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  1. [!] Pinned to the Haelun'orian notice board and around the tavern is the following notice. To Change A Name Issued 5th of The Deep Cold, Year 71 of the Second Age Music It is with consideration that a centre of congregation in Karinah’siol, previously named The Magelight Inn, is to be renamed. Members of Elcihi found a rebrand in order, as changes are underway, and additionally to remove association with the former Okarir’mali. It is henceforth to be called The Night Owl Parlour. By Amanda Clark The Golden Owl is the symbol of the Elibar’acal. Azorella Elibar’acal being a figure of note regarding the last Republic of Haelun’or. As the building is under Sullas management, owing to the talonnii’s ancient beliefs of the power of astral bodies, comes the inclusion of ‘Night’. Changes to The Night Owl Parlour are to include removal of the impure smoking lounge and betterments to other rooms within the establishment. Sohaer Alaion Miravaris Okarir’mali Elarhil Sullas MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  2. [!] Leaflets are posted in the marketplace as well as outside the bastille of Karinah’siol. Scout Pamphlet, Vol oem – The Bay Issued 9th of The Amber Cold, Year 71 of the Second Age Theme Citizens of Haelun’or Eluhieran, the scouts of Haelun’or, shall be going on an excursion this Malin’s Welcome with a goal established by Maheral Braxus Ni’leya; To capture a white octopus. One has been confirmed to exist off the coast of our Silver Isle. The octopus is then to be transferred to the fishtank within the restricted Eternal Library. The scouts humbly ask you to join us on this day, as it is too precarious to go alone. This task will contribute towards the Sil Badge for Uhieran! In this capture, the creature is not to be harmed, we must be tactful in our approach. [!] A fold on the leaflet can be flipped up! Maheral Braxus Ni’leya Uhieran Scout Leader Elarhil Sullas Uhieran Scout Leader Alpine Wonda MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  3. A PLEDGE 9th of The Deep Cold, Year 70 of the Second Age I affirm that as Okarir'mali I will carry through the following: -An active tavern environment -Allow for new tavern staff to apply -Work with Elsillumirans new sector for event safety -Make enhancements to the theatre and game room areas of the tavern -Appoint and coordinate Tilruirs to aid in the running of Haelun'ors event life -Aid in the creation and promotion of non-economic guilds and associations, as well as leisure activities within Elcihi'thilln -Work with talonniis of Elcihi'thilln to help them host events -Manage and update the Haelun'orian Notice Board Tilruir'nealu Elarhil Sullas MAEHR'SAE HIYLUN'EHYA
  4. Kingdom of Lechia LECHIAN CULTURE SUBGROUP OF LECHITIC PEOPLES HISTORY THE ORIGINS Depiction of Lech and his two brothers, looking for a place for a new settlement The Lechian people derive from the group of Lechitian peoples. According to the so called pre-Lechitian myth, the founders of the three main Lechitian cultures, (Lechian, Ruthian that is similar to the Raevir, and Tschech) came to the continent of Vistulia in search of a place to settle. The second oldest of those three brothers, named Lech has followed a huge white eagle to its nest. That is where he established his first village in order to let the Lechian culture grow. Since that day the Lechitic coat of arms is a mighty white eagle. With an established capital that Lech named Gniezno, the Lechian culture flourished and developed vigorously. The first Lechitic leader established the first state structures and customs but was of pagan faith for it took several decades for him and his people to convert to Canonism, which came from their cultural cousins - the Tschechs. EARLY YEARS OF CANONISM IN LECHIA Depiction of Prince Mieszko's baptism After centuries of slow development, the first monks of the Canonist Church arrived on the continent of Vistulia. According to old documents they were led by Vojtech, of Tschech origin, as Tschechs have accepted Canonism before the Lechians. Thanks to his diplomatic skills, Vojtech convinced Mieszko to accept baptism, marry a canonist Tschech princess, and at the same time incorporate Lechians into the canonist community. As a new ruler within the canonist church, Mieszko united the Lechian tribes and conquered far more land than any of his ancestors. The country stretched from the sea in the north to the mountains in the south. Vojtech, who stayed at Mieszko's court for some time has crowned him as a prince, as Mieszko found himself unworthy of being a King. This gave rise to the first dynasty of Lechia - Piast. As new cultural norms grew, churches were built, a network of stone roads developed and the first church structures were established in the capital. Unfortunately, the times of peace passed after the missionary Vojtech's expedition to the northern tribes, who bestially murdered him and quartered his corpse. Mieszko still remembered Vojtech's merits and set off to the north to fight for justice. The soldiers of Mieszko had no mercy on the pagans and slaughtered the population of the local settlements in the same bestial manner while imposing the Canonist faith on the survivors. Despite the long process of converting the Lechians to the true faith, which sometimes met with armed resistance from the native believers, Mieszko's reign is remembered as decades of peace. TIMES OF KING BOLESLAW AND HIS SONS Depiction of Boleslaw and his sons, arriving at Krakovia The times of Boleslaw the First echoed among the Lechitian tribes. Immediately after his coronation, he began a period of conquests, and greatly expanded the dependent territory of Lechia. As the first of the Kings, since his father did not accept the title of the King of Lechia, he ordered to make a sword intended for coronation of further Kings, and a Crown decorated with many precious gems. The sword called "Szczerbiec" ("Chipper") played a significant role in the reign of Boleslaw and later his sons, as it became a symbol of Lechian nationalism and a sign of victory over foreign powers. Legends say that it took its name from the moment when Boleslaw chipped it against the gate of the capital city of a neighbouring state, to mark Lechitic annexation of the border areas. Unfortunately, he did not enjoy his reign long after this event. King Boleslaw died three years later of an unspecified illness. For Lechia there came a time of sorrow, as Boleslaw had many sons and each of them claimed his father's crown. Having divided the country into parts, a fratricidal struggle for the crown of Lechia began. The eldest of the brothers, Mieszko III occupied the capital and held it for many years. The brothers from the western, northern and eastern parts meanwhile held talks about a new order after the end of the civil war. The quarrelling brothers chose as ruler someone who had never known a taste of power - Kazimierz, the youngest of the brothers, who ruled over no province. Mieszko III, faced with the overwhelming power of the united brothers, renounced the crown and the Bishop of Krakovia crowned Kazimierz as the new King of Lechia. The times in which Kazimierz reigned were the best in the history of his family. He rebuilt the destructions of the civil war, developed the monetary system and established the first university in Lechia. He died at the age of 70, leaving no male descendant. JOGAILAN RULE AND LECHIAN DECLINE Depiction of Wladyslaw proclaiming the Union After Kazimierz's death, the only person of his blood was his daughter Hedwig. She married a powerful leader of a neighbouring country, and united the two countries in a personal union. Despite the power of the great state, pagan tribes still lived in the north and invaded the lands of Lechia. To remedy this, Wladyslaw, for that was the name Hedwig's husband, called upon the help of the strong Waldenian Order. He was unable to foresee the cunning and guile with which the Knights operated, and allowed them to occupy the land of the pagans so that they could continue to help the Lechians spread Canonism. Soon after, the knights turned on Wladyslaw and formed an alliance to help them conquer the lands dependent on the Jogailan dynasty. At that time, there was great social unrest in Lechia, with tendencies calling for the introduction of sanoism, priorism but also absolute power in the government. There were many clashes between Lechitic priorists and sanoists, who had two different concepts of the state. The Sejm (the equivalent of the Duma in Haense or the parliament in Oren) rejected all attempts to reform the state, thus stagnation deepened and Lechia was exposed to blows from the outside. The powerful alliance formed by the Waldenians, and the neighbouring powers as well as, the constant skirmishes with them caused the disintegration of the state. Lechia has not appeared on world maps since then, yet the people still remember their roots and will never abandon them. CULTURE OF LECHIA WAR CULTURE Depiction of Lechian warriors going on a hunt Lechians are known for their fighting stubbornness. This is due to their culture, which grew up on warrior values because of the many threatening neighbours around their state when it still existed. Young Lechians were trained from the age of 16 to become infantrymen, archers or horsemen. Women could also train if they wished to, but they usually stayed at home and took care of the hearth and home. Among Lechitic soldiers the highest value is honour, which should never be tarnished. There are many chronicles about the heroic deeds of the Lechians in their fight against the invaders, especially about the skill of their cavalrymen, who, with much smaller numbers of troops, were able to destroy the Waldenian armies with very few losses. Lechitic troops were usually lightly armed with spears, short swords and shields, or short bows. There were also heavy regiments, such as the famous Husaria. The Hussars were an elite cavalry unit serving the Kings of Lechia. Known for their ornate armour and wings made of eagle feathers, they wreaked havoc on the battlefields. Depiction of Husaria PEASANT NATION Depiction of Lechian landscape Lechia was mainly located in the lowlands, which favoured the development of agriculture and peasant culture. The first Lechitic Kings issued various privileges for the peasants in return for their hard work for the homeland. The Lechitic peasants mastered the so-called three-field system on the basis of which all farms, private and state, operated. In the fields, peasants worked from dawn to dusk, in every season except winter. They worked hard at harvest time, and 1/3 of the harvested crop was to be given to the local overlord - a baron, count or duke. Local peasants were also very fond of animal products, so they bred a variety of pigs, cows and sheep from which they could obtain the materials they needed. A highly prized product among the middle class was bee honey. Only trained peasants were allowed to own and run an apiary and extract honey from it for personal and commercial use. Another highly popular occupation among the villagers was brewing. Many peasants were employed in private breweries where they produced high quality alcohol in the form of beer, vodka or wine. One of such brewery brands is Harnaś Brewing Company, owned by House Jazlowiecki. Depiction of a Lechian town Cities founded by various Lechitic noble families were usually located on hills, slopes or cliffs, where danger could come from one side. The wealthier towns were surrounded by a wall, usually made of stone or bricks, and there usually was a drawbridge leading to the gate with at least one tower. In every town there was a church or chapel where local people could worship God and pray for a successful harvest. The houses of Lechitic families were made of stone, wood and thatch as a roof, as these were commonly available raw materials. Wealthier families from the middle and high nobility could afford to build houses from more expensive materials such as white stone or expensive varieties of wood, unattainable for ordinary peasants. It was not very often that you could see noble houses within the walls of cities, as high ranking families usually had their own estates that operated independently. The same applied to the castles of local rulers. They were usually solitary standing on advanced rock formations where it was difficult for enemies to get to during an attack. Depiction of a Lechian castle A typical Lechitic castle was surrounded by a thick wall made of stone bricks and was dominated by the roofs of towers and the main building where the throne room and the feast hall were located. In the castle there was usually a small chapel, and in front of the bridge leading to the castle there was a small settlement for the castle workers - guards, priests and officials. A life in a noble keep differed from village life, as there the king's representatives came and there the future of the region was debated. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Depiction of a Lechian monastery Lechians are a people proud of their religious affiliation. Processions and solemn masses for the homeland and the king were very common during the time of their state. The king, according to official state propaganda, had authority from God, and additionally filled important places in the government with church officials. The most important seat of the church in Lechia was Krakovia where the Archbishop resided. There was also the cathedral of the Virgin, where the kings of Lechia were crowned. The Church in Lechia strictly outlined the rules of morality and punished the disobedient. Despite this, the church was highly respected by peasants, the middle class and the nobility. Many Lechians turned away from the church when they secretly formed alliances and agreements with the Waldenians regarding their position after they occupy these lands. Today, despite the diaspora in which Lechians live, the church still plays a significant role in their lives TRADITIONS Depition of Krakovia before an upcoming fair Dożynki Originating from the provincial part of Lechia - Dożynki (in common the Harvest Festival) played a great role in the life of small towns and villages. Dożynki were a special time of the harvest where people gathered in squares or clearings and set up poles with colourful streamers, tables with white tablecloths and surrounded everything with bales of hay. In the middle, a bonfire was lit over which meat bought by the peasants to celebrate the success of this year's harvest was roasted. On the tables, however, there were colourful vegetables and fruit, and everything in the theme of the harvest. Drowning of Marzanna Drowning of Marzanna was an important part of the Lechian folklore. When winter ended and spring began, children from towns and villages made puppets stuffed with hay and decorated them to resemble women. Drowning the puppet in the river, or sometimes burning it, symbolised the passing of winter and the arrival of spring. The death of Marzanna was to symbolise the passing of the month associated with death and the arrival of new life in spring. Night of Kupała Lechian customs and rituals related to the Kupała Night were supposed to ensure health and fertility. Fires were lit, in which herbs were burned. Various kinds of fortune-telling and dancing took place during the joyful games. Girls would throw garlands with lighted candles into the rivers. If the garland was fished out by a bachelor, it meant a quick marriage. If it floated, the girl would not marry soon. If it burned, drowned or became entangled in rushes, it boded ill for old age. It is thought that these are probably the remains of old pagan spring rituals, that Lechians have incorporated into their culture after converting to Canonism. LECHIAN LEGACY Depiction of City of Krakovia, seat of House Jazlowiecki in the Margraviate of Lvinsk Although centuries have passed since the fall of Lechia, the spirit of the Lechians has never died. The first verse of their favourite patriotic song says "Jeszcze Lechia nie zginęła, kiedy my żyjemy" - "Lechia is not yet lost, as long as we live". The most widely known family that still maintains the Lechitic legacy and culture to this day is House Jazlowiecki. It first became famous for the military genius of the founding fathers of the family - Aleksander Batory and Mikhail Svarogovich, who fought alongside Wilheim and Tylos Barclay, as well as Bogdan Canoslav in the War of Two Emperors. After many years of separation, the two brotherly families of Batory and Svarogovich were united under one banner. To this day, memories of nearly 200 years ago are still vivid among family members. After decades of effort, the Lechians have finally won a place to live where they could propagate their culture and traditions in harmony. The Margraviate of Lvinsk, was a refuge