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  1. A conservationist guild of like-minded individuals from all races and walks of life. They take mercenary contracts as well, like some other ranger guilds, but their main goal is to patrol the wilds of Arcas and preserve the balance of nature and peace between the peoples, animals, and plants of the world. Pursuant to their creed, Rangers of the Wild fill many roles. Some, the Ranger-Sentinels, prefer to walk the lonely roads at night, defending travelers from aggressive and over-populated spiders and undead. Some, the Ranger-Wildsmen, prefer to hunt wild game and feral farm animals to maintain and curtail invasive or otherwise detrimental populations. The latter serves as secondary source of food for the Rangers, as well. Some Rangers prefer to avoid conflict as much as possible, either tending to the Rangers’ wounds, crops and/or animals (Ranger-Keepers), or serving as diplomats for the Rangers and/or the individual’s race in locations where tensions are high. These Ranger Envoys are the mediators and welcoming hand of the Rangers, and are certainly not looked down upon for wishing to stay clear of bloodshed. Another non-combatant rank of the Rangers are the Ranger-Scribes, who collect lore, both fact and fiction, from around the land. Any and all subjects are accepted into the library, even those that some might consider… untoward. Finally, any and all fully inducted Rangers may take quests or task, such as clearing out monstrous beasts from a cavern for a treasure hunter (serving as a sort of body-gaurd or guide), exploring unknown areas and creating maps for cartographers unable to traverse the extremes of the land themselves, hunting down bandits that have preyed upon the weak, et cetera, et cetera. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ RANKS Ranger-Master: Lythorien Banebow Ranger-Captains: None Ranger-Sentinels: None Ranger Envoys: None Ranger Scribes: None Ranger Keepers: None Ranger-Wildsmen: None Recruits: Illondr (Ranger-Sentinel-in-Training) Aragwen Arcanscape (Ranger-Wildsman-in-Training) Stevron Gollick (Ranger-Envoy-in-Training) Gray Fullhood (Ranger-Sentinel-in-Training) Daisy Applefoot (Ranger-Wildsman-in-Training) Elawynn Caerme’onn (Ranger-Keeper-in-Training) Former Members: Karren Myrsta (Ranger-Scribe-in-Training) (Deceased) Jarsek Myrsta (Ranger-Sentinel-in-Training) (Deceased) Sarah Boliver (Maiden Name: Thompson) (Ranger-Keeper-in-Training) (Missing/Likely Deceased) Kayen (Ranger-Scribe-in-Training) (Missing) Alsulf Venari (Ranger-Sentinel) (Missing/Likely Deceased) Aladar Viathran (Ranger-Envoy-in-Training) (Left of Their Own Volition) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Rangers of the Wild Creed "I swear to abide by the by-laws of the Rangers of the Wild. I relinquish my former station if it conflicts with Ranger tenets, and swear to uphold to balance of peace and nature in our world." _________________________________________________________________________________________________ OUT of CHARACTER REGULATIONS Don’t be a d**k. No making jokes about sensitive topics, such as suicide, or racial, political, religious, ethnic, and other kinds of slurs (don’t say f***ot or tranny. Just don’t), no accusing someone of being a special snowflake or a cuck. If you don’t like something and have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. If someone says something you are doing is bothering them (like repeatedly referencing something that triggers panic episodes or flashbacks in said person), and earnestly means it, just drop it. It’s not worth them reporting you to higher-ups and getting booted That’s pretty much it. Just tell us if you’re going away for a while if you can, but activity is not required. Not every character that joins is going to be played every day. We get that. Just give us some common courtesy and don’t dip out of a RP or plot in progress without some warning. These regulations are subject to change, be added to, or removed at any time without warning. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ IN-CHARACTER BY-LAWS: All races, Descendant or no, are welcome in the ranks of the Rangers of the Wild so long as they abide by the tenets set forth here, and do not cause trouble with others of races differing form them. Any Ranger found to be practicing xenophobic activities or using slurs or unequal treatment due to race, gender, social status, sexuality, et cetera, will be subject to a verbal warning, then a monetary fine, then imprisonment, then banishment. Any Ranger caught acting violently to another Ranger or neutral person is subject to imprisonment and/or banishment depending on the severity. Murder will warrant banishment and possible handing over to the authorities of the nation wronged. Relating to By-Law 1, recruits must relinquish their titles and rights held within their native nations if said titles conflict with Ranger custom. All recruits must denounce their allegiances if they conflict with Ranger practices (i.e. Mali’fenn Rangers may not continue to be aligned with the Fenn because this would mean they would be duty-bound to harm other races). Recruits may, however, maintain contact and relationships with members of their former allegiances, as well as protect the cities, towns, and settlements they live in from attackers, so long as said relationships do not conflict with Ranger values in other ways. You must NEVER contribute to attacks, raids, territorial disputes, or any other aggressions associated with a nation or other organization. Such activities invite ire upon the Rangers, and go against our ways. Rangers caught revealing sensitive information or aligning themselves with a specific nation against another nation, are subject to banishment without prior warnings. One must not intentionally harm any animal, plant, or person not actively threatening one’s self, the Rangers, or the balance of nature. Rangers seen breaking this rule are subject to verbal warnings, monetary fines, imprisonment, and banishment, in order of number of offenses. Regardless of intent, all Rangers must train in the basic skills of a Ranger: bowmanship, swordplay, animal behavior studies, flora and fauna studies, and basic diplomacy. Illiterate recruits will be taught to read and write before they are inducted. These by-laws are subject to change, be added to, or have tenets removed without warning, though Rangers and recruits will be notified once they are in place. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ **(To apply, copy and paste-this format into a a reply on this thread. An example of a filled-out application is below the form)** APPLICATION for RANGERS of the WILD OoC Information Minecraft Username: (Required) Discord Username: (Required) Nickname Preferred: (If any. State whether you’d like to be referred to by your character or player name) Real-Life Age: (Required) Preferred Pronoun(s): (He/him, she/her, they/them, etc.) RP Sample As Applying Persona: (Required) IC Information Character’s Full Name: (First name, middle, last name, and, if you wish, maiden name) Current and/or Former Titles Held: (Titles from other factions and nations) Notable Connections Within a Nation or Other Organization: (Including but not limited to: a guard or noble) Race: (Main/most predominant race) Sub-Race: (If your character has any blood from another race. If not applicable, say N/A) Sex & Gender: (if they are the same, simply state one) Birth Year or Current Age: (Please use in-character LoTC year) Desired Rank: (Please only choose one Ranger rank) Training Known: (Any skills, including swordsmanship, archery, writing, tracking game, atc) Training Desired/Needed: (I.e. if your character can’t read or write, someone is obviously helping them do this application or it’s being done in person. They’d ask for help with learning that skill in-character) "By signing this document, you agree to the by-laws above and any the Ranger-Master and Ranger-Captains deem worthy of adding. You agree to relinquish your former station if it conflicts with Ranger tenets, and swear to uphold to balance of peace and nature in our world." (State yes or no in-character, and type their full name without their title)
  2. The Academy of Khronheim ~Founded in 1648~ The Academy of Khronheim has been founded in order to grow the knowledge of the people of Atlas. While the academy will mainly focus on the arcane of the world, among other magics, we will also focus on other matters of knowledge, such as architecture, religion, and history. For the first time as well, the academy will be headed by the Ironguts, who will bring with them all the knowledge the clan has gathered of the arcane in their expansive history with it. The academy can be found in the city of Khronheim. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CURRENT List of Subjects Taught at the Academy Fire Evocation Water Evocation Conjuration Illusion Defense Against the Dark Arts Alchemy War Tatics The Ranks of the Academy Grand Master The Grand Master is the highest rank one can achieve, being voted in by the consul of Masters. Leading the academy in all respects, the grand master is considered to have the final world on all matters. Also, while holding the rank of Grand Master, this scholar is also one of the several Masters. Master The Master is the second highest rank one can achieve. To gain this rank, a scholar must be committed fully to learning, and be considered the academy’s highest authority on one the taught subjects. Because of this, there are several Masters at any time; The Masters of each respective subject. Each of these scholars are granted a position on the consul of the academy. Adept The third highest rank one can achieve, the adept is one of the many at the academy who have finished their apprenticeship, and can now pursue the study of a subject on their own. This is also the rank in which a scholar can begin to teach their talents here at the academy. Apprentice The first official rank of the academy, this is where a scholar has been accepted by an Adept and has officially began their journey into the world of knowledge. They will prove themselves through a couple of stone months before they move onto the title of Adept. Initiate The Initiate has been granted access to the academy, however, they have not been accepted by an Adept yet. The Initiate will wait until they have been assigned someone to teach them. Current Members Grand Master (Vacant) Master's Dorin Iorngut Kardel Irongut Adept's Dimlin Irongut Carsandra Ivydale Garoll Earl Dael'ran Bael Tunnelsmasher Dwalin Irongut Apprenice's Initiate's Hogarth Irongut Arak Robyn Vulnear Mercai Hollowbound Marradak Weatherby Lionheart Gunther Tiberius Iron Enzo Bianchi The Rules of the Academy As far as rules go for the Academy, they are pretty loose. However, that does not mean there aren’t any. #1: Follow your higher ups orders. This rule is pretty simple. Your higher ups are your higher ups for a reason, they more than likely know what they’re talking about! If they tell you to do something, and you do not listen, then you may be suspended for insubordination. #2: No harming others at the academy unless specifically given permission to do so otherwise by a Master or the Grand Master, any use of physical or magical violence towards another will result in suspension or expulsion. #3: No use of the dark arts while the study of the dark arts is highly encouraged, they are NEVER to be used. To do so will result in immediate expulsion, and all ties with the practitioner will be cut. Applications Initiate Application MC name: Character Name: Discord (Optional): Race: Age: Do you know any magic currently?: Which subject do you plan to learn?: Do you swear to abide by the rules of the academy?: Adept Application MC name: Character Name: Discord (Optional): Race: Age: What subjects do you know?: Are you able to teach?: Do you swear to abide by the rules of the academy?: We are currently accepting only those who are able to teach their subjects. This includes ALL forms of arcane magic, as well as any forms of scholarly study. If a subject that is not ordinarily taught is offered, we will contact you immediately to discuss the details.
