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  1. *There are Flyers everywhere* "We are soon to open up a new desert town! Now unfortunately not all of us leaders are great builders, therefore we ask of one man or woman to help us great this town from the ground up. You will be paid 150 per building you create and credit for doing so. If you wish to have this job, please bird Arabella Rosalie Delevoye." OOC INFO: So this is my second post about needing builders in one day and this is because we decided we only needed one builder, it'd be a town instead, and that the price would be risen. We can always negotiate the price though, Arabella is willing to pay more for high quality buildings. This is a arabic style town with slums and a wealthy quarter, while yes they are slums we still want them livable and desirable, so don't think we want a tiny box home! No we want intricate buildings that scream authenticity. Pm me if you are interested in this job, my IGN is TheCheshireNeko, or you can always comment below. We will also need some pictures to show your skills with building, remember we want intricate buildings, and i will upper the price if need be, just not to something ridiculous like 1k per building.
  2. *There are Flyers posted everywhere* "A new city is in the horizon and it shines with great potential, at least the land does. This city is on a island filled with sand and surprisingly not so humid airs. Because of this we will need five builders to help us build this city from the ground up. A city we hope to finish within a year or two. Each builder who finishes a building will be given 60 minas, if a building is extravagantly large the cost of minas given will be larger too. If you wish to have this job, please bird Arabella Rosalie Delevoye" OOC INFO: Pm TheCheshireNeko with your bird if you would like this job. To qualify for this job you will have to send us pictures of your work and be prepared to build a authentic desert, arabic city. Each builder will get 60 minas for each building they finish, if we ask of you guys to big a really large building with intricate details the money you will get in return will be much more then 60 minas. If you have any questions please feel free to message me on the forums or on the server. Have a good day!
  3. Hello! i am in need of a alchemy stand if someone is selling one then please pm me so we can discuss the price et cetera
  4. *There would be flyers posted on walls around populated areas, hoping to catch the eyes of a tome seller* "I, Arabella Rosalie Delevoye, am searching for cooking tomes so i may start a collection and learn from such. I have a reasonable amount of money but not much. If you have said Tomes please bird me so we may discuss prices and such. I'd be happy to pay half in lumber or produce for i have such, but this is just a suggestion, for i will pay in minas if possible" ~Arabella Rosalie Delevoye
  5. I am selling a tome of the lumberjack, it gives you lumberjacking experience. I am auctionning it in the Felsen auctions for 2500. If you cannot pay with minas then i can take blocks of ferrum instead.
  6. *There is a flyer in populated cities with messy hand writing* IN NEED OF MERCENARY "I know of a man who is in grave danger but will not accept my help. Because of this i ask of a strong, powerful man or woman to watch over him. Each elven week that you watch over him, you will be paid 150 minas. If you do wish of this, contact Elynnus, a guard who lives in the snow elven lands." ~A Ooc info: Elynnus's ING is Harleyx and for those of you who may not know, a elven week is a ooc week. Also please make sure your character is skilled and not a imbecile who won't properly do his/her job.
  7. *Flyers would be posted around major cities and towns* I, Arabella Delevoye, am seeking work as a chef. I will take any job i can get as a chef and can cook excellent food. Please contact me via bird or visit me at my home in Alsace.
  8. *Flyers would be posted around major cities and towns* I, Arabella Delevoye, am selling wheat, carrots, cooked and uncooked beef, various kind's of breads and soups. For the price of 5 minas each.
  9. *Flyers would be hanging around all major cities and towns* I Arabella Delevoye am selling any kind of wood. The pricing is 50 minas per cart and the way to reach contact of me is by bird or by visiting me at my home in Alsace.
  10. A massive iron cart pulled by several Elephants travels among-st the lands of Vailor. Several guards accompany the massive caravan as it lumbers from city to city. In each city it stops at, a High Elf in light grey robes steps in front of the gates and announces "This caravan contains enough Sandstone to create a city or fort, should that be the desired result. Though sand is quite easy to come by, the ready availability of such a large amount of sand bricks will hopefully procure a Buyer of such items. Should anyone wish to purchase this Sandstone, please send a bird to Valuum Estaru [Joeker396], and the pricing will be negotiated." I have 2 double chests worth of sandstone. Use this as you see fit. We will talk about prices.
