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From Ruination [FRP]


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Realm of Darkyria


Kael walked through the courtyard in thought, distracted as he thought of what people were calling the ‘Font of Life’. What a joke he thought, though the reports and rumors of it were enough to peak his curiosity. He continued until some shouting caught his attention and brought him back to real world.


“I warned you the first time I caught you with that *****!” he came around the corner seeing King Maerek yelling at Prince Aeryn and some young woman seems a bad time he thought but he remained to watch and listen.


Prince Aryn went as if to speak, his father cut him off “I’ll hear none of it! You!” he gestured to the woman “Come here..” she obeyed stepping forward, he turned her to face Prince Aeryn. “Take a good look, this is the last time you’ll see one another.”


All Kael heard was a quick scream as the woman dropped to the ground, her lifeless body bleeding onto the walkway, Maerek glared down at his son. “Now you can clean this mess up, and find someone to dump it..” he remarked as he pushed his way passed Aeryn leaving the courtyard.


Kael awaited watching from a distance, Prince Aeryn did as his father commanded and picked up her lifeless body carrying her as he went to leave the palace through the back entrance. Kael followed after him.


Outside the walls in the woods Prince Aeryn turned as he heard something move about in the woods. “Your father is quite the cruel man, but I can’t say he didn’t warn you you know?” Kael spoke approaching the young man.


“What are you here to make sure I do as my father said?” he asked glaring at him. Kael chuckled “What do you take me for? His dog?”


“No my child, I’m here to offer you a something. Your father has never taken an interest in magic personally..but I’ve caught you more than once in my study.” He’d smirk, Aeryn keeps a straight face but says nothing.


“I could help you learn to bring her back.”




5 Units Light Infantry (T1/Regulars)

2 Units Medium Infantry (T1/Regulars)

3 Units Light Archers (T1/Regulars)

Upkeep - 2,000



Shrine - Tier 2 Death Magic

Temple - 5 Adepts 1 Magi



King Maerek

Prince Aryn (Aerek)

Master Kael, Magi of Death



Capital - 3,000 Gold

Economy Investment (5) - 5,000 Gold

Population 2,600,000 - 7,500 Gold

Upkeep -2,000 Gold

Total - 13,500



Night’s Keep works to finish the Merchant’s Guild having not been able to finish the project last year. -  1,500 Gold (9,000 Total)


Working to expand its ability to create needed goods and materials two Manufactories are put into construction.

1st Manufactory 6,750 Gold (10% Discount)

2nd Manufactory 5,250/6,750 Gold (10 Discount)


Master Kael organizes an expedition to the Font of Life to study it further, along with its role to play in what is essentially the heart of the Greenthroat (Mod)

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News reaches those of Southern Naros. King Almeric III of Sehmon is dead, and his son Almeric IV has taken the throne. He invites Ischyros, the Kingdom of Numeria and the Republic of Danwent to witness his coronation in the royal palace in Loswarn, and speak about the ‘future of Naros’.


It seems as if this year, the great wolves of the Greenthroat were forced by their hunger to strike out at nations surrounding their ancient forest. While wolf attacks are a common legend amonst most nations within those regions, they are rare and far apart. Something must be pushing them to seek food elsewhere.


Strange men dressed in rags and armor have been seen throughout Aros. Some know them as the Kassedenian Guard, relics of a lost empire that persist with their mad duty, others seem them as simple raving madmen. Either way, they travel along these lonely roads alone, their pleas for aid often left unheard.


The Republic of Danwent


The two new settlements are established without encountering any opposition. The few hamlets that do exist within this area seem to have no issue with joining the Republic. For them, it is just another ruler in a long line of rulers, and at least this one may be fractionally less tyrannical. (+5000 population). The coastal city Susvii is indeed in a beautiful little natural harbor. Perhaps not the greatest along the Southern Narosii coast, but more than adequate, indeed.


Luckily, it seems that the delta has been clearing itself slowly, centimeter by centimeter over the centuries, and much of the heaviest work is done. Still, it is not the sort of labor to finished so swiftly. But as the builders toil away at clearing the rivers and purging the land of its marshes and infertility, they continue to dig up trinkets and treasures. Here, a half dozen skeletons clad in half rusted armor, with a barely distinguishable talon-like emblem punched into their breastplates. There, two arrowheads made of black metal. It is towards the end of the digging season that a group of builders land on something truly interesting. A hallway, half buried beneath the mud and a few meters underwater. It is in itself completely full of mud, but it has somehow managed to retain its shape throughout the centuries. Upon the arch of the door is a barely-distinguishable sun, carved into the stone. (discord)






The Order


More manufactories to feed the growing need for produce within the Order. One can only wonder what they are planning.


The settlement faces no opposition, as the region is quite deserted by any but the Order. It finds itself upon the inner side of the western-most island, protected from the high-seas by the island itself, it offers a calm bay in which ships may find refuge during the violent storms that often crush themselves against the eastern coast of Naros.


The small expedition slowly makes its way around the Maw of the World, its singular galley navigating the gentle waters slowly. As the sun rises above them, the mist that gathered low over their heads dissipates, purged by the Bright One, and they can do nothing but gawk. Before them lie the most immense cliffs that they could possibly have ever seen. They stretch up hundreds of meters above their heads, as sheer and unforgiving as the walls of some gigantic castle. But even the splendor of such a natural phenomenon pales in comparison to what lies at the top. One after the other, for as far as the men can see, gigantic, looming black statues line the cliffs. They peer down upon the waters of the Maw, their figures bent and battered by time. A few have fallen victim to erosion, as the soil beneath them slipped away. These rare figures now lie in shattered boulders at the foot of the cliffs, upon the strip of shore at their feet. Unfortunately, it is quite impossible to reach the top, and the expedition must turn back.






The Galaharian League


The water runs red with the bodies of worthy sacrifices, and Batista’s Landing receives a very opportune series of rainshowers during the dry months of the year, gracing it with a pleasantly bountiful harvest.


Word of the wedding seems to echo beyond even the scope of the league, brought by merchants hopping along the trade routes of Revar’s Gulf. It seems as if the Realm of Hakan will be sending a delegate downriver into the Gulf, to witness this wedding.


The merchants, on small fishing boats, have difficulty navigating the waters around the islands, but somehow manage to survive and land upon them. What they find are the ruins of a city, fresher than many within the world. It seems as if the city was consumed by a violent firestorm, as many of the walls are blackened, and the ground is rich with vegetation. They are forced to abort their search early as seasonal storms threaten to trap them upon the islands, and the lack of investments mean that they have but scant supplies. However, they all seem eager to explore it with proper funding the following year.


Some of the Northern logging villages of the League stop sending out lumber during the bitter months of winter. Those who inquire upon them find them devastated, with bodies torn apart and the scant few survivors existing in the ruins as terrified husks. Those few who can even speak anymore speak of wolves, enormous wolves… (-1000G this turn)





The Empire of Bourdeleaux


An impressive array of troops. The men of the Empire eagerly answer the call and flock to the banners.


Those scouts who do venture into the lands of the Westfal Raiders find them wild and quite untamed. A few are killed and never report back, but most survive and return to their leaders. They reveal that the Westfallians seem to live in small tribe-like villages along the coast or next to rivers. They usually have huts surrounding a central beach upon which they have pulled up light raiding ships.


While their numbers are hard to define, they seem to not work as an organized whole.


In the deepest parts of winter, some of the northern villages of Bourdeleaux find themselves attacked by enormous wolves. Or at least, that is what the fear-addled villagers claim. Wolves the size of bears that tore them apart like rabbits! (-1000G for this turn)





The Kingdom of Numeria


What with the proximity of Tyniria to Tyria, the settlement is quickly and efficiently put together. With this source of supplies, most of the commanders can safely assume that their expansion into the rest of Grelden forest will be unopposed.


And what a royal pantheon indeed. The elements are quite pleased by this turn of events, it would seem.


The northern expedition fails entirely. Only two men return, and they speak of the perils that they encountered. They scaled mountains and passed through narrow crevices for a day or two, climbing high above the forest before they met a truly impenetrable wall of stone. Reaching up hundreds of meters above them, it was as smooth as stone could be. Despite this, they attempted to scale it, but failed miserably. Most died in the climb, when a man lost his footing and caused those behind him to tumble off the cliff. The two survivors had been guarding the camp.