  3. Birth of the Orison Ritual Site of the first Guardian Grotto, a harrowing, yet beautiful reminder of the death of a druid. “And she appeared before them, those troubled minds, and the air was alive with sound of nature. She gave them a reassuring smile, reaching a hand out, as if to offer help. All was well.” It is a well known truth among druii and those that study the aspects or their faith, that devout druids who die ascend to the realm of the fae, to serve out their days as Soulbound Servants and Guardian Spirits. In the realm of fae, these spirits of passed druids are revered by all as wise men and oracles. Creatures of the fae flock from every corner of the realm to hear their words of wisdom. In the realm of fae, they are considered demigods, chosen of the aspects themselves. (The Fae Realm) In death, these sages reflect the souls of what they were in life. For those that sought the taste of battle in defense of the balance, they may find themselves as a spirit of fury, blessing those of the Twilight Bound. A gentler druid, a healer perhaps, may find themselves as a mending spirit of the Dayward Way. All these such spirits are revered amongst the fae creatures of the world. For those most dedicated servants of the aspects, there exists a special opportunity in life, during the most unlikeliest of times. That is, to become a Guardian Spirit capable of traversing betwixt the eternal forest and the mortal realm. These most devout servants may find themselves visited by one of these spirits to be taught the highly secretive ritual. With this knowledge, they are given the secret that they need to become one of them, to be given the ability in the afterlife to make the journey and return as a Guardian Spirit of the Descendents. However, this ritual may only be done on the brink of death. In their last moments, a druid may send out a final plea, one last wish to stay on Æos, on this place that they’ve so desperately tried to protect through their whole lives. And then, they must perform the ritual. The Discovery She saw blood everywhere. It stained the grasses around her with a deep crimson hue, glinting in the sunlight. And she looked to the side, seeing a bloodied bone knife cast aside, lying among the leaves a few feet away. And then it shot through her, an agonizing pain in her abdomen and she cried out. She looked down, and in her arms was her heart; a crying babe, wrapped in a green shawl. And her eyes slowly shut, fluttering desperately to try and stay awake as she faded into the cold embrace of death. Awaiti sat up in her bed, drenched with sweat. She rested a hand against her stomach, flat as it always was. The woman turned, pushing up out of the bed to stand, staggering over to a mirror in the room. She gripped the sides of the table, looking into her reflection with a silent, but bewildered expression. Her amber eyes stared right back at her, betraying only fear. But that was all. There was no blood, no screaming, no crying babe to hold. It left her unsettled, and compelled her to grab her cloak. And with that, she swiftly exited the room. The flames in the brazier of the shrine always shone the brightest at night, casting light in every which direction, onto the grass, onto the statues of the aspects, and now onto Awaiti, who was kneeling before it, bowed deeply in prayer. “Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your blessing unto me… preserve me…” “Father, father please. Have mercy on your faithful servant…” She pleaded like this for hours and hours, until the first rays of daybreak split the air, casting shadows of the leaves on the shrine. And on and on she pleaded, tears staining her weary face. “I don’t want to go! Not yet!” And her eyes were filled with light as she keeled over, blacking out against the cold morning ground. What followed barely made sense to her, flashes of white and green light, the crying of a babe. Visions of light took shape as fae energies and her dream came back to her. She was suddenly on the ground again, covered in blood. She was screaming, crying out in agony. And once more, her eyes began to flutter off to the cold and gentle dark. “Breathe, child,” She heard a gentle voice call to her. “Let go,” said a strong voice. And she shut her eyes for but a moment. And then opened them with white light coursing through. In an instant, the place around her was filled with a brilliant flash of fae light, all erupting from Awaiti. Flowers sprung up, creating brilliant displays of red and blue and purple. Trees sprouted almost instantly, tearing up the earth. But all was silent for Awaiti. She could hear no voices, feel no life. Life itself had all but left her battered form. Instead, it was in the world around her. And she drifted off. Her eyes shut once again, and Awaiti, just as she had in her dream, passed on from this world. But then, she was truly alive. There was warmth, and it was good. Awaiti looked down at her own mortal form, and smiled, knowing that all would be well for her child. They would live, and go on. Her eyes flung open, and she was back on the cold, hard ground. Awaiti stirred, knowing now what she had to do. And so she stood, going home to her bed to await that fateful day. The Orison Ritual Druids look on as a hierophant passes on, the air lighting up with fae mists as the energies ripple through, causing flowers and other life to spring up! circa 1650, colorized “Mother, mother please… father, look down on me… I want to be brave... I don’t want to die!” The ritual itself was used a great many years ago, in ages long forgotten, as a secret technique used amongst some of the most powerful and wise druids, in order to continue passing on their knowledge and guiding their people even after their own death. Since, it has fallen from minds, into myth, and then into legend, and then forgotten entirely. It has only resurfaced recently, discovered by Sister Awaiti Aureon, who saw glimpses of the ritual during a vision of her own death. Flashes of light, blasts of pure fae energy that rippled through nature, allowing life to flourish in its wake. These visions stayed with her throughout her whole life. What Awaiti saw was her own body expelling all of its druidic energies in one single moment. This act kills the druid immediately, but the blast of fae energy allows anyone in the vicinity to feel the effects of a fae ring for the day. The very wave of energy that is expelled from the druid has a similar effect to a fae ring, allowing those around them to hear the countless voices of nature for the rest of the day. It would emblazon druidic runes onto the stones around them, growing large trees and bushes almost instantly in the now hallowed land. A circle of flowers would sprung up all around in a spiral, creating a Guardian Fae Ring around the druid’s lifeless corpse. The wave of fae energy carries part of the druid’s very soul with it, tethering it to the land of the living. This created an anchor to Æos, allowing the traversal between these two interlinked planes. Such is the path that all those druii who wish to return to the mortal plane must follow. They must seek out a guardian spirit and learn the secrets of this most sacred ritual Guides and Redlines Requires a TA in Control and Communism to teach the Ritual, as well as being the aforementioned Guardian Spirit. In order to teach the Orison Ritual, an existing Guardian Spirit must show their student the ritual through Greensight. Attempting the ritual in any capacity is a PK. Requires a MA to perform the ritual. Attempting the ritual is a PK, no matter the outcome. Once you die, you’re dead, spirit or not. Guardian Fae Rings Fae rings have always been notoriously awe inspiring and potentially dangerous, for they create links between our realm and the Eternal Forests of the Fae. Normally though, these Fae Rings only allow lesser creatures of the realm to traverse the planes under the light of the full moon. They have the additional effect of imbuing descendants, whether they be human, dwed, or elf, the sudden ability to hear thoughts, instincts, and raw emotions of the flora and fauna around the ring, giving an experience of attunement to the unattuned. This can be very disorienting for those that are unfamiliar with the raw orchestra of nature. These fae rings have only ever been created through the magic of the aspects themselves, being naturally occuring phenomena in the world. But, with the Orison Ritual, we find the first instances of a druid themselves creating these rings through their own powerful druidic energies. During the Orison Ritual, a massive explosion of fae energy is released directly into the land around a druid’s body. Many things are birthed from this influx of energy, including the powerful Guardian Fae Rings. These large spirals of flowers cover the entire area that the blast touched, hallowing the ground that they lay upon. Over this entire area, the effect of a normal fae ring is given, nature filling the ears of those who stand within the living spire. These rings act as normal fae rings, with a few exceptions. Normally, a Fae ring allows only lesser beasts of the Eternal forest to pass through it on a full moon. However, given the druid’s final sacrifice, it allows Guardian Spirits to pass through the realm of the fae into that of the living. Guardian Fae Rings have the unique ability to be created by the living as well as the dead. However, this process is extremely dangerous, and must be preserved for times of great need. By transcending to the eternal forest, a group of three druids can seek out any such guardian spirit and re-tether their soul to the earth. By doing this, the guardian spirit channels their own energies through the bodies of the three druids, transforming the fae ring into a guardian fae ring. This allows for the creation of new guardian fae rings from normal fae rings. It is important to note that Spirits are not tied to any one ring. Instead, over time, these rings begin to create an interconnected network of points that the spirit may visit. Usually these rings are placed around groves, or other places of pilgrimage for those that follow the ways of the aspects. These points serve as the anchors for spirits in the realm, creating holy sites around the world. As stated, guardians are tethered to these Guardian Fae Rings, tying them to that one particular site until they are able to move to a different ring. Guardian Spirits are only able to go so far outside of the ring before they dissipate, the bonds holding them to the world too weak and too far to hold them in any significant way. If such occurs, they find themselves drawn back to the Eternal Forests, unable to plant themselves on the world. They must stay there for a time as their spirit regenerates and recollects in order to return to the world of the living. Guides and Redlines Powerful druids can perform the ritual successfully and be taught it. In order to be able to become a Guardian Spirit on the mortal plane, you must conduct the Orison Ritual. The Druid must first pray, opening a connection with the aspects themselves. Basically grabbing the aspects attention. After such, a druid must expel all of their fae energies in a sometimes violent blast, depending on the age of the druid and their power. This can potentially hurt those around them if the druid is very old and very powerful. The blast caused by the druid causes a surge of life in every direction, causing plants and life to spring up where possible. It can grow trees in an instant, moss to grow on rocks in runic shapes. These runic shapes reflect parts of the druid. Only the Guardian Spirit that created them knows their meaning. The blast also creates a Guardian Fae Ring, a variation of a normal fae ring, a large spiral of flowers, leading to a circle in the middle. This is the exact spot where the druid died. A Guardian Fae ring is what allows a Guardian Spirit to travel between the realm of fae and the mortal plane. Guardian Spirits are tethered to these rings, unable to walk very far away from them without being called back to the Eternal Forest. This radius usually encompasses the size of a grove, or small settlement. Guardian Spirits may only make the journey through Guardian Fae Rings during a full moon (Once every elven day). However, it should be clarified that they may remain the realm of the living after the full moon has passed. In order to perform the ritual, a currently existing Guardian Spirit must teach you it, or have someone who already knows the ritual pass the knowledge to you. This follows suit for druids to create guardian fae rings. In order to create another Guardian Fae Ring, you require a living druid that knows the ritual. Being different from normal fae rings, it is possible to have both a Guardian fae ring and a normal fae ring at the same time. To transform a fae ring into a guardian fae ring, you require three druids who know the transcendence feat. By doing this, it allows the druids to find the spirit in the fae realm and allow them to push their energy through their own bodies into the ring. This creation acts in the same way as the normal creation would, with all of the effects. Must be a druid, and currently be Tier five in both Communion and Control at the time of death. Druids cannot be pulled back from the Eternal Forest after an Elven Month, as the Eternal Forest’s call is far too strong to ignore. Such is the nature of the Fae Realm. In order to be brought back from the Eternal Forest, you must have PK’ed entirely first. It is only allowed for fully PKed druids. A Druid must be able to pray before they die, and build up the energy to release it all. Any sort of instantaneous death would prevent them from doing such, and keep them from tethering their soul. This ritual can only be done while on the brink of death. Druids who commit suicide cannot do the ritual. Any druid blocked by Strength of the Abyss or other Fi magic would not be able to complete this ritual. The blast from the ritual is not enough to kill in any case. Only potentially knock back people. If the druid’s focus is thrown off during the ritual, it ends the ritual and they are unable to continue, missing their window. In order for druids to create a guardian fae ring, they need to gather more than 3 druids to pool their energy together to create this explosion. Without more than three, the combined strain would kill the druids involved. Even with more than two, the process is extremely taxing on the body. The Orison ritual requires the unaltered soul of a druid to be in their body in order to perform this ritual. Druids with altered souls, or those who have placed their souls in other vessels cannot perform the final ritual to become Guardian Spirits. This does not apply to the creation of Guardian Fae Rings. As the natural energies release, the spirit of the animal would release as well. It remains with the guardian as part of it or depart to the aspects realm. This allows shapeshifters to complete the ritual. Guardian Spirits cannot walk outside a certain distance from their Guardian rings. In doing so, they would be demanifested, and sent back to the eternal forest until they can return. (300 blocks) Iconoclast magic would demanifest a Guardian Spirit The Spirits A Guardian Spirit watches over the forest with a careful eye, taking after their original elven form. “Go, my faithful dedicant, into the mountain! There you will find a spiral of flowers… sit in it. Call out to her, to that devout spirit. She will guide you on this task. Now go!” With their spirit tethered to both the eternal forest and the mortal plane, the Druid would wake in the Forest, awaiting that next full moon, for that bridge to open between the realms. When the full moon flies, they may find themselves on a trek across a great birch bridge that stretches far into the cosmos, into the mortal realms, allowing them to awaken inside of the center of the Guardian Fae Ring in a brilliant display of light, standing in the grove created by their own death. This is the journey that all Guardian Spirits will take, should they partake in the Ritual of Orison. Upon their awakening, spirits are met by themselves, by their new spiritual figures. At first, they appear as themselves, given