  11. Loud thumps on the roofs of cities, the clanking of armor, all can be heard, along with flyers falling from the sky, saying: "Human woman looking for Illusion magic teacher, send a bird to Luna R. Rider ((LunarRider)) if you are of if you know someone that is an Illusion magic user.". The thumping and armor clanking fades as the flyers stop falling, now laying on the ground.
  12. [!] A pile of dirt lies in the trading area, with a horrible odor and a shovel sticking out of it. There is a box next to it, where requests can be put in. There is a sign with a drawing of Minas.
  13. A neatly written note, hangs on notice boards of nearly every major city "Hail, of the recent I have been brewing good old Dwed ale and, I must say it is by far my best yet. We currently have a lot of the stuff ready to be shipped to anyone looking for a real satisfying drink. The prices are listed down below:" ~Prices~ ~For a bottle of ale, 5 minas~ ((1 bottle)) ~For a keg of ale, 75 minas~ ((10 bottles)) ~For a crate of ale, 125 minas~ ((One chest full)) ~For a batch of ale, 250 minas~ ((A double chest full)) Signed - "Vidar Frostbeard" ((MC name is YankeeHD))
  14. Check the bottom of the page if you are looking to sell your iron! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The best prices of Athera by your humble shaman Eath'Lur! The humble shaman Eath'Lur is looking foward to empty your pockets and sell his wares as he slides his fingers through them! BUY IT! JUST BUY IT! -=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=- The Extremely Cool Orcish Deals or also known as ECOD is the best market you will ever find lying around! It sells you a multitude of merchandise! Check it out! TANNED LEATHER After having way too much leather, ECOD by your humble shaman decided to sell it out to some rich kings or some not-that-peasant-ish-peasants. For an extremely unfair price, you can take a piece for MOMOZKAHIN 1,80 MINAS! If you find this price extremely abusive and pointless, your humble shaman can make it for 1.800 MINAS! So cheap, right? Yes, buy the second option, it's better for you, your humble shaman swears. ECOD by your humble shaman is also selling... tututututuutututu... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Wood for your dire needs! Wood for your not-that-dire needs! ENDLESS WOOD! A LOT OF WOOD! MORE WOOD! ECOD by your humble shaman got so much wood that his storage is about to explode! For an extremely abusive price of 0,80 a log, you may take all the kinds of wood, except for oak, that will cost you 1.0/log. STILL IT'S SO MUCH WOOD THAT I WOULD BUY ALL OF IT IF I WAS YOU!! If you disagree, your humble shaman can make 8 minas a log, but no one disagrees, because they are not that stupid!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DESERT COW MEAAAAAT! Meat that takes about 13 orcish moons to expire is up for sale! Once acessible to orcs (and orcs only), it's now up for the public! The desert cows, not being the best meal, still will last for TWO YEARS! Starting at a very humble price of 2,5 minas a steak or 1,75 minas per crates (stack), and maybe reducing past this point is now acessible to you! BATHE YOURSELF IN COW MEAT GET FAT BUY MORE! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- COOL CHARCOOL! No, it's not exactly cool, STILL, IT'S COOOOL AS YOUR KRUG'S HELL!! For an even more humble price of 2,25 minas/piece, ECOD brings you ULTRA COOL CHARCOOL! It's the Alpha Charcool, you need to buy it for some reason! JUST BUY IT! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- What does a market truly needs? MOMOZKAHIN CACTUS GREEN! Extremely potent cactus green brought to you by ECOD, you can stay in the clouds for a few minutes, AND FOR ALL THE HOURS OF YOUR LIFE IF YOU BUY MORE! It's the best sensation, it's a wonderful sensation for a mere price of 4 minas a piece! But if you get lucky enough, it can be even cheaper! Also, if you are a guard, it's 3 minas for guards! What makes life good? ECOD GREEN! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now, the very obvious reason you came to this market. CASKEEEEEEEEEEEEETS! A luxury only to the richest ones, now made cheap for your needs! Starting at a humble price of 250 minas that may be negotiated further, you can have one of these beauties in your hands! 200 minas? 150 MINAS?!?!?!?!?!?! WHO KNOWS?! But, If one casket is for 250, you can take TWO FOR FREAKING AND MOMOZKAHIN 350! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now, to the good zkah. Lucky Numbers Buying Iron! ECOD™, all memes reserved
  15. *A note is pinned around the Cloud temple and around every capital of Vailor* I am interested to start a farming bussines and wish to buy farmlands.Send me a bird with details if you are selling. -Ravero((Ravero))
  16. Hello hello! 20 year old elf lookin for a job! I can be a -Maid Professions are promising breeder, blacksmith, and stonemason. Send me a birdee if ya wanna hire me. -Alstasia Tintia, a 20 year old elf.