for Lechians, where everyone was welcome, native or foreign. Under the rule of Venerable Borys Jazlowiecki, the first Margrave of Lvinsk, and August Jazlowiecki, the first Baron of Triglav - the Margraviate constantly developed. After the fall of Savoy, Jazlowieckis decided to take their fate in their hands and openly asked King of Oren, Frederick I about the possible relocation. Thanks to his wife being a Savoyard, and the prestige their family earned through the years in the southern realm, King Frederick didn't even think but allowed them to settle in the western part of his Kingdom. Under the rule of Margrave Jazlowiecki, the Lechian culture was safe and ready to flourish once more under a new banner. After years of prosperity, came the Harvest Revolution, which drove the Lechians from their home. The treacherous de Vilains, whom the Jazlowieckis saw as friends, deprived them of their home. But GOD watched over them and crushed the oppressors that drove them out of Eagle's Retreat. Thanks to the pious Prince of Merryweather, Ottomar II, into whose hands the land that once belonged to Grodno fell, through goodwill and respect was returned to its rightful owners. From this moment onwards, the House of Jazlowiecki became an integral part of the United Kingdom of Aaun. Lvinsk, Grodno, Warsovia, Triglav, Wolavia & Viska Coats of Arms SARMATIAN CULTURE Depiction of traditional Lechian noble outfits Sarmatism is a culture developed by the Lechians during the Jogailan rule. It presupposed a golden liberty for the nobility, which allowed them to meddle in the interests of the kingdom without the right of intervention by the King. The nobility would gather for Legislative Sejm, which allowed for new laws, reforms or even the writing of a constitution. However, the Golden Liberty assumed a right of veto on the part of anyone in whose veins noble blood flowed. The representatives of the high nobility bought off the lower-born and less wealthy nobles to vote no and use the veto, which broke up the sejm and prevented state reforms. Very characteristic was the nobleman's dress worn during Sejms, called Kontusz, and sabres or maces at its belt. Golden Liberty also had other drawbacks. The nobility, enjoying a high degree of autonomy, built their manors in forested retreats around which stretched hectares of land subject to them. The manorial system developed by the Lechian nobility was based on the principle of serfdom, that is, the forced and enslaved labour of peasants. Farmers were not allowed to leave their lord or his land under any circumstances, and were only exempt from work on church and national holidays. Multigenerational families poured their sweat and blood on the land of the Lords, getting nothing in return. The end of Sarmatism and Golden Liberty is marked by the fall of Lechia and a peasant uprising, which in its fury slaughtered and hanged the Lords mercilessly. SONGS AND MUSIC The songs of the Lechians are very distinctive. Their music is usually grave, but there are also more cheerful songs, to which you can dance despite the message. This state of affairs stemmed from years spent in the diaspora - scattered to the ends of the world, with no place to live. Without a piece of land, a homeland to call their own and with fading sense of independence, the Lechians carried the light of Lechia in the form of poems, books and, first and foremost - songs. What did the Lechians write songs about? There were many themes - love for a girl, love for the homeland, grief for the homeland or a call to arms in an attempt to reclaim lands seized by invaders. The music is usually played on the piano or violin, as these were instruments considered highly esteemed in the circles of Lechia's upper nobility. One of such songs is "Warszawianka" or in common "The song of Warsovia": I. ‘Tis the day of blood and honour Let it break our bloodstained chains! Like a dragon our white eagle Looking straight has soared above and excited with this hope calls upon us from above: Raise oh Lechia! Break your shackles! It’s your triumph or your death! Chorus: Hey who’s Lechian grab your weapon Lives our freedom, Lechia lives With this word of pure excitement May our trumpet always sound May our trumpet always sound II. Dearest Lechia all your children, are in better place today, since those days when all their battles were fought in Savoyard name they have waited for two decades sent across all human lands today Mother, who will fall in thy bosom shall be found Chorus III. Sound oh bugles, roar oh canons Forward children join the fight Led by honour and our glory Triumph gleams in steel so fine Soar our eagle, high above us Spread our glory, Lechia’s might Those victorious shall gain freedom Those defeated gained it now. Chorus Words of some other Lechian songs can be found below: Lechian Anthem: Gaude Mater Lechia - Rejoice Mother Lechia Duma Rycerska - Pride of Chivalry The Camp Prayer (one of the few songs you can sing along in common) LANGUAGE All letters of Lechian alphabet The Lechitic alphabet consists of 36 characters and resembles the Ruskan and Raevir languages in places. Although these groups did not have much in common, they managed to develop similar words and phrases. Good examples are the words "Good - Dobry" and even the negation "No - Nie". In many books you can find basic words and phrases in this language. Example of a Lechitic dictionary OOC: Culture is still a WIP
  5. In the dead of the night, a hooded figure snuck into numerous buildings in the Vortice capital city of Talon's Port... Nothing was taken, however some choice homes would find notes placed atop spots where the council members would have no choice but to see. Once this task was finished, the hooded figure made their way to the top of the Alley Alehouse, not bothering to lock the doors of the rooftop. The figure sat upon the wedding stage, sighing and dropping their cloak, revealing a de-crowned Vivian Maelstorm, her face reddened and puffy, running mascara covering her cheeks as she withdrew a moonsteel dagger from her waist-sheathe. “....Syl always told me that elves would last hundreds of years before devolving into madness… well, I guess that wasn’t the case with me, huh?” The short ‘aheral chuckled dryly, her free hand lofting to remove a final note from her bosom. “...Maybe one day, everybody can forgive me.” Another tear fell from her real eye as she set the note gently against the ground, away from where she had planned to die. As she did such, a tinge of hurt shot through her core. The woman had lost so many in such a short amount of time… how selfish was she, to take her life at this, when so many others had suffered so much more! She grit her teeth as she sat back down upon the stage, deliberating upon her next course of action as memories flooded into her mind. Her wedding with Joakim af Orvar… How they married under the Heart Tree. The birth of Dana and Corrin af Orvar. Her short-standing marriage to Seryne, and how horribly that turned out in the two years they spent together. Her thirty something year long marriage to Eoghan O’Cathain, the wedding they had within the settlement of Talon’s Grotto, and her children- Eliott, Lilith, and Seteth… Two of which were now dead. Her marriage to Sylvain Ainzworth Majin, and their many, many children… those of whom the pair had adopted, and those of whom the pair had produced of their own blood. She choked back a sob as she remembered the pain the pair had endured together. Her sisters, Athri, Lenora, and Sana, and the love they shared… Her brothers, Gail, Ren and James, and the laughs they had... her best friend, Eugeo, and the secrets they had kept together… her many children, two in particular stuck out in her memory- they were only thirty four, how could they live with the loss of their mother? Mystralath and Belladonna were both old enough that they would remember Vivian forever more- unlike Fable, Claude and Aer, who were still mere babes and had hardly spent any time with Vivian. The red-headed monarch sobbed again as she raised the dagger, staring up to the sky in emotional agony… before plunging the blade into her chest, taking the moonsteel directly to the heart. After a few seconds, the elfess slumped down, the colour draining from her once purple eye as tears fell, her hands dropping from the hilt of the blade and down to her lap as she fell to her side, dead. Inside the note, when she were to be found, was a single paragraph, reading as follows. “To my people, to my family, to my friends… I have loved you all so dearly, but it is my time to depart now. I bid thee farewell and I hope to meet you all again in another time. You are all so important in your own ways. As of the Deep Cold of the 35th year, I wish for Athri Onfroi Belrose-Maelstorm to carry on the Monarchy of the Unified Domain of Vortice on my behalf, and to be crowned as the Heir Monarch by the Congress. Thank you all for your time. Vivian Maelstorm”
  6. THE PEOPLE WILL IT penned and issued 69 S.A. High Elves of Haelun’or, blessed Citizenry; we gather as one to put forth our collective will. A Petition has been raised, as is Haelun’orian tradition - as is constitutionally recognised as the correct call to action, one I am sure that elMalauriran shall encourage and approve. With no shedding of Silver Blood, unlike those ‘atafenn who proceed through our streets, the Mali’thill people seek to peacefully make their discontent known: such is the way of logic - the way of Silver. It is hoped that those who claim ‘power’ and ‘leadership’ would answer this call, would answer to the pleas of the citizenry they claim to rule [ACA - Limca , by Johann Blais] THE PETITION The people of the Silver State call for the following; I - To remove the Mali’fenn force from the city. No longer shall our oem’iian live in fear each day, no longer shall unarmed citizenry be brutalised upon Silver Streets. The occupation of foreign military forces ends here. II - To hold an election for the Sohaership, the votes being verified and counted by Elmalauriran. As per Haelun’orian tradition, and as per the will of the people, they shall decide their leader. It is the Mali’thill citizenry who provide their consent to be governed, who choose to follow the Sohaer - their leader by teaching. Signed, ~ Celian Fi’inde (A. Miravaris) ~ Epaphri Kekenomos ~ Kolvar Uradir ~ Avihnsil - Eredael Rhenaer ~ Korvec Alemnir ~ Asher Vult ~ Varus Ni’leya ~ Pamphilos Callidora ~ Usamea An’asul ~ Maenor Aildhuin - Edgars An’asul - Eledar Haler’thilln ~ Stelios Kekenomos - Elarhil Sullas ~ Seth Calith ~ Rune of Ahad (Viradiraar) == IKUR SULLAS == ~ Caelius Sullas ~ Braxus Ni’leya ~ Evo’lur Tartarus ~ Arasdir Miravaris / Valazaer Calith / - Alpine Wonda - ~ Ellenore Rorik Eiriksson Ruric, of Nordengrad; born of Sil’adri, Keeper of the Red Faith, & Grand Architect - Luavyn Elibar’acal of the Silver state, forever Azorella’s husband. It is encouraged for any more who have not yet the chance to sign to mail-in and attach their signatures below. The blessed citizenry awaits action.
  7. [!] Missives flit with the wind in Haelun’or, about the bastion, they scatter. Expression of Truth 10th of The First Seed, Year 69 of the Second Age To Ivarielle, we recall your dubbing yourself as the ‘Silver Princess’, an ungracious title. We recall the shameful display, the debate where Sohaer Braxus Ni’leya offered you in a traditional Haelun’orian manner, the chance to challenge him for his position. We recall how you showed up late, supportless, and asked Elsohaer if he was ready to give up his position. He brushed off your inquiry, looking to the dais for the debate to begin, and in a flustered state from the Citadel you fled. We recall the demolition of our walls. The swarm that took to the city to pillage. The lives of our officials being taken. We recall that now outside their homes, your enthusiasts are attacking citizens. They do not wish to participate in discourse, they are irritated by it, since they are not Haelun’orians like you claim. We recall the path of destruction taken to reach today; this you chose over a simple debate. In your latest missive you make many accusations of falsities. It was befittingly titled, for your writings were in fact, a mockery of truth. First and foremost, the Republicans have not fled. They are the citizens that remain in their city that you continue to lay claim to, this much is obvious, or there would not be conflict within it. You are merely trying to paint a picture that you have succeeded in your plot. Moving on to the library. Nobody has lied and persuaded their way inside, you may ask Elokarir’maehr or Tilruir’nealu who are upholding the library, this is a baseless claim. You criticise Varus for sabotaging the locks when that is in fact what you did, barring the citizenry from reaching their homes, along with public buildings such as the Citadel. May you be reminded that the Silver City does allow visitors. Issue stems not from them but the Mali’fenn you invite to murder our relatives. Furthermore, no wounding was warranted. As you admit, citizens were ordered to surrender; surrender to ones without authority within Elcihi’thilln. Yet, rather than retaliating to their mockery with the barbarity they would get back, the highly capable group attempted to walk away calmly. The harassment of citizens to submit, some of whom you did not even know the stance of, is further provoking a schism you say it was to prevent. Malauriran bare witness to all of this. To the council who condone these actions and events; you have lost all jurisdiction. Not because of Haelun’orian’s beliefs, but outside the Fennic plague have been actively ignoring you as they think they now decide what is what in Haelun’or. They pose as if they are Elsillumiran, they do not respond to those councillors working with them, simply they are not in good faith. I ask you each this to ponder - are you with Haelun’or? You may not have known of Ayliana’s plot to ascend Ivarielle, still your words and actions show support for it - perhaps out of love for your lliran? Clear as the water of our silver isle we see that Ivarielle’s actions are not preserving Haelun’orian culture or peoples. Haelun’or, of course, is where these elements are. Ne active role has been taken by her to stop the bloodshed and impurity on the streets, instead, she has justified it. Do you accept a Sohaer who would watch idly as ‘her’ people, the Haelun’orian people, are slaughtered? Lastly, more mention of Ayliana. We all are aware she is a performer, she adores the spotlight, unfortunately she should only be kept out of it. The genuine adherents to Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya see through her words of deceit. Think she is not a deceiver? Take it not from us - but from her. In the missive, ‘The Schemes Of A Dove’, she explicitly details how she manipulated the late Sohaer Idendril Elassidil. Her actions were not in the interests of Haelun’orians. Rather, a self-serving display. Ayliana only cares for recognition, be it negative or positive. As for her claim to the name of ‘The Dove’, there is only one Dove in Haelun’or history, and if she wishes to be the dove so badly may she be caged like one. We, the citizens of Karinah’siol. MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  8. A letter of resignation An Announcement to the Silver State of Haelun’or As Issued from from elOkarn Akaln'leh 22nd of The Amber Cold, Year 68 of the Second Age "Heed to my words my brothers and sisters of silver, as our very nation is now threatened from within." An anonymous elf BLESSED MALI’THILL OF THE SILVER STATE OF HAELUN’OR None of us are perfect – we are all subject to failure however it is our duty to learn from those mistakes. Some time ago, I called upon a vote to install Ms Ayliana Valwynn as Sohaer and such was met with a unanimous approval. A unanimous ask for change within the Silver State of Haelun’or. I had hopes and I had dreams, a proper change to turn our silver society into a fully working democracy, and such still is a dream I long for. While I do think peace and dialogue is the answer, I ne approve of installing a tyrant who hoped nothing but destruction for our blessed silver council. We are not a Monarchy and the Silver Council is not for anyone to change without the approval of the rest of the council. Thus, effective immediately, I, Usamea An’asul offer the Silver State of Haelun’or my resignation from the position of Okarir’akaln. I wish the state all the best, however I can not support anyone who seeks to install a tyrant into positions of leadership without a democratic vote. It seems democracy is never the answer for those who are blinded by power. Signed, Laurir Usamea An'asul AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  9. Eternal Library Recommendations 4th of The Deep Cold, Year 68 of the Second Age Open Library For all ‘The M&H: Part 1-3’ by Lucion Sullas A threefold series by Malaurir Lucion Sullas. The accomplished Mali’thill writes in this short series the history of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya, its ideals and common misconceptions. I put this at the top as it is most helpful to truly understanding Haelun’orian culture. For the creative ‘Diligent ‘thill’ by Gusten Faeliel A poem of a dutiful Mali’thill. It is a patriotic piece. Such words written inspire great warmth! Restricted Library For oem’ii and messy Mali’aheral ‘Scrubbing Away’ by Sulraell Visaj Whilst not a task many of us take delight in, including the author of this book, cleaning and organisation are of utmost importance to a Mali’thill. An orderly home and surroundings contribute massively to an orderly mind. In this work an Arcasian cleaning expert, also a historical Sohaer, details proper methods and useful tips for cleaning with a satire tone. Tilruir'nealu Elarhil Sullas MAEHR'SAE HIYLUN'EHYA
