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  2. 1) don't see why not 2) don't see why not 3) the time of year should only influence harvest yields if the time of year is represented in-game, E.G winter results in snow across the land which results in bad crops. however since every week is one year it would be a bit silly to go 'oh no the crops have failed on friday again because winter hit again', every single week, so I will have to vote no unless a nice method of making the seasons matter is created without it being a bit repetitive 4) no, unless I'm missing something none of them really have any reason to be better than any other at farming 5) nah bonemeal is fine 6) no I don't think we should lose the minecraft feel that lotc brings and I think that making stuff like compost would hurt that a bit personally 3: surely the only way that rarer unique-to-lotc types of foodstuffs would be introduced would be via roleplay, in which case they're represented via item tags and descriptions and so forth anyways? unless I'm missing something 1) again I don't see how that would be implemented without custom foods, in which case I would have to ask you how you'd go about them 2) no, unless I'm missing something none of them really have any reason to be better than any other at raising animals 3) must again ask what you mean by quality of ingredients. if it's going to be a pig it's always going to drop pork 4) dont see why not 1) no 2) no 3) yes 4) yes 1) no, and I'll have to refer to my 'I would like things to remain within the bounds of minecraft' reasoning. I understand that this is a very opinionated opinion but I don't really want the minecraft-esque feel that lotc maintains to be tampered with by stuff like sphagetti minecraft food items 2) NO. big no. please do not make food give mechanical benefits beyond just hunger bars, please do not create ways for pvpers to get advantages over each other please do not start the aevosian arms race 3) I mean if its ST admin theres nothing really stopping them right now 4) no why would there be 5) thats quite nice actually yes please 1) dont see why not 2) no, please do not introduce mechanical buffs to roleplay creatures as that will incentivise them to no longer act with roleplay in mind and instead the buffs that you've offered
  3. A Knight inspects the scene. He gazes, for a time, at the pentacle. Then: "Eternity! A lofty goal, for one so captivated by the horror that flesh can bring. I do wonder how little of life this zealot has experienced. I would like to speak with them." His rather dramatic remark given, he wanders off to the more snowy areas of the world, doing absolutely nothing about his desire to speak with the culprit. No doubt all was as the North willed it to be.
  4. Dhen Ma’al stood in the sunless Balian square. The pale beast with the missive stuck on a talon like finger “The waiting game has been won. But I must seal it with flesh and fury. No, wait that sounds a bit too tense for the situation.” It glanced about the square as it then thought in it’s head the rest of what it had in store and in mind for the former masters it had served
  5. Today
  6. Marjorie Falkner looks at the invitation from her niece, pride burning in her eyes, “That’s my little bug! Now I must find something to wear!”
  7. Thank you for your Map Art submission, a Community Team member will contact you via Discord when it is ready or with any issues. I am a bot, contact a staff member if you require assistance.
  8. Renata Alba uttered something upon the study of this months Zodiac fortunes. "The blood moon is cursed.." Her gaze fell back upon her son, worry to her gaze. Her sweet baby has never felt the warmth of the sun. She could hardly imagine such a thing! The new mother made sure to check her fortune, alongside his, to assure she can protect him properly.
  9. COURTLY APPOINTMENTS THE APPOINTMENTS OF COURTLY POSITIONS III La Corte de Girasol 4th of Javier’s Justice, 106 D.R. The Girasol Courts welcomes another appointed member within their ranks, looking forward to what they may show for it. Handmaiden The Señorita Rosalinda Alvarez has been appointed as a handmaiden for the royal family. Court Mage The Señorita Freya Athri’onn has been appointed as a court mage. Court Alchemy The Señora Esmeray Luceran has been appointed in a subsidiary role beneath the Court Alchemist. Court Event Runner The Señora Esmeray Luceran has been appointed as a court event runner. The Señor Nicolas Murietta has been appointed as a court event runner. Head of Equipment The Señor Pedro Salazar has been appointed as the Head of Equipment under the Hunting Office. Signed, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Renata Alba, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chamberlan of the Girasol Courts