The southern expeditions have some more luck, and the southernmost one finds some traces of glassy black rock embedded into certain façades as they make their difficult way through the mountains. However, in the end they find no true deposits. The only pass that they do find is narrow, and according to them would be snowed in for most of the year. A perilous road at best, even in summer.







Despite the occasional raid by pirates, the construction of this new settlement goes well enough. Positioned such as it is, upon the tip of the Golûn Straights, it offers rest and respite to merchant ships, and a moment to catch their breath before they must face whatever the pirates have in store for them.


Farms, farms and more farms. The people of Surya rarely go hungry in their warm lands, full of bounty.

A Suryan merchant brings an interesting tale back to the Mirrored City.





The Commonwealth of Ruhn


The Free City of Lem ‘politely’ opposes the construction of the new Ruhnnic settlement, and offers a sum of 5000G for them to ‘scamper back to their mountains’, as the envoy said. They do not seem to enjoy the thought of an upriver settlement upon the river which they have staked their claim on.


A temple of bones for the god of bones.





The Kingdom of Hilmedhi


The expedition delves deep into the jungles. The first weeks are easy enough, a simple upriver trip, though the river is wide and the currents swift. A few men are lost to the local wildlife, snakes and crocodiles that strike as they disembark after a long day of rowing, weary to the bone. Yet the men continue, and they find something. It is far north, they say, near the second branch off from the main river, if you were to look from the south. One man apparently required wood to fix his crews canoe. He cut from a certain tree, and found its wood to be far more than he expected. (Rare Good discovered: Ulan Trees) (Not acquired, it is out of your territory)


The Men of Aülem accept the envoy. He is treated with respect, though it is clear that the men have little liking for him, beyond the necessity of trade. For the most part, he spends his time in a small fishing town along the coast, from where most of the Aulemic trade leaves. They trade in furs and wood, for the most part, along with other exotic goods such as blood-red tiger pelts.





The Kingdom of Five


The men may grumble, but they are pressed into service nonetheless.


As for the settlement, it goes well enough. This land is rich and peaceful, unperturbed by wars. Those small villages in the region simply continue on with their lives as they have always done, and the Kingdom of Five takes its due.





The Auldhauan Hierarchy of Melda


The Auldic Tribes gladly share their tales with the envoy. They revolve around a great trip undertaken in a time when the world was burning. The people of Auld fled north, over the great ice sheets, where many were consumed by the deep. They say that they came from the west, and that for ten years they attempted to go further than the shores upon which they now live, but brutal winters and vicious winds stopped them. As such, they now reside here, and remember their ancestors who died so that their people would live. While one of the tribal leaders does claim to have writings, they are safely stored away and he refuses to share them.


The Kingdom of Karel accepts the offer for trade. They seem to be a well established Kingdom, with little interest in outwards expansion. Their cities are well maintained, but far from vibrant, and one may notice that their lives seem quite montone and dreary. It appears as if little goes on within the Kingdom of Karel, apart from stagnation. The Auldic tribes accept as well, as do the Free Cities of Triad.


And Finally the Lady is fully claimed by the Hierarchy. They face no opposition to this move, as only miniscule fishing villages exist upon this piece of the island.





The Kingdom of Bulgar


The Last Rage is tried by more than one man after its discovery, and some of the brightest minds in the Kingdom experiment upon it at length. Ingesting the plant in most forms seems to throw the user into a bloodthirsty craze where they feel no pain and continue fighting far past their normal limits. However, all test subjects have invariably died of cardiac arrest after thirty of so minutes.






The Duchy of Ulyadar


Similarly to their brethren the year before, the settlers find themselves facing the impossible immensity of the northern glaciers. In their shadow, they build a settlement that borders a river that remains frozen for many months a year. Yet beneath that layer of ice is a wealth of fish, and the lands around the settlement are rich in wildlife. Indeed, it seems as if this northern coast of Naros is rich with tectonic activity, and in some places, tears in the earth itself bleed small rivers of molten rock. In others, deep ravines reveal pulsing veins of lava far below, lending an unearthly glow to the landscape and offering enough warmth for some unusually dense flora and fauna.





The Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick


As the explorers depart, it seems as if the forest aids them. Over the months, certain animals of prey will wander without a clue into clearings in front of them, easy prey if they do indeed eat meat. In others, the forest seems to clear itself of impassable roots and undergrowth as they sleep, offering them an easy path towards water sources. But inexorably, as they go ever further west, it feels as if the forest is guiding them somewhere. As if these paths that it offers them are always leading them in a certain direction. However, as they settle in for the last brutal winter nights of december, they have yet to find anything.


The tracks left by the wolves lead up and away, out of Fyr-Dannick land and into the deep woods, those that have remained untouched by mankind since the beginning of time. The farther the fey go, the more the true, absolute immensity and age of the forest begins to manifest itself. Some trees are as large as buildings, and in some places the undergrowth seems to have become a second layer of forest in and of its own. Yet they are never troubled by wild animals...until one day. (discord)





The Kingdom of Darkyria


As the men of Darkyria delve further into the forest, they must begin to realize one thing. The vegetation around the Font of Life is thick, and seems to grow at an incredible rate. As they hack their way through and approach the source of the river, they find themselves in a small glen, surrounded by ancient trees covered in moss. The lake itself is of water more clear than liquid crystals, with the bottom of the pool as easy to see as the starry night sky. Here, they witness a small flower grow in a matter of seconds upon the shores of the lake. It seems as if the source of the Wandring River teems with life at an accelerated pace. It is, after all, true to its name.




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Third Post


Kingdom of Bulgar


Priests from across the nation celebrate the finishing of the temple at the capital, through worship and chance, Relis Korkus is granted simple magical powers as the first magi of the Kingdom of Bulgar. Power surges through his veins as the rightful ruler of all lithborn. With new power granted to him, he tests his powers out across the kingdom.


Holding his hands out above the temple grounds, he begins to speak in ancient tongues. The High Lord’s words seem to flow like honey from his mouth into the hearts of all lithborn within the kingdom. The distance between the words of the king and the subjects of the realm seems to weigh nothing as his words bleed deep into their minds. An impulse is seeded in each lithborn throughout the realm that they act upon. Five adepts sing his words in reverberance, echoing his command. Each lithborn repeats the words as if being controlled by the god that changed them.


Thousands of newborns arrive into the world under the king’s command displaying slightly different features from the magic. Some of the children have a blend of green and other skin tones as the magic changes them. Many adolescent lithborn are instantly put to work building several farms across the kingdom to continue to bring food to the kingdom.


A lesser financial minister arrived to meet the High Lord. He bowed his head and knelt to the monarch. “My most highest of lords, you keep few coin in the treasury, we fear that-” The king cut the man off. “You should not worry of that right now as Grimsborith has openly blessed us as well has granted me magical guidance in leading the kingdom.” The financial minister nodded and turned to leave, having given his advice.


Before Turn

Population: 4,774,050

Cash: 40000 (4k left over from last turn)

GP: 5k Eco + 3k cap + 13.5k pop + 9k merch + 3k trade + 2.5k The Last Rage + 1k manufactory - 1k mili = 36k p/t
Military: 2500 Light Cav, 500 Light Archers
Building: 3 merchants guild, temple, place of worship, manufactories (1)

Previous Research: Properties of The Last Rage (3000/???)


After Turn

Population: 5,012,752 (5% growth this turn)

Cash: 0

GP: 5k Eco + 3k cap + 3k town + 15k pop + 9k merch + 3k trade + 2.5k The Last Rage + 1k manufactory - 1k mili = 40.5k p/t
Military: 2500 Light Cav, 500 Light Archers
Building: 3 merchants guild, temple, place of worship, manufactories (1), Farmland (8)

Previous Research: Properties of The Last Rage (3000/???)


Built 8 farms 5k*8=40k

Wilpont becomes a town.

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The Order




In the West of the Order’s territory one could find cities and settlements. Highly urbanized territories where people lived (relatively) comfortably. But for the majority of the populace this was not to be so. The majority of the Order’s population lived in the plains. Mostly in villages and such but several also lived nomadically. Herding cattle from one territory to another. As the cattle passed, and ate the tall grass in one area before moving further. Until the animals were to be slaughtered for their fur and their meat. 