  10. The Quest of a young Ludovar [The Ludovar twins traversing the streets of Karosgrad.] I. WHO ARE YOU? "You shall depart from Haense to have time away from all the current ties you have, to own a clearer mind.” It had been a quite miserable day, thus far. Adele Ludovar received a messenger that morning from her temporary noble accommodations in Karosgrad - due to the Komital House’s apartment being moved or renovated following their promotion - who had hurried, huffing and puffing, to her door with letter in hand. The letter entailed the missive which her father had written and published that very morning regarding herself and her sister. She had felt vindicated, attacked, and by her own father? He was banishing her from her home, her friends, and everything she holds dear. And for what? Her young, immature mind could not conceive of why he would antagonise her in this way and she felt spiteful towards him. It didn’t help how, when she sought out her sister for guidance and understanding, she had seemed far more excited about the prospect than she had! It made Adele feel that maybe there was something wrong with her… Surely she should be excited, ecstatic about finally being given permission to leave Karosgrad by herself and make her own way in the world. But she didn’t… The Ludovar Twins gathered in Karosgrad to say their final goodbyes to all of their friends and family - an emotional affair - and it only soured Adele further to see the attitude of Amicia versus the disappointment of her relatives and closest friends. Should she not be crying? Bawling, at the decision to send her away? It just made Adele feel silly and immature for making such a fuss, while highlighting dear sweet Amicia’s grace and maturity as the older twin. 6 Saint’s Minutes… For this. Goodbyes were said, tears were shed, and hugs were shared. And finally Adele rode her dearest horse, Bit, towards her destination: Elysium. It was the first place she could think of, after everything. But as she wandered through the busy streets, all that filled her mind was memories of her latest trip there. But without Theodosya to cheer her up, or Klara’s excitement and encouragement, the city truly didn’t feel the same - or like home. She had gone there to seek out her maternal grandfather or further information about her mother, but no one she had seen seemed as though they may be familiar with her mother - or the de Astrea family at all. As she sunk in defeat against a pillar in the central square, she hung her head low in shame. She felt like such a failure. It was only day 1 of living on her own and she had found nothing of interest, and she couldn’t even find sufficient accommodation for herself to sleep that evening. She curled up, without the motivation to even write in her diary as she was accustomed to doing, against the cold stone pillar. She listened quietly to the goings on of the evening as her eyes fluttered closed in fatigue. She took a moment to drape her thick fur cloak across herself before her eyes drooped shut. Safe to say that Adele slept rough that night… [An artist’s rendition of Adele’s metaphorical journey to adulthood in leaving Karosgrad and travelling through the woods to Elysium.] II. WHO DO YOU WANT TO BE? 'Only when you return from your quest will you be considered as ready to officially reach adulthood.’ Her heart felt empty as she trudged through the empty streets of Yong Ping. She had given up with Elysium after a horrendous month of sleeping the streets, witnessing the affairs of darkness, and watching a few rare moments of innocent child kindness. Children were common to the streets of the Kingdom, though whose they were or where they stayed was not known to Adele, however she had watched them play through the Elysian avenues for hours on end. It had warmed her heart to watch them, and observing their play had certainly given her plenty of time to think. She despised the person she had been the month prior: spiteful, full of disgust and protest, unenthusiastic, even cruel at times. But nothing she had said or done had been faked or had been a lie! She WAS unenthusiastic about leaving, but she did love her sister. When they separated from each other at last in a busy hub of travel, the tears she had shed had been nothing if not real. And now as she sat upon the highest roof of the barren city, the rain battering her back, she was filled with an unending sense of loneliness and the image of those happy clapping playing Elysian children filled her mind with longing. As a child, Adele had been very sick and weak - a trait typical of one child in a pair of twins - and thus her father had kept her safe and cramped and bored inside the Otistadt nursery for many years. Through her first years of life, through her mother’s death, and even through Amicia’s eventual release to the streets of Karosgrad. While this confinement had alighted in her a furious passion for reading and literature, she had missed out on years of play which her twin had been given access to. As such, she often felt robbed of her childhood. She worried for her sister, her dearest twin who she treasured dearly. No matter how jealous she may feel on the bad days, nothing could fill the void in her soul when they were separated; when she didn’t know where she was. When she had first been introduced to Karosgrad’s pavement, she followed Amicia like her personal shadow. She had tried to emulate her - following in her every step and motion, but of course as they grew they drifted apart. They had never officially fought, but there were days filled with jealously and anger; occasional aggression and later tears of sorrow and remorse. The rippling water expanse extended before her while the abandoned city sat unused. There were a number of heartfelt details within the foreign city, and over her time spent there she came to learn of many of the alleys and got to know the capital very well. Her favourite spot she discovered was the roof of the island casino where one could see the entire metropolis with its intricate architecture and well-loved streets. And from her favourite spot one day, she spied movement within the Yong Ping streets… And as Adelaide von Audrick walked through the avenues, she had caught the eye of Adele Emma, and that day was an eventful one… [Adele Emma leading Bit through the countrysides of Almaris to her new destination: Sedan.] III. WHAT IS THE REAL PLEASURE IN LIFE? 'I wish to pass on a dream I had when I was your age onto you. I wanted to figure out who I was, what I wanted to do with my life and how I can become a better man.’ Adele Emma sat atop a hilltop with her book in front of her, and pen in hand. For she was no longer Adele Ludovar, as her father had decreed. She was now Adele Emma; her mother’s daughter. A girl who was named after Queen Emma Karenina of Karosgrad, a woman she great admired. A girl who was named after her illusive Reinmaren grandmother, Adele the former. Two great women who she had always wished to emulate, to make them proud and make her father proud. But things were different now: Adele Emma turned 18 that day and she could officially return home, if she was ready… But she hadn’t answered the final question. She knew who she was: she was Adele Emma Ludovar. And she knew exactly who she wanted to be: she wanted to be the woman worthy of her names, the woman who could live up to that precedent and the woman who would make her father proud. But what was a real pleasure? What did she love to do? And as she sat there, alone, atop a Sedanian hill, she glanced down to her beaten and muddied dress. Her eyes brushed over her small bag of possessions with its books, and her tiny Bokolo fledgling taking shelter inside her bag. They passed over her bottle of alcohol, her remaining food, and her jewellry. But finally she fixated on something: the gifts she had purchased all across Almaris to give to her family. And while she sat there and thought for a moment, she remembered her travels in the past months and how gruelling they had been. And she remembered what had pushed her through, what she had been hanging onto the whole time. Adele Emma missed her family profoundly, the crater left in her heart could do nothing but grow, its cracks spreading all over her face and features without those she loved the most by her side. Her eyes gazed around the streets of the Principality of Sedan, where her sister would come to rule over in harmony with her brother-in-law. It was a desolate place, with a chill wind that reminded her of home. Adele Emma found it both an unnerving and a comforting place, all at the same time. She briefly wandered the streets - the houses were small and cramped, with the great Castle impeding upon them, and it made her feel sorry for Amicia’s future life. But she resolved that there was nothing she could do about it from there, it was time to finish up and collect her horse. Adele Emma wanted to go home. [Adele Emma gathering flowers on her travels.] [!] A letter is published in the hand of Adele Emma Ludovar. It bears no seal upon it, though it is addressed to Count Johann Ludovar. "Dearest Papej, I have learnt a lot during my time away and I think I am finally ready to come back and answer your questions. I am Adele Emma Ludovar, and I am your daughter. I am the younger of two twins and we are turning 18 years of age today. I love books, and I love my pets. I am not confident, but I love throwing parties and making people happy. I was named after a successful businesswoman, my grandmother Adele, and I was named after a gifted Queen, Koenas Emma. I have an aspiration to be involved in the management of law and justice, just as you did. But most importantly, I love you and my family. I am emotional, but that is okay. That is who I am. I am your beloved daughter. I wish to live up to the amazing women I am named after. I don’t know if that is even possible, but I want to be generous, kindhearted, loyal, loving, warm, considerate, brave, and ambitious just like them. And I will hold those traits close to me as I try to follow in their footsteps. I thought for a long time, all of the time that I was gone I have thought about this. The third question, the final question. And finally it dawned on me when I realised what I had been pining for all that time, and the reason I had wanted to leave home so little. I didn’t want to leave you, my family. Are family is not that large, in comparison to other, and we are tight-knight. We are close. I have missed you dearly on my travels. I have missed Amicia more than anything, like losing a piece of myself - though I think that being away from her has helped me to learn independence. But all those things aside, the thing I noticed when we first passed through Karosgrad’s gates - no, when I first read your letter to us, I missed my family. And the realest pleasure in life is to spend time with your family and friends, something that you can only realise when you are parted from them. Papej, I think I am ready to come home now. Oh, how I have missed Haense… With all my love, your dearest daughter, Adele Emma Ludovar” [Adele within Otistadt as a young child, although her days of childhood are now over…]
  11. A Wanted Man On the 10th of the Sun’s Smile, Year 67 of the Second Age, a heinous crime was committed against elSillumiran. Valazaer Calith, former Div’kinael of the Sillumir, stole massive amounts of resources from the Sillumir vault. It is unknown the exact number of materials he took- but each of the following stores were looted: Coal stores Iron stores Weapon stores Armour stores Aurum stores Not only has he broken article two of the Silver Law, but he has stolen from a government building, and betrayed his fellow comrades by taking part in such a venomous act. This constitutes grand larceny of the highest level. If Valazaer Calith is seen wandering the streets of Haelun’or, he is to be detained immediately. He is meant to be brought to any member of the Silver Council, where court shall be held, and he shall be prosecuted for his crimes. [!] Below is a crude depiction and a drawing of the culprit. Blonde man high elven man with light blue eyes. Very feminine looking. Last seen wearing a blue overcoat and brown pants. This man is a wanted criminal. Approach Carefully. Maehr’sae Hiylun’eyha 5th of the Deep Cold, Year 67 of the SA On behalf of the Silver Council, Okarir’tir Iphys Catullus Valwynn ((OOC: Art done by puffables, duckbreb#4385 on discord))
  12. ELUHIERAN HANDBOOK 10th of The Deep Cold, Year 66 of The Second Age Eluhieran is a historic institution, founded 1719 FA by Azorella Elibar’acal, it was refounded in 1749 FA by Althaia Elibar’acal and again in 66 SA by Elarhil Sullas. It seeks to develop the minds and bodies of Mali’aheral oem’ii and create bonds, through games, campouts, educational activities and exploration. Eluhieran consists of the Scouts and the Scout Haeluns/Malns. Any child under the age of 50 may join as a scout, adults over the age of 50 may join as a scout haelun or maln if they meet a requirement. Uhieran Pledge I pledge myself to the Silver State and promise to be honest, fair and helpful, adhere to the Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya, and respect Uhieran law. Uhieran Ranks A Uhieran works towards badges to accumulate and place on their sash and with every three they receive a new uniform in a different colour, they wear these with pride as it signifies their dedication towards Eluhieran, and the Silver State. [ oem ] Ficóon Recite the pledge to get the Haler badge and become a Ficóon. [ niut ] Barbu’lentos Earn three more badges to become a Barbu’lentos. [ hael ] Tahorran’vallel Reach six badges. [ vailu ] Athri’valumuel Reach nine badges. [ kulin ] Vuln’imiruel Reach twelve badges. [ banih ] Chirr’ceru The most dedicated of scouts, reach fifteen of sixteen possible badges. [ laier ] Turr’thilln The leaders of Eluhieran. Turr’thilln means ‘Silver Sheep’ as the leaders act as shepherding figures. Uhieran Badges Once a Uhieran has completed the requirements for a badge, they can receive it at any time by giving proof to a Uhieran Leader, however Eluhieran will also have badge-giving ceremonies around the campfire. Akaleh Badge Amana Badge Ame Badge Annil Badge Celia Badge Fer’peur Badge Haler Badge Hiylun Badge Ileronn Badge Indor Badge Kaliri Badge Maehr Badge Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Badge Mali Badge Parsear Badge Sil Badge Valmir Badge Uhieran Cookies Uhieran cookies can be purchased directly from scouts on excursions. Proceeds go to the Silver State! Thill Mints Purchasing a box of Thill Mints - our round, mint-flavored cookies with a delicious chocolatey coating - helps an oem’ii learn money management. They handle money, keep records, even track orders - activities that are essential to running a successful business. Sillumoas A tasty treat isn't all that's involved with a box of our caramel and toasted coconut-covered cookies. Through interaction with each customer and other Scouts, a Uhieran learns the importance of keeping their word, doing the right thing, and being fair. Tagalaurirs A layer of peanut butter with a rich chocolatey coating are divine treats - but you know that every box an oem’ii sells helps them learn decision making? They make a plan, solve problems on their own, and think creatively - skills they need to be successful, now and in the future. Larihei-Ups A brand new addition by Uhieran Leader Elarhil Sullas, these crispy lemon cookies with sugar glaze have various inspirational messages - messaging that oem’ii learn to practice as a Uhieran. Uhieran Law [ I ] A scout is honest. [ II ] A scout is friendly and considerate. [ III ] A scout has self-respect and respect for others. [ IV ] A scout is careful of possessions and property. [ V ] A scout acts safely especially in unsafe situations. [ VI ] A scout acts according to Uhieran Scout Leader’s word. [ VII ] A scout has courage in all difficulties.