  10. THE HYSPIAN CALENDAR AN UPDATED VERSION La Corte de Girasol The 4th of Javier's Justice, 106 D.R. Upon recent study of the previous Hyspian calendar, it was taken note that it could better celebrate our historical figures of Hyspia. It is with this in mind that our months have been changed into something more fitting for the Hyspian people, and are to be detailed in this missive. Veronica’s Strength This month falls on the commonly known month of the Sun’s Smile. [Sunday] Veronica was known as Princess Veronica of Hyspia, a warrior princess who fought in the pursuit of Hyspia and her family, who later died on the battlefield during the Coalition War. Javier’s Justice This month falls on the commonly known month of Harren’s Folly. [Monday] Javier was known once as Prince Javier of Hyspia, leading military expeditions and later having sacrificed himself in an attempt of saving his fathers and others captured by those who meant them harm. Laurelie’s Piety This month falls on the commonly known month of Sigismund’s End. [Tuesday] Laurelie was known once as the first Vicereine of Hyspia, a humble and pious woman who worked tirelessly for all Hyspians. Her time was spent sewing clothing and plushies for those less fortunate and praying in the church. Horen’s Calling This month is the same as the common calendar, giving a nod to the Exalted Horen and his importance to all humans and Canonists. [Wednesday] Francisco’s Blessing This month falls on the commonly known month of Owyn’s Light. [Thursday] Francisco was known as the Viceroy Francisco, known to have been the first of a generation born upon the creation of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia. Maria’s Peace This month falls on the commonly known month of Godfrey’s Triumph. [Friday] This month is for the common people of Hyspia, those not known by titles nor deeds, but that make up the whole. For without them, we would all truly be lost. Sofia’s Beauty This month falls on the commonly known month of Tobias Bounty. [Saturday] Sofia was known as Princess Sofia and later the Queen Sofia. She was said to have twenty-two marriage proposals by the time she’d reached eighteen years of age, and even in her later years was reported to have an eternal beauty. [!] An attached copy of the updated calendar can be found here. The Hyspian Calendar Signed, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Ramona I, Sovereign of Hyspia, Duchess of Pacazu, Baroness of Arenisca, Del’mar and Monterro, Lady of La Dorada, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, etcetera. HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Santana Leya, Crown Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Poraiso HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Renata Alba, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chamberlan of the Girasol Courts
  11. A young boy named Mark, who frequented Haense to see his friends and could not read very well say the name of his friend Mahaut on the document and said, "Hey I know her!"
  12. Sages

    WildSages Art Share

    Hey everyone! I’m really loving how much LoTC uses forums. It feels nostalgic since I haven't been part of a forum-heavy server since before COVID. Anyway, I’m excited to share my art with this lovely community and hopefully make some new friends along the way. Here’s a bit about me: I’m a twenty-year-old college student studying nursing. I love hiking and spending time away from my computer (ironically), so many weekends you'll find me exploring the woods. I’ve been drawing since elementary school, starting with Warrior Cats and My Little Pony. I focused on animalistic characters until 2018, then I started experimenting with drawing humans. It was a bit on and off until 2020 when I discovered the DnD community and fell in love with drawing elves. Things just took off from there. So, let’s dive into my art journey! I’d love to show you my oldest pieces, but honestly, I’m too lazy to dig out my old computer or sift through my many unfinished sketchbooks. Instead, I’ll start with the pieces I’ve posted online. Just a quick copy and paste, easy peasy! 2017: 2018: 2019: 2020-2021: 2022-2023: 2022-2023 P2: 2023-2024: And YEAH! Most of the characters shown above are my own designs. You can see my art improve and evolve into my current style, which I’m very happy with. In the earlier stages, my art style could have gone in many directions, but here we are now. I like where it ended up—cutesy isn’t really my thing. Feel free to comment below if you'd like! Or DM me on Discord @ Wildsages. I'll keep posting my art here and can't wait to see what's to come! Also if you'd like any tutorials, or ask any questions ask away.
