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[✗] [CA] A Hanyō - The Half Yōkai


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Kinda epic.


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maybe add a section explaining what a normal yokai is, origins n whatnot, seems like a sourceless creation labelled an unknown spirit type, can’t really expect to know what this CA is when it’s other half isn’t an existent idea on lotc already + isn’t established in any other lore + isn’t established well in this lore


i also have reservations about the theme but it’s well written lore so far

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"There is no such thing as a Yokai. Not in Yulthar, at least. The beasts of Yulthar have no names, and have no faces: they are monsters, such as it is. Simly monsters."


A little hesitant about the theme as some have stated but, this seems interesting to me. Good luck.

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9 minutes ago, Hephaestus said:
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"There is no such thing as a Yokai. Not in Yulthar, at least. The beasts of Yulthar have no names, and have no faces: they are monsters, such as it is. Simly monsters."


A little hesitant about the theme as some have stated but, this seems interesting to me. Good luck.

The theme is merely a dedication to the origin of the creature however the magic allows CA holders to go with any themes they like as stated in the purpose! This lore is just a foundational story based CA that allows players to create not only any story they want for themselves but the community around them.


Ex. An A Hanyo that is half bear half man who plays as a viking in the north who uses pagan inspired imagery and creates a viking cult around himself.

2 hours ago, Werew0lf said:

maybe add a section explaining what a normal yokai is, origins n whatnot, seems like a sourceless creation labelled an unknown spirit type, can’t really expect to know what this CA is when it’s other half isn’t an existent idea on lotc already + isn’t established in any other lore + isn’t established well in this lore


i also have reservations about the theme but it’s well written lore so far

Yes! We are planning on adding some more info about the demon spirits themselves here soon just busy with finals and what not.

5 hours ago, Sorcerio said:

I gave a brief look over the lore, and it's certainly interesting. I have a few reservations regarding theme and some of the lore used, though none of that is really conducive to improving the lore itself, and I otherwise enjoyed the flavor and unique spin it had on this particular niche of RP. However, there are a few questions that came to mind. For one, these seem very mechanically similar to how Mystic's function in terms of the spirit bonding and the corporeal/incorporeal merging; beyond aesthetic and abilities, what serves to prevent it from just being another flavor for the same niche? Also, what kind of spirits are these? Are they dead, inferi, or shamanic spirits? I wasn't very clear, but maybe I just missed it. 


Otherwise, I wish it luck. 

Thank you for the feedback! More info on the Yokai coming soon!

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Based post, from reading it this seems like a really balanced lore piece definitely a +1 Can't wait to see

this get accepted!!  


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Epic stuff! Happy to have helped at least a little and I really hope it gets accepted! <3

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as much as i despise the evil CA bloat its almost a shame this wasn't proposed before yong ping's activity went down the drain, i'm sure it would've been pretty popular. 


with that, thematically, im not sure it'd really have a place to thrive in lotc among the thousands of other evil creatures that exist: especially now that there isn't an asian-centric city. 



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Very nice, yes mhm. It does have lot of images representing yong ping themed culture but there is a lot of usage, placement it could fit in if one really thinks about it anyways. Only wish it was something neutral or holy tho but that just me wishing for more than constructs for neutral anyways lol. Other wise very nice, mhm and lovely 

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haven't read it yet but the concept looks awesome, I love seeing cultural CA races like this and Demi-Djinn. Hope it gets accepted! Will probably add something to this comment once I've finished it.

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I don't think suicide counts as an ability.

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+1 Love it :)

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