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The Great War of Failor


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"when did we get bahnished from noahlahnd? we left on owa own? ahnd when did zey even ahttahck us ahnd drove us from owa lahnd? zey nevah even set foot on owa lahnd, only ze adunians who zey zemselves ended up being mahssacaehd by the nohlanders a few mohnts after we signehd a truce" As he read the letter further, the elf would pause to scratch his head; then, as he got to the last few paragraphs, he burst out laughing. " eating infahnts ahnd muhdering pregnahnt women.. you lot really dehicded to mahke up ze shittiest liehs you could possihbly come up wiss ahnd decided its enough to bring ahhl of ze decendahnhts to fight foah yoah own brohken ego of whahht hahppened when weh left noahlahnd foah zeuh lies ahnd tyrahnny, Ohkay.."





Edited by Zolla_
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Pyeter I of Redclyf pulled two qoutes from his late grandfather, the aesir of aesirs in old Redclyf-Rozania to display the Redclyfian spirit in response to their declaration of war yet also to poke fun at those who declared war towards them

"If (Esto Buckfort) and his followers want war.. Then they shall not die in their beds surrounded by friends and loved ones but at the walls of Myrine! Their bodies will be unrecognizable for their flesh shall be made into a feast for ravens and stray hounds... Their blood, sweat, tears, and toil but most importantly, names will not be remembered but what will be remembered is how their bodies filled the fields & hills of Redclyf-Rozania! Dying in a false, useless, and foolish cause that would only lead to their own Doom!"
- Sir Ragnarr "Barbarossa" Mösu in response to Esto Buckfort's claim


That was the first qoute but the second one was less of a qoute and more a copy of a old and ancient message from the Mösus which was nailed to the notice boards of Norland and it's vassals, signaling the peaceful leaving of their clan. 

"I knew the ego of the Norlanders was fragile," He responded to Adaranth of Redclyf  "But I could never imagine that they would fall as low as to spread lies about us. Eating babies? Killing women?" he chuckled "Lies that the Norlanders tell themselves to scare their children and themselves." - "If Norland had any honor and dignity left, then they would not resort to lies to gain more allies to later settle an old feud which has existed for three generations."

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Dominic Kvitravn, older brother of Eyvind Kvitravn II (@Pancho) and Chieftain of Clan Kvitravn, nods in approval. "Assemble the Clan, we ride to war. Iron from Ice!"


Styregg Eiriksson Ruric considers writing an official endorsement of his kinsman's mission. Meanwhile, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric smiles the sun's smile from the All-Father's hall. "Look at 'em, finishing what I started!"

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The Princess of Norland was enjoying her time on a beach, not having a single care for the pathetic war at hand.

"At least the blood is not on my hands."

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19 minutes ago, worldeltaii said:

The Princess of Norland was enjoying her time on a beach, not having a single care for the pathetic war at hand.

"At least the blood is not on my hands."

Ania Kortrevich high fives the princess

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Aleksander Jazloviecki was sitting in his log cabin, in the March of Lecho-Raev, when a copy of the declaration of war reached him "War... War never changes." He muttered to himself before shaking his head 

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Waclaw Jazloviecki snorted derisively as he read Hilda’s name on the missive. “So the false Ruric conspires to drag us all into war. I will be having none of it.”

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Izabela Jazloviecki tsked upon reading the missive, "Seems the brutes have gotten bored already." She snorted, tossing the missive into the fireplace and picking up a something worth reading instead. 


Makoto Iekami sighed, shaking his head, "Is it such an impossible task to avoid trying to kill one another?" He set the missive aside, choosing to spend the rest of his day enjoying the peace around him as he sat on the bank of a river.



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The other Princess of Norland sits in a forge, sharpening her axe! 


"Classic canonist moment . . I hope we don't give them the privilege of a quick and painless death."


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5 hours ago, MisterBlitzkrieg said:

Pyeter I of Redclyf pulled two qoutes from his late grandfather, the aesir of aesirs in old Redclyf-Rozania to display the Redclyfian spirit in response to their declaration of war yet also to poke fun at those who declared war towards them

"If (Esto Buckfort) and his followers want war.. Then they shall not die in their beds surrounded by friends and loved ones but at the walls of Myrine! Their bodies will be unrecognizable for their flesh shall be made into a feast for ravens and stray hounds... Their blood, sweat, tears, and toil but most importantly, names will not be remembered but what will be remembered is how their bodies filled the fields & hills of Redclyf-Rozania! Dying in a false, useless, and foolish cause that would only lead to their own Doom!"
- Sir Ragnarr "Barbarossa" Mösu in response to Esto Buckfort's claim


That was the first qoute but the second one was less of a qoute and more a copy of a old and ancient message from the Mösus which was nailed to the notice boards of Norland and it's vassals, signaling the peaceful leaving of their clan. 

"I knew the ego of the Norlanders was fragile," He responded to Adaranth of Redclyf  "But I could never imagine that they would fall as low as to spread lies about us. Eating babies? Killing women?" he chuckled "Lies that the Norlanders tell themselves to scare their children and themselves." - "If Norland had any honor and dignity left, then they would not resort to lies to gain more allies to later settle an old feud which has existed for three generations."



Vykk shakes his head "Uh-Oh... She's Malding"

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