  13. A Collection of Haikus by Aigiarn Hatsumomo 12 Doyōbi 1861 JOYFUL DANCE / 楽しいダンス loving you was death, and our dances were love, i miss our joyful dance あなたを愛することは死でした、 そして私たちのダンスは愛でした、私は 楽しいダンスが恋しい MY BABY / マイベイビー my baby, baby of mine, where are you going? leave not, my baby 私の赤ちゃん、赤ちゃん 私の、どこに行くの? 残さないで、私の赤ちゃん SOMBER / ゾンバー pearl diver, dive down deeper, find in your spirit, her soft, somber songs. パールダイバー、ダイブダウン より深く、あなたの精神で見つけて、 彼女の柔らかく、くすんだ歌。 FIRE / 火 i was on fire, a burning sensation in me, and then, i knew love 私は燃えていました、 私の灼熱感、 そして、私は愛を知っていました A COLLECTION OF HAIKUS AIGIARN HATSUMOMO 12 DOYŌBI 1861
  14. Casting for the Play of “Oh, Mirror-” Directed and presented by Irelia Ni’leya, and Iphys Catullus Valwynn As the auditions draw to a close, with both Irelia Ni’leya and Iphys Catullus Valwynn satisfied with the contenders- missives would be sent out to those who managed to land a role, while also being hung outside the tavern for all to see! “Have it be heard that those listed below are to be casted in ‘Oh, Mirror-’ Estelle (Female protagonist)- Ayliana Vawynn (OOC: KiwiiFruiit) Mirror (Main antagonist)- Irelia Ni’leya (OOC: XoxoMinnieXoxo) Alvar (Father/Warrior)- Stelios Hyptos (OOC: RyuTheCoolest) Nylian(Male love interest)- Aerendyl Lor’demar (OOC: Kenzo74_) Claudia (Best friend/ Woman cheater)- Usamea an’asul (OOC: LariheiMinaj) Mort Treasure hunter 1- Leithedit An’asul (OOC: Crevel) Tarron Treasure hunter 2- Elarhil Sullas (OOC: Rioling) Narrator- Iphys Catullus Valwynn (OOC: TwistChunky) ( OOC: Congratulations to all who landed a role! Everyone did such a great job) ( OOC: I would like to thank everyone who came out today, whether it was to participate or to simply just watch! I look forward to seeing all of you at the final production! Sunday February 6th at 3pm EST/8pm GMT)
  15. Auditions for “Oh, Mirror-” As presented by the Artisan Guild [!] flyers are hung up at every centralized post around the Silver State! A story about a young Mali’aheral named Estelle, from the Silver City of Haven’mor, is bored of life. Each day, she preaches to her mirror, hoping for her life to change. One day, her wish comes true. Estelle would catch (Nylian), Estelle’s soon-to-be, with her best friend. Confused on what to do, Estelle confronts the mirror, which speaks back to her. The mirror tells her to kill the man and bring the body to the mirror. Estelle, confused and hurt, does not know what to do. Does she kill the man, and avenge her virtue, or does she act like nothing happened? In the midst of this all, two treasure hunters come looking for the mirror, the mirror that Estelle’s mother gifted to her before her death. Do they get the mirror, does Estelle commit unruly acts? Roles needed for casting Estelle (Female protagonist) Mirror (Main antagonist) Alvar (Father) Nylian(Male love interest) Claudia (Best friend/ Woman cheater) Mort Treasure hunter 1 Tarron Treasure hunter 2 Ryllae (Deceased Mother) Extras (3) -Maid -Townspeople Auditions will take place at the Mage-Light Tavern stage! Those attending will get a sample of the script and possible reward of mina for participating and rehearsal times! Signed, tilruir’valmir Irelia Ni'leya AY’LARIHEI MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  16. The Saneyir’s Election, Yr 61 SA Regarding the election of the Saneyir of the Bloodless, there has been much speculation regarding the election date, time, and the specific requirements for candidacy. This missive shall provide all information for candidates, both future and present. To vote, you must be a citizen of Fenn, own property in Fenn, or be a member of the Ivae’fenn belonging to no currently represented bloodline, talonii, clan, seed, etc. Candidates may announce themselves at any point before the voting. I, Ayred Drakon, will be managing the elections, the commencement of which shall be publicly announced. On the ballot, voters will include their name, valid address, race, and age. In order to sign up for election, announce your candidacy, to include assurances that you are qualified to run - including name and address. If elected, you will serve a 4-year term, roughly 1 elven month. You are free to do what campaigning you will have before the date of the election which shall be announced soon. Penned on the Authority Of, The Halerir Of Fenn, Vigilant of Charity, Ayred Drakon Prince of Fenn, Prince of the Snow Elves, Vytrek Tundrak
  17. [!] A beautifully decorated missive inked upon silver parchment was delivered to elSillumiran ito Haelun'or. The missive would also be pinned upon the notice board of Haelun'or. {War by Svadren} For the Motherland, for the bravest of 'thill An announcement to the Silver State of Haelun'or As enacted by Okarir'akaln Usamea An'asul, endorsed by elOkarir'tir 10th of Malin's Welcome, Year 61 of the Second Age The Weeping Blades, elSillumiran ito Heaelun'or, the mighty protectors of the Motherland hold a duty many of us would never dare. They sacrifice themselves for the Motherland and Her citizens. They ensure that our bastion remains secure, they fight in the front lines so us civilians may enjoy our peace time leisure - well, in peace. If it was not for these mighty soldiers, we would be nothing but ash on the ground our mighty walls stand upon. In the light of this, after much deliberation and consideration it is within my pleasure to announce the following: All members of elSillumiran shall enjoy a lower tax of a set price of oem (1) Ibar for their accommodation. The Sillumiran may choose to live in a house within the price range of 2-4 Ibar and pay only 1 Ibar each year. These prices however require full-time participating in all Sillumiran related. The tax reduction will only be applicable to Sillumiran living on their own or within shared lodging consisting only of Sillumiran. The citizenship census must be filled by all Sillumiran who wish to have their taxes decreased. The Okarir'akaln within their discretion may amend this decision. This change will come in effect on the 1st of the Amber Cold, Year 62 of The Second age. Signed, Okarir’akaln Usamea An’asul Okarir'tir Sillumir Sixty-One "We rise and fall as one mali... ...one nation" AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  18. [!] Flyers are pinned all around Karinah'siol! MISSING 6th of The Deep Cold, Year 60 of the Second Age My beloved racing snail, Seth, is missing. I am offering a reward for the return of him. It is unlikely he has surpassed the city walls, as snails are very slow creatures. I think it may be helpful to note some facts about Seth: - Seth likes to be in shady places. - Seth also enjoys fruits. - Snails do leave trails, so please do keep an eye out for them. Please find me if you retrieve Seth. Elarhil Sullas
  19. ”One day he will return, and on that day, we will be there to welcome the Infernal king” ~The Infernal Knights~ Iblees will return, A prophecy, no, a Certainty. Born from the moment Iblees was locked away, a conviction of his return. A grand prophecy, empowering all who serve the demons. An infernal source of power that drives all those who believe, all those who know. The Infernal Knights are an order of wretched beings powered by sheer force of will and faith, all of them pledged their souls to the High lord Iblees himself. They fight for their Infernal Lords with steel and fire. They would happily die if it meant the service of the demons. Moz Strimoza is their heaven and Demon’s are their halfgods. The world will Burn…. History 43 years ago the Inferi hordes were stopped in the Korvassa desert, they returned to their realm but not without leaving a giant amount of destruction and chaos, the land around the Korvassa desert started to split open deeming its inhabitants to flee. The entirety of Arcas fled to Almaris seeking a new fresh life, but the cataclysmic event awoke something in the shadows of the dark, lingering evil that was waiting to come out. 5 years later… A white haired elf, hailed from a bustling city, one day ventured deep into a dark forest, his white locks brushed in the wind. After a long walk he came into an open spot in the middle of the dense forest. On the other side of the opening was an elder figure who arose from the bushes. Both figures approached the middle of the open spot in the forest, wind mildly blazing past their air. In the middle was a ominous rock, black as the night, a pentagram carved into it. The elf looked at the man and the man looked at the elf, they clasped hands with determination. “Old friend…” These were two regulair descendants, void of power. But together, in that forest the two friends founded The Infernal Cult, wrought in the strongest foundation: faith, soon many more gathered. They began slaying those deemed unworthy, spilling blood for infernal gods, creating chaos wherever they could, corrupting the world. They began their eternal search, longing to serve their rightful masters. But misfortune struk, The Chasm of the Unholy, an ancient and holy place for the Infernal Knights was brought down, layed in ashes of its previous cinders, sleeping. Therein the cult slept, slept for multiple years, but one man stood up. Another man stood up, one by one the Cult stood up from the shadows, they gathered to reignite the flames of the past. To relit the ashes so that the ashes may turn into a greater flame, mightier, stronger and more demonic than before. ‘The order of Infernal Knights was born!” ~ Clothing The Infernal Knights are never seen without armor. Lower ranked Knights will often be seen wearing chaotic, rusted symbols and armor, usually black and dark metals. But due to the chaotic freedom of their wears they can represent pretty much anything as long as it honours the Infernal gods. The higher you climb up the ranks the more organized the armor looks, don’t get me wrong, they look chaotic alright. On the contrary, those higher in command, wear armor representing some of the commanders from the last inferi war. All the armor usually appear quite demonic, meant to honour their gods, often Inferi symbols can be found and the suits of armor are usually quite spiky and rugged to simulate the chaotic nature of the Inferi. ~ Food The Inferi have a delicate yet brute menu when it comes to food. While they do eat regular food, the Infernal often dine at the meat and blood of their enemies. They took the habit of ripping your opponents in half and consuming their flesh from the demons, though, made more suited for descendants. The Infernal knights like to dine on their enemies and drink their blood after a victory, many different parts of their enemies are prepared and consumed as if a feast to celebrate their victory. It is accustomed to drink blood of those same corpses as well, alcoholic substances might occasionally be added if the mood is right for it. While they eat their enemies, a lot of the corpses are left to sacrifice to their gods. Even though they like to consume their enemies nice and fancy they do stick to their Inferi masters and rip the skin straight off freshly perished corpses. Usually to intimidate the enemy. Though, in the end, to their sadness, they eat cooked meat, to avoid consuming too much raw meat and catching ill. ~ “Cower in fear as you watch the flesh being ripped of your allies bones by the looming knights in the fire, Watch in horror as you know you will be their next meal” “We are but pawns, mere tools. We will live for our gods, and we will die for our gods” Religion The Order of the Infernal Knights is a religious group of knights who dedicate their entire lives to serve Iblees. They believe Iblees is the one true god, meant to rule all. By serving Iblees, they consequently also serve the pentacle and all Demons, under them. The Infernal Knights believe themselves lowly in comparison to the demons. They are perfect beings as Iblees intended to. That is why they try to pick up as much of the Infernal culture as they can, for example, as mentioned before. Eating their enemies. Anything Infernal is holy to them, Moz Strimoza is their heaven. Demons are their Demi-gods, to die for the Inferi is an honour for all Knights. ”To only place thyne eyes on the mere sight of an Infernal being is one of the greatest blessings one can receive” The Infernal Knights believe they might be able to please any Infernal gods or even Iblees himself by sacrificing non-Believers to them ceremonially. Usually meaning the death of an enemy or someone who does not think of the demons as good, paired with a prayer. The bodies will then usually be eaten or used to be thrown into the mouth of Moz Strimoza. An uncanny, endless pit, murals covered with what seems to be Moz Strimoza’s land itself. They believed it is to be a portal holy, wherein they threw the bodies or residu of bodies they had consumed in the hope that the demons of Moz Strimoza may be able to claim their souls. Several members of the old Inferi cult have ventured down, yet none have returned so far. They are believed to be in Moz Strimoza now. The Infernal Knights believe that Iblees is destined to one day return to this realm to destroy it with chaos and rebuild a paradise for the Inferi. The Order seeks contact with the Inferi or its allies so that they can serve the Inferi. They have never seen any Inferi, though their purpose is to serve them, until they have contact from the Inferi they go by the lead of the Zealots. Spiritual leaders who are chosen because it is believed that they are the best to interpret the Inferi’s will and lead the Order. They seek to free the High lord of Moz Strimoza and ready the world for Iblees to make it as easy as they can for him. ~ “Marching Knights, everywhere. All demonic in stature, chains could be heard everywhere, every step set determined, meaning to kill for their lord. We knew. The Infernal Knights were coming…..” Hierarchy The Infernal Knights are a force of chaos and violence, not stopped until death. But like the Inferi, the Infernal Knights have hierarchy. The Infernal knights are an army of veteran knights, often previously a soldier before joining the order, or trained in the order itself. Led by the hardest veterans of worshippers, solely powered by faith and sheer force of will. They have an iron resolve to serve their lords and keep true to the hierarchy, obeying all who stand above them. The Knights have no particular weapon, all knights using their own respected weapon. Ranks The Scourge - The apprentices The Scourge, or, the apprentices are newly joined members of The Infernal Knights, they