  17. Pieces of parchment are scattered around multiple travel routes, pinned to multiple trees. They would all read in an eloquent hand writing, "Selling avanite in bulks. Large quantities for sale, leave your name at the bottom of the parchment or contact me by any means." It's signed with the name, Asher. ((http://gyazo.com/960987ed5fb303c2acc958bf4b3151d2))
  18. "The winds give sails meaning." "The sun gives trees meaning." "The water gives fish meaning." "The weight of my coin-purse gives me meaning." "Although I regret to inform you that I'll be parting with my precious coin..." "I would exchange the sum of Ten-Thousand Minae, for two crates of ferrum blocks. Were one bold enough to sell such a quantity." "Send a falcon to the Merchant Korius!" ((My MCname is _vamoose_, I can be found, generally, in Leuvaarden.)) ((For those unaware, 1 crate = 1 stack))
  19. A vast amount of Printer Pressed posters lie around Athera. The Flipped Coin Merchant & Transportation Guild. The Flipped coin is a guild dedicated to transportation, and exportation of goods. They most commonly do not setup shop in one area, but rather go in Caravans so they can move quite easily. The guild it's self is brand new to Athera, and wishes to prosper in the new lands. In order to do this we need more people. Read bellow for more information and our rates for transportation. Rates: Petty transportation ((A stack and bellow)) 10 Minas + an additional optional charge of 10 Minas for 100% insurance on lost or stolen items. Small Transportation ((2-5 stacks)) 40 Minas + additional optional charge of 25 Minas for 100% back insurance. Medium Transportation ((6-9 stacks)) 60 Minas + optional 40 Minas 100% back Insurance. Large Transportation (( 10-15 stacks)) 75 Minas + optional 55 Minas 100% back Insurance. Please inquire for larger orders. Our Guarantee: We will refund transportation rate and resupply 15% of lost or stolen items even if you do not buy the insurance! Apply to join! Traveling Merchant: These are the merchants who move city to city, village to village, tavern to tavern selling the goods they have gotten to the customers at the cheapest price they can. In order to do this job the merchant must know prices of the area he is selling from so he can provide everyone with prices which fit the area's budget. They do not setup shop in one place, but will often travel with Caravans. A traveling merchant must keep inventory and give 10% of his earnings to Grand Merchant Giovanni Dandolo Caravan Merchant. These merchants often have much more goods than a simple Traveling merchant, they often stay outside of towns or areas for a few days before moving on to a new area. Due to the current small size of the guild they often travel together. They must also give 10% of their earnings and keep inventory of their items. Caravan and Transport Guard. These men are trained to protect the Grand Merchant and the Caravans. They know their way around a sword and should any threat come to the caravan they will fight. These men are paid 50 Minas an active duty week and will get commission of the transportation or Caravan's profit should they successfully defend the shipment or Caravan. Apply today! Name?: Age: Position you want. (Guard or Traveling Merchant): Any expirence?: ((OoC Info MC name: Skype name {PM or put here}: Time zone: ))
  20. Scarlet Dawn A guild were all are accepted and none are judged were all types of work are needed from mighty swords men to the finest alchemist to even the smallest of farmhands we can take on any task and any job one might ask of Scarlet Dawn we trade, we fight and we will do any thing if the price is right .we can fill in shipments of armor to Lumber. Aswell guarding city's from bandits. We are scarlet dawn!! and we can Take On any task!!!! Ps. we also teach Magic and Sells goods Ranks Guild Master: The leader of the Guild They will decide all major choices of the guild Counicel member: Is A member of the Guilds Counicel That helps Run the guild And is also Head of a branch And will sort out quest into tiers Quest Finder: Members who go around looking for Jobs for the guild And Trade Recruiter: One who go's out an recruits for the guild Officer: Takes Charge is the counicel member is away and gives out quest ((With permission from Counicel member If online)) Teir 3 Quester: Highly Expeinced Questers that take on the mightyist Quest The elite of the elite Teir 2 Quester: A More Exprince quester that takes on more commen quest Teir 1 Quester: A new meber of the guild that take on small quest The guild Is one of many We look for Adventure. We trade. we may serve as guards for a city or a caravan or just as reinforcements in battle ,we can also find out info or scout out a place if you want. we teach magic as well as Study it.We can Build Or destroy. Name what you want and we will name a price. we will only recruit the finest of people so make your app good. We Are Scarlet Dawn and We can take on any task!!((We will recruit One Officer,Recruiter,Quest finder Starting off after that you will start off as a tier 1 quester) Application ooc mc name: Age: Country: How offen can you be on: Ic Name: Perfeshions: What you are applying for((limmited time)): Why should we recruit you?((Please give us a vaild reasion must be atlest 3 sentnces atlest)): Are you in any Curent guilds?: Are you willing to what ever it takes to get a job done right?: Race((It Dosnt matter just nice to know)):
