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Realm Applications on Hold


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Good choice mr llir

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Good, add activity requirements and make them severe enough to axe half of the current realms.

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In all honesty tho, It's prob best to cull the abandoned realms. (that generate almost 0 activity). But if there is some purge of realms. Please for the love of god just ruin them. having /clear on everything feels so weird

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About time.

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nobody ever expected this

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This is a great call - but it needs to go a lot further.


The current status quo of realm bloat and kleinstaaterei is pretty destructive, so just preserving it through a (presumably temporary) application freeze is not going to do enough. 


If I were on the staff, my priority would be introducing rules and other mechanisms to cut down on the McMansion nations, mass-produced piastdoms and inactive microstates - realms with minimal activity, no economy and/or raison d'etre for even existing in the first place would be the first to either go or be strongly encouraged to merge with their neighbors and integrate with currently-present systems. 


I commend the staff for having correctly recognized that the bar for statehood needs to be a lot higher, but now the extra step should be taken to clean up those that should never have achieved realm status in the first place.


In an ideal world I would rather people do this in RP, but the reality is that players can no longer be trusted to self-regulate seeing as everybody today has some special excuse as to why their Targaryen-copypaste or Google Translate nation (dreamed up in the last five minutes) has a sacrosanct Wilsonian right to self-determination and inviolable sovereignty, and how this then exempts them from ever integrating into larger communities. 


The role of staff should not just be to enforce petty infractions, but also to promote high quality world-building - this is one of those situations where a hands-off approach has been very harmful to the standard of RP on the server. 


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11 minutes ago, Esterlen said:

This is a great call - but it needs to go a lot further.


The current status quo of realm bloat and kleinstaaterei is pretty destructive, so just preserving it through a (presumably temporary) application freeze is not going to do enough. 


If I were on the staff, my priority would be introducing rules and other mechanisms to cut down on the McMansion nations, mass-produced piastdoms and inactive microstates - realms with minimal activity, no economy and/or raison d'etre for even existing in the first place would be the first to either go or be strongly encouraged to merge with their neighbors and integrate with currently-present systems. 


I commend the staff for having correctly recognized that the bar for statehood needs to be a lot higher, but now the extra step should be taken to clean up those that should never have achieved realm status in the first place.


In an ideal world I would rather people do this in RP, but the reality is that players can no longer be trusted to self-regulate seeing as everybody today has some special excuse as to why their Targaryen-copypaste or Google Translate nation (dreamed up in the last five minutes) has a sacrosanct Wilsonian right to self-determination and inviolable sovereignty, and how this then exempts them from ever integrating into larger communities. 


The role of staff should not just be to enforce petty infractions, but also to promote high quality world-building - this is one of those situations where a hands-off approach has been very harmful to the standard of RP on the server. 



To expand on this, nations are essentially just these immense and all-consuming segments of the server. There is no alternative for players who want to do smaller-scale role-play. Instead of guilds, craftsmen, and farmers, you've got endless noble personas, all of which have some "unique" facet to them - namely, they're all nobles. I believe that it would be wise to place the same emphasis we had on prior maps of four crucial zones and a handful of outlier nations to fix this.

Player creativity is a good thing when it's channeled in a positive direction. However, people have historically channeled their energy inwards, and now the server culture is dominated by greed. Every decision is influenced by out-of-character influences in every major group. While this is inescapable even in old LoTC, it does not change that in the past there were harsher punishments for this behavior, whereas nowadays it is rewarded.


People are actively rewarded for being selfish. Nobody can make the argument that these countries have "varied" cultures, it is simply a matter of which personality cult dominates which, and which people invest the most time into ensuring its success. There are some people who make efforts to do both, which is cool, but at the end of the day player narratives are now governed by their uninhibited impulses. Honestly, I'd gut nations as an institution start fresh, and place a heftier emphasis on role-play systems that foster activity not through tea party pings, but through enabling positive exchange between players. Mods have increasingly become a facet of rule-lawyering between old, jaded players who claim to care about role-play but behave hypocritically as to write the fattest wiki pages (which is rife with plagiarism, theft, and a lack of professionalism in itself).

There is no reason somebody cannot get their own house elsewhere, so long as they contribute to the server's narrative. A regulated free-build option where you can get your builds approved with a lore write-up would be dope. We need fewer kings, shepherds, bureaucrats, and smarmy politicians. We honestly just need people who care about role-playing for fun and not to sustain their ego.


We risk returning to a time frame where server activity is dictated by pings. We should be creating a server where people do not endeavor to use Discord. Amen.

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