a transparent glow that reflects their own druidic energies. As time goes on, these spirits realize that they can shift their appearance to some degree, to make them look as they did at any point in their life. Through this, they can remove scars, and blemishes upon that figure, or tattoos that covered their skin, appearing truly as a servant of nature, without other worldly attachment. In their journey to the spirit realm, spirits find they may change into a host of different animals, accompanied by that similar transparency and glow that other Guardian Spirits give off. However, with an additional affect. Due to the spirit’s time in the fae realm, the essence of the eternal forest has rubbed off onto their animals’ giving them fae-like attributes. The spirit is just that. A spirit. They cannot touch or interact with the world. They will never again feel the embrace of a loved one, nor the wind on their cheek. They are dead, lost to the world. Incorporeal beings that merely exist as a passer of knowledge, a wielder of the torch of druidic power. Even at their strongest, standing within the fae ring, they are unable to lay a finger on the world of the living. It is the primary mission of all Guardian Spirits to pass down their own knowledge of the balance, and to guide the druids of the world towards a heightened understanding of what their duty is, and how they might attain it. They serve as powerful guides to all that follow the path of the aspects. To dedicants, they serve to inform and teach. To Druii, they seek to offer their different perspective on the world and how it may function. And above all, to Archdruii, they serve as powerful advisors in the face of great adversity. But they are just that. Guides, advisers, wise-men. Vessels of knowledge that lasted longer than they should have. They are unable to use the powers that they had throughout their lives as druii, save but shapeshifting, but they still retain their ancient knowledge of the arts. In times of great need, these spirits are able to pass on their understanding and power into the druii of the world in several ways, detailed a bit later. In addition to this, Spirits are also given a few smaller tools that they would use in pursuit of guiding dedicants, druids, and archdruii alike, without impacting the world on a physical level. Spirits are far more corruptible than our mortal forms. Aurum weapons that affect the spectral beings of the world would affect them just as a normal blade would, cutting away at their energies. Blight that would normally sap away at the strength of a descendent would eat doubly so at the Spirit Guardian, gnawing away at the very being of the guardian, until it is so weak that they are corrupted wholly. And perhaps the most dangerous among them all, are those that carry with them the strength of the abyss. To be touched by this ability is to be scattered, cut off from the world. Upon touch, the spirit is sent back to the realm of the fae, to recuperate once more. Such is a very effective weapon against them, capable of sending them away in an instant. Blight may even corrupt a Guardian Spirit more than it normally would. The spirit is more fragile than the body, and to those who are exposed to it for a long time, it may have devastating effects to their soul. Through time, they’re physically corrupted, and the soul is damaged, leaving their spirit broken. The blight addles their mind, casting a shadow of the ancient spirit. They become destructive, a draoi spirit. Their gifts turn dark, allowing them to grant darkened boons on their followers, on those dark druids that would destroy. As they continue down this path, these spirits are corrupted physically. They may be split open, or tainted visually, their souls torn asunder by the use of these dark boons. These now Draoi spirits haunt the realm, causing chaos and sowing discord throughout the land by empowering the dark druids, until they’re put out of their own misery, and banished from the land by the very druids they were sworn to guide. Banishment is a difficult process, though not impossible. It is a technique used by druids to sever a Guardian Spirit’s connection to the mortal realm, and works similarly to the unattunement ritual. A group of three druids must corner the Spirit, connecting with them via powersharing. After this, there are multiple ways that the druids could deal with the spirit. Potentially, the spirit has been feeding dedicants or other druii misinformation, misguiding them from the path of the Druidism. Or perhaps these spirits have views too extreme for the order, and must be cast out. Both of these are valid reasons to banish a druid from the mortal plane. Or perhaps a spirit has become fully corrupted by blight, making them violent Draoi Spirits. This is another reason to banish a spirit. Or even by request of the Spirit themselves that believe their mission to be done. Banishment is the act of releasing the spirit’s tether to the realm of the mortals, recalling them back to the eternal forest to live out their days there. This action can be reversed, in the same way that a guardian fae ring can be remade. The ritual is one in the same. Guides and Redlines Newly made Guardian Spirits always begin in the realm of the fae. In order to start roleplaying, players must wait until a full moon, or one out of character day in roleplay to re-enter the mortal plane. In order to enter and leave the mortal plane, a Guardian Spirit must do so through a Guardian Fae Ring during a full moon. All Guardian Spirits take on a glow reflecting the color of their fae energy in life. Guardian Spirits take the shape of themselves when they return, appearing unaltered by injury or bodily art. In addition, Spirits may change how they look in order to reflect themselves at different points in their life, to reflect and show how they themselves have changed. Removing injury or changing which point in life they appear as is entirely optional. Due to their time in the fae realm, spirits are capable of morphing into a different host of animals, with the addition effect of fae attributes. The addition of Fae attributes applies also to normal Spirits Guardian Spirits are completely incorporeal, and cannot touch or physically interact with anything in the mortal realm. They are ghosts, in that sense. They will never be able to feel the world of the living, at least physically. Guardian Spirits retain none of their ability to perform druidic arts that they had learned in life, save shapeshifting. However, they retain all of their knowledge in the arts, and still fondly recall the feelings of using their abilities. They instead gain a few other abilities to assist in their primary mission of guiding the descendents, and granting boons of the aspects. Guardian Spirits with a TA in any given druidic magic still keep the TA, but cannot perform the magic themselves, truly being a guide more than anything. Guardian Spirits can no longer perform control, communion, thulean druidism, blight healing, or herblore. Guardian Spirits can no longer teach unattunement, attunement, or shapeshifting. Golden Weaponry affects the spirits as a normal weapon would to a person. Blight corrupts the very soul of the spirit, being far more vulnerable to the effects of the blight. This causes Guardian Spirits to become Spirit Draoi, lashing out violently with all they have to corrupt and damage the world. This, however, can only be done through their existing gifts and receive none for becoming a spirit draoi. Upon their next ‘death’, spirit draoi are permanently killed. Players accept this on making a Spirit Guardian. Upon touch, Strength of the Abyss immediately sends guardian spirits back to the realm of the fae in order to remanifest. This action is extremely disorienting for the spirit, and takes a long time for them to return and gather themselves together. This takes one year in game (One week out of character) Guardian Spirits are able to be banished by the druids of the realm through the banishment ritual. However, they can be brought back through the creation of a guardian fae ring for them. The Mission Guardian Spirits under the full moon, 1650 “I am one with the Balance.” In life, it is the path of druids to protect the balance, to safeguard nature. To protect the wilds and those that live amongst them. When these druii die, they ascend to the eternal forest, to serve as soulbound spirits, wardens and wisemen of the fae realm. These spirits are revered as wise demi-gods next to the aspects, spirits holding immense knowledge. Creatures of the Fae come from near and far in the realm, from the Twilight Bound to the Dayward way. For those Soulbound Servants that return to the realm of the living, their duties must continue. Guardian Spirits are to act as guides, figures of wisdom amongst the druids of Atlas, and all other places to come. They walk amongst the order as highly revered teachers, and advisors, opening their wisdom to all that would seek it. This is their eternal duty, to serve and guide, no more, no less. Very rarely do these druids directly intervene in anything, choosing instead to give their assistance when asked, or to offer a boon from the aspects for dire situations. In some cases, they can even take up teaching positions within the order. Blessings of the Aspects A druid completes a task with the oversight of the Guardian Spirit, 1650 Guardian Spirits tend not to intervene in worldly affairs. Without the ability to hold a sword, or travel far beyond their guardian fae rings, they take up a more guiding role. Their time spent in the realm of the fae shows now though, and Guardian Spirits find that they have a few lesser abilities that they didn’t have before. These can be very straining for the spirit to perform, and only one may be used per day, that they might serve the spirit in guiding others. Greensight Guardian Spirits have the ability to reach out to the attuned minds, able to incur visions of the past, things that the Guardian themselves have seen, or even things that the subject has seen. This ability only works on a willing subject, when they allow the guardian into their thoughts. These visions can be as vivid or as vague as the guardian wills it. This can be used to suggest certain courses of action, or to show lessons that they themselves have learned. This only affects attuned druids and those affected by fae rings. Oversight Guardian Spirits bind themselves to a druid for a time, seeing what they see, hearing what they hear, allowing them into their thoughts. This must be entirely willed on the part of the druid and the guardian. During this time, the druid is marked with a green fae symbol upon the forehead, showing that they are a vessel of the spirit. This lasts until the subject no longer wills it, or the spirit leaves the body of another. Guardian Powersharing As was their ability in life, Guardian Spirits retain their ability to control and manipulate the natural energies of the fae, in order to pass them onto another druid. This greatly enhances the natural ability of the druid far beyond their own potential, exactly like how a normal powersharing is done from a living druid.. However, due to the fact that the Guardian Spirits consist of their own Fae Energies, powersharing dissipates them over time. After they've finished, they return to the Eternal Forest to replenish their being. Guides and Redlines All Blessings of the Aspects can only be performed once per day, while their energies replenish. Any attempt to perform a second blessing in one day will result in a failed attempt. During Greensight, both the druid and the guardian enter a catatonic state while experiencing the visions, they are completely vulnerable to attack until the guardian ends the vision or it ends. Greensight uses previously existing memories from either the Druid or the Guardian Spirit. This applies even to memories that have been lost. Can be used to revive memories. Guardians can manipulate memories to look as vague or vivid as they wish. They may also alter the vision to a limited degree, in order to show alternative choices, or make symbolistic changes. Druids and guardians can experience pain from the vision that may actually linger after the vision ends. This is all psychosomatic. The Ritual of Orison is taught through Greensight memory of the Guardian’s own death. Oversight is the ability for a spirit to bind themselves to a druid’s body, connecting the two. The Guardian Spirit and the druid’s senses are linked, and they can experience the sights, sounds, smells, feelings, tastes, and thoughts. This works vice versa as well, the druid being able to experience those of the guardian as well. In addition, this links their emotions, to a degree. Should the druid grow angry, the guardian may feel a surge of anger or so on. Druids experiencing oversight are marked with a fae symbol over the forehead, glowing with the color of the spirit’s energy. Guardian Powersharing works exactly like normal Powersharing, but after they are done, they dissipate to the Eternal Forest for an Elven Day. Feel free also to roleplay discomfort when powersharing, as you're sacrificing your own lifeforce to fuel another druid. A druid does these at will, they cannot be forced into it, nor can they force them upon others. A Guardian Spirit can only use one blessing per day Greensight must be completely willed on both ends. A Guardian cannot be let into the mind of another without it being opened for them. Guardians cannot cause physical injury through Greensight Visions. This does not apply to psychosomatic illness. As soon as a Druid does not want to be shown a vision, it ends. Closing off the path renders the ability ended. Guardian Spirits cannot be demanifested during oversight. Guardian Spirits cannot use other druidic blessings during oversight Guardian Spirits cannot interact with others outside of the druid they are bound to. Once clerical magic is used on the body of one being affected by oversight, the spirit is pushed out, ending the ability. If a druid does not want to be bound to a guardian spirit any longer, they are disconnected. This applies vice-versa. Guardian Powersharing shares the same redlines as regular powersharing. ((As all things, feedback is appreciated so that I can really make this lore enjoyable for everyone! Shoutout to Leowarrior14, Delmodan, ThatGuy_777, and Gladuous for giving me ideas and letting me talk to them about this!))
  4. Basic Information Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Human Nicknames: None Description Height: 5'5'' Weight: 127 pounds. Body Type: Pear shaped Eyes: Bright Green Hair: Bright Red Hair Skin: Pale white Markings/Tattoos: None Health: Physically, and mentally fit. Personality: Caregiver, always the one caring for others. Naomi doesn't like talking about her own problems though she'll go to great lengths to help people even strangers. Though a young adult herself she has a motherly personality. Life Style Deity: (Aengul) Cerridwen Religion: Drudism Alliance/Nation/Home: None Job/Class: None Title(s): None Special Skill(s): Basic Medic! Growing up her mother was tasked with healing the sick and wounded, Naomi spent her childhood helping her mother and considers healing the sick, and easing the passing of the dying to be her duty. Flaw(s): She's what's known as a "Smother" she will mother people into insanity even strangers she's just met, helping them with issues, giving them hot meals and generally smothering them with worry and love.
  5. =-=-=The Defenders of The Mountain=-=-= Kill a soldier and two will replace his place! Code: -Don't Kill Dwarves -Love Justice -Don't Aband Your Friends In A Fight. -Respect Your Leaders. -Obey Orders Ranks Recruit: The newest initate of The Defenders of The Mountain. Solider: A respected recruit. Captain: Able to lead a group of up to 3 soldiers (not icluding him) in a warclaim. General: Able to lead an army TO a war claim. Marshal: The leader of The Defenders of The Mountain. How To Join OOC: Minecraft name: Character name: Mcly Good at (PVP, Building, etc): Timezone: How Active Will you be (In Hours Per Day): Discord: IC: Gender: Race: Note: Elves will have to wear an helmet in order to hide their ears.