  21. [The Tradesman Guild] The Tradesmans Guild has no ranks, no power, just a community where others can trade for different materials that they need. A form of a market. Each member should have a trade to contribute, whether it be providing fresh food or leatherworking. Everyone needs something at some point and having connections can help you obtain what you need. The aim of this is to build connections and have make it easier to find that pesky town blacksmith that's never around. Positions: - Leatherworker - Breeder - Blacksmith - Miner - Chef - Tinker - Stonemason - Woodworker - Enchanter - Alchemist - Glassblower - Lumberjack - Fisher - Farmer Whether you are looking to trade your materials for other materials, get some armor made, or want to make some minas, then this is the guild for you. You are not obligated to make any deals just because you are apart of the guild, it is a community.Scamming and taking advantage of other members is taken very seriously. Application: Member Cards: Daeron Vullir - BWwC
  22. Disbanded The Golden Crown Trading Co. Golden Crown trading and Company key leaders Hanako Gozen (JamesG6) Introduction: The Golden crown was recently founded by Hanako Gozen (JamesG6) The Golden Crown is a trading company has been around for over twenty years They are in need of many skilled smiths, Enchanters, Fisherman and miners. The Golden Crown trading company works independently with all nations. The Golden crown’s goal is to build a reputation and provide goods and form relations with other nations and help supply towns and cities with Resources Rules: No discrimination of any eg. Race, Gender, and Religion Stealing from the company’s warehouses would get you fired A Worker shall have all basics given to them such as a Living quarters, Fixed salary, Frequent pay and a promising future within the Golden crown You would have to leave letter of notice when leaving the guild. Wear Uniform at all times (( message me for your uniform, if currently employed to the Golden Crown Ranks: Lord/Mistress: The lords are the owners of the guild they manage Administration over the stock and make sure the merchants aren't making bad business agreements, The Lords would put everybody in their specific work stations and hand out payments to the employees. Current Mistress/ lords: Hanako Gozen Merchant: Merchants are here to transport goods from point A to point B while selling their goods along the way, they would return with money and keep only 10% of the profit, With a Lord’s permission you would be set a task to Go and settle trade agreements with foreign nations Depending on the skill you have while employed by the golden crown you would be given the title of the skill you poses for example you are a merchant and you specialize in Lumberjack, your title would be [Lumber Merchant] Quartermaster: The Quartermasters are trustworthy employees who tend to the warehouses and its supplies, they would keep a number of all the supplies and categories the stock, and make sure nothing goes missing Labor: The Labor are the workers, they are most commonly used as Lumberjacks Miners, builders, woodworkers and Stonemasons. They get paid for what they produce. Recruit: A Recruit is somebody who is new to the guild and they would be tasked with cutting down trees/mining or working on their specific skill and would have to go through an entrance examination after serving time as an Intern. ((they still get paid for what they make during this time) Payments: Payments are given out by the Lord, The Worker Is paid by the amount of Supplies that he/she has produced during that week, you would be paid no less than the minimum wage of 100 Mina’s at the end of every elven week. Requirement: Skills we look for in our employees: Hard working, Dedicated, loyal.. Enchanting, Alchemy, Woodworking, Fishing, Farming, Tree Felling, Smithing, Stone masonry and Leather working