Through this land Brother Sebastian of the Treasury travelled on his horse. Enjoying the wild nature before him. The sound of the breeze and the sights before him. Most of the population at least slightly resented the winds of the Gelder isles. Harsh as they were. But Sebastian had embraced them. Enjoying the feeling of the wind going through his hair and pushing on his body. The only unfortunate thing was that he was being followed by a large convoy of people sending dust into the skies. As well as being accompanied by a herd of cows. Which would spread accros the land and propagate. Making the grand empty lands the herding terrain for the hordes of these creatures. 

As Sebastian arrived on one of the few elevated positions that could be found on the windswept plains and checked the terrain. To see if they fit the criterea he had been given. Was the land fertile enough for the grass to regrow and to grow other products to support livestock, check. Were the winds not too bad. And Sebastian did a few calculatoins. Predicting that the wind would only prove a minor inconvenience. At least for those accustumed to the Gelder isles. For those who were not even mild inconvenience might be counted as hellish conditions. Or simply very annoying. Then he checked the final criterea. Distance to civilisation and possibility of building roads. Against Sebastian did some calculations. Checking on a map and approximating their distance to the nearest road, check.


Sebastian sighed sadly. It seemed his first part of the task was almost done. It was a shame, it was his favorite one. Then he spoke to the convoy following him and spoke. “Prepare the ranch and the animals. This is the place” The peasants grunted affirmatively at this and began setting up a ranch. Sebastian could not help but look at the terrain and be inspired. Thus he grabbed a piece of parchment and sketched a picture. Perhaps to compare it to what it would be when the ranch was finished.


Because time changes everything.


Population: 2,6525 million




In order to increase further profit and make sure that there will no employment on the Gelder isles for a very long time more manufactories are built. To be specific 3 more manufactories are built. With 2 being built near the new settlement in order to allow for it to not have to worry about unemployed anytime soon. (22,5k gold) (+3k profit)


Furthermore, in order to make sure that more children are born each year more farms are built. So as to create the population density of the Gelder isles and to make  it so that it can be a little bit less of a shithole. With more cities where people have to worry less about the winds. Specifically, these farms are focused on livestock. Seeing as it the large (sometimes) infertile plains of the isle mostly grow gras. Which is ideal for this type of population growth.  Two large scale ranches will be built to accomedate for the livestock (10k (2 farms)) (Next turn +1% pop growth.)




Once more a galley is sent forth to explore the continent. With a similair company as last year. This time the route will go past the savages and through the desert. Exploring to look for remnants of ancient empires. With a new fevor for exploration starting after the recent discoveries. Who knows what they will find ?




Economy Investment: 8k gold

Capital: 3k gold

Population: 7,9k gold

Cities: (Riad) 3k

Trade: 1k gold

Merchant guilds: 6k

Manufacturies: 7k

(Settlement) black spot 1k

Military Maintenance: -1k gold

Total gold: 35,9k



Treasury: 3k gold


Settlement progress:

Idaha (300k)

To go: 200k


Edited by Roberik
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The Auldhauan Hierarchy of Melda


“Defeat is only the fate of the selfish.” -Rituals of the Lord and Lady


Ruling House

Auld sen Mel



Enlightened Despotism



{Economy Point [Economy Points x 1,000G]} – 3,000G

{Capital City [3,000G] – 3,000G

{Trade [#Partners x 1,000G]} – 4,000G

{Population [1,500G*(Pop./500,000)]} – 13,500G [4,774,050 Population]

{Commercial Buildings [3,000G x #Merchant’s Guilds, 1000G per TradePartners/2 per port]} – 11,000G

Total – 34,500G

Stored Gold:

Total – 1,450G


{Army Upkeep [1,000G x #Soldiers/3,3000]} – 0G [2,500 Soldiers]

{Navy Upkeep [1,000G x ShipWorth/5,000]} – 0G [1 Cog]

Total – 0G

Start of Year Treasury 35,950G


Total Investments:

Army – 2,000 T1 R Medium Cavalry, 500 T1 R Medium Archers, 3,000 T1 R Medium Infantry [In Progress]

Navy – 1 Minoleki Cog

New Auldhau [Level – Capital] –  Fortress, Walls, Place of Worship, Merchant’s Guild, Port

Little Auldhau [Level – City] – Keep, Merchant’s Guild

Strakzhau [Level – City] – Keep, Merchant’s Guild

Mirvliecht [Level – Settlement]

Alsmacht [Level – Settlement] – Unknown Resource


7 Twin’s Gaze, 1503


“Lord’s Curses!” the captain bellowed, a massive wave crashing onto the deck of the hastily built transport. The Minoleki cog had come close to capsizing thrice, yet each time had barely righted itself before the next rush of water. In the distance, the shore of the Wild Twin lured them in, its hazy outline buffeted by the storm. Below decks, among the shaking lanterns and stacked reliquaries, a miserable man in shining bronze armor threw up into a bucket. This would be a long year for Parovien Yast – a long year indeed.


In the start of the year, the first of the Auldhauan Hierarchy’s colonization attempts in recent memory sets out, towards the Eastern Twin. The new settlement is to be called Alsmacht, built in the vicinity of the painkiller found two years prior. Of particular note is that the moment the colonists are settled, the ship returns to New Auldhau, this time sailing to Trader’s Bay, where a potential colonization locale was pinpointed on Fivian and Auldhauan maps. It would make continuous journeys over the course of the year, sailing 100 archers and 100 chevaliers among the villager-colonists to ensure the various fishing villages did not come up with any bright ideas.



Colonization Routes. Red is the Twin’s Gaze (1st) colonization, Black is the Younger’s Fall (2nd) colonization.



In New Auldhau, a proclamation is made – with expansion comes the need for able-bodied men and women to join the Enlightenment Army. Thousands of medium infantry wearing the nation’s best bronze become the backbone of the new army, training as regulars in the Meldan countryside. Soon they might find themselves sent to the various frontiers of the burgeoning nation, sent to defend the vast territories from encroaching forces.


The homeland cannot be neglected, though, and a long-overdue mission must be fulfilled. The Templum Ehepaar is built in New Auldhau, a celebration of the powers of the Married Gods. Immediately, the call goes out to the faithful – those willing to sacrifice themselves wholly to the will of their saviors, those most devout followers of the Lord and Lady, shall become Noble Duets, the most powerful men and women in Aros (save the Incarnation-Rulers themselves, of course...).


Last of the House Auld sen Mel’s decrees is that of the Indoctrination into the True, Grand Faith of the Lord and Lady’s Chosen People in the Worship of the Married Gods. That is to say, a large sum of gold is spent to send Devouts across nearby nations to spread the true faith. The various trade partners that don’t worship a slobbering oaf as a god soon see an influx of devout twin followers of the Lord and Lady.


[9,000G] – 2 Settlements, marked on the above map. Red settlement near enough the resource to encapsulate it in the territory. Black settlers will first scout the island to see if it is safe, and if so, colonize it. If not, they colonize that little peninsula.

[12,000G] – 6 Units of T1-Equipped Medium Infantry are recruited.

[9,000G] – A Temple is built in New Auldhau, and all faithful rejoice at its majesty!!!

[1,450G] – 500G is spent preparing lodging and other necessities for devouts to spread the religion of the Lord and Lady each in the Auldic Tribes and Kingdom of Karel, and another 450G spent sending proselytizers to the Free City of Minolek.


End of Year Treasury – 4,500 Auldhauan-Minted Gold


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Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II

Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy

Population: ~ 4,774,050

Allies: N/A

Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Carrow Lords



Winter had beset the Empire, leaving much of the continent plastered in a fine, white layer. The winter, for centuries, was thought to be a sign of the worst to come; ill omens and bad tidings. For this spiritual, it was the ushering of in of darkness and where the Sun retreated to do battle with Evil. Or at least, that was one of the theories. The people of Bourdeleaux were a largely uneducated and superstitious people. They found meaning in everything, and absolutes in the most mundane of signs. The peasants would often cry tales of fiendish nightmares and horrific abominations running rampant through the countryside. Yet, when investigated by local lords and authorities, they would find no evidence that such foul play had ever occurred. While the occasional maimed carcass of a livestock animal surface, it was ultimately decided that no connection could be drawn to a great monstrosity. The lords and aristocracy grew tired of it. The voices of the peasantry fell upon deaf ears. That was, until now.