are those who wish to serve, but are often not trusted completely yet, therefore they are not yet Infernal Knights or Sorcerers. The apprentices are the biggest bunch of the cult, many aspiring to be completely trusted into their knighthood, gaining access to all the Order's knowledge. Until they are trusted they will attempt to prove themselves by attending missions and assignments and are trained in combat by the Knights. Although the Apprentices are not trusted completely yet by the upper ranks, they are all valuable members of the order. Without the power and will of the aspiring Apprentices and their sheer numbers, the Order would not be where it is today, therefore they are given the name: “The Scourge” To give them a collective identity and the enemy a force to fear. The Scourge wears an individual set of armor each. Over the years tailored to their specific needs and desires. Some sorcerers need less plating, some want spikes on their shoulders, all examples. This makes each Apprentice unique, this is to represent the minions of The Inferi, all unique in their own terrifying ways. An Apprentice loses their individuality when becoming an Infernal Knight/Sorcerer. Some of The Scourge can be promoted to Lieutenants, these are more trusted Apprentices, but are not yet let into the Infernal knighthood. They are long time apprentices or those trusted a great deal by the Infernal Knights. Sometimes let in on some knowledge/missions. And also given the right to lead the scourge should a higher up be unavailable. *Scourge Lieutenant The Infernal Knights - Sorcerers The Infernal knights/Sorcerers are the most elite group of the Order, feared the most in the Order for their terrifying protruding presence. A rank holy to all apprentices. One becomes an Infernal Knight or Sorcerer when the Apprentice/Lieutenant has proven their worth. An Infernal Knights is like a brother to the other Infernal Knights and sorcerers, they have fought beside them for an incredibly long time now and they are a trusted member of Order, allowing involvement of all the secrets of the order. They are now one of the highest ranking Individuals, there are not many Infernal Knights/Sorcerers. When an apprentice/Lieutenant gets promoted to the status of an Infernal Knight or Infernal they lose their Individual set of armor (they can keep it off course, but it’s just armor), in return they are given the Infernal knights set of armor or the Infernal sorcerers set of robes, showing their status to the rest of the Order. On top of that a Knight or Sorcerer is given a title, a name suited to their personalities or achievements, defining them as an individual knight or sorcerer of the Order. *An Infernal Sorcerers set of robes. Infernal Knights wear great, decorated, plated armor giving them strong protection. They are usually already strong enough to wear the heavy armor comfortably due to the training they received as an Apprentice. An Infernal Sorcerer is a spellcasting member of the Order. They usually fight from distances with their magic supporting the Infernal Knights and The Scourge on the front. The Infernal sorcerers are usually given robes with light plating to allow better movement and less carrying weight for they are usually weaker due to their abilities, unable to effectively carry heavy armor. The Infernal Lords - Zealots The Infernal Lords are the three leaders of The Order of the Infernal Knights, they are treated as Zealots, spiritual leaders. Interpreting the will of the gods, deciding what actions the gods would want them to take. They always consist of three members, avoiding any possible corruption to ensure the well being of the Order. The Infernal lords do most jobs in the Order, amongst which leading most missions and assignments, and directing the Order to keep a chaotic yet organized group that can effectively carry out their duties, an Infernal lord's job is a tough one, but they are veterans amongst the Order, guided for decades by their religion. Atop all that they ensure their religion remains intact and honourable as intended and needed, making sure all aspects of their religion will be kept and held properly. The Infernal Lords armor is close to an Infernal Knight one’s, but still with their respective differences like a crown shaped helmet and greater fur collar. There are at this current time 2 Infernal lords who are still seeking for a third member worthy and willing of taking on the task. They are the original two founders of the cults. ~ Purpose The purpose of this lore is a necessary rewrite of the old Inferi cultist’s lore, a premature version of the intended and still developing cult in a stage where there was little time to develop decent lore. This lore is a rewrite hoping to have picked up on the experiences made in the cult last year of its existence and in the hope of sparking the culture a new life. This lore also follows the same reasons the original Inferi Cult was created. To create a group of Inferi Worshippers to allow people wanting Inferi Worshipping rp to do so, and to create a new villainous threat on the roads and cities. I hope you had as much fun reading the lore as I had writing it. OOC applications are: Closed (For ooc application contact Minth_11 / Minth#6303) [Do not metagame this information] Writer: Minth
  20. el’Sirame - Seed of the Forestborn The Forest Shepherds, Priests, and Green Dragons of Siramenor The Lore of the Forestborn Haelun Mali’ame. The mother of Wood Elves and Seeds as we know them today. Long ago, when Malin first ruled the Elves under one united Kingdom, Irrin Sirame was born. She bore no noble blood, and lived amongst the common folk. In her earlier days, she served the Kingdom as a sentinel, quickly rising through the ranks as she defeated foe after foe, and claimed victory after victory for the Elven people. Seeing her prowess, the Elvenking himself granted her a place upon the High Council of Malinor, the first of common-blood to ascend to such an honored place at Malin’s table. When the days of the great Elven schism bore down upon Malin’s Kingdom, Irrin Sirame led her followers into the wildlands, deep into the woodlands of the world. These folk would soon be known as the Mali’ame. Under her guidance, they spread over the wildlands, claiming their homes among the forests, the plains, the coasts. The mother of Mali’ame spent many years traveling between these places, appointing chieftains of the tribes that settled throughout the land, creating the first Seed of the Mali’ame. To these Seeds, she passed on her devotion to the Aspect, and ensured that the memory of Malin’s teachings would endure for centuries to come. Despite bringing the Seeds of the Mali’ame into existence, she had no tribe of her own, none to carry on her ideals beyond the Seeds she helped make. Irrin vowed to take no husband, to mother no children. No tribe can claim her bloodline, for there are none in all the land that carry it. But now, centuries later, a simple ‘ame and her family seek to continue her legacy. The Sirame were founded in the year 1760, as a tribe of ‘ame who seek to emulate the mission of Irrin Sirame- to preserve the sacred worship of the Aspects, and to carry on the ways of the Mali’ame through times of peace and war alike, through the prosperous, or grave. Many are priests, or devout- studying the ways of the Mali’ame culture, teaching them to all who may seek to know the ancient ways. Wherever the forest folk roam, they seek to nurture and guide the future generations. Beliefs and Traditions Religion “May the mother give me the grace to spread life and light through this land, and may the father grant me the strength of spirit to protect it...” - An excerpt from the prayers of the mali’ame Following in Irrin Sirame’s footsteps, the Sirame hold a steadfast belief in the Aspects, as was the faith of the elvenking himself, and of the mother of Mali’ame herself. To them, the Mali’ame are inseparable from the ways of the wild faith- their way of life is entirely dependent on the wilds, as it should remain. While the Seed primarily worships the Aspects, their attention is not solely focused upon them. The Seed knows that the Mani, the animal spirits of the wild, hold an important place in the natural world, and will sometimes lend their prayers and offerings to them and respect those that follow them. The Seed holds no patron Mani themselves, as many Seeds do. While traditionally, ‘ame have sought to bring others into the fold through sermon and teaching, the Sirame are the sort to lead through their own example. They believe that only action will truly bring faith to the other Mali’ame, and remain fiercely devout through all, showing the power of faith in this world. Values Tradition sits at the heart of the Sirame, as their purpose is to continue the life’s work of Irrin Sirame. Their values and beliefs line with the old ways of the Mali’ame, and of the forestborn herself. Faith One of Irrin’s most steadfast pursuits in her lifetime was the spreading of the worship of the aspects. The Elvenking himself was devout in their worship, although he was no Druid. As one of his faithful lieutenants, Irrin followed in his steps. When the others turned their back on the worship of the huntsman and the mother, none were more furious than she. She dedicated her life to keeping the faith of her people alive, and so the Sirame adopted this hallowed belief. Unity The most prosperous days of the Elven people have been in the ages of unity, when ‘ker and ‘ame and ‘aheral stood side by side, marching forwards into the coming dawn. Malin knew this, and thus his people knew peace and prosperity like no other. Irrin Sirame believed in this too- in the memory of the united Kingdom. While no King can lead again, the seed of Sirame believes in a united Elven people all the same. Stewardship To always ensure that there is a safe home for the Mali’ame, no matter how the world may look. There must always be a place where the culture of the forestborn may endure, free from the shackles of others. Safe. Free. and Balanced. The Sirame must lead others to this home, if necessary. Fortitude We are long lived. Our eyes take in centuries of life, and with it, centuries of hardship, and loss. As Mali, we must have the resilience to endure all that the arduous road of life has to offer in our long lived days. This does not mean to remain untouched, or unbothered, but to bounce back- to tackle life with renewed vigor once you fall. Connection to the Wild Above all else, the Sirame believe in a deep, spiritual connection to the wilds around them. The forests are a sacred land, and all the life in them as well. They hunt, as their ancestors did, and pay homage to their fallen spirits. To fell a tree is to kill a piece of the forest, and so they live in burrows, intertwined within their roots, surrounded and protected by them. A Canonist prays in a temple, and a member of the Sirame prays deep within the woods, far from the sight of civilization, shaded by the branches of the trees that they so deeply revere. Appearance and Ilmyumier Dressings, Clothes Members of the Seed can come from many various walks of life, though they typically dress in traditional Mali’ame attire, seeking to be role models to other ‘ame. Robes, tunics, and other dressings of greens, reds, and even yellows. They wear no shoes, seeking to be connected to the earth and the world around them. Oftentimes, they will incorporate pieces of nature into their attire as well- flowers, leaves, and others. Ilmyumier The Sirame takes the mark of Taynei’hiylu, the green dragon spirit, using it as their symbol and ilmyumier. The depiction of the green dragon wraps up and down one arm entirely, snaking over the flesh in flight. The ‘ame may adorn themselves over the rest of their body in viridian flame, should they wish to, but it is not required. The mark of Taynei’hiylu mark is meant to represent wisdom and strength, and their connection to the forest. Another mark members may receive however, is the spring mother's wreath, a mark placed upon the palm of an ‘ame, meant to represent the peaceful ways of the tribe, and the harmony that they seek. However, this mark is not exclusive to members of the clan, and may be offered by the clan as a status tattoo to a peacekeeper.
  21. Tsecsar Couples Counseling “The Lies In Paradise’s” By a unknown Savoyardic painter (1800) It is known throughout history, couples, most of the time have a certain event which pushes the two partners who once loved each other to despise one another and even attempt to harm the other to get revenge. Which then typically leaves an emotional scar on the children of the couple or gives anguish to both sides of the conflicting spouses (or partners), which in the end is only causes more injury for both parties and others, such as the children of the partners, relatives, and etc. A while back, I remembered when I was about, thirty, I spoke with a fellow traveler while I lived a nomadic life style. We talked and talked, about how one should live their lives and how one should take care of themselves mentally and physically. Then I realized. Perhaps they need someone to help them go through these proles, a counselor, someone who could help couples go step by step and untangle misunderstandings or wrong doings. Because shouldn't all people at least try or attempt to solve squabbles? End the suffering these partners burden with each other? Today I, Saevil Tscsar, announce the opening of the Tscsar Counseling Services hosted in Peter's Way One, the services sponsored by the Halcourt Family. My services will be disclosed and will not be released to any gossip columns for moral reasons or will it not be disclosed to anyone who asks, again, because of morality. My services also extends beyond counseling, my services will also include normal counseling and familial counseling. I will not accept couples if one side is unwilling to participate in the session. If one of the partners is abusive I will have to report such to your receptive governments. Anyone who confesses a murder or any crime I will have to report to your receptive governments. Additionally, if unwilling to come to Providence for international reasons such as religious schisms or if the country you come from is at war with Oren, I am more then willing to come to your own desired location. To all who find this in good health, Saevil Tsecsar [!] Below would be a sheet for people to fill out times for appointments and their reason.