  6. The Language of Tiva The guiding hand of the woods (Credits to Phobs) “Tread lightly around the flowers, my sister--for we are lost without them” The Language of Tiva: A History The Language of Tiva is a craft founded under the gazes of the wild mali of the forests, of whom tread within the winding roads of their forests. The craft aimed to recognize meaning within each individual flowers, gradually forming a language as the flowers began to weave itself unto the daily life of the elves. The Language of Tiva was a craft that eventually became dedicated to aiding many of the other traditions found within the society of the elves. The language of Tiva gave meaning to the flowers, and gradually the flowers would be intertwined together to create a certain message for those able to comprehend it--whether it be through wreaths or petal lines. The Three Major Pillars of Tiva Offerings, Guidance, Identity http://theartofanimation.tumblr.com/post/94369990158/anie330 As the Language of Tiva gained more complexity throughout their life within the seeds, the language began to serve Three major pillars within the traditions of the elves. The language remained the same within these pillars, however their purpose altered. The First Pillar: The Aspects The Second Pillar: Guidance The Third Pillar: Identity
  7. The Bradách The Bradách are akin to the real world Celts, with an emphasis on the Welsh and Irish, although imagined as a late medieval/renaissance version of themselves in a fantasy setting. Due to this, their arms and armour are akin to the rest of the world’s and their capability at building is also improved, yet it keeps to the Celtic Roundhouse and Hillfort design. They put a heavy emphasis on a man or woman’s capability to fight and the respect they place on their Gods. Their economy is basic, offering nothing in abundance and with little expertise in any particular field, but this is made up by raids and labour of slaves. The goal of the Bradách culture is to create a space for those who enjoy the Celtic culture and want to experience it in a medieval/ fantasy environment. It is suitable for the PVP and RP minded as despite RP being at our hearts, many of the Bradáchs also serve in the Bradách-glass, which is a mercenary band, comprising of the most skilled warriors, wielding claymores, javelins and sparth-axes, whilst wearing hauberk, steel helms and their Clan colours in tartan clothing. Lore The story of the Bradách peoples started with the Daelish and the Pryderi, when some of the members of each group decided to make their own group and govern themselves. This group grew over time, soon becoming it’s own stable fold of peoples. As this group advanced through history, it’s people integrated it’s ideas and beliefs, which transformed over time with each passing generation. Eventually, the Cadeyrn family became the largest amongst the fold and for the first time of it’s existence, the group elected a Cadeyrn named Bendigeidfran Cadeyrn as their leader, claiming legacy from the Pryderi. From this election and his seat as leader, he took to creating their own set of rules and traditions, such as dropping the common form of inheritance, being Primogeniture succession, and instead deciding each leader, who was then named Rí, through an election of all the peoples. Effectively being a democracy, although each election only happens upon the Rí’s death. He also established the pantheon of their Gods, calling it the Bradách Pantheon. With this pantheon, he elected a man named Myrddin to become the Derwydd Rí, leader of the also formed Derwydd, who were also inspired by the Pryderi Druii, who were responsible for sacrifices, Religious events and keeping sacred Groves off-bound to foreigners, although not because they might cause damage, but because it is believed the Gods live in these sacred sights and can injure or kill those that wander. It is because of Bendigeidfran the Bradách peoples can claim their unique culture and is remembered in stories and tales to this day, also considered the Protector God of Clan Cadeyrn. Years later, the Cadeyrn Clan kept it’s seat in power, consistently proving it’s favour for battle, skill in combat and cunning in leadership. To this day, Caratawc Cadeyrn is the leader of the Bradách and hold many of the traits that his Clan are known for. Language Siaradbrách (The Bradách language is based on real world Welsh, whilst using Irish more commonly in naming places or things) Hello: Shwmae, helo Bye: Hwyl Thanks: Diolch Yes: Ydw No: Na Common Traits: Blonde or Light Brown hair - Most commonly amongst the Bradách, they will have blonde or light brown hair, although some might have differing colours due to the mixed heritage of many Bradách. Tall - Many of the Bradách are taller than the average man, many reaching 6’1 or taller, very few ever becoming shorter than is normal for most humans Muscular - Having strong, athletic muscles is very common, some having larger, burly muscles and very few having a less muscular physique than a trained soldier would possess. This is both due to their genes and life with an emphasis on combat. Deep and Confident Voices - Many Bradách have deep voices, but due to society often scorning the weak or timid, as well as because they are capable at fighting, the Bradách will speak words without worry of the reaction and they are rarely brought to a whisper, even if to keep something quiet. Highlanders - Practically all Bradách are Highlanders, although any race is accepted into the Clan, who sometimes stay and continue to sire children. Elves, specifically Dark Elves, are appreciated amongst the Bradách due to their extended lifespans, yet human-like strength and skill at forging weaponry. Society: As is already mentioned, the Bradách are governed by a Rí that is elected by all the Bradách and any race or gender is accepted to become one. Once a Rí has been decided, he will command all the power in the Kingdom, like any other King, even over the Derwydd Rí, but many are not eager to do so, incase they upset the Gods. The Derwydd Rí is responsible for all the religious events and responsibilities in the realm, usually the one to conduct sacrifices and the first to throw the spear in battle. The Derwydd are chosen by the Rí, who help him or her do his religious activities, but can also host various religious events and will usually attend certain events as a symbol of the Gods’ presence. Finally, there is the Brádan, who is chosen by the Rí as his secondhand man, as well as who he desires to be the next Rí, should he be absent, for whatever reason it might be. If a Rí dies but the Brádan still lives, it is most common for the Brádan to be elected. There is no-body officially called nobles in society, although there are sometimes specific families held to high regard, as well as certain peoples respected highly due to their deeds and/or favour from the Gods. The last notable group in society is the Bardds, who write songs, poems and all sorts of entertainment about people or stories. Due to the fact that people’s favours of the Gods, ability in combat and general greatness is so important in society, particularly since it is responsible for making people Rí, the Bardds are a highly respected people in society and they would all find shelter and food from the vast majority within a Bradách society. Behaviour: In terms of behaviour, most Bradách act the same as others in society, particularly Highland folk, although their emphasis on their multiple Gods is very pious, but stranger yet, they are very tolerant of other deities, believing that other Gods exist, such as the Creator, but believe other Gods protect others and that the ones in the Bradách Pantheon are the only Gods that speak for them. Due to this, the Bradách show respect for other Gods as if they were their own, as giving little respect might result in being brought ill fortune, or even being smitten down by the foreign deity. This respect for foreign Gods is all the stronger when in the territory of any Gods’, such as in Canonist cities or the forests of Druids. In these places, it is not uncommon for the Bradách to sacrifice animals or peoples to the local God, even if that God doesn’t typically receive sacrifices. The Bradách are also very comfortable around the dead and death, considering it a natural thing and that inflicting it on others is not un-natural. Due to this, many Bradách will kill someone when the typical person would spare their life. Most commonly the Bradách will cut off a dead body’s head so that their soul can escape their body and if it was their enemy, keep the head as a trophy. Festivities: Gŵylygaeaf - A winter festival during The Deep Cold in which large amounts of sacrifices are made to the Gods, specifically Myrddin, as it is believed the Other World and our world are brought the closest, causing many to accidently wander into the Other World by mistake, typically when wandering too far into the wilderness. Also during this time, it is believed the dead are more likely to rise and attack who ever it sees, or join in with the festivities. Planhadau - A festival held during the month of First Seed in which the planting of the first crops is celebrated and to gain favour from the Goddess Belisama, a large man made from wood, thatch, rope and twigs is constructed, the limbs, body and head hollow and wide enough to contain humans and animals. This is called a Wickerman, or Gwenyn, and is set alight. It is hoped this sacrifice will bring fertility to the soil and keep the crops healthy. Rhyfelwyr - This is a festival held on The Grand Harvest to celebrate the crops harvested, but also to give luck and blessings to the Bradách warriors that head out for war and/or raids they will hold. When they return with slaves and their victims harvest, some of the crops is buried in a large pit and the sacrifices have their throats slit open over the fresh soil, thanking the Gods for giving the rewards of their raid. Clothing: The clothing of the Bradáchs is practically the same as many other nations, although their clothing is decorated in a tartan pattern, typically combining blue and green, but other clan colours are also used. Many wear linen tunics in the summer, or in warmer climates, whilst in the cold, wearing cotton tunics with a woolen cloak over the top, extending down to the waist. The cloak is split down the middle, so the wearer can fold on or both sides over their shoulders when needing to use their hands, or unpin their cloak from their shoulders to fight. Their also usually wear cotton trousers or their tunics instead or as well could extend down to the knees. On their feet, leather and waterproof boots or normal shoes are worn. The hole design of the Bradách clothes is meant to make travel easy and walking through muddy terrain or rivers easy to do as you can simply raise your tunic and keep your feet dry in the water proof boots. Architecture: The build style of the Bradách is based on the real world Britons, using Roundhouses as the main type of housing, and making Hillforts for defence. The capital city of the Bradáchs is a large Hillfort, the walls holding dirt behind making trebuchets very inefficient at breaking through the walls, whilst leaving large amounts of space on the inside for everything needed. Religion: The Bradáchs are a Pagan people, worshipping multiple Gods in the name of different things. If somebody wants the blessings or favour of a particular God, doing something impressive, such as showing no fear in and great skill in battle, or defeating an Orc in a wrestling match, then dedicating the victory to a God, or sacrificing an animal or human to a God will put you in their favour. There are also events and festivals held to honour the Gods. The list and name of the Gods are; Mormaer - Goddess of all the deities. Goddess of Sacrifice and Fortune Belatucadros - God of War, Hunting and the Weather Belisama - Goddess of the Sea, Agriculture and Peace Sirona - Goddess of Fertility, Health and Love Myrddin - God of Knowledge, Wisdom, Planning and Magic. Also the God of the Undead. (Each Clan has 1 God/dess that reflects their values); Cadeyrn’s God - Bendigeidfran - The Giant God of Kings, Resolve and Decisiveness. Military: The military of the Bradáchs is best described as warbands, in which the people will choose someone they trust and if that person has enough followers, they will head out in their warband and conduct raids. These warbands however all answer to the Rí, who himself may have a warband, and usually has the largest. The Rí can call the warbands into his own to create a Fyddin, or army. Since the Bradáchs do not have a standing army, nor professional one, each member is expected supply himself with arms and armour, but may be given what is necessary by somebody else. What is most typical amongst farmers to supply themselves with is gambeson, some owning iron helmets of varying kinds, although all must have at least a spear and roundshield. The seasoned warriors typical own a gambeson and hauberk (short or long sleeved), with a steel helmet. They arm themselves with a shield and spear, but some might choose an especially long spear, with the shield slung on their back, or perhaps using a sparth-axe, or Dane axe. The elite warriors, who are often the members of the Bradáchglass, wear long sleeved hauberks that reach the knees with steel helmets and leather or maille gloves. As weapons, their own a shield (Kite or round), and spear, but it is also very common for them to own a claymore and sparth axe, as well as sometimes even a sword of varying kinds. What is not necessary, but very common amongst all the warriors, except the Bradáchglass, is a bow. Some using longbows, such as the hunters or more dedicated soldiers. Cavalry isn’t too common, but when deployed, they are almost always skirmishing units, throwing javelins and harassing the enemy, or attacking straying opponents so that heavy infantry, such as the Bradáchglass can move in and mop them aside. Military Tactics - The Rí is expected to be a skilled military tactician as the Warriors are in return expected to risk their lives for sakes of glory, loot and path to the Other World. Army Composition - Typically, armies are comprised mostly of skilled warriors, due to the emphasis the Bradách place on combat, but some farmers and such do not have the time to train, although these make up for much less of the army. There are also the elite Bradáchglass, who make up for about a quarter of the army. Archers and slingers are usually taken up by the untrained farmers, but some skilled warriors might choose these weapons. The skilled typically choose the Longbow and get deep in the mix of battle, peeking through gaps and letting a powerful arrow loose into the enemy line, sometimes bursting open maille or dazing men struck in the helm. Cavalry makes up a very small number, also taken up by the skilled, but usually the richer ones, but the Bradáchglass sometimes put their retainers on horseback and arm them with a few javelins. Preparation for Battle - For the Bradách, there is as much emphasis put on the lead-up to battle as during it. Raiding parties will seat out to harass, kill and sabotage enemy scouts, firewood parties and whatnot. This is an area the Bradách are particularly skilled at, most especially in wooden terrain. They will also poison water supplies or gather in large numbers and feign the army’s advance by scaring birds into large sudden flights into the air, as well as blowing horns and beating drums as though to represent the horns blown before battle or drums beaten to keep order on the march. Also, the Bradách will take great expense scouting their terrain, as well as setting their Derwydd to read the skies for the coming weather. Using these, the Bradách will modify their plans to best suit them. Tactics During a Battle - When two armies have met, the skilled warriors will form a long, relatively thin line and charge, hurling their javelins when close enough and dependant on the enemy’s response, as well as other factors like terrain, who has the higher ground and such, they might continue the charge and slam into the enemy, the first row responsible for defending, the second for delivering blows with their spears. If a charge is not advantageous, they will suddenly stop and quickly form a shield wall, then sometimes making a slow advancing into spear range, or waiting for the enemy’s response, all the while remaining silent. During this stalemate, the slingers and bowmen will pear threw the gaps and periodically fire, as a means to goad their opponent into an attacking. During this time, the cavalry might begin flanking the enemy, hurling their javelins, but usually they have too many missile troops, or superior cavalry. If so, they will constantly try to provoke the cavalry into movement, outside of their missile troop’s range and then hurl their javelins when in range. This will repeat until they run out of javelins or the cavalry make an overly determined charge, in which the skirmishing cavalry will suddenly turn and attack their enemy back, the farmers with their spears running into the melee to finish the cavalry with their spears, which is almost invariably the case, due to the advantage spears offers against cavalry. Then, these men will either attack the enemy missile troops or flank the enemy infantry. The cavalry, if still alive, will do the same and use up any remaining javelins they might have. The Bradáchglass - Mercenary and Elite Band - The Bradáchglass are a unique and new addition to the group of warriors amongst the Bradách. These men are funded by the Rí, or sometimes themselves, so that they can afford their equipment, as well as the time they spend from their potential occupations to become elite and highly trained soldiers. These men are usually raiding and plundering, but the Rí may give them permission to seek or accept mercenary contracts from other Lords. Thanks to @Dewper and @OneGhoulyBoi for giving me permission to claim inheritance from both of their cultures. Here's a link to their cultures; Dewper's https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/163587-daelish-culture/ GhoulyBoi's https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/164652-culture-the-pryderi/