  13. HERMAÐUR had ventured far. He had travelled to every nation, every city, every palace. He had been to every coast, seen every village. His warning, he reckoned, could not be spread more thoroughly. In truth, he had been a little disappointed. Knowledge had a habit of sullying the imagined image of a thing. Far-away nations, cultures, peoples - like Aaun, like Vikela, the Azdrazi even - now, they all seemed as grubby as the lowliest fishing village. They were all mired in their politics, their proclaimed greatness. Even things supposedly ‘holy’, like the Scrolls, now just seemed variations of what they proclaimed to be sinful. Or they just baffled the mind, and pretended that obscurity leant things sincerity. The Far-North was better. Hermaður understood that now, gazing at the snowy hillsides with the collections of pine trees, their scent cleansing the mind and restoring clarity to the Knight: This is where you belong. And he embraced that truth. He could feel a wind blowing from the South, and beyond the mountains, he saw the Eclipse lowering itself down the mountainside. The Night-Eternal would continue. He did not especially love the sun, but he feared what its devourment portended: the coming of Dragons. Heat, and fire, was obviously anathema to a man such as himself, a warrior of the North, pacted with the Witches. He feared the coming age. He feared it greatly. The North would need protecting. . . .Perhaps Aptrgǫngu-Maðr is the answer. But he banished that thought as soon as it came. The Witches had revelled at its return. They had built shrines to it, and he had spread the word, warning of its coming, but he could not love it as they did. They were undead; the scent of rot and decay on the Beast’s breath could not sicken them as it did him. He had mourned, watching as the animals had fled from the North in the wake of its return. He had seen flocks of birds change course upon hitting the snowy realm - like some sort of invisible barrier barred them. Even though he knew no such thing existed. Even though he knew it was simple fear that kept them at bay. It might have kept him at bay, too, did he not know that his duty extended beyond fear. That was what separated the bestial from the sane: Duty. Purpose. The Witches held a pact over his life, and he could not abandon them. It was only by their hand that he had lived. That man, the green-eye’d War-Priest of Haense, had questioned him sharply, but he did not understand the North. He did not understand that there were vows and promises that were sharper than even a Thanhic blade. He did not understand the nature of the Far-North, and even if he had told him, he would not have understood. None of the Southerners could. It is not something that can be told, Hermaður decided, sitting on his horse and watching as a singular snowflake landed on the tip of his finger. It is something that must be experienced. But his love of the North was not incompatible with the South. He saw that now. The Witches were bound to devour the realms of men: it was simply their nature, to hunger, to feast. He himself had almost fallen to their insatiable gluttony. They wanted to eat the South. He wanted to blanket it in snow. And why not? It was a beautiful thing, the Far-North. Holy beyond measure. And casting a Winter over all the realm did not necessarily mean the deaths of those living within it. Truth be told, Hermaður did not particularly want to end mankind. He held no grudge against them, no hatred. They had not disgusted so much as disappointed him, but that was alright. He had measured them by too great a scale. They were not Northern. They did not live by the North, and therefore fell short. Only one thing had yet managed to disgust him: The Beast of Skjoldier. And it had clearly disgusted the rest of the North, too, who had fled at its coming. So he hated and despised it, and despised the Witches, too, though for different reasons. Unchangeable reasons. But for now, he would remain in his pact with them. It was what the North demanded. So he turned his steed, stroking its shivering mane and murmuring soft words. Not much further now.
  14. Thank you for your Map Art submission, a Community Team member will contact you via Discord when it is ready or with any issues. I am a bot, contact a staff member if you require assistance.
  15. An Inferi snorts. Balling up the paper tightly. "If one man was the only thing holding a city together. You don't need that city. Come die in the fields, live in a tent. It'll be more fun than the swamps of Lurin."
  16. Aneira sat under a tree in the palace garden, eating mulberries. As she then read the missive a frown appeared on her face "I'm sorry that we didn't spend a lot of time together brother. ." She would then stand up to go into the palace to find her mother to comfort her.
  17. Thank you for your Map Art submission, a Community Team member will contact you via Discord when it is ready or with any issues. I am a bot, contact a staff member if you require assistance.
  18. Skin: - Attire Skin [2] Bid: - $23 Discord: - spoopyduck IGN: - spurf
  19. An Armored Deviless would start reading the call, her silver-grey eyes darting across the printed letters. She then crumples the page before whistling for her horse. She heads for Hexicanum.
  20. FULL NAME: Avindor Divadri AGE: Five Centuries PRIOR EXPERIENCE: (if any) Military Service for 300 years. Trained Sorcerer for Hohkmat Military METHOD OF CONTACT: (mr_etan/Mr_Etan)
  21. Sydney contemplates the ethics of rallying couples to perform public displays of affection in New Valdev. "They can't get us all!"