  22. The Grandaxe Clan “the Spirit o’ the Dwedmar ‘as been kept broight, an’ fer tha’ ah am proud” – Fimlin Grandaxe The Grandaxes are an Elder Clan of mountain dwarves hailing from the northern mountains in Aegis, originally known for their long lines of politically powerful dwarfs and proud honorable warriors. These dwarfs are known far and wide as honorable and proud in nature. Traditionally, to be a Grandaxe means to embody justice and honor above all except the Brathmordakin. The Grandaxe clan is also known for having three main bloodlines of kin; Blackaxe, Braveaxe and Grimaxe. Notable dwarven kings and figures of dwarven history can easily be traced back to the Grandaxe line one way or another. Notable figures include Fimlin Grandaxe, Valen Grandaxe, Thorin Grandaxe and Thorik Grandaxe, who are all dwarves who have contributed much to reforming the Dwarven Nation and building up its strength. When the dwarfs need a reliable fighting force, look no further than the Grandaxes. Their speed and force may send even the most mighty of Ologs onto their backs. Overall the Grandaxe clan are proud and honorable dwarfs who live as both warriors and politicians. Modern day Grandaxes focus on fighting for their family and clan. While they still retain many militaristic aspects in their culture, their skills have diversified to include helping others around the community. In addition, Grandaxes tend to make up the backbone of the dwarven workforce, with many serving in taverns, working in the legion, or promoting trade in the city. ~History~ The Grandaxe clan was founded by one of the sons of Urguan, Bogrin Grandaxe who gathered his family and his followers to the northern ranges of Aegis. The clan participated in the politics of Khaz’Urguan from a distance, and when Velkan Ironborn rose to power and formed the Empire of Khorvad, the Grandaxes joined in Simppa’s rebellion against the Ironborn rule. When Simppa marched on the Ironborn, the Grandaxes followed suit alongside the Frostbeards and Ironguts and vanquished the Ironborn. Thus the Kingdom of Urguan was restored and the Grandaxes stood by it. A tragedy would soon befall the clan however, as the new King Grimlie declares war on the human Kingdom of Oren, the clan descends into disagreement. The Clan Father, Thrain Grandaxe wanted the clan to support the Kingdom in its war effort however his brother; Decks Grandaxe opposed the war and was banished from the Kingdom. Decks now disgraced took his brothers Gulik and Grady and their children and moved into Kal’Domhain, one of the old Grandaxe holds. With the clan split in two, Thrain Grandaxe and his brothers Rhakun and Gilneas named themselves the “Braveaxe Clan” to show their loyalty to the Kingdom while Decks and his followers became the “Blackaxe Clan” a name meant to bring disgrace but was accepted by them. Many years had passed, eventually Decks passed away and his son Bazian Blackaxe became the leader of his clan. Bazian, tired of the grudges between their kin brought the Blackaxes back to Kal’Urguan to live with the rest of their kin. At this time the King was Gotrek Firemane, known to frequently travel and be absent of his people. Thorik Braveaxe, son of Thrain was disgusted by the status of the Kingdom and couped Gotrek from power, taking up the mantle of King himself with support from both the Braveaxes and the Blackaxes. Thorik formed the Grand council out of his supporters Chaecus Braveaxe, Stronghold Braveaxe, Broski Braveaxe, and Valen Blackaxe. The Grandaxe councilors do much for the Kingdom, protecting Urguan in the Great War of Aegis and defeating the Elven-Orcish alliance and later conquering Alras in the Dwarf-Alras war. The Undead of Aegis had begun to further their foothold, forcing the people of Aegis to convene against them. Champions were sent by the four descendants into the Nether to try and destroy it, from the dwarves was Kjell Ireheart, Urir Ireheart, and Valen Blackaxe. At the cost of Urir’s life the attempt was a success, however it was short lived when the Undead overran Kal’Urguan and the other nations, forcing them to flee to the land of Asuloun. In Asuloun Thorik continues to rule the Kingdom until he is supposedly assassinated, the title of King falling to Broski Braveaxe, then Stronghold Braveaxe before finally falling to Kjell Ireheart. With Thorik’s kingdom in shambles and the dwarves in a state of decline Bazian Blackaxe calls the Blackaxes and the Braveaxes together to unite back into the Grandaxe Clan. Both clans agree and the Grandaxes are made whole once more. With Kjell’s new Kingdom, the Grandaxe clan founded Kal’Anart on the northern border of the Dwarven lands, defending them against the Orcs not far from their hold. The Kingdom had now been made up of a great expanse of land, including the Irongut hold of Kal’Dwain, the Grandaxes in Kal’Anart, the Goldhands in Kal’Alras and the Irehearts in Mount Ire and Kal’Mugdor. Under this system the Empire of Urguan was founded, the lords of each hold becoming the council below Emperor Kjell to assist him in managing the Empire. The Orcs attack the Kingdom, and enjoy initial success but are pushed back into the north by the dwarven armies before they are able to conquer any major dwarven holds. The clan continued to live in Kal’Anart through the end of Kjell’s and into Hiebe Irongut’s reign and until the destruction of Asuloun, where they fled to Elysium. As the opportunity to avenge the death of their former King, Thorik Braveaxe arose Valen Grandaxe marched the Grandaxe Clan in full force into the hold of his killers, but found something they did not expect. Under the possession of an ancient evil, Thorik still lived and with the Hammer of Urguan, was freed from the prison of his own mind from Ondnarch, the bringer of the silent cold. The return of the old Grand King had dwarves of all clans and creed rally beneath him as he claimed his right to the throne. With the backing of the Grandaxe Clan, Thorik Grandaxe was once again crowned Grand King of the newly formed Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Thorik started restoring the Grand Kingdom with the Treaty of Aturial, forging an alliance with Emperor Godfrey and the Holy Oren Empire, it was his hope that peace would soon ensue. Thorik also wrote the Articles of Urguan, a constitution to govern the Grand Kingdom with Valen Grandaxe, Bazian Grandaxe. After the articles were finished Thorik stepped down and Omithiel Strongbrow took to the throne. After discovering the path to Anthos, the clan set sail with the dwarves and lived within Kal’Azgoth, the new dwarven city. In Kal’Azgoth, Omithiel ruled until he decided to step down, allowing Thorin Grandaxe, a skillful Legion Commander, to become Grand King. When a dwarven lord was killed by the White Rose on the way to Kal’Azgoth, Thorin grew furious and broke the pact with Oren and declared war. The dwarven Legion marched north and met the Orenian army on the battlefield at the Nation’s Crossing, but was pushed back after a flank from the west. Despite the victory, many Orenians decided to leave Anthos for another land, allowing Thorin to pressure many of the human lords into submission and conquering the rest. With the Orenian lands beneath Thorin he divided up the former Empire into individual kingdoms and named himself the Emperor of Urguan, forming the second empire in dwarven history. The clan had little time to enjoy the victory however, as the deaths of Valen Grandaxe and later Thorik Grandaxe left the clan with little leadership outside of Thorin himself. But even then the clan did not have time between its grief, as Thorin Grandaxe himself is slain by Ondnarch, releasing the conquered kingdoms. The clan fell through the leadership of several dwarves with little time in between until falling to Fimlin Grandaxe. Fimlin obtained the position in the midst of the Orenian invasion of Urguan, and urgently called for his clanmates to return and fight against the invaders. Fimlin was largely successful, reviving the clan and bringing it back into an integral part of dwarven politics after both he and his brother Fili Grandaxe earned spots on the King’s council. After the war had ended with the Grand Kingdom successfully repelling the invaders in The Battle of Indagolaf the clan began to further come back to life, and was able to see Wulfgar Grandaxe onto the throne after the death of Indago Stormhammer who had ruled during the war. Wulfgar not only began to rebuild the Grand Kingdom post-war he also helped the clan further gain back its power by promoting Fimlin Grandaxe to the Lord’s Council. The clan continued to grow in numbers and when Anthos fell it followed the Grand Kingdom into Kal’Arkon until eventually moving on to Athera. In Athera, Midgor Ireheart the son of Kjell Ireheart was Grand King, ruling from the mountain city of Kal’Agnar. Early on, the Grandaxes and the Ironguts moved into the north of Athera, founding Hiebenhall and Kal’Akyth respectively. Midgor was not pleased at the leaving dwarves and threatened action, thus when the time arose the council removed Midgor from Kingship. In his place Fimlin Grandaxe was elected and the Grandaxes returned to Kal’Agnar with Fili Grandaxe as the Clan Father. Fimlin ruled the Grand Kingdom when Khaz’Urguan was rediscovered, and the Undead released back into the world. With the return of the Undead, a remnant of the ancient Ironborn clan waited for an opportunity to invade Kal’Agnar, and found that opportunity when the Starbreaker clan rebelled from the “Underkingdom.” The Ironborn with the backing of the Starbreakers and the Undead launched an invasion on Kal’Agnar and overran the dwarven Legion, forcing the remaining dwarves to retreat to Hiebenhall. The clan took many losses in the invasion but continued to persevere with the rest of the dwarves in Hiebenhall until the dwarven armies rallied up to retake the Grand Kingdom and were able to successfully do so despite the fortifications in their way. Fimlin then tried to rebuild the Grand Kingdom after the war, commissioning the construction of Kal’Karaad but was removed by the council before it was finished. The clan then held an ongoing distrust for the council and its deeds, believing it to be corrupt and against the dwarven interests. The Grandaxes, disheartened with the politics of the Kingdom founded Kal’Bogrin north of Hiebenhall for the clan to reside in. Zahrer Irongrinder was elected Grand King and tried to re-establish the Lord’s Council of Anthos but the motion was rejected by the Grandaxe and Frostbeard clans. Furious the Grand King removed the Frostbeards from their power and replaced them with the Doomforged who voted in favor of the council. The new Lord’s Council was made up of its supporters which further angered the Grandaxes, who were then the largest clan in the Kingdom. After an incident with Zahrer’s elven concubine, the Lord’s Council wished to banish the Grandaxes from the Kingdom. When Zahrer refused, the council removed him from Kingship but the Grandaxes had already abandoned Kal’Karaad and moved into Kal’Bogrin. The Grandaxes declared their independence but soon came under immediate threat from the Kingdom of Oren, which marched on Hiebenhall. The Grandaxes vowed to defend Hiebenhall despite the council, and eventually with a majority of dwarves dissenting against the council the Lords were expelled from the Grand Kingdom and the land given over to the Grandaxes. The Grandaxes then without hesitation gave the lands to the elected Grand King Hodir Doomforged and marched south to defend Hiebenhall. The Orenian army, surprised to find a united dwarven army was repelled. The initial victory was soon lost as the dwarven Siege of Drakenburgh failed and the Orenian army given time to recooperate. With a renewed offensive, the Orenian army attacked Kal’Bogrin and captured the hold, which had luckily been evacuated after being warned. Hiebenhall too was captured, at night by a squadron of Orenians while the Legion was fighting in an ancient hall. With the war lost, the Grandaxes moved south of Kal’Karaad in the foothills where Kal’Eknar was founded. Peace would not last long however, as Vrograk’Gorkil became the new Orcish Rex he warred on the dwarves and besieged Kal’Eknar. Although the Orcish horde initially dominated the dwarves, the garrison at Kal’Eknar was able to charge out and cut down the Orcs while they were unexpecting. The Grandaxes, hoping to protect their kin from further tragedy helped form a Mountain Blood-Pact between the Grandaxe, Frostbeard, and Ireheart clans. They continued living in Kal’Eknar until Athera fell and the dwarves forced to move on to Vailor. In Vailor, the Grandaxes established a hold on the Isle of Avar, named Kal’Valen after their renowned ancestor. The Grandaxes formed a vanguard against a potential invasion from Orenian forces, as Avar was a large island between the sea separating the two Kingdoms. Fili Grandaxe went missing and Fimlin Grandaxe became the Clan Father. This issue was used as an excuse for the Frostbeard clan to break the pact, dishonoring the clan greatly and setting a grudge on the Frostbeards. When Skippy Irongut was elected Grand King against his opposition; Verthaik Frostbeard, the Frostbeard clan rebelled and tried to forcefully take the throne. The Grandaxes stood by the Grand King, still angered by the broken pact and the rebellion was defeated. The years following saw the clan developing Avar, allowing for humans to settle the eastern portion of the island and the Irongrinders to establish the fort Jarnstrand. During this time Fimlin Grandaxe stood down from Clan Father. The Grandaxe clan continued living in Kal’Valen when the Eighteen Year’s War broke out between the Dwarves and Oren. The Grandaxes rallied to defend their kin, losing the Battle of Rhewengrad but repelling the armies in the subsequent Battle of Khro’Nagaak. The Rurics, a house of northern humans living on Avar rebelled against the Grandaxes and vassalized under Oren. Launching a new offensive the Orenian army sailed to Avar and broke the Dwarven naval blockade of Seahelm, home of the Rurics. The Orenians then moved on to besiege the fort of Jarnstrand before moving onto Kal’Valen itself. The defence of Kal’Valen was valiant and nearly broke the Orenians however after a lengthy siege the Grandaxes had lost their hold. The clan had suffered great losses, of land and of kin but continued to fight in the Battle of Kal’Ordholm where the war finally ended with a successful dwarven defence. Following the war an extended period of stagnation befell Urguan for many years, and the Grandaxe clan’s number and power dwindled. Finally a pestilence descended upon Vailor which forced the Descendents to flee to a new realm; Axios. There Svardin Grandaxe took up Clan Father, and Torvin Grandaxe was elected Grand King. During his reign, Torvin ruled during a period of relative quiet, while also trying to maintain neutrality and peace with Oren. During this time Fimlin Grandaxe retook the role of Clan Father and multiple build plans for a clan hold were drawn up, but ultimately scrapped. It would not last, after invading the Orcs, the Orenian armies turned to Urguan, and attacked. Outrage ensued, and Torvin was removed and replaced by Algoda Frostbeard. The Duchy of Courland revolted against the Orenian Empire whilst the invasion began, and joined Urguan’s forces in defense. Oren’s initial assault was repelled when their army was surrounded in a narrow gorge, for which the “Battle of the Red Gorge” gets its name. The days following Grand King Algoda was captured and killed while travelling alone, prompting Bastion Ireheart son of Igor to be elected. Victory was again achieved over the Orenian Army at the “Battle of the Golden Fields”, subsequently causing the Duchy of Lorraine and Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska to surrender. With most of the Imperial supporters out of the war, Urguan and Courland besieged the capital city of Johannesburg. The Empire’s defeat imminent, the Emperor ordered his men to explode the capital using Thanium, leaving a massive coat of permafrost over the lands within the radius of the explosion. Dominance asserted and fracturing of Urguan’s age-old enemy Oren caused an economic boom in the capital, and the Grandaxe clan grew back its strength once more. The initial boom was not long lived, however the clans had grew in size, with the Grandaxe and Frostbeard clans sitting at the top as political rivals. To provide a base to their power, the Frostbeard clan established the hold of Jornheim in northern Hanseti while the Grandaxes established