A snowy forest in the lands of Poirot, ruled by Count Orlande de Visset


In the far northern reaches of the Empire, something ominous was afoot. More so than usual, reports flooded into the local lords of enormous wolves attacking and devastating various villages across the northern border. Normally, the local rulers would ignore such outrageous claims, as they have often proved to be nothing more than fairy tales and hallucinations. However, this soon changed when the Duke of Therevault, an open-minded and kind ruler, heeded these reports and claims. With an array of commoners visiting his hold, all with corroborating stories, he knew he would need to investigate himself. Sallying out with a retinue of his fiercest and most loyal knights, he set out northwards. What he witnessed had shocked him. Maimed corpses, dessicated livestock, and hovels torn to pieces. Enormous paw prints trailing northwards revealed that these were indeed no ordinary creatures. Unknown, whether or not the wolves would return, the order was given for the tripling of the watch.





The outskirts of the Imperial war camp; the Ducal palace of Thessedennes in the background


On the pretense of protecting Boudelaic interests and safeguarding the western coast, the armies of Bourdelaux were mobilized and stationed near the southern border. The camp bustled with activity and the men expected to move out on a moment’s notice. The camp was further bolstered with reinforcements from Souvois. The Bourdelaic Army numbered more than eleven thousand, deemed by many of the commanders to be ample enough to lay ruin to whatever the Westfallians can muster.

The soldiers drilled. Many walked to and forth, and going about their business. Perhaps they opted to visit a whetstone, or had a new weapon forge, or had new horseshoes fitted on their mount. Others ate, while others drank savory Boudelaic wine. In general, morale was high. The soldiers knew their duty and expectations. They were told they were to protect their families at home, by allowing these raiders free reign no longer. They would also be bringing civilization to what else would be disunified bands of lawless savages. The Great Sun was a forgiving figure, and there would be redemption for the Westfallians yet. Bordeleaux sought not their destruction, but rather their adherence to God and the subjection to law and order.


Within the strategy tent, gathered many of the Empire’s lords, the Grand Marshal, the eldest and most veteran knights and the Emperor himself, huddled around a map which displayed much of the local terrain. The men bickered, devising and discussing their plan of attack.


All of a sudden, a messenger had burst through the flaps of the tent. He was horribly out of breath and trembled as he stood, though managing a bow before all the senior staff. Beads of sweat dripped from his hair, and his tabard was drenched, “My Lords.” He heaved, before speaking out with it, “The scout reports have arrived… most of them.”


“Excellent.” remarked the Marshal, Theobold. “Bring it here, let us see what we are dealing with.”


The messenger stepped forth, offering it to the Marshal. The Emperor watched skeptically, holding his speech. As soon as he had come, he left, bowing deeply before retreating from the tent in a hurry.


The Marshal nodded, skimming through the contents of the parchment. It had only taken him a brief period of time to decide the appropriate course of action. “Their settlements line the beaches and coasts. They raid by means of light craft, drawn onto the sands when not in disuse. They are scattered, and disorganized. If we act quickly, we will be able to make swift work of whatever resistance they may have. An advance along the coast is optimal.” said Theobold, placing a steel-plated finger to the surface of the map and dragging it southwards.


The Emperor inclined his chin, speaking with an air of apprehension, “I remind you, Lord Marshal, that our mission here is not to raze the whole countryside to the ground and kill anything that breathes.” 


“Of course, Your Imperial Majesty. We will utilize soft-handed tactics.”


“We will be methodical and offer each village we encounter a chance for surrender. If not, then you have my express permission to show them the error of their ways.”


“Very well, my Liege.” the Marshal nodded, smirking slightly – for he had been known for his brutal strategy in quelling enemies of the past.


“Pray they meet us on the field of battle…” the Emperor replied, “Let us finish up here. We march upon sunrise.”


Within the coming hours, the war flag had been rayed; displaying the white sun rays upon black. The time had come, and legions of Boudeleaux marched forth once more.



Bourdelaic troops cross the border and enter the lands of the Westfallians






Income: 38,500g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 13.5k, Resources - 3k, Merchant Guilds - - 9k, Trade - 4k)

Upkeep: 3,000g

Other: 1,000 gold lost from event

Available 34,500g



[5,000g] An expedition is launched, with eyes set on the unoccupied territory northeast of the country. A Crown sponsored settlement is to be founded where the river divides in two. The hinterlands are declared a part of the Empire, with citizenship and faith conversion offered to any populations in the area.


[10,000g] Recruitment of 1 Unit of T4 Phoenix Guard

[16,000g] Upgrading 4 Units of Medium Infantry to T4

[500g] The watch in the northern villages of Bourdeleaux is tripled in the aftermath of the giant wolf attacks.

[500g] The Emperor raises the spirits of the men with a feast before the campaign.

[2,500g] Gold stored in the treasury.



[Non-expenditure] The Empire of Bourdeleaux INVADES their southern neighbor, the Westfal Raiders. (Mod)



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Republic of Danwent


“A wedding? I mean, we just returned from Theodos’ wedding. And he took his new wife and left for Susvii, leaving us in Tzaria to look after things?” – “Yes, Aywentos, it appears as such. Whilst the other Senators of his party are clearly supporting us, it does not mean they will not think for themselves and prove as roadblocks in one matter or the other. Anyhow, we need to send a representative to the coronation of the new King of Sehmon. And, I am getting married in two weeks.” – “Well, being a single man is very freeing, but gives you more obligations than you’d like by times... oh well. I will go. Let’s bring it up in the upcoming Senate session tomorrow. Will you look after the excavation you are not so much a friend of?” – “Yes, yes. What we have found by now has changed my mind, I admit. It is curious, it could be a temple, or worse, a tomb. I don’t want to unearth any curses, so we should confer with the priests soon. And allocate funds to temples and shrines.” – “Next year, Dionius, next year.” The two young senators continue chatting as they cross the grand plaza of Tzaria, headed towards the central Council building, where the Senate holds its meetings and where new laws are announced by criers. Tzaria was prosperous and busy, a fresh wind has been blowing through the nation, spirited on by the souls of the three Senators Aywentos, Dionius and Theodos.


Nation Info:


Republic, ruled by 50 senators.


People of note:

Aywentos Rumaari (Senator of the Traditionalist League), aged 27

Dionius Liber (Senator of the Commoner’s League), aged 29

Theodos Abemani (Senator of the Prosperous Path Party), aged 27


Population: 4,779,050 this year. (4,500,000 Starter)

Growth: 3% (5,000 from event)

2 farmsteads.



Tzaria (850,000 inhabitants) (Capital)

Essevith (750,000 inhabitants) (Starter)

Ruhia (550,000 inhabitants) (Starter)



None. Yet.






National Budget:

Treasury: 0 Duwats.

Income: 35,500 Duwats

Base Income: +3,000 Duwats

Economic Points: +4,000 Duwats

Merchant Guilds in Tzaria & Ruhia (2): +6,000 Duwats

Trade Partners: (Sehmon Remnants, Kingdom of Numeria, The Eye, Carrow Lords) +4,000 Duwats

Trade node of Susvii: +1,000 Duwats

Population Taxation: +13,500 Duwats

Rebalance of Farms: +4,000 Duwats


Expenditure: 5,000 Duwats

Armed Forces:  -3,000 Duwats

Total of 10,000 men. Equals -3,000 gold for land maintenance.

10 companies of Bronze Legion (T2 Unique Regular Medium Infantry) at 5,000 men

10 companies of T1 Regular Light Archers at 5,000 men


Naval Forces:

A rowing boat.