  8. *A small book can be found, inside of it a small poem* She looks down in her arms, a small child is asleep. she stares into her eye, a smile on her face . She starts to sway her child slowly as she lets out a sigh. Her eyes don't leave the child's eyes, she can believe that she brought this baby girl into the world. in the back of her mind is shadow of fear, but when she looks into her daughter's eye she cant help but smile. the thoughts of fear and hate dispels from her world. In the night when she hear the cries, she remember the child's eye and smiles.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yj_wyw6Xrq4&ab_channel=AdrianvonZiegler The Kingdom of Caer Conaithe & of Y Tuath Cadeyrn "They are tall in stature, with rippling muscles under clear white skin, they look like wood demons" Physically the Bradáchs are terrifying in appearance, with deep sounding voices. They frequently exaggerate with the aim of extolling themselves. They are boasters and threateners and given to bombastic self-dramatisation, and yet they are quick of mind and with good natural ability for learning" Lore of the Bradách The Bradách peoples are a mix of Northern raiders and a unique culture. Choosing to live either on islands or hillforts, preferring proximity to the sea and living most of their life as farmers and fishermen, some worshipping the Bradách Pantheon. Despite their usually typical occupations, they put a large emphasis on Warfare, Raiding and Combat, which is how Bradáchs gain popularity and fame within their societies. Their unique culture is also carried into their government, which is ruled by a Rí, also called King. Also, there is a Derwydd Rí, also called Druid King, who is in-charge of all things to do with the Gods. These are two of the most powerful peoples in the government, but there is also the Bradán, who is the heir to the Rí, but not necessarily his son or family. What is most unique about the Bradách is their emphasis on the community and it's say. The Rí is chosen by the people's choice, most commonly the most battle-tested and intelligent chosen, which is the same for the Derwydd Rí, although that title is chosen by the other Derwydd. Finally, the Derwydd are the Druids, who are responsible for up-holding the will of the Gods by hosting the rituals, sacrifices and all else considered holy. For someone to become a Druid, the Derwydd Rí may decide if someone may become one, which is usually based on their intelligence and commitment to the Gods. The Bradách Pantheon Since the Bradách people are Pagan, they follow multiple Gods and Goddesses; Mormaer - Goddess of all the deities. Goddess of Sacrifice and Fortune Belatucadros - God of War, Hunting and the Weather Belisama - Goddess of the Sea, Agriculture and Peace Sirona - Goddess of Fertility, Health, Love and the Sun Myrddin - God of Knowledge, Wisdom, Planning and Magic. Also the God of the Undead. The Bradách also have Gods for their own Clans. Currently, Cadeyrn is the only Clan; Tuath Cadeyrn's God - Bendigeidfran - The Giant God of Kings, Resolve and Decisiveness. Application OOC Username: Discord Username: Knowledge on the IRL Celts IC Name: Age: Skills: Experience in Combat (RP and PVP): (If you want to contact us, or just organise some sort of RP or meeting, message either me with the username: TheNanMan2000, or the Tánaishte with the username: HareBear_. We welcome all sorts of RP, including raids on our land or generally anything that may be fun and good character developement)
  10. The Poor-Fellow Soldiers of Horen and the Adamantine Cathedral The Order of Saint Lucien of Savoie The Army of the Church of Canon, Soldiers of GOD Pauperes commilitones Horeni et Sanctus Lucianus Follower of the Great Creator be relieved: One day thy loyalty will be rewarded. ____________________________________________________ The Rhodesian Cross. While its origins are unknown, it is a special symbol of the Order of Saint Lucien. How to Join The Order of Saint Lucien is based in the Apostolic Kingdom of Marna’s capital city of Senntisten. Speak to an Orderman about joining or send an application addressed to the Order. Dwarves and Elves not descending from Mali’ker may join the Order of Saint Lucien if they are male. Elves must clip their ears or wear a helmet to hide their elfen characteristics. Fill out the following application. Mission The Order of Saint Lucien, a body of men whom have taken to the call of his holiness, the High Pontiff, has been reformed after centuries of inactivity in order to reform a stable and armed militant wing of the Church of Canon to both defend and enforce the tenets of the faith. As such, the Order of Saint Lucien is not an Order which responds to any secular government, thusly allowing the Order to undertake missions considered unconventional to many. Such missions include expeditions into the corrupted wastes of Iblees’ kin, the hunting of heretics/abominations, the safeguarding of the Clergy and its Missionaries, the escorting of Pilgrims to holy-sites, charitable work and to ultimately educate the masses in the word of GOD. Faith Brothers of the Order are to follow a strict format of the True Faith of the Humans. All are expected to devote themselves to the forgotten sect of Lucienism, after Saint Lucien of Savoie, the patron saint of the Order. They are hence called Lucienists. This faith protects the men of the order from punishment in the afterlife, and, when practiced, provides a sense of monastic servitude. The conservative aspects of the Lucienist ideology forces the Order to be pious representatives of their master on the soil, the High Pontiff. Many Lucienists can be seen in the halls writing books and reprinting various copies of the Holy Scrolls and Church Thesis. A Promise of Rebirth The Order of Saint Lucien, despite a mission to rid the world of heresies through physical means, is unique among all other holy orders, bearing the power to convert and forgive those who cross their way. A last plea for mercy is accepted for criminals, thieves, and heretics who look for a way out of both physical and eternal punishment. Enlistment is for life, unless deemed physically or mentally unfit to continue. In rare occasions, timed servitude can be granted, but this does not allow for one to rise up any more than that of a regular footman. Code and Tenants Tenants Though the origins of the Rhodesian Cross are unknown, it is held as a special symbol of the Order. The arms of the cross represent the four virtues which the order upholds. Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance. On those four arms are eight points. The eight points of the cross represent the eight beatitudes which which thou must preserve. • Spiritual Joy • • To Weep Over Thy Sins • • To Love Justice • • To Be Sincere And Pure Of Heart • • To Live Without Malice • • To Humble Thyself To Those Who Injure Thee • • To Be Merciful • • To Suffer Persecution • Originally named the Vandorian Order, the Order maintains a few examples of their past, such as their code of honor. Why do Vanders fight? † To fear the Creator and maintain His Church † † To serve the liege lord in valour and faith † † To refrain from the wanton giving of offence † † To live by honour and for glory † † To despise pecuniary reward † † To obey those placed in authority † † To guard the honour of fellow Vanders † † To keep faith † † To at all times to speak the truth † † To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun † † To never to refuse a challenge from an equal † † To never to turn the back upon a foe † History Ranks The Prior’s Flag Senior Command The organization of the Order is key to a strong military force that can respond at any threat to the Faith immediately. Grand Master (Grand-Maitre) Ser Rakim Yar, Knight of Justice The Grand Master of the Order and the ultimate head of Order. He wields absolute authority and has full command of the order. Though keeping most of his legislative work for his priors and council of Bailiffs, all reforms and construction papers need to pass through him. Inner Council of Bailiffs The head military council of the order and the personal advisors to the Grand Master. One must be elected by the Council of Bailiffs and approved by the Grand Master to become one of the Great Bailiffs. If a Grand Master dies then the entire Council is to be kept unless commanded by the new Grand Master. A council member, can be dismissed by the Grand Master freely in any case. Grand Commander (Grand-Commandeur) Ser Bart de Denesle, Knight of Justice The high commander of the order. He is also the main commander of the head commandery of the Order. Wielding the highest authority on the battlefield of the order, only below that of the Grand Master. The Grand Commander is an extremely skilled commander and has proven himself time and time again to be honored with such a significant position. The Head of the Council. Knight Commander (Chevaliers-Commandeur) Ser Balian Crast, Knight of Justice These men are extremely skilled knights which are required to be Knights of Justice. These men have full control over all the knights on the battlefield along with their squires and pages. As the third in command, the knight commander does have authority over the ranks of foot but should only exercise this authority in the absence of the Sergeant Major or in times of emergency. Grand Prior (Grand-Prieur) Prestor Robert “Bob” Rovin, Grand Master Emeritus The Head Priest of the Order and the head representative of the Church. He administrates the Grand Priory of Rhodos and is the senior advisor to the Grand Master. He is the head administrator to the entire order. Although he tends to not occupy himself with the affairs of the military, he is allowed to vote on military decisions to ensure the Order does not stray from the Canon in the midst of war. Sergeant Major (Master-Esquire) Sergeant Major Darwin Alers The Sergeant Major is the overseeing officer of the ranks of foot. The Sergeant Major generally ensures the day to day duties are completed by the Order. They work closely with the Grand Chancellor in keeping records up to date. The Sergeant Major dictates work to the Sergeant-at-Arms. He is the Fourth in Command of the Order of Saint Lucien. The Kaedreni Standard Low Command The lower commanders of the field and reside in the commander of the priories, these men’s duty are to lead the men of the priory to victory in battle if ever called for. These men have proven themselves worthy for such positions of honor. Knight Constable (Chevaliers Connètable) Vacant Though the term Constable is mainly associated with legal authority, the Knight Constable acts as a Lieutenant in the battlefield, only Knights of Justice can hold this office. He serves under the Knight Commander. Only two may serve as Knight Constable. Sergeant-at-Arms (Sergent en Armes) Sergeant-at-Arms Voron II Rovin Sergeant-at-Arms Dunstan Sergeant-at-Arms Alain Eastoft A Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for leading a small regiment of Lucienists under them. Sergeant-at-Arms are expected to build comradery in their regiment and lead patrols and assign work to members of their regiments. The Rhodesian Standard Ranks of Foot The Ranks of Foot make up the bulk of the Order of Saint Lucien. The higher in rank a brother is in the Order, Brother-Sergeant (Frère-Sergent) Brother Sergeants serve as subordinates to their respective Sergeant-at-Arms. Brother-Sergeants are seasoned Lucienists who have been given the responsibility of mentoring the newly oathed. Brother-Corporal (Frère-Caporal) A Brother-Corporal is a Brother who has served in the Order for no less than 5 years. Brother-at-Arms (Frère en Armes) A newly oathed member. In order for an initiate to become a brother, they must serve in the Order for at least a year as an initiate and be vouched for by two oathed members in the Order of Saint Lucien. Initiate An unsworn member of the Order of Saint Lucien. Initiates are forbidden from wearing the Lucienist Cross on their tabard until they are oathed. Initiates must wait at least a year before being oathed. Knighthood Only the best of the order can achieve knighthood. This is an extremely prestigious position. Knights are also given the authority to command any of the ranks of foot when the Sergeant Major and the Sergeant-at-Arms are not present. Note, their rank of knight generally applies to their level of knighthood in formal situations. For example, a Knight Constable of Justice. Nobles may send their sons to squire in the Order of Saint Lucien without fear of disenfranchising them from their inheritance should they become a Knight of Obedience. In rare instances, knights of other retinue are allowed to join the Order and keep their titles, though they must undergo the same oaths and are expected to provide a levy of five men to become Brothers. Knightly Ranks Knight of Justice A knight that has taken the triple vow. A holy vows that is enforced for one’s life. It consists of the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Knight of Obedience A knight of noble blood that has taken the oath of obedience. These men are sworn into service for life and a full fledged knight of the Order. They may be married. Knight of Devotion A knight that does not descend from noble blood but has taken the oath of obedience. If a Knight of Devotion has proven himself enough then they may be given the option to become a Knight of Justice. Squire From ages 12-20, a squire apprentices under a Knight of Justice and follows the same vows as a Knight of Justice until they decide on which oaths they will take upon oathing. Should a squire turn 20 and not complete his squireship, they are usually taken into the Order as a Brother with the possibility of receiving training to be an officer. Squires often serve as the equivalent of a Brother when working with the ranks of foot. Page From ages 7-12, a page a young child seeking squireship. Generally they serve the knights of the Order of Saint Lucien by delivering messages and fulfilling errands. By the time they are 12, a knight may choose to take them on as a squire. Pages may not serve as guards like Squires. _______________________________________________________________ Deus Magnus!