  22. PRIMUS MINOR BULLA ARPAD FIRST MINOR BULL OF ARPAD Alexios Bishop Arpad | 1979 TABLE OF CONTENTS ☨ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ I. Introductory prayer / Apolytikion of St. Arpad II. Resumption of Services III. On the Aengudaemonic IV. To Expand the Tabernacle V. The Calling VI. Farewell Prayer ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ I. Apolytikion of St. Arpad From noble beginnings you arose, Against Princes and Emperors did you fight, Cutting a swath through men, Great brutality and violence did you show, But humbled by GOD were you in your own house, With great piety did you take up the cross, In righteous repentance did you live out your days, So to you Saint Arpad of Vilacz do we sing, Pray for your descendants O righteous Arpad, Now and ever! You were shown to be a citizen of Heaven, A builder of the Kingdom on Earth and wonderworker, Through struggles against your own flesh and wrathful nature, You ascended the holy mountain and attained heavenly gifts, Glory to Him who strengthened your right hand, Glory to Him who crowned you, Glory to Him who, though you, works miracles for your Sons O Saintly Arpad, Your mind was filled with holy inspiration from GOD, Turning you from pleasures of the flesh and the admiration of the world, Bringing you to the heights of the Kingdom of GOD, O Holy Father Arpad, intercede with all Saints that he likewise grant us mercy, O most blessed and righteous Saint Arpad, You drove away the darkness of your nature and passions being illuminated with divine light, You became a hammer unto the pagans and became a tool of wrath against the ungodly, An icon of repentance and humility who ascended into the Kingdom on high, Entreat for your descendants the Lord GOD that he might grant us mercy! Penned by the Servant of GOD, His Grace, Bishop Alexios St. Arpad. II. Resumption of Services Beloved Sons and Daughters, I greet you! I have not seen many of you for many months and have been lax in my duties as an Episkopos, and for this I hope you will forgive me. I have been sequestered away in my skete, praying and composing many psalms and treatises that I hope to present to Canondom at large, soon. But I return to you now and make known this fact through this first minor bull of our beloved Diocese. The Adrian people have long been a beloved inheritance of the LORD, devout and pious people who have had an ancient friendship with GOD and His Holy Church of the Canon. You are also to me special friends and family and I have been remiss in not showing you the Fatherly attention required of a Bishop. Before the fall of Veletz, I made it a special duty to insure that a Liturgy was carried out on a semi-regular basis to the best of my ability. I will endeavor to reinstate this practice, though I am not as young, zealous, or energetic as I once was. Expect dates and times to be announced by the town crier of Beznov. III. On the Aengudaemonic Dear beloved friends, many of you no doubt have heard and witnessed the aftermath of the great scuffle between the Aengudaemons and their servants. My response is simple, cleave to your faith and holdfast to the promises of GOD just as you always have and always will. GOD is the Creator and has set His throne over all creation, let your hearts not be troubled, for he who created this world is in no ways overcome by it. Likewise, so too one day shall you all see His Kingdom and know that the LORD is GOD and GOD is the LORD if you keep his commandments and uphold his virtues. To the servants of the fallen Xan, you are to be commended for striving against the powers of darkness, but to those who now seek succor, the response from the Diocese of Saint Arpad is a strong and steady ANATHEMA. You have failed to acknowledge GOD, you have propped up mockeries of the Holy Sacraments thus robbing the Priesthood of their birthright from Righteous Evaristus and Clement, and you have venerated an Aengul over the Most High. Let not lies from your tongues spill forth that you are in accordance with the Holy Mother Church and that we are one in the same, merely having minor disputes. You fall outside the protective bounds of the Covenant of Horen and have thus fallen into pagan idolatry and know this to be true. So I say unto you, be at least honest in your idolatry and acknowledge what it is, for you have seen the fruits of it in the fall of your patron from the Heavenly Counsel and seen him swallowed up by the Archdrake and are pursued doggedly by his servants. Repent and come to know He who formed all of creation. Open your eyes and see Him who ordered the Aenguls in their ranks and commands them with His strong right hand. Open your ears and hear the words of Him who sent forth the Exalted, the Saints, and all the Prophets to us. For truly you have become proud, and as it is written, ‘If again you should raise up in your might, again shall you be overthrown; For GOD is with us!’. Repent and seek GOD, O you servants of fallen Xan. Let he who seeks truth and righteousness submit himself for penance and embrace into the Holy Church of GOD, for it is only there shall you find illumination in the dark of the night you have fashioned. AMEN. To the servants of the Archlizard, know that I likewise understand something of your tenants and offer the similar gift of a strong and steady ANATHEMA. Let him who bears the brand of the Archdrake and his Servants humble himself while the hour is still early, for we fear not your terror nor are we overcome by fear. If the Sons of Horen fail ten thousand times to bring you low, know that GOD will humble you and your father, the Archdrake. The hour is later than you think, and repentance is the only way to the acceptance and love you so wrongly seek in the embrace of a Lizard. AMEN. The powers and principalities of this world have been