1 Keep in Ruhia (No upkeep)

1 Keep in Essevith (No upkeep)

1 Fortress in Tzaria (-2,000 Duwats)


Available currency: 30,500 Duwats

Republican Actions:


A third guild for the Merry Merchants is constructed, this time in Essevith to house the merchants coming from the North. (-9,000 Duwats)


In agreement to Dionius’ directive, the Senators agree to allocate the majority of the funds to agriculture, expanding the stretches of farmland and properly taming and connecting the dispersed fields of the hamlets. (3 for the price of 15,000 Duwats)


With the recent discoveries and findings, additional funds are directed towards the continous clearing and renewal of the Salthand delta, as well as the excavation of the structure that might lie beyond this hallway. (-2,500 Duwats)


A new company of the Bronze Legion is being trained (T2 Unique Regular Medium Infantry). (-3,000 Duwats)


A new company of Light Archers is being trained as well (T1 Light Archers). (-1,000 Duwats)



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Kingdom of Five


Nation Roleplay:

The Five had recovered gracefully from its corrupt fiasco of the year past, Leotard’s sweeping reform having been completed he looked to turn the army he recruited into a force to be reckoned with. Consultation with his son led to the manufactories being re-purposed for the year, 10,000 suits of iron armor and their accompanying weaponry had to be built and the people would do it. At the end of 1503 every soldier of the Five had been equipped in strong iron armor accompanied by their swords, shields, spears, and maces.


Growth rates were down, even though food had been produced to keep up the previous two years it wasn't long before their capacity had once more been breached. Prince Dakkar himself set about building three more large farmstead counties nearby the newly settled land with the help of the defense forces stationed there. The newly built settlement nearby soon offered its hard working people to handle the fields and feed the rest of the kingdom, their quick to work attitude being rewarded by a visit from the “god” himself, Leotard Swine. King Swine’s yearly godlike performance this year was the ‘sprouting’ of wheat, a ploy he had not pulled off before and to his amazement the people still believed!


1503 had treated the Kingdom well overall, food was flowing and people felt safe, jobs could be found almost everywhere you walked and with an economy to match it was a great time to be alive. A modernist would say approval ratings for the Swine dynasty are up!

Population: 4,774,050 Fivians

Gold Expenditure: 41,500 Gold - 3,000 Upkeep + 1,500 last year  = 40,000 (Per Turn Income: 35,500)


(15,000 Gold) 3 more farms are constructed to feed the masses. (6 Farms granting 1% bonus.)


(5,000 Gold) A growing nation means another settlement needs to be founded to the South east completing the border formed by its latest northern brother. (Escorted by another 1,000 men.)


(20,000 Gold) Even though the military constructed the recent year was strong with its numbers, their equipment compared to their neighbors was the very definition of pitiful. King Leotard decrees all his men be equipped in Iron. [Upgrading all 10,000 soldiers with T2 equipment.]


(0 Gold.) A diplomat is sent to Hakkan to parley!

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Galaharian league


A sobered Ormanno Sforza walked the Hilmedhi princess down the pier onto the beach. With no other family, Giovinco has asked his friend, and above all, rival, to walk his bride to be. Reaching the sands, a slow jaunty tune begins on several pipes. Thousands stand barefoot in the beach, flower in one hand, knife in the other.  The nobility, reavers, commoners, and priest of Galahar had all assembled to witness Barbaro’s wedding. Her allies and princess’s family is omitted from this part of the wedding.


*For it is holy, and Moraine heads a procession of priest and magi. Behind her stand some three thousand slaves, arrayed in rows of chains. And there with the waves lapping at his feet stands Duke Barbaro in all his youthful splendor. His bride was a beautiful princess from the Kingdom of Hilmedhi. She was alone, with no one else permitted to come. As Moraine stiffly reads off the scripture, the ceremony is almost over. The Duke and his betrothed slice their palms, and clasp them together as they kiss. Their blood mingles, and drops into the ocean. 


*Thousands of slaves start to get ritually sacrificed, their blood drained into the ocean.  All of Galahar’s nobility and guilds slice open their palms in groups in front of the newly weds, letting their blood mix with theirs, to solidify this bond. They return to Batista’s landing, to have another marriage under Hilmedhi custom. Then comes the massive feast and celebrations.


*Along the beach thousands of bright and ornamented tents are in neat lines. With the SUPERIOR Galahar Green Wood silk, every tent was it’s own palace. Music filled the air, and ever vigilant Guards made their rounds. Wine and Mead was everywhere, as well as the bounty of the ocean.  Rounds of duels between various champions of various gods ensues, each victor getting prize.  In the League’s main tent hundreds dance, as Nobility mixes with Commoner. 


The Realm of Hakan is given a special raised pedestal near the Duke and his Duchess. Quite foreign to them, they had never the less heard via the trade routes. Always eager for more partners, the League speaks to them privately during the revelry.....





Days later they finally pull the Duke from his new wife, and drag him to the Council room. Ormanno Sforza was itching to set off, and his lieutenants were no better. Barbaro begins telling him the plan, but is cut off. The Reaver Admiral knew damn well what he was doing, and was ready to do it. He will take the fleet, and some nine hundred and fifty men. They will travel to the western coast of the Gulf, where the trade runs sweet. Through piratical or legal means, Sforza will claim the land for the League, and establish a town.


**One other concerning matter was the Wolves in the Green Throat. They threatened lumbering and Silk harvesting industries, moth massive matters for the League. The Guilds controlling the trades wanted the army to move in. The Duke contrarily wanted to head into the Woods alone to speak with these creatures. Practically beaten by his wife, a compromise is made. Out of the Duke’s own pocket he will send food and live animals to the North. Even barrels of fish, crabs, lobster, and other ocean dwellers. If the Wolves eat that instead of the Duke’s people, no further course will be needed and they will continue leaving food. If not, more serious matters will be taken...


The Adventurers are told to explore the City some other time, as the League becomes more busy.







33.5k Gold Total


Building 1 Settlement -5k


Gold To Who Knows Where -3.5k


Finishing a Temple -8.5


Building 2 Caravels -8k


Building 1 Galley -2.5k


Work into Researching Carracks -5k


Mod Actions


**-1k Leaving Sea Food, Live Animals, and other meats in Green Throat for Wolves in gift baskets.




A new colony is planted by the League! 2 Caravels, 1 Galley, and 1 Cog accompanied by 950 men embark under the Reaver Admiral Sforza’s  command. They will build the outpost, and begin to police/patrol the trade routes.


*Dukes marriage in name of the Deep One























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Nobody knows when the Mirrored City was built. Over the years its influence and wealth has grown, and there is no one still alive who can recall it not being there, but the story of the city’s founding is told only in legend. It is a legend which children hear before they can fully speak, and which each of the faithful never once doubts, for they can feel its truthfulness in their bones. And through all the stories that make up the myth of founding, one name is always remembered most: Arjun, the Chosen.


The scriptures differ on who he was in his early life: some say he was the greatest general of a mighty kingdom, others that he was a mere farmer. It is of little consequence, for Arjun was a humble man with a great love for his family and home. A great archer and warrior, the stories of his deeds before the dark times are as varied as they are unreliable.


It is said that those who would one day become Suryans lived in the north long ago, as part of some great empire. There they prospered, and the hero who would later save them grew strong and wise. But all was not well, for though they were the beloved of Mihir they were menaced by dark forces. Though they did not know it yet, the good ruler of their realm had been toppled, replaced by the malevolent Taamas, a servant of the nameless god of night.


Taamas wasted no time in fulfilling his dark master’s wishes, and calamity struck the empire. Wild magic ran free, ruining harvests and twisting men into hideous beasts. But the people who would be Suryan were devoted to their god, and they defied the orders to tear down their temples. Taamas was swift in his vengeance, and smashed the rebellion. Though they fought bravely led by their future savior, he was but a man, and the cause was hopeless. Most were enslaved. Some escaped into exile, and among these were Arjun and his wife, Panchali. Over sea and desert they fled, mountain and forest, and still they were pursued.


Nobody can say for sure why Taamas seemed so intent on capturing the young Arjun, but in games of gods mortals can only choose a side and obey. The god of night had won, and every sunset Arjun wished he could simply lay down and rest. Yet every dusk Taamas’ servants would appear on the horizon with murder in their eyes. So Arjun fled, and fled without rest, until he was forced to carry his wife on his shoulders. It was only then, when he surrendered his last bit of hope, that Mihir spoke to him.