  11. ESTERMONT REAL ESTATE WE BRING THE HOUSING YOU DESERVE RENT PROCEDURE We of Estermont Real Estate charge rent upon our tenants, this is beneficial to our tenants as selling owned property is not needed to move. It serves well those who have little money to spare, it shall also be noted money is not returned should one move before saints weeks end. CITY RENT Senntisten Marna - 15 Per Saints Week HOUSING IN SENNTISTEN - MARNA Birds Eye View Godfrey Avenue 2 [Sold] Godfrey Avenue 5 Godfrey Avenue 6 Pictorus Square 1 [Sold] Pictorus Square 2 [Sold] Rovin Way 6 [Sold] ESTATE LAW & REGULATIONS Man or woman is not to harm the exterior of the rented structure. Rent must be paid prior to moving in, then paid at the start of each saints week after. Rent must be paid in timely fashion otherwise one may be evicted. To cause trouble for local authority is met with immediate eviction. To rent real estate you agree to the terms above. Contact Eadmund Estermont to Rent [Message Julius55]
  12. House Fireheart House Fireheart serves under the King of Norland and is loyal to protecting the king, his city and his people. As well as serving Norland and it's people House Fireheart will support the realms which call Norland their ally and will fight along side them in battle if it is deemed necessary to. The house is made up of people from many different beliefs and is open for either gender to join. Rules: Do not Harm a member of Norland Or House Fireheart Do not steal from Norland, Or House Fireheart Obey every order given to you by your superiors Breaking any of these rules will result in you being forced to leave the house. Ranks: Commander: Overall Leader of the house. Takes orders from the King of Norland. It will most likely be a Fireheart upholding this position Captain: Second in command of the guard force, They will be in charge on going on Patrols or small tasks and missions that The Commander or the King assigns them. Sergeant: A Small bit of Command, They will be assigned with leading small tasks given by the Commander of the guard force or Captain Soldier: You will be given this rank after proving yourself worthy to serve in the guard force New Blood: New Recruit that has to prove themselves in battle [Application Section] OOC: Minecraft Name: Skype (Required): Team Speak (Preferred, Not Required): In Character: Name: Race: Age: Any past services to any guard force or army?
  13. Vailon Hel’Spire ---<General Information>--- Name: Vailon Hel’spire Gender: Female Race: Dark Elf Age: 21 Other Names: Vail, Valior, Titles: None ---<Personal Information>--- Birth date: ??? Birth Place: Somewhere outside of San’Torr Likes: Alcohol, Friends, Lich’s, Racial Equality Dislikes: Racistem, betrayal ---<Mental Information>--- Languages: Common Tongue Alignment: Lawful Chaotic Hoppies: ---<Social Information>--- Emotional Stability: Mostly very stable can take almost everything you throw at her, that’s a almost though. Sense of Humor: Very sarcastic, Sometimes dark. Reputation: N/A ---<OOC Information>--- Goals: I wish too Vailon have a very intense rivalry with her sister. Also sometime be turned into a Lich, Pale Knight, or a Golem and lead a undead legion. Very odd and hard goal but it’s a bit different then my usual personas . Username: Apolleyen Skype: Rivside Talrift
  14. Name: Aleksandr Baunnman Meaning Behind The Name: Baunnman means ‘Common’ or ‘Farm Worker’ given to him once he joined the Haense Royal Army. Other Names: N/A Titles: Bannerman, Guard. He doesn’t carry an title that is overly notable nor noble. Age: 15 Summers. Race: Human- Born around the lands of Kingdom of Haense. Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Current Residence: Alban Relationship Status: Single Social Status: Pleasant Physical Appearance: Height: 5’11 Weight: 145 Pounds Eye Color: Brown Skin Color: Pale Shape of Face: Square Faced Build of Body: His body is bulky with muscle from doing labor throughout his life, however he seems to usually have a notable decrease in build and weight during the winter months, gaining weight back once the warmer months return. Hair Color: Dirty blonde. Hair Style: Unkempt, Long. Complexion: His face has hints and spots of freckles. Is Seen By Others As: Likely unnoticeable. Lowborn. Scars: None at the moment. Voice: TBA Personality: Likes: +Honour +Truth +Service +Farmland and Mountains +Horses Dislikes: +Dishonest folk +Snakes +Rats Strengths: Aleksandr’s strengths is his low birth gives him a sense of simply being decent to most folk. However, his life filled often with labor to help his family survive also gave him a raw strength and due to all the strife of peasants, give him a general able to keep moving past the hardship. He also lacks all political knowledge taking quite a bit of paranoid thought and goals out of his mind, which in turn makes him much happier with what he does have, with little desire to move past it. Weaknesses: He hasn’t gotten any form of an education which means he cannot read or write in the common tongue. Fears: +Beasts of Wive Tales. +God +Fire +Winter- Fears not being able to survive it. Values: +Truth and Honesty. +Honour and Duty +Courage +Faith Education: None. Languages: Common General Attitude: Positive, if not neutral on most things- Often waiting to be ordered. Religious Inclination: God- Canonist. General Intelligence: Simple Man. General Sociability: Very Sociability when approached, not one to approach anyone himself. Alignment: Neutral Good. Short Term Goals: +Settle Long Term Goals: +Serve Possessions: Wardrobe: -An set of Royal Haense Levy uniform. -Painfully simple brown doublet and pants, nothing overly notable. Jewelry: -(Badly) carved ram’s head wooden necklace around his neck. Pets/Animals: Currently none, but Aleksandr dreams of having the chance to own a horse. Owned Homes: None. Carried Inventory: Simple one-handed axe and a shield on his back. Sometimes some form of pole-arm for patrol. General Inventory: Mostly just his necklace and an usually empty coin purse. General Wealth: Makes enough to survive, that's all he desires.
  15. -=The Herd=- Thunderous hooves, the sound of a horn bellowing into the distance. Reaching out for miles calling for the march of the Cervitaurs from the far stretches of the realms to group up and prepare for the great migration, to ensure that nature is protected. The Herd specialises in many things such as hunting and gathering, much like primitive humans, yet communing with nature, they are a group of Deer like humanoids which see the acts of Spiritualism and the way of life as holy in all things. “Life and death comes to all” - Alikar the Wise. This guild post is a work in progress and would be updated in the future Ranks Herd leader - Ascended_gene - Alikar Shaman: Jondead - Zylan Ranger: Lily - puppetJane , Hen'sur - beingdepressed Cervitaur: Newborn: All lore related to Cervitaurs can be found here: https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Cervitaurs Application: Mc name: Discord or skype: Have you put up a Creatures app yet, and if so link it: Rp name: age: Role(Rank) in which you would fill:
  16. Elberu’cinhir: Adherents of the Bronze Law The Ceasing Restrained First formally organized by Asthil Haumel for the defense of Lin’ame, the idea of the Ceasing Restrained (Restrained for short) has endured for nigh on a century now. Bronze Elves are hardly warriors in the traditional sense, they do not fight for wealth, fame or grandeur -- they fight for duty, sacrifice and to protect their heritage. This is exemplified in the Code of the Elberu’cinhir written by Haumel, which lays the foundations for the physical and philosophical ideals of the Ceasing Restrained. Code of Elberu’cinhir I. All the grief that Elvenkind has endured can be attributed to either compromising the safety of the home by letting in the depraved, or the lack of self-control exhibited on part of the Elves responsible for the safety of the city. To commit an insane act is to be insane, the Restrained must protect Elven folk from violence and insanity internally or externally at any cost. The enemy is vile. The enemy is deranged and irrational. II. A lack of self-control can be cured; you counter Turmoil with Restraint. The Beru’cinhir are the embodiment of Restraint, acting to preserve the decency of Elfkind while possessing immense self-control. All Elves should aspire to thwart Turmoil and act as the Beru’cinhir do. The enemy can be conquered. To win the war within is to instill resolve in allies and dread within the enemy. III. Conflict is an indulgement, service on the field is no excuse to lose your inner strength. Restrained must not shout while fighting, to shout is to dishonor your battle brothers. Conflict is hell and there is no place for Elves who worship hell. The enemy is insidious. To lose the war within is to be defeated by the enemy. Goal The first and foremost goal of the Elberu’cinhir is to convert Elves to the orthodoxy of the Bronze Law while striving to overthrow the corrupt and inept Dominion of Malin. The second is to safeguard the Aspectist creed from the infidels who’d seek to dismantle the faith and make the Dominion a state without a formally recognized religion. Hierarchy Annilir Incumbent: Kairn of Leyulin (Veist) The leader of the Restrained charged with keeping the Bronze Law and ridding the land of turmoil. Translation: “One who Directs”. Halerir Incumbent: Elwyn of Trost The most capable soldiers make fine officers for the Restrained. They oversee enforcement of the Bronze Law and guide the troops while also serving as guards to the Annilir. Translation: “One who is Oathed”. Beru’cinhir The backbone of the military is the soldiers, or the Beru’cinhir. There would be no military without them, the footmen. Oathed Beru’cinhir are recognized as formal members of the Restrained and are afforded great respect, renowned for their talent on the battlefield and their strict adherence to Bronze Law. Sil’enaer Soldiers who are not considered formal members of the Elberu’cinhir. They can be of any race. Translation: “Guest Sword”. Initiate The untested Mali who must still prove their virtue to the Halerir or Annilir. Prospective soldiers who are still being trained and given tasks by the upper echelons of the Restrained. Application Name: ((MCname)): ((Discord ID, this can be PMed to me alternatively)): Age: Are you an Elf? If not you will be considered a "Guest Sword": What skill do you possess in martial combat?: The Code of Elberu'cinhir is essential to understanding the role and responsibility of a Restrained. Have you read and familiarized yourself with them?: Sources: Mali'ito Elberun'tir Elberu'cinhir: "The Ceasing Restrained" Based on the works of PtahWithin and CosmicWhaleshark Reserved.
