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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by wowj

  1. if you cant type 80 wpm you should instantly die in crp
  2. "The weak are meat and the strong do eat." Spoke the Undead Hero of Eastfleet, UnderLord of DuLoc, Lord Protector of Quentin Brae and Knighted Sir of Aaun.
  3. A newly empowered Paramount cackles like a madman at news of GASHADOKURO'S PLOT.
  4. Voidal magic really needs re-writes with how many people powergame and abuse its mechanics. I have been told by Story-Team member Sam33497 that he will approve my moderated message (this message here) If I make it more Sam33497 friendly, so with that I will say "Wow, Voidal Magic totally isn't abused by players to powergame! It is totally fine the way it is and totally doesn't need rewrites or nerfs!!!" I was also told to add a Lector reference, so, lector.
  5. wanna know how i got these scars..? -joker from the dark night

  6. "LECTORSTOR" Lector Evaristus welcomed his brother into the Seven Skies (even though Stor went to Robot heaven).
  7. "LECTORBLOODS and FERRYCRIPS never get along." Spoke Lector Theodore Brae, whom wondered what would happen to the diocese of Veletz/Adria.
  8. "LECTORS" Spoke Lector Theodore Brae as he read the decree.
  9. I know theres fifty bajillion alchemy lore submissions so its hard to track and read all of it but three of these potions already exist in some form or another: [T2] SCENT MASK [OPEN] [T3] EPISTLE SMOG [RARE] everything else though is cool!
  10. Lector Evaristus shows this missive to Lector Dharas in the Seven Skies. "Look mijo, your war-crimes are famous!"
  11. "LECTORS" LECTOR Ted K. Brae said as he heard the news of peace.
  12. "LECTORS" Swore Lector Ted K. Brae.
  13. "LECTORS" Hissed an Undead Warrior as he fought against the EVIL URGUANI WARLORD @SimplySeo on the bridge.
  14. lectors

    1. Benleft
    2. UnusualBrit


      they say wowj stood alone against dwarven war criminals SimplySeo and Charles the BaldΒ 

  15. Homunculi are walking corpses and it already says they are weak to Holy magics, being weak to aurum isnt that far of a stretch
  16. animii should give you a PK clause if you learn machine spirits
  17. damn this is crazy, if only they removed the ability for paladins to heal everyone (instead only healing fellow paladins: see Templarism bonfires) and gave that ability to a different magic...
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