overturned by the divine hand of Him once before, and he shall do so again, beloved children. Therefore, take no heed of them that offer temporary reprieve and let not the seductions of them who think themselves mighty afflict your spirit, for He is with us unto the ages of ages. Let the Sun set so that GOD might arise and his enemies be scattered. IV. To Expand the Tabernacle As you know, we have for some time been deprived of a rightful Tabernacle in which to honor GOD and offer the regular services of Liturgy. Gone are the days of the righteous filling the Cathedral in Veletz, much as my heart aches to remember it. So we sojourned to the Kingdom of Numendil and enjoyed their hospitality and I built a small annex in my house for those of us that escaped the slaughter and scattering by the Haensemen. Then again, we went into the wilderness and built a settlement and a small Chapel in which to honor GOD. The time has finally come to expand this Tabernacle and raise up an edifice for pleasing to GOD and more sufficient to the task of housing the faithful and conducting regular services. I beseech you now, you that have remained and are still so faithful to donate once more to the Holy Church your time, your talent, and your resources to the construction of this Tabernacle. V. The Calling There exists in my Diocese a truly sad state of affairs in regards to the number of Clergy. Amongst the Descendants of Righteous Evaristus and Clement in the whole of Beznov, I am utterly alone. Where once I could rely on permanent resident Priests, Deacons, and a few Monastics as well as traveling Hierarchs and my fellow Priests in Veletz, there exists now no such state of affairs. This is lamentable, for a people should always be well served and regularly served by the Priesthood. I therefore put out this call to all who would hear it and attend, if you have any interest in serving GOD, present yourselves. I intend to once again see a vibrant and pious atmosphere in my Diocese. I look forward to raising up amongst the people of Adria many Priests, Deacons, and Monastics. VI. Farewell Prayer Let him who has lips praise the LORD, Let him who has eyes open them and see the LORD, Let him who has ears hear the LORD, Pray to GOD, O you sons of Adria, Pray for our Holy Pontiff Caius I and may GOD grant him many years, Pray for our righteous Archbishop Callahan and may GOD grant him many years, Pray for the unity of the Holy Church of GOD, Pray for this Diocese and all those within, Pray for an end to all strife and conflict in the world, Pray for an abundance of the fruits of the field, Pray for one another as the Saints pray for you, Let GOD arise and let His enemies be scattered. Let His wrath be poured out upon those that work iniquity among you. Let His Light burn away the darkness. Let those that flee from Him, turn back and worship Him. Let the Kingdom of GOD be manifest on this plane and let His righteousness and justice overwhelm and flow into all corners of creation. Let Him be merciful towards us at the final hour and let us receive intercession and grace at the foot of His terrible Seat of Judgement. Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, the Exalted, and all the Saints, have mercy on us and save us as a good GOD who loves Mankind. AMEN. SEMPER FIDELIS DEUM. Always Faithful to GOD. ☨
  23. Yesterday
  24. IGN: xepphir DISCORD: xepphir CATEGORY: visual arts TITLE OF YOUR PIECE: reflection (dm me for full resolution) https://imgur.com/a/xoodQdy
  25. Chambery Third and Fourth Conseille Municipale Meeting Notes: Notes of the decisions made during the Third and Fourth meeting of the Conseille Municipale of the Free City de Chambery. Present at the meeting where the Bourgmestre Nicolas Wittenbach, Conseillère Edith Hope and Conseiller William Temesch as well as several Citizens Both and Third and Fourth Meeting of the Conseill municipale were short and concesise Point 1 : Updates on Projects Several ongoing projects were updated most notably the Tower of Natural Sciences was completed and is now fully open to the public with its clinic, map room, engineering rooms, alchemy labs and astronomy tower! In another update the Chapel for Chambery has finished construction and is just awaiting to be sanctified! Only the implementation of the constabulary reforms is still undergoing, all other projects continue to be underway as planned. Point 2 Cabinetry system. Early on it was decided to implemented a cabinetry system into Municipal Council to make it easier to distribute the different tasks in Chambery. Such a system was finally agreed upon during the fourth Conseill Municipale meeting. The changes would be added to the constitutional Ordinances of Chambery: 1) Cabinetry System: The Conseil Municipal will work with a Cabinetry system constituted with Offices created to administer the needs and operations of the Free City. a) The Conseille Municipal will divide the leadership of the various existing offices between its members after each election but can also designate someone from outside the Conseil to lead an Office. b)The Offices of Chambery will be listed in the Conseil Book of Offices. Offices may be created, disbanded and merged together on the needs of the Conseil Municipale to serve the various administrative needs and operations of the Free City The Changes were discussed and approved by the Conseille Municipale and are only awaiting the approval of the Celestial trust. Once approved Offices will be created under each member of the municipal council to manage city affaires. Point 3 a playground for the childreen During the past years more and more Families with childreen have settled down in Chambery, as such it was proposed to create a safe area , a playground for the childreen in Chambery!
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