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"Uh? Anyone else see an ELF wrote this? They should be ignored! The HUMAN marshal surely knows what he's on about!" Brother Ninnias says to his good HUMAN friends

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"Finally, someone with intelligence calls out the idiocy and failings of haensetti strategy. They marched us into hellfire and an obvious trap" an elven warrior says as he reads the missive, folding it into his pocket for safekeeping "perhaps I should meet this Greiret".

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“Remember the atrocities of Boomhill and the Haensian Cannibalism of the poor travellers!”


Rudolph, a descendant of the Boomhill Mining Company laments over the news of Haense military cruelty and brutality.

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2 hours ago, Knight of Elken said:

Immortal of the Kingdom of Gladewynn


I thought realm applications were put on hold? Where on the map is Gladewynn


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The Laird of Grenzstadt finds the letter a bit late in their stack of letters to read, busy making preparations to fight the enemy and putting off reading in general. "I was there to see the battering ram explode outside the enemy fort, and for the Haensers to run away. It was my cannon that opened the enemy fort, and it was my fellow Norlanders which saved Leonid and others from certain death more than once that fight. I have never seen an assault conducted so poorly, especially when there was already a weakness in the wall exploited just a few months before by Vikela that would have required no siege equipment and was easy to find." A living doll rushes past to bring various writing supplies, before sitting down to begin writing a letter. "I was there to see Greiret caution Leonid of the obvious snow trap, and for Leonid to order a cavalry charge uphill in deep snow and pitfalls into a prepared mounted enemy. I knew that assault would go poorly when I saw a battering ram there too." With a hand motion the living doll hurries off to the aviary. "Though it's not just Leonid's fault, there are plenty of other commanders who have made repeated disastrous calls that killed a majority of their men."

An open addition is distributed along with the letter above via bird with a simple message:

"Iosefka Anarórë, Dragonslayer Laird of Grenzstadt, for commander. For a victory, finally."

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