their hold Tal’Azmar in the mountains southeast of the capitol. With internal power-struggles and conflict growing, Grand King Bastion declared a grudge-war on Norland. The war was initially successful, but the final assault on the Norlandic capitol was twice-repelled, and peace was made. The somewhat-inclusive ending prompted more unrest within Urguan, until Bastion was believed to be assassinated, or committed suicide over the conflict. As a result, Clan Father Kerwyr Frostbeard took the opportunity to forcefully seize the throne, and slaughtered opposing dwarves in the senate. The Grandaxes fled to Tal’Azmar and provided shelter to the other clans displaced by the coup. There they openly defied the Frostbeard insurgency and Gror Ireheart was elected Grand King. After various successful small-scale engagements, including the retaking of the now empty capitol Kal’Omith the Frostbeard regime collapsed, and Kerwyr was executed by the newly crowned Grand King. The years following saw much of the same, with a continued rivalry of the Grandaxe and Frostbeard clans under an inadequately ruled Grand Kingdom. In an attempt to further their goals, the Frostbeards invited the Grandaxes to meet and tried to convince the clan to join their side but were not interested in the peaceful compromises the Grandaxes required. However some members of the clan wished to join the Frostbeard’s cause, and broke off from the clan taking the name “Blackaxe.” With the clan splintered and a civil war in Urguan imminent, Fimlin left for the wildlands to avoid fighting his own kin. The rest of the clan fought on either side against each other, and with victory over Urguan to Kaz’Ulrah, the Grandaxes stood divided between Tal’Azmar, Kaz’Ulrah, and Arcadia until the end of Axios. The Dwedmar upon arriving on Atlas remained divided, and likewise the Grandaxe Clan. The Blackaxes dwelled in Kaz’Ulrah, with the rest split between Az’Adar, the successor to Arcadia and Holm, the Irongut-owned multinational city. In Kaz’Ulrah the Blackaxes flourished under Aemich Blackaxe’s leadership, becoming a very large and influential clan within the Kingdom. The success was short lived, as with his resignation also followed stagnation, and the Grandaxe bloodline grew weaker. Eventually Fimlin returned, and convinced the clansdwed to mend the rift and retake up the Grandaxe name. The Blackaxes complied and the clan reunited in name, however neither group would agree to move to either city, and thus the clan remained scattered. Kal’Bogrin was refounded as a third neutral option; an independent hold owned by the Grandaxes, referencing the Grandaxe Exodus and the first Kal’Bogrin the clan moved to during a period of moral conflict with the established Kingdom. There Borin Grandaxe was elected Clan Father under the guidance of Fimlin Grandaxe, who oversaw the Hold. In Kal’Bogrin the clan took a specific stance on the moral questions and conflicts plaguing the dwedmar. The clan’s doctrine disallowed the claiming of another to be a “false dwed” and calling for re-establishing a union of the dwarven race. At this time the dwedmar were split 6 ways, the Kingdom of Kaz’Ulrah, the Republic of Holm, Az’adar, the Kingdom of Ord, the Confederation of Hammers and the Kingdom of Bogrin. As Kal’Bogrin grew its population and support, so did its enemies. Kaz’Ulrah treated the clan with vague hostility, being upset with the challenge to their crumbling hegemony over the dwarves. A larger threat soon presented itself; the September Prince, leading the armies of the wrath of nature attacked and destroyed Haelun’or just north of Kal’Bogrin and Holm, and turned his eye towards the holds. In response Kal’Bogrin launched the “Bogrin Offensive” to drive the September Prince out of the area and retake the ruins of Haelun’or. The Offensive consisted of Bogrin, the Confederation of Hammers, Holm, Az’adar, Ord, the Starbreaker Clan, and a group of High Elves. In preparation for the Offensive a team from Az’adar recovered the Kal’Varak, and positioned it so that during the battle it could be used to trap the September Prince in his own mind in an attempt to destroy him. The Offensive was successful, the Prince’s army was routed, Haelun’or was reclaimed, the Kal’Varak maneuver crippled and delayed the Prince however it did not destroy him. The Offensive proved to restore confidence and trust between the dwed involved, thus Fimlin began negotiations over a union with the Confederation. The result was the creation of the Kingdom of Agnarum; a merged nation of the Kingdom of Bogrin and the Confederation of Hammers. The city of Kal’Azgaryum was founded as the seat of the new nation, one with a King who derived his powers from the council’s support, for which Fimlin Grandaxe was unanimously elected. Founding Agnarum proved to be a milestone, as the majority of clans, and dwedmar were now centered around Agnarum which was intent on reuniting the Dwarves. The only holdout; Kaz’Ulrah, as they were now greatly challenged by their rival states. Their response to Agnarum’s success was to send their Orcish allies to raid Kal’Azgaryum. The raids proved to be mostly stalemates, with only minor victories and defeats on either side. Eventually the Orenian Empire declared war on the Orcs for their raids on human settlements, which also pitted Kaz’Ulrah against Oren. Agnarum ultimately chose to remain neutral, though some dwed fought on either side unofficially. Ultimately both the Orcs and Kaz’Ulrah were destroyed by Oren, and Agnarum endured. Refugees from Kaz’Ulrah flocked to Agnarum, with the Frostbeards and Goldhands notably absent. With the major obstacles to unity gone, Az’adar and Ord also joined the Kingdom of Agnarum, and a strong alliance was formed with Holm. True unity would not be achieved until the migration from Atlas to the newly discovered world of Arcas. There in the capitol Kal’Varoth, Fimlin negotiated the return of the Frostbeard and Goldhand clans, who gradually began to integrate. When all sons of Urguan were once again united under one nation, Fimlin Grandaxe founded the Under-Realm of Urguan, but cautioned against following in the footsteps of the Grand Kingdom and the mistakes made in years past. The rest of Fimlin’s reign proved less successful, as the newly minted union went through growing pains, causing the waxing and waning of the Legion and Guilds, and a struggling economy. Fimlin achieved his final goal with the Articles of Urguan V2, where he laid out a modern though flawed constitution intended to re-establish trust in the unity of the Dwedmar. Having achieved what he had set out to do, and confident in the future of the Under-Realm, Fimlin Grandaxe resigned from his role as King. Following the resignation of Fimlin Grandaxe and the ascension of Atandt Irongrinder to role as King of the Under-Realm of Urguan, the clan began to rapidly dwindle in numbers. While both the clan and city underwent a brief resurrection during the three-month war against the Holy Orenian Empire, in which the human empire briefly violated Urguan settlement rules and built on dwarven land, the kingdom as a whole appeared to be on a downward trend till the removal of Atandt by Clan Lords and the Ascension of Utak Ireheart. With Utak at the helm, he oversaw the reconstruction of the city following a great earthquake,renaming the dwarven capital Kal’Evraal. Despite this bloom of prosperity for the city, it was not reflected in the state of the Grandaxes, which had seen little to no Grandaxe activity under its current iteration. When Borin Grandaxe finally handed the title of Clan Father to Thorolf Grandaxe, many Grandaxes had disappeared or chosen to return to their previous clans, leaving the clan without kinsmen. However, this would change in 1754 when Dhaen Grandaxe briefly united the Starbreaker and Goldhand clans in support of a clan rebellion and brought many Grandaxes out of the shadows into the light of the dwarven populace again, ascending to the first ever position of Grandaxe Clan Mother. Through this position, Dhaen revived the clan and instigated a temporary pact with the Goldhand Clan, offering them a trade in knowledge and kinship to further their re-assimilation with the dwarven people of Urguan. In addition, she oversaw the building of the Grand Brewery which became equivalent to a hold for the Grandaxes of the time. In 1767, a war between Urguan and Krugmar broke out over the enslavement of one of the members of the Goldhand Clan. This war marked the return of many older dwarves of generations past. With Utak leading the forces, the Orcish people quickly resorted to acts of terrorism, the most prominent example being the boomsteel explosion in the courtroom of Urguan that same year, which found Dhaen and the Medical Clinic at the forefront of the recovery process. The war ended with the replacement of a proper Rex, and the Under-Realm of Urguan changed officially to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. With this change, a revival of the Official Urguan Council occurred, with Grandaxes holding a prominent position on the daily affairs of the Kingdom and leadership. It was during this time period, Thumrilgrad had increasing examples of corrupted creatures spawning from its depths and subsequently fell. With it, fell the last of the holds overseen by Fimlin. Soon after, King Utak Ireheart stepped down, with many fellow dwarves following his footsteps and stepping down in addition. Dhaen Grandaxe, weary from the wars and multiple positions within the city, also resigned from her duties. Just as Jorvin Starbreaker took the mantle of King of the Grand-Kingdom of Urguan, so too did a young Grandaxe named Nabrick - with the title of Grandaxe Clan Father. However, unlike the newly crowned King Jorvin, Nabrick did not uphold his duties for long, forcing Dhaen to return and reclaim her previous title as Clan Mother. After re-instating her clan in a position of prominence, Dhaen instigated clan elections to find the next Clan Lord, the motherly Brynaelda Grandaxe. Now free of her duties as Clan Mother, Dhaen swiftly took control of the position of Grand Merchant of the Grand Kingdom. Meanwhile, as the second Grandaxe Clan Mother, Brynaelda started her reign, guiding beardlings, clan members, and elders alike with her honorable sense of duty and family. Her tenure was one of the longest during the time period for the Grandaxes, which flourished immensely with consistent and active clan members. At her peak, over twenty dwedmar of Grandaxe descent could be found within the city at any point. Brynaelda is also well known for her dedication to the clergy. Her well-known festivals and parties often invoked Anbella and Belka, and led to her renown as one of the most popular prelates to ever come out of the modern Urguani clergy. Eventually, she also ascended to becoming High Prophet in addition to her title of Clan Mother. During the voidal incursion into Arcas, the Urguani Government began to require a more consistent leader on the homeland, so King Jorvin Starbreaker, Grand Marshal Dimlin Irongut, and High Prophet Norli Starbreaker could focus their efforts on the warfront. Once only maintaining the economy and housing, Grand Merchant Dhaen Grandaxe quickly began to have a heavier hand on the domestic affairs of the Kingdom. Her continued support of Jorvin during his reign eventually led to their partnership and engagement. After Jorvin's defeat of Ghazardiel and subsequent illness from battle, Dhaen led her people to Almaris aboard the Dwedsmark. Once there, the two married in one of the largest dwarven weddings known to Urguan. This also marked her ascendancy to Queen Consort and Lady Regent during Jorvin's bouts of illness. Following the settlement of Urguani people to the dwarven Almaris capital of Kal'Darakaan, Dhaen helped to create the Iron alliance between Haense, Norland, and Urguan. An up and coming diplomat to Norland and surrogate son of Dhaen, Levian'Tol Grandaxe, soon rose to prominence during this time period as an expert politician and merchant. Already a well-known brewer, Levian's skills marked him as a successor to Dhaen during the following election cycle, which saw Norli Starbreaker ascend to the role of Grand-King. At this point, Dhaen withdrew from the public eye with Jorvin in tow, to raise their children. Only a few stone months later saw Brynaelda following suit with her recent husband, Officer Grudgebeard. With both Dhaen and Brynaelda now departed, Levian'Tol Grandaxe was quickly marked as a prime successor to Norli Starbreaker. He also acted as temporary clan-father. During Levian's reign, the Kingdom of Urguan underwent one of its largest land expansions to date, as settlements for all races were established. Though brief, Levian'Tol's reign is often remembered as one of the most prosperous and fruitful of Urguan's recent kings. Following the election cycle, the clan was transitioned to Brynaelda's leadership once more and Ulfric Frostbeard reigned as the new Grand King. While the initial decades of Ulfric's rule were peaceful, the kingdom was soon swallowed up by a war with the human kingdom of Oren. The new Grandaxe clan father, Thumbril Grandaxe, a well-known elder of both the Grandaxes and Metalfists, helped to lead what little of the Grandaxes that were left during the war into battle. At the close of the four stone-month war, the Irehearts, led by Bakir Ireheart, attempted to pull away from the governance of the Grand Kingdom. Their clan father, Agnar, quickly was removed from power by the clan, as his views did not align with the attempted splintering group. To soothe both factions, Bakir Ireheart became the successor to Ulfric Frostbeard as Grand King, and Agnar rejoined his blood clan of the Grandaxes, taking over as Clan Father, from Thumril. Dhaen also returned at this point to help provide her knowledge in stewardry and reclaim the title of Iron Baron. To this day, Agnar and his elders lead the Grandaxes to honor and valour. Under them, the clan is currently the largest and most active in the city of Kal'Darakaan. ~Clan Values~ Honor A Grandaxe will defend his honor with his life, and will demand the same of other dwarves. Grandaxes do not steal or harm other dwarves as it is considered highly dishonorable and nearly unforgivable. They also hold to their word and hold blood pacts in high regard. The Dishonored Grandaxes believe in honor being above all except the Brathmordakin, so when a clanmate becomes dishonorable it is a grievance to the clan. However Grandaxes believe that the Dishonored must redeem themselves so that they can be let into society once more. Yemekar's Balance The Grandaxes are staunch believers in Yemekar's Balance, which refers to the balance of world’s peoples and environment. Should one nation attempt to exterminate one of the races from the realm then that is a clear breach of Yemekar's Balance. Such a situation upsets Grandaxes, who take pride in the world as a place built by Yemekar’s hands. Dwarven Unity Grandaxes have strived to maintain dwarven unity, but also have oftentimes attempted to move further away. Grandaxes had historically established their separate holds many times throughout the ages, however after the Fall of Avar, the enthusiasm and drive over making holds collapsed. Afterwards Grandaxes understood the need for unity far better and no longer desired to separate as much as they had before. Additionally Grandaxes believe actions such as rebellion are dishonorable and thus take them very seriously. The last Grandaxe rebellion in Kal'Bogrin was bloodless and the clan promised to help the Grand Kingdom against Oren. Though the favor wasn't expected to be returned. The Grandaxes have a relentless loyalty to the Dwarves as a people and respect for the articles, however the clan typically desires to maintain its ability to operate with moderate independence and self-rule. ~Religious Values~ Dungrimm Dungrimm, the Brathmordakin of war and death is the primary patron of the Grandaxes due to his affinity for valour and glory in war. Young Grandaxes especially choose Dungrimm as their patron, and hope for greatness in battle. Anbella Anbella, the Brathmordakin of family and hearth is the second patron of the Grandaxes. Her dedication to kinship reflects the Grandaxe view on Dwarven unity. In addition, she is popular with many Grandaxes who take up the arts of healing and bartending, as both require one to be open to helping their kin. Ogradhad Ogradhad, the Brathmordakin of knowledge is the third patron of the Grandaxes, and is usually worshiped more fervently by the politicians and the diplomats of the