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Charlie Alstion stood on a hill, glancing at the fight from a distance - his head was full of dreams of becoming a knight one day. Despite the fact that he was not able to fight, due to his age, the Prince stood proudly with his bagpipes at hand and played for those who went to Stassion to avenge Edmund II and other Martyrs who fell in the attempted coup of 1952.




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Old memories flood Hali's mind from Heinrik's rebellion. "A day of vengeance has been had, but it's not over. On to Veletz. We shall avenge you, Sigismund, my old friend."

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As she was being attended to by the Royal physician, PRINCESS ELENA would sip a well-aged brandy upon her return home from yet another victory. "We can count on my hand how many battles is took to defeat those Novellen claimants." Remarked the Countess of Rosemoor to her niece @HIGH_FIRE . "Let the title division begin and AVE BALIAN!" A smirk rose upon the aged Amiratus's features as she cheered aloud. 

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“Whitespire, Breakwater, Brasca, Hippo’s Gorge, and Castle Aurelian.” Faeryel strolls home with another Chamber of Fire member in tow, laden with the spoils of victory. “Why labor in the mines when the good men and women of Veletz seem so willing to do it for us?”


“You’ve got to give them some credit,” her companion chimes. “They’re very good at dying.”

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Amidst the debris of yet another successful conquest, there stood alone a man, his figure a striking presence against the backdrop of the conquered castle; there stood Aleksandr II of Haense.


He was now an aged King – practically the product of war. The Haeseni King’s armor bore the marks of countless battles past and battles new; Godan, he was an ugly sight. He set eyes upon the castle's ruins, gone silent amidst somber reflection. His thoughts drifted to the echoes of the past, to the voices of the historians and educators who taught him the tales of his forebears who had clashed with the ancestors of Prince Richard I and Frederick II. 


Now, finally, they were vanquished and erased from the continent.


Emperors to naught. The King was pleased.




Despite the passage of generations, the struggles of man endured. “Victory,” he mused. How it came at a great cost, tempered by the bitterness of loss. How the world was an ever-turning wheel, and Aleksandr was but one of its countless spokes. He grew old and tired, yet duty called, as it always did. He stood as the protector of his realm, the guardian of his people, commander of the Covenant. His duty was to ensure the safety and prosperity of his lands and those beyond, regardless of the cost – for he would pay it. The fourth victory now, and while the thrill of battle may have faded, the weight of responsibility had only grown heavier.


With a deep breath, he straightened his posture, longing upon the horizon that rose. The cries of his victorious allies echoed around him – TANDEM TRIUMPHANS – a chorus of triumph that reverberated through the land. The legacy of his family had been upheld once more, and the Heartlands given room to endure. The King was pleased.


And so Aleksandr II plucked Svjetlast from the ground, and finally, as those cries waned, the King shouted late:

“ T A N D E M  T R I U M P H A N S. ”

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Battered, crippled and armless, Gottfried, the Duke of Kanunsberg lay on the battlements, his vision failing him.

Awaking in the bed of a hospital, family at his side he'd comment;

"I guess I flew pretty good..."







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In the aftermath of the battle, Konstantin pinned a rabbit’s foot to a charred post which marked the entryway into the burnt remnants of what was once Fredericksburg. “The Rabbits have come. And now look what remains of your wretched realm. “ Konstantin said quietly as he looked upon what remained of Stassion. His voice held a great deal of both anger and sadness as he spoke. With a glance cast upwards to the sky, he spoke once more. “A debt has been repaid tenfold, dear cousin. Those who murdered you in cold blood now lay within the ground, their home turned to ash and timber.” With that said, the name Ghorm was then carved into the post, just below where the rabbit’s foot now hung before the knight departed in the direction of Vissingren.

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Monika von Augusten marched to Stassion, a tiny portrait of her dear Alessandro in her hand. She used the image to get her though all the battles, all the tough days.


Now, the squire stood in her own lands Petra, preparing for yet another battle. Orders were barked and the woman scurried about the wooden keep, finally making her way to a cannon with two Theonus. Then it became repetiton. Fire. . . Reload. . . Fire. . .




Monika almost froze at the order, but knew her duty. Charge she did. Her sword quickly became stained in crimson along with her armour, but it did not matter to her. The Stassionites must die, she told herself. And die they did.

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Queen Sybille would smile as her distant cousin's home finally falls. She'd hum a song written by her allies, proiud of what they all achieved this day.

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"If you hang, no tears we'll shed

Run to save your Stassie head..."

Thus hummed Father Jean as he watched the Stassies do just that - they shambled aimlessly among the burning ruins and found themselves trampled under Yachtmen's horses, dying frequently and most brutally in defiance of their own supposed creed.

There would be a time for God's mercy and humility. But not now - this red day was a day of righteous retribution.


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"I am glad we got that eyesore out of the world" Marius smiled brightly, wiping off the blood from his armor. He then kicked his feet up as he hummed a tune to his latest poem. "A good day indeed."





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Emilio looked to his victorious sons, a proud smile upon his roachly visage, though he was rather confused, "I thought stassies never died? Though it must-a be the other way around."

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Marlene von Reuss welcomed her husband home from battle with pride - gathering her children around to hear the stories. 

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"At last, the opportunists and their house of cards have come tumbling down,"

Prince Marcus stated, returning home to recover from his wounds.

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