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Sutica: A Ghost Town

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Lord Commander Amaesil Vuln'miruel stood alone in the empty streets of the Sutican capital. He watched the combined forces of Silver and Bronze march through the streets in their attempt to find someone — anyone.


The Lord Commander was relieved, in truth. He strolled through the vacant streets with a hand rested on the pommel of his elven longsword. Every so often he would catch a glimpse of terrified eyes looking out from behind curtains in the locked and boarded homes. He had no interest in harming the innocent; none in the ranks of the United Elven Army did.




He continued down the pathway before arriving at a large, empty garden. The elven warrior lowered down to a seat on a bench that overlooked the small pond. It was a peaceful, tranquil location during such an organized invasion of the city. He could still hear the marching, but it had become drowned out by the constantly ringing alarm bell of the city. Nobody came, though. They were afraid.


It was then that Amaesil saw eyes peering back at him from across the pond. Behind a small bush was a child dressed in fine blue and silver robes. The child squeaked as Amaesil took note of him and dipped down to hide behind the bush. Amaesil chuckled softly before rising up. The bronze-clad elf glided silently across the grass before coming to the bush and looking down toward the cowering child.


"Do not fear me." Amaesil reached into his robes and produced a small candy that his own son enjoyed. He extended it toward the child. "Here. Take this, oem'ii."


The child looked up in astonishment. After a brief pause, he accepted the candy and gnawed at it hungrily. "Are you here to hurt us?" the child asked with suspicious eyes.


"Not at all," Amaesil replied. The Lord Commander lowered down to a seat in the grass beside the child and looked out at the streets covered in silver and bronze. "We are not hungry for anything but justice, little one. We are not brutes such as Uruks; glory-bound fools such as humans. We want justice for the crimes permitted to occur to us — in a city far, far away from here."


"You started this," the child protested.


"Perhaps we did," Amaesil admitted with a soft hum. "It was not our intention, but perhaps we did. We intend to finish it, though, little one. Justice must be served. Go home, now." Amaesil rose up and offered a gentle wave to the child before the little human sprang up and rushed into the side streets of Sutica. Amaesil looked toward the sky.


Yes, he thought. Justice.

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Zelios Viradiraar stands guard along the walls of the Silver State. He mutters out to his fellow Sillumiran present, “the enemy we face was one of our own, a deserter of purity. I had always thought the ferals to be the ones in the western woodlands, but it appears the greedy merchants of the south are the true impure stain on the continent.  They’ll be pacified soon enough. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya.”

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A breeze  tumbleweed rolls through Malinor Sutica.

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A man of many faces smirks mischievously!




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A Particular Hound would rapidly blink its eyes upon receiving the missive, conjuring a pair of spectral spectacles to ensure it wasn't misreading the publication!


"What in the name of the Lords..."

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MIka Uialben, sitting rather reclined in his office chair within his underground manor perks up a brow as he sees the missive on his desk before he shrugs "When a monarch is forced to abdicate, there are repercussions to the next one" he then lets out a deep sigh "Sutica shouldn't have made demands in the first place, but sent out the breach of neutrality on it's own to have some clarification. This is a mess."

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2 minutes ago, Milenkhov said:

A man of many faces smirks mischievously!

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"Immaculate." Says a man standing next to the other man as the man smirked at the other mans smirk. So did the men smirk in unison.

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An elvenessi treasurer feeds his pigeon a palmful of Nyjer seeds, the shy girl cooing gently at the offered food. "Good."

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Vicente Murietta reads about the Operation with general concern, then stepping to his window to look out at the Hyspian city of Osanora. If Sutica couldn't protect themselves....how could they protect Hyspia?

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High Prince Evar'tir Oranor smiles. "To ignore diplomatic outreach, when demanding for it. Poetic, in a way." The 'ker chuckled, humming a banger of a tune.


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Carlos Mendez pondered for a long while before tossing the ultimatum into a fire, watching the the piece be devoured by fire as he lowered his head. "Haelun'or and Elvenesse, working together....?" He asked himself, withdrawing a sigh of question.


Luka Bishop was just frankly happy at the sight. He held a deep and extreme hatred of the Trade State itself.

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A warrior returns from a bloodless raid. Relief on his face. "I'm not sure I'd have the courage to stand if I knew I was wrong either." The 'ame shook his head as he approached the gates of Elvenesse. He paused for a moment, looking down, over the bridge, and into the water. A faint smile crossed his face as he continued into the city. No lives had been lost. This was a good day. 

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In his humble abode, David Espinoza, whom had spent all evening working and running, would rejoice with a yawn of fatigue in his seat. With a clenched fist, the Espinoza would take yet another drink of the Hyspian Tequila as he observed the lettering of the missive.


"Ay, now they've had it. DIOS nos salve a todos."spoke the Espinoza, as he clutched the Lorraine Cross hanging from his necklage.

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Nivndil recalls when she'd marched Druids into Sutica upon Atlas, to chase down a rabid hound. "Bold Mal'onn.. but I did it first," she mused with a shake of her head.

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