  23. *A stake is driven through a parchment, attaching it to a wooden post. The parchment reads as follows:* Lacking in direction? We can help! Seeking lads looking for an opportunity to see the world and make somewhat honest coin. It's not the cleanest or the prettiest job and it will be hard work but where else can you find work these days? Rather than dying from plague or getting killed in a war, why not find purpose and claim your own destiny? We accept all that are willing to work and do not discriminate against those that have criminal history. Actually, we encourage those with less than sterling reputations to apply as we are always looking for people used to handling weapons. So why should you join? Why the benefits, of course. Here are some of the benefits workers will receive! - Food - Shelter - Coin - Protection - Even Legal Services! So why not join our ranks and start your new life today! If that's not enough, you'll also get the opportunity to show off your talents as we have a number of positions available right now. Positions: Laborer A simple position that will be expected to perform a variety of tasks. Needed Skills: None, just a willingness to work. Tradesman The backbone of our sales division, expected to deal with the customers. Needed Skills: Charisma, a real people person. Security Guard Individual required to protect our assets and hit people. Needed Skills: Combat experience is required, morals aren't. Merchant The people who transport goods and such. Needed Skills: A head for maps is good but also some combat experience is helpful. Specialists Foreman A labor manager Needed Skills: Previous experience or a good referral District Manager An individual responsible for the trade and transportation of goods in a given area. Needed Skills: Leadership abilities and/or good referral. Security Enforcer Individuals required to ensure business is good, with a sword. Needed Skills: A lot of combat experience and a good swinging arm. Company Officers Regional Manager Individual responsible for an entire region. Needed Skills: Show an ability to handle leadership position. Filled Head of Security In charge of all security operations. Needed Skills: Decent leadership and more combat experience than most fighters. Legal Attorney Individual charged with keeping us out of trouble with the law. Needed Skills: Displays a good head for law and knowledge to back up skill. COO The president of the company, the COO is the highest tier manager. Needed Skills: Special exceptions only Filled CEO The chairman of the company and the final authority in everything. Needed Skills: Cannot be gained (must be COO first) Filled Applications can be found below! *Attached to the bottom of the poster can be found small sheets of paper with the following application written on them:* __________________________________________________________________________ Application ((OOC)) MC Name: How long have you been on this server?: Timezone: ((IC)) Name: Age: Race: Skills: Previous Military Experience (if any): Criminal History (if any): Anything special we need to take into consideration?: Desired Position:
  24. The Farmer’s Union ~-~ The peasant, and Levyman of Kvaz, Royvik of Greenvinds climbs atop a haybale in Vekaro. Next, Kvaz. Next, Urguan. The peasant makes his way across the Fringe, preaching the word that his brother’s cannot. That the ones oppressed cannot. “Brother! Other brother! Today, we make gather talk about future! Why crop go to Lord who much fat? Why crop go to one who slaughter strelt in thing called “war” and slap “glory” onto war? Horsedung! Royvik tell you, we grow crop for ourself! What Levy get good pay for work in field? None! Know why? Pay horsedung. We make spread of market. We make spread of food. Get paid good. We strelt peasant work force men unite!” Royvik shrieks into the air his final words, before falling off the hay bale. About ~-~ The Farmer’s Union is a collaboration of peasants and overseers of peasants, usually experienced peasants. Their HQ and dwelling is in the Strelt town of Kvaz. They travel the Fringe farming, reaping the best crops from the ground. They would then sell these crops to the Shopmasters, who then sell it to the public. The workforce is guranteed instant purchase, and mass purchase from shopkeepers. If a farmer is not Gold VIP, this is their way to sell crops. Along with this, the workforce is guaranteed 200 minas per elven week per man, along with a bonus on how many crops they provide. This pay is guaranteed as long as they remain active and working in the workforce, for a fat and lazy peasant is a dead peasant! Crop Pay ~-~ 200 mina an elven week for workforce. Shopkeep has profit from shop. 44.8 minas per stack of bread. (3 stacks of wheat.) 35.84 minas per stack of carrots. Designed for 30% profit. Rank ~-~ Workwatcher: Represents Union, does deals, manages the Union. Tends to be a Shopkeep and/or Workforce as well, non-listed, to represent humble. Current: Jozef ((XtremeGamer714)), Shopkeep: Purchases crops from workforce in bulk, sells in shops. Can be multiple. ((Must have Gold VIP+.)) Current: Avgust Steelwall ((Origin_Lark)), Caedwen ((Eladriendil)), Rorik Almund ((greener161)), Workforce: Travel Fringe, make reap of crop, sell to shopkeep, make many mina. Current: Henry ((FusionFail)), Ellindra ((Desires)), Vaerath ((Jok3rofGaming)), Zuta ((lvl_10_gamer)), William ((x_tacocat_x)), Operations of how we work are discussed privately, not here. Application ~-~ Username: Skype: Timezone: Activity?: Name: Shopkeep or Workforce? (Must have gold VIP+ for Shopkeep): Willing to make move into Kvaz?:
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