  17. Mylder’s Gale Mylder’s Gale | An Overview A collection of Bounty Hunter’s and Sellswords joined together to complete larger jobs and higher paying jobs. It also includes free housing, food, and drinks and jobs offered not even mentioning the rewards offered through other forms of ranking. Currently Mylder’s Gale has been around one year, and has been planned for a little over two. For those looking for work of any kind, or seek to offer some form of job to the Guild, they can send a bird to one of the three Founders. Leadership and Ranks Mylder’s Gale currently functions on a small set of rules, formed by the three Leaders, who are known as the Founders. The leaders are usually very respected among the members, although orders can often be shrugged off without much consequence. Unless agreed otherwise by the majority of the Guild, members of the guild may act on their own accord. Whether this is fighting in a battle without taking coin, or simply ignoring the request of a Founder or other guild member, they will not be removed from the guild. However, if they do an action and claim the guild will also take part in said action (I.e. Joining a side of a war and claiming the entire guild will fight on that side without speaking to the Founders first) they will be punished accordingly by one of the Founders. Ranks are earned from training and the completion of bounties or other paid services. Usually offered by the Founders themselves. The ranks, those currently in each rank, and brief descriptions of the rank, are listed here: Founder Acal Synalli Initiate Recruit Mabidar Code of Conduct and Punishments If there are no specific rules for an action, it is recommended that you seek one of the Founders. If said rule would be beneficial to the guild it will be written down and updated. I. Do not Steal from your Guild mates. Whether this is an item, claimed job, or anything else. First time offense, the member will return the goods or rewards and issued a verbal warning. Second offense will demote the member. Third offense will result in removal from the Mylder’s Gale. II.Do not slay or harm a guild member, unless it was an accident during sparring. If a guild member is attacked outside of a sparring match, depending on severity the member may be demoted or removed from the Guild. Murder will result in immediate removal, unless in an act of self defense. III.Do not engage in the kidnapping of an innocent, this is one of the few job that will result in immediate denial. If caught, the member will be immediately removed. A Founder must consult the other two leaders if they wish to create another rule/amend the current ones. Any Members may request a change, although it may not come to pass. OOC Note
  18. The Poor-Fellow Soldiers of Horen and the Temple of Kaer’Rosencrantz The Order of Saint Lucien of Savoie The Army of the Church of Canon, Soldiers of GOD Mission The Order of Saint Lucien, a body of men whom have taken to the call of his holiness, the High Pontiff, has been reformed after centuries of inactivity in order to reform a stable and armed militant wing of the Church of Canon to both defend and enforce the tenets of the faith. As such, the Order of Saint Lucien is not an Order which responds to any secular government, thusly allowing the Order to undertake missions considered unconventional to many. Such missions include expeditions into the corrupted wastes of Iblees’ kin, the hunting of heretics/abominations, the safeguarding of the Clergy and its Missionaries, the escorting of Pilgrims to holy-sites, charitable work and to ultimately educate the masses in the word of GOD. Faith Brothers of the Order are to follow a strict format of the True Faith of the Humans. All are expected to devote themselves to the forgotten sect of Lucienism, after Saint Lucien of Savoie, the patron saint of the Order. They are hence called Lucienists. This faith protects the men of the order from punishment in the afterlife, and, when practiced, provides a sense of monastic servitude. The conservative aspects of the Lucienist ideology forces the Order to be pious representatives of their master on the soil, the High Pontiff. Many Lucienists can be seen in the halls writing books and re-printing various copies of the Holy Scrolls and Church Thesis. A Promise of Rebirth The Order of Saint Lucien, despite a mission to rid the world of heresies through physical means, is unique among all other holy orders, bearing the power to convert and forgive those who cross their way. A last plea for mercy is accepted for criminals, thieves, and heretics who look for a way out of both physical and eternal punishment. Enlistment is for life, unless deemed physically or mentally unfit to continue. In rare occasions, timed servitude can be granted, but this does not allow for one to rise up any more than that of a regular brother. Ranks The Basic Ranks in the Order are as follows: Initiate, Brother, and Knight. Attached to these basic ranks, many specialist ranks remain available to applicants. How to Join First, you must reach the Human Capital of Adelsberg. Look for a cart clad in White and Crimson, entitled “Diocese of Metz”. Hop upon the cart, conduct your pilgrimage to Commandery of Kaer’Rosencrantz. Once there, talk to a brother for more information on joining. Once approved by at least two brothers, you will fill out a ledger depicting your personal information. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/167146-the-poor-fellow-soldiers-of-horen-and-saint-lucien-of-savoie/?tab=comments#comment-1578688 ((To FMs: This is not a duplicate thread. This is within the sub-forum of Guilds and Organizations and serves the purpose of recruiting whereas the other post is informational))
  19. *Notices are posted around Axios* Come one, come all to the Moaning Maid Inn and Bar, where the drink flows and the music plays! Drink til your hearts content and make new freinds until you can't make anymore. We're located in Norland, not that far from the gate, come down and have some fun!
  20. Those Small People You’ve all seen them. Probably. Those insufferable little whine boxes that run around cities, screeching at the top of their lungs. You likely look at them and turn the other cheek, hoping they don’t come your way until someone comes along with a heart of pure gold to pluck them off the streets. It happens every day. Were you someone not familiar with LoTC, you’d probably think I was talking about some sort of monster or a ghost. But no, I’m talking about children. Now it’s all coming back to you, the Vietnam flashbacks of packs of roaming orphans with edgy backstories, the adults stuck in the bodies of 5-10 year olds, and even the people willing to drop everything in order to pluck a random kid off the street that they met that day to take into their home. For me, I have visions of elvish families with 15 kids. We’ve all had bad experiences with child characters. It’s very difficult to act out the role of a child without coming off as an insufferable little ragamuffin. But with the right pushes, a few changes, and a metric tonne of elbow grease, we can make child characters into something better. Something not to cringe at. But how can we? Children as People “Writing from the viewpoint of the child does not give us the right to make of our characters what we wish children were – but to consider them as they are.” - Anonymous As this anonymous person said, consider them as they are. And what are they? They’re simply people, just the same as you or me. The only difference between an adult and a child is that the child has only just been brought into the world. Thus, you must follow the same rules for character development as you do with an adult character. The key here is perspective. I like to think that an adult would make very similar decisions to a child if they knew only what a child knew. We base our choices and live off of what we know, our experiences. A child is just emerging to the world, they lack experiences to guide them. Ideally, adults should be able to guide them through until they’ve created these experiences themselves. In other cases, a child without a guide is like a lost lamb. They make erratic choices, spun still from what they know. They’ll be lost, frustrated even. Do not mistake ignorance for stupidity, mind you. As people, we are still ignorant of many things that still await us, but we’re not stupid (By our own standards at least). Nor are children. It is important to roleplay your character’s level of understanding properly because if you don’t, it can lead to unnecessarily dumb characters (Unless that is your character’s trait, but that applies to any character, child or not child.) Children are Cement “Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.” - Dr. Haim Ginott The mind of a child, as Dr. Haim puts it, is much like wet cement or clay. It’s very easy to leave a lasting impression once it’s been impacted by the outside world. And after such, it’s very hard to reverse the impact, or rather to smooth out the clay, especially if it’s been left alone long enough to dry. In order to make your child characters come to life, they must act like cement. How can you bring this into your roleplay? Well, your character needs to be easily molded as well, taking in every experience that happens to them. Everything holds great sway in a child’s mind, that’s often why children seem to blow things out of proportion. To them, the smallest tasks can seem daunting, and events in our lives that seem small and insignificant mean the world to them. Pay close attention to whatever happens to your characters, and get creative! As the creator, pick and choose what your character really takes in, and don’t be afraid to have your character be taken down a path different from the one you chose. After all, cement is usually made to be a foundation to build from. Hey, Hearts of Gold! People very severely underestimate the attention you need to give a child. They need to be taken care of most of the hours of the day and raised to be a decent member of society. At least that’s how it usually is supposed to be. In the real world, people often take years to decide if they need a child. They’re a massive physical, mental, and economic toll to any family. This holds even more true in a medieval society, where the world is much harsher and colder to the weak. Which is why it physically pains me when people just go around and pick up orphans off the streets to bring them into their homes. It usually takes months of preparation and planning before you even think about adoption, and even more time before you actually do. Bringing in 5 random ass urchins into your home is a really unrealistic move. But that’s just my opinion. Do’s and Dont’s; Tips and Tricks Find someone who needs a child character played, or ask someone to make their parents. Please, just do it. At this point, we could make a nation with the sheer number of little orphans running around. Something I’ve learned from the time I’ve spent with many of my little cousins. Children are honest, painfully so. If they don’t like you, you’ll know it. Everyone else will too. Children pay little attention to courtesy and they won’t sugar coat anything they say until they’re taught otherwise. Naive and stupid are not interchangeable. You can be smart, without having experienced enough to make a proper judgment. And you can be stupid, but have experienced a lot. They are two entirely separate concepts. Dialogue: You’re going to make mistakes here. The key is to find a nice balance between making your character speak maturely, and not mature enough. Do your research here, see how some authors approach writing children, pay attention to how they use their words. Make sure you DEVELOP. Most of the development in our lives happens when we’re children, make that apparent in your roleplay. Show the cogs of the mind turning in your characters heads, it will only ever add to the experience. Write out those connections they’re making. Have fun with it! Experiment! Make mistakes, learn. You’ll only get better over time ^^
  21. As night befalls the lands of Axios, you'd notice a glimmer of red light flickering aggressively in the distance. As you get closer to the source the glimmer forms into a radiant light, nearly blinding you. After closing your eyes in response to the initial shock, you'd see a statue composed of red matter infront of you. A red hooded man would approach you as you gazed upon it and would proceed to lift his fingers, which were smothered in red blood, and press them against your head to make the shape of a bestial head with two, curved horns on each side of it. "You may now enter the Crimson Lord's sanctum." He said in a monotone voice. As you walked past the hooded man and into the cave you'd see various red paintings on the stone walls, bones littered across the ground, and the infernal smell of death. You'd also see various other red hooded individuals, some bowing before effigies similar to the statue you saw when you entered, and others standing inside pentagrams and yelling dark incantations. Eventually you'd arrive upon a bearded man that sat upon a gilded throne and donned a red vest and red pants, with a leather belt strapped around his torso. He rose from his throne and his piercing, red gaze connected with yours. "Welcome, disciple-initiate. Complete this and I will assess if you are worthy of being one of our lord's faithful." He said as he handed you a piece of red paper and a quil. He directed you to a small wooden desk to the side that had a vat of red ink sitting there. The contents of the paper were as follows: Name: Race: Objective (reason for joining the cult and what you wish to accomplish): Skills: Short biography (4-5 sentences): OOC: Do you affirm that you are joining this cult to further the quality and experience of Roleplay on LordofTheCraft, and not your own personal benefit? Any actions to the contrary of "yes" will result in a kick. Do you agree to participate in as many events as you can, and to inform the event leader(s) of when you cannot do so? Do you agree that you will follow the rules of LOTC and this group during your tenure in the guild? How did you ICly find out about this group? Were you told by another cultist/initiate/prospective, or did you meet me? Maintain a sense of maturity in your roleplay and avoid cliches, this is an organization that will cause all kinds of terror and horror, but mostly the unpredictable kinds. Your ban record and reasoning behind bans (if needed) Do you accept that a violation of any of the aforementioned provisions will result in your removal?