In the wilderness, with demons closing in, Mihir’s light suddenly cut through blackest night. His command was simple: that Arjun do his duty, destroy his pursuers and free his people. And Arjun felt a terrible shame at having run from battle, and he turned to fight. And as he turned, golden bands wrapped around his arms, and his bow burst into cleansing flames. And his pursuers fled before him and died by the dozens, and he set out for home as Arjun the Chosen, with a great vengeance in his heart.




On the ashes of the empire’s capital, a great battle was fought. Arjun freed his people from slavery and led them against Taamas, and though they were hopelessly outnumbered the power of Mihir coursed through his veins. The faithful fought for three days and three nights, until at last the Chosen reached his foe. With a final burst of energy, Arjun slew Taamas, but in the effort took grievous injuries.


The realm was lost. The nameless god of night had secured its victory, and Arjun found only collapse and decay where once there was prosperity. He found his strength fading, the wounds of war festering. But guided by their god, he and his people turned south and fled across the sea. The servants of Taamas were wary, but were soon spurred forward, and again Arjun’s people were pursued, until at last Mihir led them to the island that would be their home.


It was here that the Chosen spoke to his people for the last time. Mihir’s light was fading across the world, he said, and with no one to fight for it. They would build a city here, a shining city in which the sun would never set. Only then could they weather the storm that was coming, for the servants of night drew ever closer. And when the time was right and this city could again carry the Bright One’s will out into the world, he would return. Mihir would choose a champion, and Arjun would be reincarnated to finally banish the night forever.


He never lived to see his city completed. But the channel to Surya’s east has borne his name ever since, however long that may have been. Every Suryan knows the story. Every Suryan believes it. It is destiny, and when Arjun returns to the world to lead them to victory, they wish him to be impressed with what he sees.






Expenditure (34,000 Treasury)


The peace of the earth. The warmth of the sun. Mihir’s land grows bountiful and rich, and His people dream of everlasting light. [6 farms for 30,000 gold]


[4,000 gold saved]

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The Royal Era of Aemer, A.E 402 (Year 1502)



The Battle of Shadows, Era of Conflict, 400 Years Ago



The hall clamored with the incessant discussions of those occupying it - the King had put on display what was believed to be the corpse of Symon the Unifier along with all the artifacts acquired from the excavation of the Helmden ruins. It begun great theological debates about the nature of Numerian history, and their place in the world, as those present attempted to make sense of the possessions now under the jurisdiction of their Kingdom.


The skeletal remains of the Emperor that united all of Naros greatly piqued Aemyr’s interest - with such a thing in his hands, he could claim himself to be the legitimate successor to the Symonian Empire, but in doing so, forsaking his Elements and throwing Numeria into chaos and upheaval. A great conundrum brewed in Aemyr’s thoughts, no doubt, nevertheless, uncovering the secrets of the past proved to be of great benefit. In his palms lay the prophecies of time immemorial, ominous threats and the potential to find the truth of it all.


Aemyr must act fast upon his newfound secrets, or else risk being laid to waste by foes nefarious to his cause. In respect of the ancient past and commemoration of his ambitions, he adorns himself with the crest of the Greytalon as he strives to claim his spot in this legacy.


Kingdom Information:


The Well of Eternity, a Lake that contains magical properties throughout its waters capable of curing ailments and healing wounds. The Capital of the Kingdom is situated upon its shores, the Kings of Namyr using the waters as a tool to rule. The Lake Sentinels of Lyria, a prestigious organization under the jurisdiction of the King ensure the sanctity of the waters remain pure of any foreign intrusions.


Numerians, once xenophobic and isolationist people, in recent years they have been brought out from their holdings for expeditions into the unknown. Their distinct looks and rich history only fuels their beliefs of being superior to the other cultures of Naros - regardless, they are still pragmatic, and know how to hold their cards and when to play them.


Aemyr V, the newest addition to the lines of Numerian Monarchs. An diligent young man with the ambitions of campaigning easterward in order to secure splendour and wealth, as well as the reclamation of the Numerian birthplace. Aemyr also has a keen interest in the ruins of the old Symonian Empire, having been raised upon lectures of the ancient nation by Numerian Lore Masters that still retained accurate details of such an Empire.


Tyria, the Capital of the Duchy of Tymar, the southernmost Province of the Kingdom. It's one of the founding cities of the Numerians in the region, having been the home of the ancient Tymerian Kings.


Nyria, the northernmost Settlement of Note in the Kingdom. Having once been the location of where the Royals would retreat to for vacation, it grew into prominence during the reign of Daemyr the Good. Daemyr was infatuated with the people that had begun to settle near the Royal Manors, and planted the seeds to what would later become a bustling city.


Woodlands, the forest in which the Numerians occupy, which they claim that they had once controlled the entirety of these woods. The woods are home to various creatures, benign and benevolent, for the density gives way for life to flourish under its canopies. The Numerians have never been able to fully tame these woods, their settlements still being prey to opportunistic beasts. The Woodland Guard patrol the entirety of these forests, focused primarily upon the matters of ensuring that there is no foreign interference.


The Royal Army, the largest military organization of the Kingdom. During the Era of the Councillor War, Aemyr IV reformed it into a singular fighting force, taking away the nobility’s right to having personal levies, and instead introducing regiments and units of Royal Combatants. The Army garrisons various fortifications throughout the Kingdom and are beholden only to the King.


The Grelden Forest, the southern reaches of the forest the Numerians currently inhabit. It was recently dubbed to such a name due to its name being present upon the re-discovered map of the Symonian Empire in the exact location. The region is in the process of being colonized by Numerian settlers as the Kingdom stretches its borders.


Tyniria, the center of the colonization of Grelden. Tyniria is the first settlement constructed within the Forest of Grelden, serving as a base of operations for activities further southward. It is inhabited by the poor and the destitute and garrisoned by a large Royal Army presence. The colonization of Grelden is a carefully articulated one, a process of gentrification is underway within the heartland as poorer populations are enticed to become settlers in these new lands. The name of the settlement simply means Tyria-Minor, the smaller sister city of Tyria.


The Fortress of Helmden, these imposing fortifications sit over the river junction between the nations of Numeria and Danwent. They had been built several centuries before, during the reign of Taemyr the First, however in recent times they have fallen into disrepair, the threat of banditry gone and the people of Danwent having never entered hostilities against Numeria. In recent days a peculiar discovery has been made beneath its walls.




The Woodland Guard, a militant order free of any political influences. Their sole purpose is the defense of the forests that the Numerians occupy. Members are usually taken at a young age, from which they are trained rigorously in the matters of ranged warfare and knowledge of nature. They were formed during the anarchy that was the Era of Conflict, when all Numerians were warring each other; with no central government to aid in the defense against foreign interference into the woodlands, a band of exiles, veterans of war, and runaways established the Guard. It was later elevated to a prestigious position once Aemyr the First invested his efforts into ensuring it could continue the protection of the Numerian Forests.



Available Imperial Denarii (Gold): 30,500


The Royal Cult of Magicians is formed completely, though a fledgling organization in its infancy. It will form the structure of all things related to the arts of Magi. Finishing Place of Worship in Lyria. [5000+2500/7500]


The Duke of Tyria’s interest in the matters of magic was piqued greatly upon learning of the new Royal Initiative in its matters, he requests of the King to form his own Chapter of Magi within his Capital, which is approved. Constructing new Temple. [10000/10000]


The Expeditions into the Roots of the World left many things for the Royal State to focus upon; the northern range with its imposing wall of unlikely proportion, to the potential passageway in the south. Though intriguing to most, the Northern Wall was deemed too troublesome to handle at the current time - the King insteads decide to focus his efforts upon the matters of the passageway. In order to better facilitate Numerian control over the Mountain Pass, the Settlement of Mineria is established upon its entrance; it is expected that it will later become a hub of mining and trade for those attempting to cross the Roots of the World once the passageway has been expanded. [5000/5000]



As Numeria rapidly militarized itself for outward expansion, the need for a sophisticated and flexible army was required. Recruiting from the urban sectors of the Kingdom, middle-class citizens are encouraged to enlist into the army, bringing their wealth along with them. Once the quota had been met, the newly formed units of infantry would be dispatched to the Fortress of Helmden, the Army Headquarters of Numeria for basic combat training. They are trained in the matters of Medium Infantry, designated to hold the line during battle. [x5 (2500) Units of Medium Infantry Recruited | 10000]


