff going on that I'd like to focus on. I'll see you guys later!

    1. Benjikhei


      enjoy your freedom from this vile damnation :)

    2. Burnsider


      Will miss you, come back when able! 

    3. Ramon


      IRL > LOTC. I wish you the best of luck!

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