  22. Steel Company; 2-11 Follower Of The Son "And you will know my name is THE LORD when I lay my vengeance upon thee." Zanira Almasi turns away, feeling a chill run through her. Grand Master Lion sits back down. The room returning to normal lighting. Flushed with passion from reciting the monotheistic Church-verse. He composes himself. Balling his fist towards her with a promise, "She will not kill you... Without my permission." Zanira freezes up once more unable to speak. She glances back to him briefly. A look of fear on her face; she is open and honest in that. The Lion breaks the silence, "IF you intend to poison and destroy my brothers and sisters. You will not be spared. At my behest, you will be harvested like a crop." Zanira instantly retorts, "Why would I harm anyone?" Lion responds, "The reasons, I cannot see. However, I believe none are exempt from being perverted to evil. That which is all around us. Waiting to decay our minds if given the slightest chance. Best to see through the visages of other people. Look at the truth of their actions. Do not be blinded by the propaganda they herald." The two sit in silence. Lion considers how he himself may be spewing propaganda. He counters his virtuous rhetoric with a self-countering point. "Today I killed a man." Zanira quietly responds in a matter-of-fact way, "You did." He continues, "And tomorrow I will save a man. I couldn't say if I've killed more men or saved more men. Yet my intention remains the same. Stick to my code." She retorts, "Doing good doesn't outweigh wrongdoings." Lion considers this as well. Answering in a train-of-thought that will eventually get to the point, "You saw me show evil. A contained force of death and aggression. Locked away by the order of my good willpower. The universe will do unto me as I've done unto it. Doing good and evil deeds do weigh. They weigh on our souls. I could choose to be evil and pick you up. Slam you into that wall. Thrusting your skull back and forth till there was nothing left to crush upon the cobble. Or I could choose to be good. Remaining seated. Offering you the tools to articulate your freedom of expression, your medical pursuits. Good and bad DO have weight." Zanira weighs that herself. Telling Lion, "Those actions don't erase past actions." The Grandmaster nods, "Tis true. We all must live with our pasts. Hopefully letting those actions and experiences appoint you to create your moral code. In your own words: I choose to be good as much as I can, but I'm not perfect. Even when I asked you for your honest opinion about where I stood on the morality spectrum, you responded; neutral. Weighted. Balanced. You are right in saying actions do not erase past actions. Yet, we can only choose how we make future actions. Will you feed the evil inside you; corruption or will you feed the good inside you; virtue. These choices are entirely up to you. Good or evil. You decide every time." He lets that settle in. Zanira remains in thought for some time, Lion takes the formative moment and adds, "My view might just be darker than yours, but it's not hard to objectively see our intentions align. The only difference between you and I is my choice to pick up a warhammer and your choice to pick up a medical satchel. War and peace both seek the same end." Zanira rubs her hands down her face, silent. Her eyes slip shut. The scene fades out as she continues to discuss his company, "Orym doesn't want me to associate with your company, you know." (It’s been a while, but I think I’ve found a place to call home in Axios. A company of heroes, scoundrels, scholars and swordsmen. Together, we’ll be great. Let this serve as the first episode in a series of non-chronological tales surrounding actual In-Game RP surrounding the master guild, 2-11.) Date: The Amber Cold, 1630.
  23. Di'tonteel Tribe The Di'tonteel, translated from Navajo: The Fighters. They are a currently very small group of indigenous humans and wood elves, that look like Native Americans, but call themselves the Tonteel, or Tellian. They are usually taller than most humans and elves, as well as 99% have a stronger build. But they are not the most intellectual group of people. They can only speak Navajo (the Native American language) or as they call it Taza. This page will be a basic rundown of their culture, language, and basic words. At the very bottom will be an application form for becoming one of the tribe. History: Not much is known of the Di'Tonteel people, their history is small to the naked eye but if you take it back centuries you will see it is vast and wonderful. Thousands of years back, there was a large tribe of men and women, ranging up to 40,000. But there was a civil war between this community. Desolating the original tribe into four different groups. The Di'Tonteel, The L'sha, The Fmaow and Finally the Dsarsa. As the years went by only one tribe of the four survived - the Di'Tonteel. However the numbers very little, they at least had some. As people began to modernize, these people did not, they had not evolved with the cities, instead, they retreated into the forests and wildlife as they could - living happily. Centuries went by and to this day they travel the forests - and sometimes set up a base camp outside of cities or towns - living life vastly and with great joy. Many scholars predict that the reason they were able to survive was from, 'cheating' in a way. The Di'Tonteel were the lucky ones of the four as they taken the land from the original tribe where there were mines of jewels and gems. This allowed them to maintain a large supply of food and purchase tents and hunting equipment from the 'westerners' TRADITIONS: NAMES: CURRENT LEADER: ... To join you must find a Tonteel. You must ask to speak to their Chief and they will decide if you're worthy. Or: *An information leaflet flies to you through a light breeze, on it is small yet still significant information on the Di'Tonteel people, telling you who their leader is and where you can find them* ((Where you should send the birds)) [!] You can send a letter to their Chief: - More to Be added -
  24. The Black Orchid Society We are a group of like minded individuals who wish to undergo the life long stretch for knowledge in the arts of alchemy and Magic. Delving into the light and dark sides of such nature which is life. Our society is built up with a structure of Individuals who act independently from other guilds and factions of the Realms. The Black Orchid Society manages payment to those who contribute to the creation of different recipes of chemical substances and the distribution. As you might have heard that the Black Orchid Society is located all across the realm and wish to expand its foothold within the Realms We are currently unofficially settled around Adelburg's countryside yet we have not gone public just yet Ranks: Overseer: An Individual who have vast knowledge of Alchemy and magic. They hold lectures on alchemy and help manage political and individual interactions on behalf of the Black Orchid Society, and are the Recruiters. There can only be one to two overseers at one time. Researcher: An individual who seeks to discover the arts and gain knowledge of Alchemy Holding a say in things which involve the Black Orchid Society in terms of Selling and purchasing and can act independently within the Black Orchids benefit of course Initiates: Recently brought into the Black Orchid Society They posses little to no say within the guilds decision making and will attend lectures and one on one lessons with an Overseer -=- Application -=- Mc name: Rp name: Gender: Age: Skype: Known magics: Biography (short story/link)
  25. Flawed Flaws “Perfection has one grave defect: it is apt to be dull.” – W. Somerset Maugham To have defects is to be completely, essentially, wholly human. Everyone has them, good guys, bad guys, in between guys. It’s what gives us our humanity. And when you’re creating a character, no matter how powerful, benevolent, evil, or normal, they must have flaws. They help add depth, humanity, and conflict to our characters, so we can relate to them better. The perfect character, as Maugham states, is dull, boring to be around. This is no different in roleplay. Without imperfections, your character can be annoying, irritating, even frustrating . So how do you avoid this problem? You give your characters flaws, that’s how. But not just any flaw. It needs to be something deep seeded in the character. They can make or break a character. Most weaknesses are just superficial failings, or bad habits. Sure, in small doses, these can bring a lot of detail to your character, but they are no substitute for a true character flaw. So what sets apart the good flaws from the bad flaws? A Good Flaw... Is a deep seeded emotional or physical defect Adds depth Gives us, the players, empathy towards them. Impedes the persona in their goals The Origin of Our Flaws We are shaped by the moments of our lives. Our infancy, our childhood, our teenage years, our adulthood. Every moment of our lives, the world is changing around us, and so to do we change. And so must our characters. Can you think of an event in your life that really changed the way that you think about the world? Maybe you had to move away, meet all new friends. Or perhaps you were fired from a job. These large events shape who we are. And your character shouldn’t be any different. Think of a character’s backstory like a seed, or the roots of a tree. They’re the foundation for the rest of their lives. It is here that your character’s faults should originate. The Anatomy of a Backstory Flaw The key to creating a good backstory flaw is to understand where the flaws meet the character. Let’s take a look at an example. “Jane Doe’s family was mugged when she was a child. In the process, her mother was injured by the thief.” So, has the flaw developed yet? No. That is merely a character event. It’s an action that either the character does or something that acts upon the character. Flaws are not developed in actions, but in your character’s reaction. You, as the creator, have the ability to decide how you want your character to react to any given situation. With every situation, there are many different ways your character can react. Let’s take a look back at that example, but this time, we can add our character’s reaction. “Jane Doe’s family was mugged when she was a child. In the process, her mother was injured by the thief. Jane Doe believed she caused the problem, and blamed herself. Around the house, her parents noticed she started to put herself down more.” Can you identify the character flaw that Jane Doe’s backstory has revealed? She’s grown self-depreciative. It didn’t exist before the mugging, nor during. It developed afterwards, when the persona has had time to develop with her reaction. These backstory flaws should coincide with how the character is played, and be present throughout their whole lives. This creates conflict, and gives the character an obstacle to overcome. Perhaps they try and overcome their failings, and succeed, or try, only to fail and grow more flaws. Let the consequences that the flaws bring echo throughout the character’s story. Let’s take our previous example, and see what way Jane Doe’s flaw could get in the way of her life. “Jane Doe, now grown up, has decided to join the guard force. She is strong, and a good fighter, but never can seem to summon the courage to make decisions due to her self doubt and depreciation, and she is never able to progress through the ranks.” So our Jane Doe is stuck in a cycle of not being able to progress in life. She has hit a wall caused by her backstory flaw. How is that a good thing? Well, because of this wall, we now have a conflict for the character to overcome. In RP, conflicts like these are great because it provides the character with a goal to work towards. Jane Doe doesn’t want to be stuck where she is forever, but first, she needs to get past her self-depreciation. This creates roleplay for yourself and the other plays to participate in. She may ask people for advice, she may struggle. It helps strengthen the relationships with other characters in the world around Jane Doe. The Great Responsibility of the Villain “Villains often move the story along, while the heroes react to the villain, so the villain becomes the engine of the story.” – Michael Scott Villains could be the heroes of LoTC. But they aren’t, not yet at least. A lot of villains i’ve seen on the server are villains for personal gain, or for simply the sake of being evil. However, in the story of Lord of the Craft, villains should be held to a higher standard than most players because, as Michael Scott said, the villains are the engines of our story. Their characters should be more complex, with deeper flaws that can create roleplay for all sides of any encounter, in order to drive the personal character development of other characters in the world. What makes a villain? Is it a curly mustached man who turns around in a chair whilst petting his cat, only to reveal his diabolical plan to us as we’re tied down? Not really, no. Villains can take a multitude of forms. It can be a villain that presents himself as such, though that sort of thing is usually frowned upon. A villain is anyone that tries to impede your character's goals. In Jane Doe’s story, her villain could be an officer that won’t give her the chance to prove herself, or even a fellow guardsman that keeps sabotaging her attempts to take the lead. My point is that villains range from people you know in your everyday life, to the most terrifying antagonist. Everyone, hero or villain or average joe, has flaws. Villains are Normal characters with flaws that impede themselves in their goals, and may likely harm others in the process. Normal characters with flaws that impede other characters in their goals. Real people with wants, needs, desires, and motives. They can win, lose, live, die. They are simply people. The hero of their own story. Villains should not be Wholly Evil Characters (Save that for the Antagonist) “Minas or die!” 5 4 3 2 1 Go! People that only commit villainous acts for the sole purpose of ooc gain. The Problem with Polar Traits “Good-Bad” flaws or more properly known as Polar Traits are traits that become negative when they are acted to the extreme. However, the problem I often see is that people like to use these solely instead of other flaws, simply because it sounds better when describing them. And because of this fear of making your character undesirable, people often fail to play the trait up enough to make it an unmistakable flaw. For example, you may say that your character is “Organized”, but what needs to happen is to take that trait and ramp it up straight past organized, through control freak, and make them downright manipulative. And no, “too selfless” or being “too kind” are not flaws. The more extreme these polar traits are, the more interesting the character. Instead of selfless, your character is at the point where they’re patronizing or condescending, extending their help to anyone and everyone, regardless of if they don’t need it. Instead of kind, they’re blissful, and can’t even differentiate between good people and bad people. When roleplayed properly, these polar traits can provide an immense amount of depth. However, they can be very difficult to portray. Flaws Don’t Last Forever*Some Restrictions Apply* “We all change when you think about it. We’re all different people all through our lives, and that’s okay, that’s good, you’ve gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be.” – The Doctor The Doctor couldn’t have put it any better with this one. We, as people, constantly change throughout our lives. We change with the people that come and go, with the big events in our lives. Personas must reflect such. But how? Look to your character’s flaws. They don’t have to last forever because, as your character works through certain things, they learn, they change (constantly). This is called character development. Thus, you’re allowed to take flaws away from your characters, so long as they earn it, through some struggle or event, when the chance is presented for your character to make a choice. Sure there will be some internal conflict, but they might be able to push past the flaws that they hold. It’s moments like these that make characters so interesting to play. Let’s look back at our Jane Doe example; “During a battle, Jane Doe’s commanding officer is gravely injured. With no one to lead the group, they have grown disorganized. However, in his last moments, Jane Doe’s officer gives her some inspiring words, and asks her to try and pull the group together.” Here we have the opportunity and motive for growth, where your character is presented with the ability to move past their flaw. In our example, Jane is held back by her lack of confidence and her self depreciation.But because of her officer’s words, she has the confidence she needs to pull the group together. She just has to take the initiative. Now this is a vague example, but you get the picture. In the event, there is something to push Jane forwards to make her move past her flaws. And afterwards, she is a changed person. We’re no different than characters.
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