A single unit of Numerian Swordsmen is raised and trained, stationed in Helmden for garrison. [x1 (500) Unit of Light Infantry | 1000]


The King of Numeria accepts the offer from the Almeric IV, King of Sehmon. A delegate of Numerians, accompanied primarily by the Duke of Nyria and a few mages are sent along the trade routes to their lands to partake in the Coronation and subsequently, the Conference. They arrive with a plentitude of gifts that one could only find within Numeria, most notably, a vial of water from the Well of Eternity. Alongside with their arrival, the Numerians make their intentions known, also wishing to establish a dialogue in order to facilitate trade between Sehmon and Numeria. And finally, the last items they bring with them are kept discreet, meant only as a tool of leverage during the session of politicking. [Gifts, 2000g | Attempting to establish Trade | Partaking in Coronation and Conference]



Leader: Aemyr V of House Namyr

Capital: Royal City of Lyria [x1 Merchant Guild, Place of Worship, x1 Manufactory, Temple]

Cities: Nyria [x1 Merchant Guild]

Tyria [x1 Merchant Guild, Temple (Finishing This Turn)]


Towns: N/A


Settlements: Tyniria



Fortress: Helmden


Population: 4,774,050 Total

500,000~ in Lyria

300,000~ in Tyria

200,000~ in Nyria

3,500,000~ in rural regions




5 (2500) units of Medium Infantry (Numerian Serjeants)

16 (8000) units of Light Infantry (Numerian Swordsmen/Spearmen)

5 (2500) units of Light Archers (Woodland Guards)

1 (500) unit of Light Cavalry (Numerian Rangers)

Total Infantry Count: 13,500



5 (10, Next Turn) Adepts

1 (2, Next Turn) Magi






Base Income: 3000g

Economic Points: 5000g

Population: 13,500g

Trade: 2000g (The Eye, Republic of Danwent)

Merchants Guilds: 9000g (Lyria, Tyria, Nyria)

Manufactorie(s): 1000g (Lyria)

Tomb of the Greytalon Emperor: 2000g (1 Turn Only)



Infantry: 3000 (4000, Next Turn)

Fortress: 2000


Total: 30,500

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The Commonwealth of Ruhn



The Commonwealth’s parliament was surprised at the sudden missive from the Lemmings, as they had thought the Free City of Lem had little interest in business with the Commonwealth. Now they came and offered wealth for their citizens to depart the newly-claimed riverlands--a trade! How out-of-character from their previous interaction. 

The Ruhnnite ministers looked at their expansion plans, debated among themselves for a time, and the Lord Chancellor handed the envoy back a letter for the Lemming council, or whatever their rulers referred to themselves as.

The letter informs the Free City of Lem that Parliament can appreciate the apprehension of having a large neighbor expand nearby, especially if it includes a vital waterway. However, it would be unethical to uproot their citizen-pioneers after they had already settled and irrigated their millet fields. If the generous people of Lem were to part with, say, 10,000 gold and allow Ruhnnite traders to conduct business within their walls, the Commonwealth Parliament might reconsider their position. Such boons, after all, would soften the blow of resettlement.

If they did not have such wealth to share, the Parliament assured the envoy that the humble and pious farmers of Ruhn would pose no threat to the Lemming’s business or their river--they much preferred prayer, and tending to their fields. 

They wished the envoy well, and pray for his health as he scampers back to the coastline.



At the completion of the new temple, one of the most pious of acolytes has a dream--a vision from his ancestors and He-That-Waits Himself!  They bade him to preach and spread His name throughout heathen lands, and show the people how to properly honour their ancestors. His newly acquired powers (gifts from the divine!) were another such sign that the acolyte was to be the herald of something grand. Handing over his bone talismans, his robes, his money, and all other personal possessions, he draped himself in humble peasant’s attire and headed towards the only land close by--Lem.

He would not enter the city initially, oh no! He would not seek the approval of the merchants. He sought the downtrodden peasant, the paupers, the orphans, the sick, and the troubled. He would give aid as he could, comfort them in their agony, and give blessings and sanctify the bodies of those passing and passed. He wanted to find families, distraught with sudden, unexpected loss, and return their missing lambs to the world of the living. He-That-Waits was eternally patient, and those who came to him before their time were kindly released from His gentle embrace. 

What could be more deserving of piety and respect than a God who could resurrect the dead?



Preparations begin in Fortress Bergen for a great expedition. Men are drilled, equipment is tweaked, supplies are requisitioned, and horses mustered. Wheelwrights pound iron, cartwrights hammer nails into wood, and seamstresses from surrounding villages deliver simple cloaks, headscarves, and tabards to help against the hot sun of the southern deserts. Barrels are requisitioned for water, hard-tack, and grain. This journey could take months, and supplies would be difficult to obtain once begun. 

A few troops from wealthier families are given horses and trained as light cavalry. There would be a year of brutal drills and cutting out the infirm troops from the gifted. A solid core of professional soldiers was needed to aid in the coming battles--all for the glory of Ruhn, and its patron Lord!  




Gold Accumulation:
Merchant’s Guilds:
Military Upkeep: -3000.
24,500 gold. (29,500 inc. vault)


-A counteroffer is sent to the Free City of Lem. (See RP)

-A single adept of He-That-Waits gives away his possessions to go on a great spiritual journey to Lem, ironically. (See RP)

-Citizen-pioneers are sent to the Eastern possessions of Ruhn, to build farms out near the great bridge. It’s an awe-inspiring sight for a mere yokel, and most are somewhat intimidated by its size and grandeur. (
-5000 gold on one farm stack)

-The soldiers from Ruhn are resupplied, their armour tweaked for desert conditions, and supplies are collected for the expedition. They would lack nothing for this journey, and the state valued their lives. (-5000 gold towards the expedition)

-A regiment of light cavalry is recruited for both scouting and routing enemy combatants. They are drilled hard all through the year to be at peak performance. (
-10,000 gold towards two T2 light cavalry veteran units)

-Finally, the last of the year’s treasury is spent on drilling two units of medium infantry and one unit of medium archers to veteran status. (
-3000 gold)

1500 gold is placed in the vault.




Population: 2,717,000 citizens.

Cities & Investments:
Ruhn (Merchant’s Guild, Temple)
Bruger (Merchant’s Guild)
Riveruhn (settlement)


Defensive Structures:
Fortress Bergen

Other Investments:


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The Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick




Nation Stats




King Eonir the Great Stag


High Priestess Dycha


Prince Aeleandor the Warden








Base: 7,000


Population: 7,500


Trade: 4,000


Merchant Guilds: 6,000


Upkeep: -7,000


Total: 17,500




Start: 18,500

End: 7,000


Trade Partners


Galaharian League

Empire of Bordeleaux

Kingdom of Hilmedhi

Kingdom of Bulgar


Cities, settlements and Fortresses


Talsyn (Capital), Population of City and Surrounding Area: 1,529,000


Anmyr (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 729,000


The Midnight Anvil (Fortress) Garrison: 1000 Medium Infantry, 500 Light Archers


Modryn (Settlement) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 420,000




Place of Worship


Farms x2

Merchant Guilds x2




5,000 Greenthroat Riders


5,000 Medium Infantry


2,500 Light Infantry


2,500 Light Archers




The Scouts in the deep of the Green Throat would still be out on their mission, making contact with the Wolves finally with the help of the new adepts and magi from the constructed temple. A group of Light Archer Scouts would be lead by a Wolf Alpha towards the source of many of the issues within the Green Throat. It was the duty of the Fey to protect and maintain these great Woods and they were determined not to fail. Venturing deeper into the Woods, it would still take time to find the threat that lingered.


At home the King would prepare the forces of the Kingdom, it was likely the war that the Priesthood had forseen was about to come into fruition. Preparing for what would likely be a large march through the woods, though the this was the home of the Fey and they always held advantage in the forests of the Green Throat. Outside fo that, the Kingdom would bolster its economy seeking to further enrich itself so that it might make further improvements to its Military in equipment and size.