clan. Nobles of the clan frequently go to Ogradhad for guidance in matters involving politics, and thus is more popular among the older members of the clan. ~Bloodlines~ The Braveaxe Line Dwarves of the Braveaxe line are characterised by their red hair and blue eyes. Traditionally, Braveaxes tend to be the leaders of the Grandaxe clan, with many taking charge in battles and acting as diplomats in political negotiation. The Blackaxe Line Dwarves of the Blackaxe line are characterized by their red hair and their distinct brown eyes that have come as a result of breeding with other mountain dwarf families. Long ago, these dwarves became infamous for their raids upon settlements who were deemed to have broken their strict code of honour. Currently, Blackaxes have taken up roles as fierce fighters and politicians. Mostly notably, the brothers Bazian Grandaxe and Valen Grandaxe belonged to this bloodline. The Grimaxe Line Dwarves of the Grimaxe line are unique amongst the Grandaxes in that they tend to have brown hair and brown eyes. Many are also shorter in stature than most mountain dwarves, due to breeding with other dwarven families. They are the youngest branch of the clan and tend to focus on individual goals within the clan such as merchant work and architecture. Most notably, Thorin Grandaxe belonged to this bloodline. ~Grandaxe Culture~ Occupations Most Grandaxes join the dwarven Legion at a young age, and are often taught diplomacy and politics as well, usually becoming key politicians in the Dwarven Kingdom. Grandaxes are known to be the woodworkers and lumberjacks of the dwarves, as most clans typically are miners and blacksmiths. Additionally, many Grandaxes choose to be Leatherworkers and Weavers, and are known to produce well-made furs, clothing, and textiles. Currently, one prominent skill of the Grandaxes is brewing. Each family line of the Grandaxes have developed their own drinks, with the most famous of them being the Grandaxe Ale, which is served most frequently in Urguani taverns and feasts. Clothing and Appearance The Grandaxes are on average, one of the tallest clans of dwarves. Like all Mountain Dwarves, their height and mass sets them apart from the shorter Cave Dwarves or the more lithe Forest Dwarves. They have light skin that is fair or lightly tanned, and eyes ranging from a silvery blue to a dark brown. Perhaps most recognized is their traditional red hair. Often styled into elaborate coifs, the signature Grandaxe red hair ranges from a fiery orange to a deep crimson. Generally, Grandaxes who sport red locks age into grey hair by their elder years. Male Grandaxes usually have larger beards, often combed but undecorated in comparison to clans such as Goldhand. Female Grandaxes are surprisingly prevalent in the clan and are known for their traditional and intricate braids, often displayed with both pride in their detail and practicality on the battlefield. In terms of clothing, Grandaxes tend to wear the more battle-ready clothes of their culture, with many preferring to wear pelts or armor on top. Grandaxes can often be found sporting darker colors such as dark browns, blacks, and greys. Traditionally, many choose to have at least one article of Grandaxe tartan on their person. This plaid fabric is typically dark red or crimson, highlighted by black strips threaded through the pattern. Art Like most dwarves, Grandaxes traditionally expressed creativity and art through their architecture. The Grandaxes have adhered to age old architectural doctrine, being the first clan to use wood in its architecture; mostly in the roofs and walls of a hall. Grandaxes also abstain from using gems and ores in decorating their halls, instead choosing tapestries and various designs in the wood and stone. Under the leadership of Dhaen Grandaxe, many Grandaxes took to exploring the artistic values of the dwarven culture, with a few going into stone carving, smithing, and even Dhaen herself being well practiced in tapestry making. This tradition of promoting Grandaxe culture through art persisted into the leadership of Brynaelda, who’s revered Bardic skills made her well-known among the dwarves of Kal’Evraal. ~Battle Traditions~ The War-axe Grandaxes use all forms of dwarven weaponry however traditionally Grandaxes are trained with use of the war-axe. Waraxes are the typical weapon of choice for Grandaxes and they are often heavily decorated in runes and various inscriptions. The Ordaz (Hammaxe) The Ordaz or the Hammaxe is a dwarven war-axe with a flat hammerhead on the opposite side of the axe-head. The Ordaz is typically used in engagements that are close-quarters. The Ordaz are also moderately heavier than a war-axe because of the need to balance out the weight of the hammerhead on the other side. Khorok-Klad Originally forged by a Grandaxe of the Blackaxe line, Khoroklad armor is thick plate armor forged from black ferrum alloy and often underlaid with chainmail and leather undercoats. Khoroklad armor is noticeable by its dark complexion and sometimes has the symbol of a double-headed axe on the chest. Azlann (High Ram) Grandaxes unlike other dwarves have a tradition of taming and riding goats as opposed to boars and direwolves. The breed of “Azlann” or High Ram is a species of rams that live in the mountains of the dwarven lands that have distinctly long horns that curve steadily towards the back of their head. The Azlann typically dwell at the highest inhabitable points in mountains and are skilled climbers, making transportation across mountain ranges easier with this breed. Although useful Azlann have never been used in battle, and are not known to most dwarves as it is discussed mostly within the clan. ~Clan Initiation~ Trial of Faith The trial of Faith is often the first trial a Grandaxe beardling must undertake. As directed by the clan father, the beardling must undergo a pilgrimage to a shrine of the Brathmordkin. Once there, they must pledge themselves to their favored patron Trial of Courage In order for a beardling of the Grandaxe clan to become a full member, the dwarf will be tasked by the clan father with bringing back the pelt of a wolf, slain in battle. After the pelt has been retrieved, it will be nailed to the beardling's wall, as a show of strength and pride. Trial of Honor The final trial for a Grandaxe beardling is to save the life of a fellow Grandaxe. Through this task, a beardling finally understands that true honor cannot be achieved through mindless lust for battle, but instead through saving the lives of their fellow dwarf and family. ~Grandaxe Holds~ Kal'Domhain Kal'Domhain, the original hold of the Blackaxes, rested among the peaks to the far north of Oren. Far from the bustling cities of Aegis, it once stood as a home for mountain dwarves who wished to live away from the deep caves of Kal'Urguan. Many Grandaxes still live today who spent their early lives in Kal'Domhain, completing vigorous military training and living off of what the harsh land had to offer. Kal'Domhain was later abandoned when the majority of the remaining Blackaxes returned to Kal'Urguan and was likely destroyed in the fall of Aegis to the undead. Kal'Anart Kal'Anart, the mountain hold to the north of the dwarven Kingdom is well reputed as one of the finest works of mountain dwarf architecture, as well as one of the most defensive fortifications in Asulon. Originally built by Bazian Grandaxe and his kin during the third Dwarf - Orc war, it withstood many skirmishes by the orcs and their allies in House Flay. The hold acted as a home to the Grandaxes and a vital point for dwarven trade. It was left behind in the move to Anthos, and is believed by many dwarves to have been destroyed. Kal’Bogrin Kal'Bogrin is the hold that the Grandaxe Clan and its allies fled to after being banished by the corrupt Lords Council, and served as residence for the clan for many years. Built upon the ashes of Hanseti and the Undead castle after, the land of the hold was highly coveted by the Kingdom of Oren, who claimed to be the “rightful rulers” of the land because it was once settled by humans. The hold was abandoned during the Great Northern War between the Dwarves & Humans and the clan moved back south where it would later establish Kal'Eknar. Kal’Eknar A hold located in the Kazradin Foothills, south of Kal’Karaad, positioned next to the naval port and connected to the capital by a railway running through the mountain. The hold guarded the route between Elven lands to the Orcish jungles which brought it to be attacked in the Orc-Dwarf war. During the war with the Orcs the hold was besieged by the Orcish army, but was successfully defended when the defending dwarves charged out and overwhelmed the siege camp. Kal’Valen A hold located in the Northwestern Valley on the Isle of Avar in Vailor, this was the capital seat of the Jarldom of Avar, which belonged to the Grandaxe Kazrikkin. The hold governed Avar under the Grandaxes and housed the Huscarls of Avar. The hold fell in the 18 years war in the Siege of Kal'Valen, a valiant defense yet ultimately unsuccessful. Tal'Azmar A hold located in a portion of the Evraal mountains known as the "Giant's Foot" on the Continent of Tahn in Axios. This hold was built among the peaks atop of the revered Shrine of Dungrimm. When the Second Frostbeard Rebellion broke out, and the capital Kal'Omith was taken by the Frostbeards, the Grandaxes opened up Tal'Azmar to house the dwarves who were made homeless by this tragedy, making it the capital of the Grand Kingdom for a time, although still owned and ran by the Grandaxe Clan Lord. The hold was abandoned when the Grandaxe clan split in the Third Frostbeard rebellion, leaving Tal'Azmar to the annals of history. Kal’Bogrin The second iteration of Kal’Bogrin was built under the supervision of Fimlin Grandaxe in Atlas. It’s conception is most notable for having been the starting point for both Fimlin and the Grandaxes to begin to unify the dwarven people, later leading to the founding of the Kingdom of Urguan. The Grand Brewery The Grand Brewery is a Grandaxe hold built in the Sutican Peninsula. Its design was heavily inspired by Dwarven religious values and is highly reminiscent of Clergical Halls. Primarily, the Brewery is used in brewing the famed ale of the Grandaxe Clan. Currently, it is the only active Grandaxe hold active in Arcas. ~Roster~ Clan Father: Agnar Grandaxe (Austin7984#0060) Clan Elders: Dhaen Grandaxe (Dhaelena#3818) Brynaelda Grandaxe (Miss_Confined#8341) Fimlin Grandaxe (Fimlin#8087) Thumbrindal Grandaxe (D3F4LT#4284) ~Application~ Recruitment is currently open. Upon being accepted you will be promoted to a Beardling, and then given the trials before being fully accepted as a Clan Member MC Name: Character Name: Discord: Timezone:
  23. [!] A beautifully decorated missive inked upon silver parchement had been pinned to the Haelun’or notice board. Written by Okarir’akaln Usamea An’asul 7th of The Grand Harvest, Year 58 of the Second Age When you become stagnant and aren’t improving by the day, you are only moving towards your failure. Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or, on this jovial day shall we take our first step towards freedom from the festering greed of our enemies. For Mali'thill do not need their fruit, their produce, their coin to survive, for we are more than capable of thriving with no more than the efforts of the purest of elves. Okarir'akaln Usamea An’asul shall thus announce the foundation of the Economic Reform Committee. This committee consists of three organs which each hold their own, unique purpose. To each organ a leader shall be nominated from citizens who dare to step forward and announce their candidacy. This leader shall oversee the recruitment and employment of workers and will log the efforts of each worker to ensure fair compensation is received from the Okarir'akaln. Missives shall follow containing additional information about each unit's functions and obligations. Vacant positions - In addition, to commemorate the teachings and great service of Dio Astòre, founder of Haelun'or, the Silver State shall detach itself from the crumbling economy of Almaris. The Haelunorian currency Ibar shall be taken in full use. The only accepted currency will be the Ibar’thilln - sovereign currency without ties to the rotten minaan, but symbolism for wisdom and wealth. We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity of our community. Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspiration and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own. Signed, Okarir’akaln Usamea An’asul AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  24. The Artisan Society Written by tilruir’Valmir Irelia Ni’leya 13th of The Deep Cold, Year 58 of the Second Age “Never underestimate the power of passion” Blessid citizens of Haelun’or, it is with great joy that I, Irelia Ni’leya, your newly appointed tilruir’Valmir; Chief Artisan present our newest addition to our nation’s economic reform; The Artisan Society. With such society, comes new employment opportunities for a collection of craftspeople and self-employed artists ranging in different specializations. Each employment within this society holds one’s unique value and purpose; Allowing skillful artists find their passion within our nation. Vacant employment positions: Tailors Papermakers Painters Brewers Florists Bakers Leatherworkers Alas, A new and revised building awaits those who wish to further themselves with the state; Look besides the Mage-light Tavern and you shall see our doors wide open, awaiting you! “We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity of our community. Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspiration and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.” Signed, tilruir’valmir Irelia Ni'leya AY’LARIHEI MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  25. An open letter to Princess Ivarielle the First from the common folk of Haelun'or To Princess Ivarielle I, You were invited to Haelun’or to debate for the position of Sohaer, to debate as is tradition in our culture. The Government heard your call and offered you the chance to win over the council of Malauriran. While I understand you were not eager to debate in a position where your chances were slim, you still stood before the very citizens that you wish to rule. Thousands of Mali’aheral had gathered within the Silver Citadel, happy to hear you debate and to finally have an idea of what you wish to do with Haelun’or. We patiently awaited you, excited to see whether you indeed would be what Haelun’or is in a dire need of. However, it seems to us, the common folk, that we waited for nothing. You did not greet us, even look at us for that matter. You showed how little you truly care for us, the very Mali you claim to be the leader of. You had the chance to finally show the Haelunorians what you truly are, to make us decide on our own whether to support you or not. The government is small, we citizens are large in quantity. What you needed was our support, not the government’s— and you failed. You showed the common folk of Haelun’or that you only wish to conquer. You showed us that we have no room under your care if you were to take over, you showed us that you do not care for our lives. You showed us that you only care for power and that you are willing to spill our blood for it. If you have even the slightest of care for us, leave us alone. We do not support you, we do not want to live under your rule. Take your people, settle elsewhere and leave us be. You lost Haelun’or the moment you fled, after asking the Sohaer whether he will surrender or not. We are not cattle, we are Mali. To the foreign nations, I hope you hear our call, Haelun’or will never fall and we shall not bend the knee to a pretender that cares for us not. We are proud to be Haelunorian, living peaceful lives, dedicating our lives to progress and health. I urge the foreign nations to pull their support for the false princess that is a threat to our lives. I urge you to listen to the very people of Haelun’or, she is not our ruler. She does not wish to see the Mali united but her walls painted with the blood of Larihei’s flock. Ivarielle, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and I hope one day you’d see through all that lust for blood— however, the Haelunorian Mali wants nothing to do with you now or ever. Leave us alone to live another day, to carry children, and lead the people that follow you or die trying to take over Haelun’or. I assure you, we will not lose. Signed, The Common folk of Haelun'or
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