“Trouble stirs in the heart of the Green Throat.” the High Priestess would state, stalking the King below one of the many canopies within Fyr-Darrick. “The Elder Soul will test you my King, it has been a century since you last rode to war and it is not barbarians you face this time.” she’d state, eventually standing beside him. The King would remain stoic and silent, simply staring outwards towards the woods, only betraying a sigh. “This is the conflict that will either save or destroy our people, I only pray I will not fail our people.”


The Magi Priestess would move to step in front of the King, so that they might meet eye to eye “The Elder Soul chose you to be King so many years ago, you shan’t lead us to defeat. Though this may be your last war, if it is to be your last act you must extinguish the threat from our forests.” she’d say sternly to the King, before turning to wonder off rejoining the Adepts.




A Manufacturer would be built in the Capital. 7,500


1,000 Light Archers would be recruited with T2 Equipment. 4,000


Rare Materials/Minerals would be searched for. (Mod)


Military Maneuvers


Forces across the territory of Fyr-Darrick would begin to mobilise, though outsiders wouldn’t know of it due to the obscurity and secrecy within the territory.


The Scouts of Fyr-Darrick would be lead by the Wolf towards the supposed threat in the Forest.

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D U C H Y   O F U L Y A D AR



Image result for volcano fantasy

The Grumblers are a series of four volcanoes in the heart of the territory of Ulyadar. There are crucial to the culture of the surrounding peoples, and are regarded by many to be the gate to the blood god, with the molten rock found commonly in openings throughout the region resembling the blood of the earth. Each of the Grumblers have been named, and all of them are almost constantly spewing out ash and jets of red lava. The first one, and the smallest, is called Mount Skaro. The next one, the second to tallest one, is called Mount Mosfell. The third, tallest, and most important, is called Mt. Arfast. This volcano is said to be the closest to Tykir, the Blood God, and according to maiden legends, has never stopped erupting. Near the summit of this mountain exists the Oracle of the Blood Forge, where Tancred and the Mages of Ulyadar communicate with Tykir. The last one, is called Mt Alviora, and it is so close to Arfast that it has earned some veneration amongst local tribes for being the home of Tykir’s wife, Asleif. Each of these has a special story in local cultures, and they are all respected amongst all Reykverfis in Ulyadar. However Mt. Arfast is feared amongst every boy, girl, man and women. Every person except for The Oracle of the Blood Forge, Tancred.


Tancred, donning his white wolf skin on his head which reaches his calves leads the long line of imprisoned men behind him. His body has a slight glare from sweat as a result of the heat emitting from the channels and ravines of molten rock nearby. His chest is exposed, and across his entire upper body are runes and pictures drawn in black ink of various religious concepts, such as the 8 Champions of Tykir, and of various important sacrifices in the history of these lands. The poor souls following him are lightly clothed or completely naked, and drenched in sweat. Some are crying, others begging for mercy. Some remain silent, but they all are aware of their impending fate. 10 palace guards accompany them, spread out in even intervals on the flanks of the long line.


Eventually after a long trek up the slopes of hundreds of fissures, around burning black rocks, and through clouds of ash from the very mouth of Tykir himself the doomed group arrives at crumbling site of the Oracle. There is construction occuring at the area, but no ordinary peasant would want to be in the area when Tancred begins working his magic. For now however, Tancred will have to work with ancient relics of the past. And so he does. One by one, poor soul after poor soul is dragged onto a large cold black slab by the hands of Tancred .Once they are on the altar, it is very methodical, slow slaughter.First the wrists are slit, and the blood is allowed to drip down, on small channels built into the slab, into a reservoir of exposed lava directly below the altar. Only when the skin begins turning cold,  is when the back of the ankles and the neck is sliced, allowing the rest of the blood in the body to drip into the mouth of Tykir. When the flow of blood begins to slow, the body is cast into the abyss below. Then, the next sacrifice is thrown onto the slab, and the very methodical cuts from Tancred are repeated.


At the end of the slaughter, Tancred must spill his own blood to consecrate and validate the sacrifice. Using the Ritual Knife passed from Oracle to Oracle, from the first to the last, his palms are slit, and when enough blood is gathered to fill the gold skull of the First Champion of Tykir, Kodran, then Tancreds blood is raised to the Sky, and then deposited into the abyss, where according to the Great Mage-Scholars of the Reykverfi’s, Tykir will accept the blood from the sacrifices, and bathe in it as he extends his blessings on his people.







Big Star: Capitol(Ulya), Big circle:City(Yakur), Small circle(South east): Settlement of Tykirfell, Small circle (North): Settlement of Rypapa














-Construction of a Temple to the Blood God. (10k/10k) A Temple to the Blood God is constructed in the ancient buildings in the Blood Forge high up in the fiery chaos of the Grumblers. It is here where the Blood God is closest to his children, and it is here where Tancred spends most of his time, conjuring spells and incantations of horrors and committing violent acts, all in the name of the Blood God. (11k left)


-Exploration to POI Southwest- Some frontiersmen leaving high up in the ranges near melting rock and living on new rock have spread word of a rather interesting spot near the volcanic southwestern border with Ulyadar, and the Duke sends a light expeditionary team in that direction to scout it out and gather more information on it.


-A Manufactory is ordered to be built by the Duke’s command, pickling fresh fish in the capitol to be distributed across the Duchy.(4.5k left)


-Tancred sacrifices the blood of 100 poor tribals to the Blood God, the blood of the sacrifices  spilling into the mouth of the Blood Forge, as they have done for generations and generations.


-4.5k Gold is kept in the vault, to be used at another time. Another group of people are sent to explore the two glaciers, they climb the high walls and carefully tread the ancient ice.


Edited by Alfonso X el Sabio
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Kingdom of Hilmedhi


The waves crashed into the ships of the Hilmedhi ‘fleet’, the jungle wood creaked as it swayed up and down throughout Reaver’s bay. Throck stood on the deck peering out across the salty ocean water that glistened off the Sun’s light. He looked around his ship, the men were excited. Only a select few merchants had witnessed another civilization before, and these dwarfs would soak in every second. He smiled as the pain of his daughter’s departure was finally washing away. His worries began to fade.


On the horizon, laid the capital of Galahar. A beautiful sight of naval prowess and trade. The High King watched his daughter’s face light up in joy, her new home was exactly what she had dreamed of. On the outside it appeared to be a dream, but on the inside she knew it was a nightmare. She turned towards her father, and gave him a tight hug. A tear forming in the corner of her amber colored eyes. “Thank you.” She looked up at him after stepping back from the embrace. The pair started laughing at her tears, as Throck reached up and wiped it away with his hand.


Airlia, straightened up her posture and sniffed a bit to regain her composure. “Why did mom not attend Dad? Does she hate me for wanting this?”


The King was taken aback a bit by his daughter’s sudden outburst. Dealing with this regularly with his citizens and advisors but it is always different when it came to his daughter. He adjusted his armor, “No Airlia, she hates me for allowing it. She is bitter about losing you. To this Duke. She is failing to realize you are happy about it. It’s a hard lesson for her to learn.” He laughs, “Now that we broke our isolation from the world. We all have to learn and adapt. Even your mother will have to come out of her ways. I am hoping she will find her way.”  



Population: 2,161,000



1,000 T1 Medium Inf.

500 T1 Light Inf

500 T1 Light Cav

500 T1 Light Archers


Treasury: 22,000
Base: 3,000
Trade: 6,000
Economy: 4,000
Population: 6,000
Improvements: 3,000


With the discovery of the wood, that yielded ungodly amounts when chopped. His advisors, decided best with the King’s approval to settle the land. Providing a new opportunity for resources to be traded among Reaver’s Bay. (5,000 Gold) (17,000 Gold Remaing)



With the expansion northward, the protection of these new materials were vital. Especially with a good chunk of the standing military being assigned to the Princess's Guard.


Several new regiments are recruited.

3 Regiments of T3 Medium Infantry (12,000 Gold)

2 Regiments of T2 Light Infantry (4,000 Gold)  

1 Regiment of T1 Light Archers (1,000 Gold)  


EoT Treasury: 0 Gold

EoT Upkeep: 2,000

Next Turn Income: 20,000

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